@@ -0,0 +1,2495 @@
+ * ALSA SoC Texas Instruments TAS25XX High Performance 4W Smart Amplifier
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Texas Instruments, Inc.
+ *
+ * Author: Niranjan H Y, Vijeth P O
+ *
+ * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/firmware.h>
+#include <linux/wait.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include "../inc/tas25xx.h"
+#include "../inc/tas25xx-regmap.h"
+#include "../inc/tas25xx-regbin-parser.h"
+#include "../inc/tas25xx-device.h"
+#define TAS25XX_BINFILE_NAME "tismartpa_driver_tuning.bin"
+#define MDATA_HDR_SZ 9
+#define ONE_BIN_MD_SZ 20
+#define HDR_STR_SZ 5
+#define MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE 5
+#define HDR_N_ITS_SZ 9
+#define ANY_CHANNEL 0xffffffff
+#define MDATA "MDATA"
+#define HEADER "HEADR"
+#define INITP_STR "INITP"
+#define INTRP_STR "INTRP"
+#define HW_PRMS_STR "HWPRM"
+#define PROFP_STR "PROFP"
+#define BLK_OP_STR "BLKOP"
+#define ALGOP_STR "ALGOP"
+enum block_types_t {
+const char *SampleRate[3] = { "48000", "44100", "96000"};
+const char *FMT_INV[4] = { "NB_NF", "IB_NF", "NB_IF", "IB_IF" };
+const char *FMT_MASK[4] = { "I2S", "DSP_A", "DSP_B", "LEFT_J"};
+const char *RX_SLOTS[3] = { "16", "24", "32" };
+const char *TX_SLOTS[3] = { "16", "24", "32" };
+const char *RX_BITWIDTH[3] = { "16", "24", "32" };
+const char *RX_SLOTLEN[3] = { "16", "24", "32" };
+const char *TX_SLOTLEN[3] = { "16", "24", "32" };
+struct hw_params_t {
+ char *SampleRate[3];
+ char *FMT_INV[4];
+ char *FMT_MASK[4];
+ char *RX_SLOTS[3];
+ char *TX_SLOTS[3];
+ char *RX_BITWIDTH[3];
+ char *RX_SLOTLEN[3];
+ char *TX_SLOTLEN[3];
+struct regbin_parser {
+ struct bin_header head;
+ struct default_hw_params def_hw_params;
+ char *init_params[MAX_CHANNELS];
+ struct hw_params_t hw_params[MAX_CHANNELS];
+static struct regbin_parser s_rbin;
+static uint32_t g_no_of_profiles;
+static int32_t g_tas25xx_profile;
+struct tas25xx_profiles {
+ uint8_t name[64];
+ uint32_t misc_control;
+ uint8_t *pre_power_up;
+ uint8_t *post_power_up;
+ uint8_t *pre_power_down;
+ uint8_t *post_power_down;
+struct tas25xx_profiles_channel {
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles;
+static struct tas25xx_profiles_channel g_profile_data_list[MAX_CHANNELS];
+static char **g_profile_list;
+static struct soc_enum tas25xx_switch_enum;
+static struct snd_kcontrol_new tas25xx_profile_ctrl;
+struct tas25xx_kcontrol_int {
+ char *name;
+ char channel;
+ int32_t reg;
+ char reg_type;
+ int32_t mask;
+ int32_t range_min;
+ int32_t range_max;
+ int32_t step;
+ int32_t def;
+ int32_t count;
+ int32_t curr_val;
+ uint32_t misc_info; /* additional info regarding kcontrol */
+ char *chardata;
+ int32_t *intdata;
+ struct soc_mixer_control mctl;
+struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum_data {
+ char name[64];
+ char *data;
+struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum {
+ char *name;
+ char channel;
+ char def;
+ int32_t count;
+ int32_t curr_val;
+ uint32_t misc_info; /* additional info regarding kcontrol */
+ struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum_data *data;
+ char **enum_texts;
+ struct soc_enum tas25xx_kcontrol_enum;
+union tas25xx_kcontrols_types {
+ struct tas25xx_kcontrol_int int_type;
+ struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum enum_type;
+struct tas25xx_kcontrols {
+ char type;
+ union tas25xx_kcontrols_types kcontrol;
+static int32_t g_no_of_kcontrols;
+/* bin file parsed data */
+static struct tas25xx_kcontrols *g_kctrl_data;
+/* creating kcontrols */
+static struct snd_kcontrol_new *g_kctrl_ctrl;
+static struct tas25xx_priv *g_tas25xx;
+static uint8_t *tas25xx_read_size_bytes(uint8_t *in, uint8_t **out);
+static uint32_t get_block_size_noadvance(uint8_t *mem_in);
+void tas25xx_parse_algo_bin(int ch_count, u8 *buf);
+#endif /* CONFIG_TAS25XX_ALGO */
+int32_t change_endian(void *data, int32_t size)
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ int32_t j = 0;
+ int32_t *in;
+ char *data_l;
+ char c;
+ if (size%4 != 0) {
+ pr_err("tas25xx: %s size %d are not 4bytes aligned!!!",
+ __func__, size);
+ } else {
+ in = (int32_t *)data;
+ c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size/4; i++) {
+ data_l = (char *)&in[i];
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ c = data_l[3-j];
+ data_l[3-j] = data_l[j];
+ data_l[j] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static bool header_check(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx,
+ const uint8_t *s1, const uint8_t *s2)
+ bool success = false;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ if (memcmp(s1, s2, HDR_STR_SZ) == 0)
+ success = true;
+ return success;
+static int8_t *find_block_for_channel(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx,
+ uint8_t *inp, uint8_t *blk_name, uint32_t ch)
+ int32_t sz;
+ uint8_t *outp = NULL;
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ uint32_t count = -1;
+ uint32_t any_channel = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ /* header 5 bytes + size 4 bytes */
+ if (inp <= (p_tas25xx->fw_data + p_tas25xx->fw_size - HDR_N_ITS_SZ))
+ if (inp && header_check(p_tas25xx, inp, blk_name))
+ return inp;
+ /* start from begginging */
+ buf = p_tas25xx->fw_data;
+ if (ch == ANY_CHANNEL)
+ any_channel = 1;
+ while (buf <= (p_tas25xx->fw_data + p_tas25xx->fw_size - HDR_N_ITS_SZ)) {
+ if (header_check(p_tas25xx, buf, INITP_STR)) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "block %s found, incrementing count", INITP_STR);
+ count++;
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "block check, found %.5s(@%p) count=%d", buf, buf, count);
+ }
+ if (header_check(p_tas25xx, buf, blk_name)) {
+ if (any_channel || (count == ch)) {
+ outp = buf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ buf += 5; /* header */
+ sz = get_block_size_noadvance(buf);
+ buf += 4;
+ buf += sz;
+ }
+ if (outp) {
+ dev_warn(plat_data->dev,
+ "found block %s @%p, ch=%d", blk_name, outp, count);
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "block %s not found", blk_name);
+ }
+ return outp;
+/* For profile KControls */
+static int32_t tas25xx_profile_get(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ if (!ucontrol) {
+ pr_err("tas25xx: %s:ucontrol is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ucontrol->value.integer.value[0] = g_tas25xx_profile;
+ return 0;
+static int32_t tas25xx_profile_put(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ int32_t temp, ret = -EINVAL;
+ if (!ucontrol)
+ return ret;
+ temp = ucontrol->value.integer.value[0];
+ if (temp >= 0 && temp < g_no_of_profiles) {
+ g_tas25xx_profile = temp;
+ pr_info("tas25xx: setting profile %d", g_tas25xx_profile);
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_create_profile_controls(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx)
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t = (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[0].tas_profiles;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *)p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ g_profile_list = kzalloc(g_no_of_profiles * sizeof(char *), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_profile_list) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_profiles; i++) {
+ g_profile_list[i] = kzalloc(64, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_profile_list[i]) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ memcpy(g_profile_list[i], tas_profiles_t[i].name, 64);
+ }
+ tas25xx_switch_enum.items = g_no_of_profiles;
+ tas25xx_switch_enum.texts = (const char * const *)g_profile_list;
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER;
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.name = "TAS25XX CODEC PROFILE";
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.info = snd_soc_info_enum_double;
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.get = tas25xx_profile_get;
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.put = tas25xx_profile_put;
+ tas25xx_profile_ctrl.private_value = (unsigned long)(&tas25xx_switch_enum);
+ ret = snd_soc_add_component_controls(plat_data->codec,
+ &tas25xx_profile_ctrl, 1);
+ return ret;
+static uint8_t *process_block_get_cmd(uint8_t *mem_in, int8_t *cmd)
+ *cmd = *mem_in;
+ mem_in++;
+ return mem_in;
+static uint32_t get_block_size_noadvance(uint8_t *mem_in)
+ int32_t sz;
+ int32_t *ptr = (int32_t *)mem_in;
+ sz = *ptr;
+ ptr++;
+ return sz;
+static uint8_t *process_block_get_single_write_data(uint8_t *mem_in, int32_t *reg, uint8_t *val)
+ uint8_t *data8b;
+ int32_t *data32b;
+ data32b = (int32_t *)mem_in;
+ *reg = *data32b;
+ data32b++;
+ data8b = (uint8_t *)data32b;
+ *val = *data8b;
+ data8b++;
+ return data8b;
+static uint8_t *process_block_get_burst_write_data(uint8_t *mem_in,
+ int32_t *reg, int32_t *count, uint8_t **bulk_buffer)
+ uint8_t *data8b;
+ int32_t *data32b;
+ data32b = (int32_t *)mem_in;
+ *reg = *data32b;
+ data32b++;
+ *count = *data32b;
+ data32b++;
+ data8b = (uint8_t *)data32b;
+ *bulk_buffer = data8b;
+ data8b = data8b + (*count);
+ return data8b;
+static uint8_t *process_block_get_bit_update_data(uint8_t *mem_in,
