Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Ruben Columbus ea44c5ab75 qcacmn: assign dump functions to per chip specific il y a 1 an
  Venkateswara Naralasetty 39ed82e609 qcacmn: qcacmn: Add Monitor 1.0 support for WCN6450 il y a 1 an
  Srinivas Girigowda 48cf24b446 qcacmn: Remove trailing newline from the DP Logs il y a 1 an
  Jeff Johnson de5b0b9a2f qcacmn: Fix hal/wifi3.0/qca6290 documentation il y a 2 ans
  Kenvish Butani a16d867018 qcacmn: Separate GetFrameControl API's for LI chipsets il y a 2 ans
  Sai Rupesh Chevuru ceccc982e3 qcacmn: Get the peer meta data from msdu end tlv il y a 2 ans
  Amit Mehta d2199b7a99 qcacmn: Set default value for REO dest ctrl register il y a 3 ans
  Jia Ding d40b388d2f qcacmn: Mark first packet after wow wakeup il y a 3 ans
  Kai Chen d93357ef5d qcacmn: Move CCE and flow hal implementation to per chip il y a 3 ans
  Chaithanya Garrepalli 41fda10bc5 qcacmn: In WBM err process read peer_id from peer_meta_data il y a 3 ans
  Chaithanya Garrepalli 7ccb73b31f qcacmn: Add support for beryllium on WIN il y a 3 ans
  Chaithanya Garrepalli f79a68f685 qcacmn: Fix lithium HAL generic APIs il y a 3 ans
  Rakesh Pillai 47af4d320f qcacmn: Move to index based assignment for srng register offset il y a 3 ans
  Rakesh Pillai 59ea466ca4 qcacmn: Add HAL APIs for Lithium targets il y a 4 ans
  Mohit Khanna 4e6a7cf1bf qcacmn: Use function to attach HAL TX/RX ops il y a 4 ans
  Rakesh Pillai 783f811315 qcacmn: Send ring sel cfg to configure rx pkt tlvs offset il y a 4 ans
  Dustin Newman 549f0d8015 qcacmn: hal: Initialize hal_hw_txrx_ops for 6290 il y a 4 ans
  Saket Jha a64da56134 qcacmn: Stop FISA if frame rings mismatch il y a 4 ans
  Sridhar Selvaraj 3ae6b5c3fe qcacmn: Update REO Remap config API as platform specific il y a 4 ans
  syed touqeer pasha c6d4cbfd1a qcacmn: qcn9000 changes in rx flow identification il y a 5 ans
  Radha Krishna Simha Jiguru 8ca2521ac8 qcacmn: Get Rx TLV offsets from structure il y a 4 ans
  Jinwei Chen b3e587db52 qcacmn: Support RX 2K jump/OOR frame handling from REO2TCL ring il y a 5 ans
  Ankit Kumar 2bf9b7a18a qcacmn: Initialize command/credit ring for qca8074 & qcn9000 il y a 5 ans
  Amir Patel b8e9bcdf4c qcacmn: Read ppdu_id from reo_entrance ring il y a 5 ans
  Venkata Sharath Chandra Manchala d2ceaf472c qcacmn: Add hal macros for fisa assist il y a 5 ans
  syed touqeer pasha 6997a37a1e qcacmn: Extract msdu end TLV information at once during Rx fast path il y a 5 ans
  Tallapragada Kalyan fa6f80fcad qcacmn: use proper HAL abtraction APIs to get WBM internal error il y a 5 ans
  Padma Raghunathan 5cd2e56349 qcacmn: CFR: Process PPDU status TLVs and extract CFR information il y a 5 ans
  Nandha Kishore Easwaran bcf953583a qcacmn: Use multi window write and read for pine il y a 5 ans
  Venkata Sharath Chandra Manchala 36fd40ab6e qcacmn: Add hal_rx_get_rx_sequence API il y a 5 ans