+ int32_t *reg, uint8_t *mask, uint8_t *value)
+ uint8_t *data8b;
+ int32_t *data32b;
+ data32b = (int32_t *)mem_in;
+ *reg = *data32b;
+ data32b++;
+ data8b = (uint8_t *)data32b;
+ *mask = *data8b;
+ data8b++;
+ *value = *data8b;
+ data8b++;
+ return data8b;
+static uint8_t *process_block_get_delay_data(uint8_t *mem_in, int32_t *delay)
+ uint8_t *data8b;
+ int32_t *data32b;
+ data32b = (int32_t *)mem_in;
+ *delay = *data32b;
+ data32b++;
+ data8b = (uint8_t *)data32b;
+ return data8b;
+int32_t tas25xx_process_block(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, char *mem, int32_t chn)
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ int32_t block_size = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t ret_i = 0;
+ int32_t reg;
+ int32_t count;
+ int32_t delay;
+ int fw_state;
+ int8_t cmd;
+ uint8_t mask;
+ uint8_t val;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ uint8_t *ptr = NULL;
+ fw_state = atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_state);
+ if (fw_state != TAS25XX_DSP_FW_OK)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ memcpy(&block_size, mem, sizeof(int32_t));
+ mem += sizeof(int32_t);
+ ptr = mem;
+ while (i < block_size) {
+ ptr = process_block_get_cmd(ptr, &cmd);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ ptr = process_block_get_single_write_data(ptr, ®, &val);
+ ret_i = p_tas25xx->write(p_tas25xx, chn, reg, val);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x, value=%02x, ret=%d\n",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], TAS25XX_BOOK_ID(reg), TAS25XX_PAGE_ID(reg),
+ TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg), val, ret_i);
+ ret |= ret_i;
+ break;
+ ptr = process_block_get_burst_write_data(ptr, ®, &count, &buffer);
+ i += CMD_BURST_WRITES_SZ + count;
+ ret_i = p_tas25xx->bulk_write(p_tas25xx, chn, reg, buffer, count);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x, count=%d, buf=%02x %02x %02x %02x ret=%d\n",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], TAS25XX_BOOK_ID(reg), TAS25XX_PAGE_ID(reg), TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg),
+ count, buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3], ret_i);
+ ret |= ret_i;
+ break;
+ ptr = process_block_get_bit_update_data(ptr, ®, &mask, &val);
+ ret_i = p_tas25xx->update_bits(p_tas25xx, chn, reg, mask, val);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x mask=%02x, val=%02x, ret=%d",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], TAS25XX_BOOK_ID(reg), TAS25XX_PAGE_ID(reg), TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg),
+ mask, val, ret_i);
+ ret |= ret_i;
+ break;
+ case CMD_DELAY:
+ ptr = process_block_get_delay_data(ptr, &delay);
+ i += CMD_DELAY_SZ;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch=%d Cmd = %s delay=%x(%d)\n",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], delay, delay);
+ ret |= 0;
+ /*delay in ms, convert to us*/
+ usleep_range(delay * 1000, (delay * 1000) + 100);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_check_if_powered_on(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int *state, int chn)
+ int8_t cmd;
+ uint8_t expected_val = 0;
+ uint8_t mask;
+ uint32_t val;
+ int32_t reg;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ int32_t block_size = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ uint8_t *ptr = p_tas25xx->block_op_data[chn].power_check;
+ bool expected = true;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ if (!ptr) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s null buffer recieved for ch=%d",
+ __func__, chn);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&block_size, ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
+ ptr += sizeof(int32_t);
+ while (i < block_size) {
+ ptr = process_block_get_cmd(ptr, &cmd);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ ptr = process_block_get_single_write_data(ptr, ®, &expected_val);
+ ret = p_tas25xx->read(p_tas25xx, chn, reg, &val);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "Chn=%d Cmd = %s reg=%x(%d), value read=%02x, expected=%02x\n",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], reg, reg, val, expected_val);
+ if ((val & 0xFFFF) != expected_val)
+ expected = expected && false;
+ break;
+ ptr = process_block_get_bit_update_data(ptr, ®, &mask, &expected_val);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "Cmd = %s reg=%x(%d), mask=%02x, expected_val=%02x\n",
+ CMD_ID[cmd], reg, reg, mask, expected_val);
+ ret = p_tas25xx->read(p_tas25xx, chn, reg, &val);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "Chn=%d Cmd = %s reg=%x(%d), value read=%02x, expected=%02x\n",
+ chn, CMD_ID[cmd], reg, reg, val, expected_val);
+ if ((val & 0xFFFF) != expected_val)
+ expected = expected && false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "Chn=%d default cmd=%d", chn, cmd);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (expected)
+ *state = 1;
+ else
+ *state = 0;
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_init_params(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **buf, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *data = *buf;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ data = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, data, INITP_STR, ch);
+ if (!data)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ data += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ /* Parsing Init Params */
+ memcpy(&size, data, sizeof(size));
+ s_rbin.init_params[ch] = data;
+ data += (size + sizeof(size));
+ *buf = data;
+ return ret;
+static uint8_t *tas25xx_read_size_bytes(uint8_t *in, uint8_t **out)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ if (!in || !out)
+ return NULL;
+ buf = in;
+ *out = buf;
+ memcpy(&size, buf, sizeof(size));
+ buf += size + sizeof(int32_t);
+ /*buf_data = in + sizeof(int32_t);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx: dump buffer, size=%d\n", size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx: buf[%d] = 0x%02x,\t", i, buf_data[i]);
+ }
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "\n");
+ */
+ return buf;
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_hw_params(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ uint8_t *next = *inbuf;
+ uint8_t *first = *inbuf;
+ uint8_t *out = NULL;
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ int32_t no_of_hw_params = 0;
+ int count = 1;
+ int end = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ next = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, next, HW_PRMS_STR, ch);
+ if (!next)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ next += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(next);
+ next += 4;
+ no_of_hw_params = get_block_size_noadvance(next);
+ next += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing HW params, inbuf=0x%p, size=%d, no_of_hw_params=%d",
+ next, size, no_of_hw_params);
+ next = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(next, &out);
+ while (next) {
+ switch (count) {
+ case 1:
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_48000] = out;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_44100] = out;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_96000] = out;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* Parsing FMT_INV_NB_NF */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_NB_NF] = out;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ /* Parsing FMT_INV_IB_NF */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_IB_NF] = out;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ /* Parsing FMT_INV_NB_IF */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_NB_IF] = out;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ /* Parsing FMT_INV_IB_IF */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_IB_IF] = out;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ /* Parsing FMT_MASK_I2S */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_I2S] = out;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ /* Parsing FMT_MASK_DSP_A */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_DSP_A] = out;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ /* Parsing FMT_MASK_DSP_B */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_DSP_B] = out;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ /* Parsing FMT_MASK_LEFT_J */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_LEFT_J] = out;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTS_16 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_16] = out;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTS_24 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_24] = out;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTS_32 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_32] = out;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTS_16 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_16] = out;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTS_24 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_24] = out;
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTS_32 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_32] = out;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ /* Parsing RX_BITWIDTH_16 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_16] = out;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ /* Parsing RX_BITWIDTH_24 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_24] = out;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ /* Parsing RX_BITWIDTH_32 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_32] = out;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTLEN_16 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_16] = out;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTLEN_24 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_24] = out;
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ /* Parsing RX_SLOTLEN_32 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_32] = out;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTLEN_16 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_16] = out;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTLEN_24 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_24] = out;
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ /* Parsing TX_SLOTLEN_32 */
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_32] = out;
+ end = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ end = 1;
+ break;
+ } /*<<switch>>*/
+ if (!end) {
+ next = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(next, &out);
+ count++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } /*<<while>>*/
+ size = (int32_t)(next - first);
+ if (size < 0)
+ size = -1 * size;
+ *inbuf = next;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing HW params exit, next=0x%p, size=%d", next, size);
+ return ret;
+int tas25xx_check_if_algo_ctrl_bypassed(int ch)
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t;
+ if (ch >= s_rbin.head.channels)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ tas_profiles_t = (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ /* bit5, 1 = algo control bypass, 0 = use algo */
+ return (tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].misc_control & 0x10);
+int tas25xx_get_drv_channel_opmode(void)
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t;
+ tas_profiles_t = (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[0].tas_profiles;
+ return tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].misc_control;
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_profiles(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t size;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ uint8_t *buf = *inbuf;
+ uint8_t *out = NULL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ buf = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, buf, PROFP_STR, ch);
+ if (!buf)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ buf += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(buf);
+ buf += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing profiles, total size=%d", size);
+ memcpy(&g_no_of_profiles, buf, 1);
+ buf++;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "Number of profiles=%d, allocation=%u", (int)g_no_of_profiles,
+ (uint32_t)(g_no_of_profiles * sizeof(struct tas25xx_profiles)));
+ g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles =
+ kzalloc(g_no_of_profiles*(sizeof(struct tas25xx_profiles)), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_profiles; i++) {
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t =
+ (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ /* Parsing Name */
+ memcpy(tas_profiles_t[i].name, buf, 64);
+ buf += 64;
+ /* bitmask indicating misc control for profile */
+ memcpy(&tas_profiles_t[i].misc_control, buf, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ buf += 4;
+ /* pre_power_up */
+ buf = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(buf, &out);
+ tas_profiles_t[i].pre_power_up = out;
+ /* post_power_up */
+ buf = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(buf, &out);
+ tas_profiles_t[i].post_power_up = out;
+ /* pre_power_down */
+ buf = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(buf, &out);
+ tas_profiles_t[i].pre_power_down = out;
+ /* post_power_down */
+ buf = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(buf, &out);
+ tas_profiles_t[i].post_power_down = out;
+ }
+ *inbuf = buf;
+ return ret;
+void tas25xx_prep_dev_for_calib(int start)
+ int i, ret;
+ uint8_t *mem;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ if (unlikely(!g_tas25xx))
+ return;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) g_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ for (i = 0; i < g_tas25xx->ch_count; i++) {
+ if (start)
+ mem = g_tas25xx->block_op_data[i].cal_init;
+ else
+ mem = g_tas25xx->block_op_data[i].cal_deinit;
+ if (mem) {
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(g_tas25xx, mem, i);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "ch=%d failed to %s device for calibration",
+ i, start ? "init" : "deinit");
+ }
+ }
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_block_data(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ int32_t size;
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ uint32_t number_of_blocks = 0;
+ enum block_types_t type;
+ uint8_t *out = NULL;
+ uint8_t *start;
+ uint8_t *end;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ start = *inbuf;
+ end = *inbuf;
+ end = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, end, BLK_OP_STR, ch);
+ if (!end)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ end += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(end);
+ end += 4;
+ number_of_blocks = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing block op data, total size=%d, toal blocks=%u",
+ size, number_of_blocks);
+ for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++) {
+ if (memcmp(end, "SWRST", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_SW_RST;
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "PWRCK", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "MUTE0", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_MUTE;
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "RXFMT", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_RX_FMT;
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "TXFMT", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_TX_FMT;
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "CLINI", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_CAL_INIT;
+ } else if (memcmp(end, "CLDIN", MAIN_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+ type = BLK_CAL_DEINIT;
+ } else {
+ type = BLK_INVALID;
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s, number of block=%u\n",
+ __func__, number_of_blocks);
+ }
+ end += 5;
+ switch (type) {
+ case BLK_SW_RST:
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].sw_reset = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].power_check = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case BLK_MUTE:
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].mute = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case BLK_CAL_INIT:
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].cal_init = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].cal_deinit = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case BLK_RX_FMT:
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5], out[6], out[7], out[8], out[9], out[10], out[11]);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].rx_fmt_data = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case BLK_TX_FMT:
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5], out[6], out[7], out[8], out[9], out[10], out[11]);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].tx_fmt_data = out;
+ else
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s reset=%p, power-check=%p mute=%p\n", __func__,
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].sw_reset, p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].power_check,
+ p_tas25xx->block_op_data[ch].mute);
+ *inbuf = end;
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_interrupts(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ uint8_t *out = NULL;
+ uint8_t *start;
+ uint8_t *end;
+ int32_t dummy;
+ struct tas25xx_intr_info *intr_info = NULL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ start = *inbuf;
+ end = *inbuf;
+ end = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, end, INTRP_STR, ch);
+ if (!end)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ end += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(end);
+ end += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing interrupt data, total size=%d, ptr=%p",
+ size, end - 4 - 5);
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].count = *end;
+ end++;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "INTR parsing interrupt buffer, interrupt count=%d",
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].count);
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_enable = out;
+ else
+ return -EINVAL;
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_disable = out;
+ else
+ return -EINVAL;
+ end = tas25xx_read_size_bytes(end, &out);
+ if (out)
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_clear = out;
+ else
+ return -EINVAL;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "INTR en=%p dis=%p clr=%p\n",
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_enable,
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_disable,
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].buf_intr_clear);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "INTR %c %c %c %c", end[0], end[1], end[2], end[3]);
+ size = (p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].count) * sizeof(struct tas25xx_intr_info);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:%u: ALLOC Size %d\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, size);
+ intr_info = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!intr_info)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ for (i = 0; i < p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].count; i++) {
+ memcpy(intr_info[i].name, end, 64);
+ intr_info[i].name[63] = 0;
+ end += 64;
+ memcpy(&(intr_info[i].reg), end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ memcpy(&(intr_info[i].mask), end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ memcpy(&(intr_info[i].action), end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ memcpy(&(intr_info[i].is_clock_based), end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ memcpy(&(intr_info[i].notify_int_val), end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ /* 2 dummy ints for future reference */
+ memcpy(&dummy, end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ memcpy(&dummy, end, 4);
+ end += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "INTR %s, REG=%x, MASK=%x, action=%d, clk based=%d notify=%d", intr_info[i].name,
+ intr_info[i].reg, intr_info[i].mask, intr_info[i].action,
+ intr_info[i].is_clock_based, intr_info[i].notify_int_val);
+ }
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].intr_info = intr_info;
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].processing_delay = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ /* 5 dummy ints for future reference */
+ dummy = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ dummy = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ dummy = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ dummy = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ dummy = *((uint32_t *)end);
+ end += 4;
+ if (!ch)
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "INTR processing_delay=%d",
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[ch].processing_delay);
+ size = end - start;
+ if (size < 0)
+ size = -1 * size;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "INTR bin buf size=%d (end=%p - start=%p)",
+ size, end, start);
+ *inbuf = end;
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_get(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ int32_t curr_kcontrol = 0;
+ struct soc_mixer_control *mc =
+ (struct soc_mixer_control *)kcontrol->private_value;
+ if (!mc) {
+ pr_err("%s:codec or control is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ curr_kcontrol = mc->reg;
+ if (curr_kcontrol < g_no_of_kcontrols)
+ ucontrol->value.integer.value[0] =
+ g_kctrl_data[curr_kcontrol].kcontrol.int_type.curr_val;
+ else
+ return ret;
+ return 0;
+static int32_t tas25xx_int_put_idx_value(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx,
+ uint32_t ctrl_idx, int32_t value_idx)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int32_t reg_w;
+ int32_t count_w;
+ int32_t chn;
+ int32_t mask_w;
+ int32_t value_w;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ if (ctrl_idx < g_no_of_kcontrols) {
+ reg_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.reg;
+ count_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.count;
+ chn = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.channel;
+ mask_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.mask;
+ value_w = 0;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s kcontrol=%s with value index=%d", __func__,
+ g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.name, value_idx);
+ if ((value_idx >= 0) && (value_idx < count_w)) {
+ switch (g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.reg_type) {
+ value_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.chardata[value_idx];
+ ret = p_tas25xx->write(p_tas25xx, chn, reg_w,
+ value_w);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s failed ret = %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x, value=%02x, ret=%d\n", chn,
+ TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg_w), value_w, ret);
+ }
+ break;
+ value_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.intdata[value_idx];
+ change_endian(&value_w, sizeof(int32_t));
+ ret = p_tas25xx->bulk_write(p_tas25xx, chn,
+ reg_w,
+ (char *)(&value_w), sizeof(int32_t));
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s failed ret = %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x, value=%02x, ret=%d\n",
+ TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg_w), value_w, ret);
+ }
+ break;
+ value_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.int_type.chardata[value_idx];
+ ret = p_tas25xx->update_bits(p_tas25xx,
+ chn, reg_w, mask_w, value_w);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s failed ret = %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "ch=%d Cmd = %s B:P:R %02x:%02x:%02x, mask=%02x, value=%02x, ret=%d\n",
+ TAS25XX_PAGE_REG(reg_w), mask_w, value_w, ret);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s out of bound, value_idx=%d\n", __func__, value_idx);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s out of bound ctrl_idx=%d\n", __func__, ctrl_idx);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_put(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ struct snd_soc_component *codec = snd_soc_kcontrol_component(kcontrol);
+ struct soc_mixer_control *mc =
+ (struct soc_mixer_control *)kcontrol->private_value;
+ struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx = NULL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ uint32_t curr_kcontrol = 0;
+ uint32_t misc_info;
+ if ((codec == NULL) || (mc == NULL)) {
+ pr_err("tas25xx: %s:codec or control is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ p_tas25xx = snd_soc_component_get_drvdata(codec);
+ if (p_tas25xx == NULL) {
+ pr_err("tas25xx: %s:p_tas25xx is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ mutex_lock(&p_tas25xx->codec_lock);
+ curr_kcontrol = mc->reg;
+ if (curr_kcontrol < g_no_of_kcontrols) {
+ int32_t value_idx = ucontrol->value.integer.value[0];
+ misc_info = g_kctrl_data[curr_kcontrol].kcontrol.int_type.misc_info;
+ if (((misc_info & 0xf) == KCNTR_ANYTIME) ||
+ (p_tas25xx->m_power_state == TAS_POWER_ACTIVE))
+ ret = tas25xx_int_put_idx_value(p_tas25xx, curr_kcontrol, value_idx);
+ else
+ ret = 0;
+ if (!ret)
+ g_kctrl_data[curr_kcontrol].kcontrol.int_type.curr_val = value_idx;
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "tas25xx:%s invalid kcontrol %d\n", __func__, curr_kcontrol);
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&p_tas25xx->codec_lock);
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_enum_get(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ if (ucontrol == NULL) {
+ pr_err("%s:ucontrol is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ while (i < g_no_of_kcontrols) {
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].type == 1) {
+ if (strnstr(ucontrol->id.name,
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.name, 64)) {
+ ucontrol->value.integer.value[0] =
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.curr_val;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_enum_put_idx_value(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx,
+ int32_t ctrl_idx, int32_t value_idx)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int32_t count_w = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.enum_type.count;
+ int32_t channel = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.enum_type.channel;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s kcontrol=%s with value index=%d", __func__,
+ g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.enum_type.name, value_idx);
+ if ((value_idx >= 0) && (value_idx < count_w)) {
+ char *mem = g_kctrl_data[ctrl_idx].kcontrol.enum_type.data[value_idx].data;
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, mem, channel);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "tas25xx:%s failed ret = %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "tas25xx:%s out of bound, value_idx=%d\n", __func__, value_idx);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_enum_put(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ struct snd_soc_component *codec = snd_soc_kcontrol_component(kcontrol);
+ struct soc_mixer_control *mc =
+ (struct soc_mixer_control *)kcontrol->private_value;
+ struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx = NULL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ uint32_t misc_info;
+ if ((codec == NULL) || (mc == NULL)) {
+ pr_err("%s:codec or control is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ p_tas25xx = snd_soc_component_get_drvdata(codec);
+ if (p_tas25xx == NULL) {
+ pr_err("%s:p_tas25xx is NULL\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ mutex_lock(&p_tas25xx->codec_lock);
+ while (i < g_no_of_kcontrols) {
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].type == 1) {
+ if (strnstr(ucontrol->id.name,
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.name, 64)) {
+ int32_t v_idx = ucontrol->value.integer.value[0];
+ misc_info = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.misc_info;
+ /* check if it needs to be updated now */
+ if (((misc_info & 0xf) == KCNTR_ANYTIME) ||
+ (p_tas25xx->m_power_state == TAS_POWER_ACTIVE))
+ ret = tas25xx_enum_put_idx_value(p_tas25xx, i, v_idx);
+ else
+ ret = 0; /* mixer control will be updated during power up */
+ if (!ret)
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.curr_val = v_idx;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&p_tas25xx->codec_lock);
+ return ret;
+ * Helper function to update the kcontrol local values to device
+ * when something like SW/HW reset happens.
+ */
+int32_t tas25xx_update_kcontrol_data(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx,
+ enum kcntl_during_t cur_state, uint32_t chmask)
+ int ret = -EINVAL;
+ int i = 0, kcntrl_type, misc_info;
+ int chn;
+ char *name = NULL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct tas25xx_kcontrol_int *int_type;
+ struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum *enum_type;
+ if (!p_tas25xx || !g_kctrl_data) {
+ pr_err("%s: p_tas25xx=%p g_kctrl_data=%p\n",
+ __func__, p_tas25xx, g_kctrl_data);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ if (!plat_data)
+ return ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_kcontrols; ++i) {
+ kcntrl_type = g_kctrl_data[i].type;
+ ret = 0;
+ switch (kcntrl_type) {
+ /* integer */
+ case 0:
+ int_type = &g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type;
+ chn = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.channel;
+ if ((1 << chn) & chmask) {
+ misc_info = int_type->misc_info;
+ name = int_type->name;
+ if (cur_state == (misc_info & 0xf))
+ ret = tas25xx_int_put_idx_value(p_tas25xx, i,
+ int_type->curr_val);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* enum */
+ case 1:
+ enum_type = &g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type;
+ chn = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.channel;
+ if ((1 << chn) & chmask) {
+ misc_info = enum_type->misc_info;
+ name = enum_type->name;
+ if (cur_state == (misc_info & 0xf))
+ ret = tas25xx_enum_put_idx_value(p_tas25xx, i,
+ enum_type->curr_val);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ name = NULL;
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s non supported kcontrol type\n", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s %s mixer ctrl update err=%d\n",
+ __func__, name ? name : "", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_create_common_kcontrols(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx)
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data =
+ (struct linux_platform *)p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ if (!g_no_of_kcontrols) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s no kcontrols found", __func__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_kctrl_ctrl = kzalloc(g_no_of_kcontrols * sizeof(struct snd_kcontrol_new), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_kctrl_ctrl) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_kcontrols; i++) {
+ /* Integer Type */
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].type == 0) {
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.reg = i;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.rreg = i;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.shift = 0;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.rshift = 0;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.max = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count-1;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.platform_max = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count-1;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.invert = 0;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl.autodisable = 0;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].name = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.name;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].info = snd_soc_info_volsw;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].get = tas25xx_get;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].put = tas25xx_put;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].private_value =
+ (unsigned long)(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mctl));
+ } else { /* Enum Type */
+ int32_t count = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.count;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.tas25xx_kcontrol_enum.items = count;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.tas25xx_kcontrol_enum.texts =
+ (const char * const *)g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].name = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.name;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].info = snd_soc_info_enum_double;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].get = tas25xx_enum_get;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].put = tas25xx_enum_put;
+ g_kctrl_ctrl[i].private_value =
+ (unsigned long)(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.tas25xx_kcontrol_enum));
+ }
+ }
+ ret = snd_soc_add_component_controls(plat_data->codec,
+ g_kctrl_ctrl, g_no_of_kcontrols);
+ return ret;
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_kcontrols(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ int32_t j = 0, i = 0;
+ int32_t count;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *buf = *inbuf;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ buf = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, buf, KCNTRL_STR, ANY_CHANNEL);
+ if (!buf)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ buf += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(buf);
+ buf += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing kcontrol data, total size=%d", size);
+ memcpy(&g_no_of_kcontrols, buf, sizeof(g_no_of_kcontrols));
+ buf += sizeof(g_no_of_kcontrols);
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: g_no_of_kcontrols %d\n", __func__, g_no_of_kcontrols);
+ g_kctrl_data = kzalloc(g_no_of_kcontrols * sizeof(struct tas25xx_kcontrols), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_kctrl_data) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ g_no_of_kcontrols = 0;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_kcontrols; i++) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].type), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ /* Integer Type */
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].type == 0) {
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "%s %s",
+ "TAS25XX", (char *)buf);
+ buf += 64;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.channel), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.reg), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.reg_type), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.reg_type == 2) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.mask), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.range_min), buf, 1);
+ buf += 4;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.range_max), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.step), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.def), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ if (s_rbin.head.version > 6) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.misc_info), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ }
+ /* Assign default value to current value */
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.curr_val = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.def;
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: curr_kcontrol %d\n", __func__, g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.curr_val);
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.reg_type == 1) {
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.intdata =
+ kzalloc(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count * sizeof(int32_t), GFP_KERNEL);
+ for (j = 0; j < g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count; j++) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.intdata[j]), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.chardata = kzalloc(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count * sizeof(char), GFP_KERNEL);
+ for (j = 0; j < g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.count; j++) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.chardata[j]), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* Enum type */
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "%s %s",
+ "TAS25XX", (char *)buf);
+ buf += 64;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.channel), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.def), buf, 1);
+ buf += 1;
+ if (s_rbin.head.version > 6) {
+ memcpy(&(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.misc_info), buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ }
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.curr_val =
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.def;
+ memcpy(&count, buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.count = count;
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data =
+ kzalloc(count * sizeof(struct tas25xx_kcontrol_enum_data), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
+ memcpy(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data[j].name, buf, 64);
+ buf += 64;
+ memcpy(&size, buf, 4);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data[j].data = buf;
+ buf += (size + 4);
+ }
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts = kzalloc(count * sizeof(char *), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts[j] = kzalloc(64, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts[j]) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ memcpy(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts[j],
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data[j].name, 64);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *inbuf = buf;
+ return ret;
+int tas_write_init_default_config_params(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int number_of_channels)
+ int i;
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ for (i = 0; i < number_of_channels && !ret; i++) {
+ ret = tas25xx_set_sample_rate(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_fmt_inv(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_fmt_mask(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_rx_slots(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_tx_slots(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_rx_bitwidth(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_rx_slotlen(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ ret = tas25xx_set_tx_slotlen(p_tas25xx, i, TAS25XX_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int tas_write_init_config_params(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int number_of_channels)
+ return tas_write_init_default_config_params(p_tas25xx, number_of_channels);
+static int32_t tas25xx_parse_algo_data(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, uint8_t **inbuf)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *buf = *inbuf;
+ uint32_t size;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ buf = find_block_for_channel(p_tas25xx, buf, ALGOP_STR, ANY_CHANNEL);
+ if (!buf)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ buf += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(buf);
+ buf += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "parsing algo data, total size=%d", size);
+ tas25xx_parse_algo_bin(p_tas25xx->ch_count, buf);
+#endif /* CONFIG_TAS25XX_ALGO */
+ return ret;
+static void tas25xx_fw_ready(const struct firmware *pFW, void *pContext)
+ int32_t ret;
+ uint32_t size;
+ int32_t i;
+ int32_t number_of_channels;
+ uint32_t rev_count;
+ uint32_t rev_id;
+ uint64_t file_offset;
+ struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx = (struct tas25xx_priv *) pContext;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct i2c_client *p_client = NULL;
+ uint8_t *bin_data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *mdata;
+ struct bin_header *hdrp;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ p_client = container_of(plat_data->dev,
+ struct i2c_client, dev);
+ if (unlikely(!pFW) || unlikely(!pFW->data)) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "firmware is not ready, %s\n", TAS25XX_BINFILE_NAME);
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_state, TAS25XX_DSP_FW_TRYLOAD);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: pFW->size %d", __func__, (int32_t)pFW->size);
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_state, TAS25XX_DSP_FW_PARSE_FAIL);
+ mdata = (uint8_t *)pFW->data;
+ if (header_check(p_tas25xx, MDATA, mdata)) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: Found metadata, check against rev-id %d",
+ __func__, p_tas25xx->dev_revid);
+ file_offset = 0;
+ size = 0;
+ mdata += 5; /* header */
+ memcpy(&rev_count, mdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ mdata += 4; /* count */
+ for (i = 0; i < rev_count; i++) {
+ file_offset += size;
+ memcpy(&rev_id, mdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ mdata += 4; /* id */
+ memcpy(&size, mdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ mdata += 4; /* file sz */
+ /* dummy data */
+ mdata += 4;
+ mdata += 4;
+ mdata += 4;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: revid 0x%x, size=%d, offset=%llu",
+ __func__, rev_id, size, file_offset);
+ if (p_tas25xx->dev_revid == rev_id)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == rev_count) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: metadata parse failure...", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto EXIT;
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: using idx=%d revid 0x%x, size=%d", __func__, i, rev_id, size);
+ p_tas25xx->fw_data = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!p_tas25xx->fw_data) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ bin_data = (uint8_t *)pFW->data;
+ bin_data += MDATA_HDR_SZ;
+ /* first bin file */
+ bin_data += (rev_count * ONE_BIN_MD_SZ) + file_offset;
+ p_tas25xx->fw_size = size;
+ memcpy(p_tas25xx->fw_data, bin_data, size);
+ }
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: metadata not found, regular fw", __func__);
+ p_tas25xx->fw_data = kzalloc(pFW->size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!p_tas25xx->fw_data) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ p_tas25xx->fw_size = pFW->size;
+ memcpy(p_tas25xx->fw_data, pFW->data, pFW->size);
+ }
+ bin_data = p_tas25xx->fw_data;
+ if (!header_check(p_tas25xx, HEADER, bin_data)) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto EXIT;
+ } else {
+ bin_data += HDR_STR_SZ;
+ size = get_block_size_noadvance(bin_data);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: Header size %d", __func__, size);
+ bin_data += 4;
+ }
+ /* header parsing */
+ hdrp = (struct bin_header *)bin_data;
+ s_rbin.head.version = hdrp->version;
+ memcpy(s_rbin.head.name, hdrp->name, 64);
+ s_rbin.head.timestamp = hdrp->timestamp;
+ s_rbin.head.size = hdrp->size;
+ s_rbin.head.channels = hdrp->channels;
+ bin_data += offsetof(struct bin_header, dev);
+ for (i = 0; i < s_rbin.head.channels; i++) {
+ s_rbin.head.dev[i].device = bin_data[0];
+ s_rbin.head.dev[i].i2c_addr = bin_data[1];
+ bin_data += 2;
+ }
+ s_rbin.head.iv_width = *bin_data;
+ bin_data++;
+ s_rbin.head.vbat_mon = *bin_data;
+ bin_data++;
+ s_rbin.head.features = *((uint32_t *)bin_data);
+ bin_data += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ /* end of header */
+ memcpy(&s_rbin.def_hw_params, bin_data, sizeof(struct default_hw_params));
+ bin_data += sizeof(struct default_hw_params);
+ /* skip dummy data */
+ bin_data += (sizeof(int32_t) * 5);
+ number_of_channels = s_rbin.head.channels;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: version 0x%x", __func__, s_rbin.head.version);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: name %s", __func__, s_rbin.head.name);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: timestamp %d", __func__, s_rbin.head.timestamp);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: channels %d", __func__, number_of_channels);
+ for (i = 0; i < number_of_channels; i++) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: device_%d %d", __func__, i,
+ s_rbin.head.dev[i].device);
+ if (p_tas25xx->devs[i]->mn_addr < 0) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: Updating the device_%d i2c address to 0x%x from invalid",
+ __func__, i, s_rbin.head.dev[i].i2c_addr);
+ p_tas25xx->devs[i]->mn_addr = s_rbin.head.dev[i].i2c_addr;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < number_of_channels; i++)
+ if (p_tas25xx->devs[i]->mn_addr == p_client->addr)
+ break;
+ if (i == number_of_channels)
+ dev_warn(plat_data->dev,
+ "Atlest one address should be %d", p_client->addr);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: IVSenseWidth %d", __func__, (int)s_rbin.head.iv_width);
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: Vbat-mon %d", __func__, (int)s_rbin.head.vbat_mon);
+ p_tas25xx->mn_iv_width = p_tas25xx->curr_mn_iv_width = (int)s_rbin.head.iv_width;
+ p_tas25xx->mn_vbat = p_tas25xx->curr_mn_vbat = (int)s_rbin.head.vbat_mon;
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: updating number of channels %d -> %d",
+ __func__, p_tas25xx->ch_count, number_of_channels);
+ p_tas25xx->ch_count = number_of_channels;
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: features %d", __func__, s_rbin.head.features);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: sample_rate %s", __func__, SampleRate[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.sample_rate]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: fmt_inv %s", __func__, FMT_INV[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_inv]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: fmt_mask %s", __func__, FMT_MASK[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_mask]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: rx_slots %s", __func__, RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slots]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: tx_slots %s", __func__, TX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slots]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: rx_bitwidth %s", __func__, RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_bitwidth]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: rx_slotlen %s", __func__, RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slotlen]);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: tx_slotlen %s", __func__, TX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slotlen]);
+ if (s_rbin.head.version > SUPPORTED_BIN_VERSION) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: version not compatible. Supported version <= 0x%x", __func__,
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < number_of_channels; i++) {
+ /* Parsing Init Params */
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_init_params(p_tas25xx, &bin_data, i);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: Init Parsing failed", __func__);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_hw_params(p_tas25xx, &bin_data, i);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: HW params parsing failed, ignoring..", __func__);
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_profiles(p_tas25xx, &bin_data, i);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: profiles failed", __func__);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_interrupts(p_tas25xx, &bin_data, i);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: interrupt parsing failed, ignoring..", __func__);
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_block_data(p_tas25xx, &bin_data, i);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: block data", __func__);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_kcontrols(p_tas25xx, &bin_data);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: Error while parsing the kcontrols, ignored..", __func__);
+ ret = tas25xx_parse_algo_data(p_tas25xx, &bin_data);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev,
+ "%s: Error while parsing the algo data, ignored..", __func__);
+ dev_dbg(plat_data->dev, "%s: Firmware init complete\n", __func__);
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_state, TAS25XX_DSP_FW_OK);
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_wait_complete, 1);
+ wake_up(&p_tas25xx->fw_wait);
+ if (pFW)
+ release_firmware(pFW);
+int32_t tas25xx_load_firmware(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int max_fw_tryload_count)
+ int32_t ret;
+ uint32_t retry_count = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ g_tas25xx = p_tas25xx;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ if (!max_fw_tryload_count)
+ max_fw_tryload_count = DSP_FW_LOAD_NTRIES;
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_wait_complete, 0);
+ do {
+ ret = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, FW_ACTION_UEVENT,
+ TAS25XX_BINFILE_NAME, plat_data->dev, GFP_KERNEL,
+ p_tas25xx, tas25xx_fw_ready);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "request_firmware_nowait failed, err=%d", ret);
+ msleep(100);
+ } else {
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "fw load requested, trail=%d", retry_count);
+ /* wait for either firmware to be loaded or failed */
+ ret = wait_event_interruptible(p_tas25xx->fw_wait,
+ atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_wait_complete));
+ if (ret)
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "wait failed with error %d", ret);
+ /* any other state other than retry */
+ if (atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_state) != TAS25XX_DSP_FW_TRYLOAD)
+ break;
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_wait_complete, 0);
+ msleep(100);
+ }
+ retry_count++;
+ } while (retry_count < max_fw_tryload_count);
+ if (retry_count == max_fw_tryload_count)
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_state, TAS25XX_DSP_FW_LOAD_FAIL);
+ switch (atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_state)) {
+ ret = -ENOENT;
+ break;
+ case TAS25XX_DSP_FW_OK:
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_create_kcontrols(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ int fw_state;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ fw_state = atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_state);
+ if (fw_state == TAS25XX_DSP_FW_OK) {
+ ret = tas25xx_create_common_kcontrols(p_tas25xx);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: kcontrols failed", __func__);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ ret = tas25xx_create_profile_controls(p_tas25xx);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: kcontrols failed", __func__);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: firmware not loaded\n", __func__);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_init_params(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ int fw_state;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d\n", __func__, ch);
+ fw_state = atomic_read(&p_tas25xx->fw_state);
+ if (fw_state == TAS25XX_DSP_FW_OK)
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.init_params[ch], ch);
+ else
+ dev_err(plat_data->dev, "%s: firmware not loaded\n", __func__);
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_sample_rate(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t sample_rate)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ p_tas25xx->sample_rate = sample_rate;
+ switch (sample_rate) {
+ case 44100:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d SampleRate 44100\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_44100], ch);
+ break;
+ case 96000:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d SampleRate 96000\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_96000], ch);
+ break;
+ case 48000:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d SampleRate 48000\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[SampleRate_48000], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ p_tas25xx->sample_rate = TAS25XX_DEFAULT;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d SampleRate %s [default]\n", __func__, ch,
+ SampleRate[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.sample_rate]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].SampleRate[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.sample_rate], ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_fmt_inv(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t fmt_inv)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (fmt_inv) {
+ case FMT_INV_NB_NF:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_INV_NB_NF\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_NB_NF], ch);
+ break;
+ case FMT_INV_IB_NF:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_INV_IB_NF\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_IB_NF], ch);
+ break;
+ case FMT_INV_NB_IF:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_INV_NB_IF\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_NB_IF], ch);
+ break;
+ case FMT_INV_IB_IF:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_INV_IB_IF\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[FMT_INV_IB_IF], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ FMT_INV[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_inv]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_INV[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_inv], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid FMT_INV %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ fmt_inv);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_fmt_mask(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t fmt_mask)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (fmt_mask) {
+ case FMT_MASK_I2S:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_MASK_I2S\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_I2S], ch);
+ break;
+ case FMT_MASK_DSP_A:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_MASK_DSP_A\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_DSP_A], ch);
+ break;
+ case FMT_MASK_DSP_B:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_MASK_DSP_B\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_DSP_B], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d FMT_MASK_LEFT_J\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[FMT_MASK_LEFT_J], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ FMT_MASK[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_mask]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].FMT_MASK[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.fmt_mask], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid FMT_MASK %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ fmt_mask);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_rx_slots(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t rx_slot)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (rx_slot) {
+ case RX_SLOTS_16:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTS_16\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_16], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_SLOTS_24:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTS_24\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_24], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_SLOTS_32:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTS_32\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[RX_SLOTS_32], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slots]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slots], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid RX_SLOTS %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ rx_slot);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_tx_slots(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t tx_slot)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (tx_slot) {
+ case TX_SLOTS_16:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTS_16\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_16], ch);
+ break;
+ case TX_SLOTS_24:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTS_24\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_24], ch);
+ break;
+ case TX_SLOTS_32:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTS_32\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[TX_SLOTS_32], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slots]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slots], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid TX_SLOTS %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ tx_slot);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_rx_bitwidth(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t rx_bitwidth)
+ int32_t ret = -EINVAL;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (rx_bitwidth) {
+ case RX_BITWIDTH_16:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_BITWIDTH_16\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_16], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_BITWIDTH_24:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_BITWIDTH_24\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_24], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_BITWIDTH_32:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_BITWIDTH_32\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[RX_BITWIDTH_32], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_bitwidth]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_BITWIDTH[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_bitwidth], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid RX_BITWIDTH %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ rx_bitwidth);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_rx_slotlen(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t rx_slotlen)
+ int32_t ret = -1;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (rx_slotlen) {
+ case RX_SLOTLEN_16:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTLEN_16\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_16], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_SLOTLEN_24:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTLEN_24\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_24], ch);
+ break;
+ case RX_SLOTLEN_32:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d RX_SLOTLEN_32\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[RX_SLOTLEN_32], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slotlen]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].RX_SLOTLEN[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.rx_slotlen], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid RX_SLOTLEN %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ rx_slotlen);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_tx_slotlen(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch, int32_t tx_slotlen)
+ int32_t ret = -1;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ switch (tx_slotlen) {
+ case TX_SLOTLEN_16:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTLEN_16\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_16], ch);
+ break;
+ case TX_SLOTLEN_24:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTLEN_24\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_24], ch);
+ break;
+ case TX_SLOTLEN_32:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d TX_SLOTLEN_32\n", __func__, ch);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[TX_SLOTLEN_32], ch);
+ break;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s:[default] ch-%d %s\n", __func__, ch,
+ RX_SLOTS[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slotlen]);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx,
+ s_rbin.hw_params[ch].TX_SLOTLEN[(int32_t)s_rbin.def_hw_params.tx_slotlen], ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "%s: ch-%d Invalid TX_SLOTLEN %d\n", __func__, ch,
+ tx_slotlen);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_pre_powerup(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t =
+ (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch-%d %s profile %s pre_power_up\n", ch, __func__,
+ tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].name);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].pre_power_up, ch);
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_post_powerup(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = -1;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t =
+ (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch-%d %s profile %s post_power_up\n", ch,
+ __func__, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].name);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].post_power_up, ch);
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_pre_powerdown(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = -1;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t = (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch-%d %s profile %s pre_power_down\n",
+ ch, __func__, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].name);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].pre_power_down, ch);
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_set_post_powerdown(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx, int32_t ch)
+ int32_t ret = -1;
+ struct linux_platform *plat_data = NULL;
+ struct tas25xx_profiles *tas_profiles_t = (struct tas25xx_profiles *)g_profile_data_list[ch].tas_profiles;
+ plat_data = (struct linux_platform *) p_tas25xx->platform_data;
+ dev_info(plat_data->dev, "ch-%d %s profile %s post_power_down\n",
+ ch, __func__, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].name);
+ ret = tas25xx_process_block(p_tas25xx, tas_profiles_t[g_tas25xx_profile].post_power_down, ch);
+ return ret;
+int32_t tas25xx_remove_binfile(struct tas25xx_priv *p_tas25xx)
+ int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
+ int32_t count;
+ /* firmware not loaded */
+ if (p_tas25xx)
+ atomic_set(&p_tas25xx->fw_state, TAS25XX_DSP_FW_NONE);
+ if (g_profile_list) {
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_profiles; i++) {
+ kfree(g_profile_list[i]);
+ g_profile_list[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ kfree(g_profile_list);
+ g_profile_list = NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < s_rbin.head.channels; i++) {
+ kfree(g_profile_data_list[i].tas_profiles);
+ g_profile_data_list[i].tas_profiles = NULL;
+ }
+ if (p_tas25xx) {
+ for (i = 0; i < s_rbin.head.channels; i++) {
+ kfree(p_tas25xx->intr_data[i].intr_info);
+ p_tas25xx->intr_data[i].intr_info = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (g_kctrl_data) {
+ for (i = 0; i < g_no_of_kcontrols; i++) {
+ if (g_kctrl_data[i].type != 0) {
+ count = g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.count;
+ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts[j]);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts[j] = NULL;
+ }
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.enum_texts = NULL;
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.enum_type.data = NULL;
+ } else {
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.intdata);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.intdata = NULL;
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.chardata);
+ g_kctrl_data[i].kcontrol.int_type.chardata = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ kfree(g_kctrl_data);
+ g_kctrl_data = NULL;
+ }
+ kfree(g_kctrl_ctrl);
+ g_kctrl_ctrl = NULL;
+ kfree(p_tas25xx->fw_data);
+ p_tas25xx->fw_data = NULL;
+ g_no_of_kcontrols = 0;
+ g_no_of_profiles = 0;
+ g_tas25xx_profile = 0;
+ memset(&s_rbin, 0, sizeof(s_rbin));
+ g_tas25xx = NULL;
+ return 0;