@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ <!--
+ Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ -->
+ <!-- This config file is to be used when local device is sink -->
+ <Capability>
+ <!--
+ Audio capabilities
+ -->
+ <AudioLPCM>
+ <Name>LPCM</Name>
+ <Valid>1</Valid>
+ <Channels>2</Channels>
+ <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+ <Latency>33</Latency>
+ </AudioLPCM>
+ <AudioAAC>
+ <Name>AAC</Name>
+ <Valid>1</Valid>
+ <Channels>6</Channels>
+ <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ </AudioAAC>
+ <AudioAC3>
+ <Name>AC3</Name>
+ <Valid>0</Valid>
+ <Channels>0</Channels>
+ <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ </AudioAC3>
+ <!--
+ Video capabilities additions for H264 codec
+ -->
+ <VideoFormats>
+ <VideoCodecHeader>
+ <TotalProfiles>7</TotalProfiles>
+ <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+ </VideoCodecHeader>
+ <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+ 1 - Constrained High,
+ 2 - Constrained High2,
+ 3 - BaseLine
+ 4 - Main
+ 5 - High
+ HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+ -->
+ <!-- Level 0 - 3.1,
+ 1 - 3.2,
+ 2 - 4.0,
+ 3 - 4.1,
+ 4 - 4.2,
+ 5 - 5,
+ 6 - 5.1,
+ 7 - 5.2
+ -->
+ <VideoCodec1>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>0</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec1>
+ <VideoCodec2>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>1</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec2>
+ <VideoCodec3>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>2</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec3>
+ <VideoCodec4>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>3</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec4>
+ <VideoCodec5>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>4</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec5>
+ <VideoCodec6>
+ <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+ <Profile>5</Profile>
+ <Level>6</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec6>
+ <VideoCodec7>
+ <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+ <Profile>0</Profile>
+ <Level>4</Level>
+ <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+ <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+ <Latency>0</Latency>
+ <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+ <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+ <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+ <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
+ <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+ <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+ </VideoCodec7>
+ </VideoFormats>
+ <!--
+ Aux streaming is new addition
+ This is added for Direct streaming
+ -->
+ <AuxStreamInfo>
+ <Codec>
+ <Count>1</Count>
+ <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+ </Codec>
+ <!--
+ Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+ Resolution is 1080P for Direct streaming
+ -->
+ <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+ <HRes>1280</HRes>
+ <VRes>720</VRes>
+ <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+ </AuxStreamInfo>
+ <!--
+ Standby Resume capability is supported
+ -->
+ <StandbyResumeCapability>
+ <Valid>1</Valid>
+ </StandbyResumeCapability>
+ <!--
+ Explicit AV format change
+ Not supported
+ -->
+ <AVFormatChange>
+ <Valid>0</Valid>
+ <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+ </AVFormatChange>
+ <!--
+ Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+ FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7, according to the WFD spec.
+ 0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+ -->
+ <FrameSkipping>
+ <Valid>1</Valid>
+ <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+ </FrameSkipping>
+ <!-- disable HDCP by default -->
+ <ContentProtection>
+ <Valid>0</Valid>
+ <!--
+ Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+ WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+ -->
+ <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+ <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+ </ContentProtection>
+ <!--
+ To enable RTP dump at sink
+ -->
+ <RTPDumpEnable>
+ <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+ <!-- For enabling RTP parser dumping set
+ persist.vendor.sys.debug.rtp.enable_dump to 1
+ /sdcard/Download/rtpdump.ts
+ -->
+ </RTPDumpEnable>
+ <!--
+ UIBC by default enabled
+ -->
+ <UIBC>
+ <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid> <!-- 0/1 UIBC supported or not -->
+ <InputCategory>
+ <Generic>1</Generic> <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+ <HID>1</HID> <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+ </InputCategory>
+ <!-- Supported input events -->
+ <InputEvents>
+ <GenericInputEvents>
+ <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+ <Mouse>0</Mouse>
+ <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+ <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+ <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+ <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+ <Camera>0</Camera>
+ <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+ <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+ </GenericInputEvents>
+ <!--
+ Each input path will have a byte and support
+ for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+ -->
+ <HIDInputPaths>
+ <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+ <USB>1</USB>
+ <BT>0</BT>
+ <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+ <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+ <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+ </HIDInputPaths>
+ </InputEvents>
+ <!-- TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+ <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+ </UIBC>
+ </Capability>
+ <!--
+ Enabling Rtcp
+ -->
+ <RTCP>
+ <RtcpRREnabled>1</RtcpRREnabled>
+ <RtcpRRIntervalMs>500</RtcpRRIntervalMs>
+ </RTCP>
+ <!--
+ Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+ -->
+ <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+ <!--
+ RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+ -->
+ <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+ <!--
+ To configure video core in SVS mode
+ -->
+ <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>1</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+ <!--
+ To configure video core in Nominal mode
+ -->
+ <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+ <!--
+ To configure video core in Turbo mode
+ -->
+ <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+ <!--
+ Bitrate settings for each mode
+ -->
+ <BitrateTable>
+ <!--
+ Bitrate table for Audio formats
+ -->
+ <AAC>
+ <BIT0>
+ <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+ <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+ </BIT0>
+ <BIT1>
+ <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+ <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+ </BIT1>
+ <BIT2>
+ <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+ <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+ </BIT2>
+ </AAC>
+ <!--
+ CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+ Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+ Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+ can go upto MinBitrate
+ -->
+ <CEA>
+ <!-- 640x480p60 -->
+ <BIT0>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT0>
+ <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+ <BIT1>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT1>
+ <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+ <BIT2>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT2>
+ <!-- 720x576p50 -->
+ <BIT3>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT3>
+ <!-- 720x576i50 -->
+ <BIT4>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT4>
+ <!-- 1280x720p30 -->
+ <BIT5>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT5>
+ <!-- 1280x720p60 -->
+ <BIT6>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT6>
+ <!-- 1920x1080p30 -->
+ <BIT7>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT7>
+ <!-- 1920x1080p60 -->
+ <BIT8>
+ <MinBitrate>7000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>13000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT8>
+ <!-- 1920x1080i60 -->
+ <BIT9>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT9>
+ <!-- 1280x720p25 -->
+ <BIT10>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT10>
+ <!-- 1280x720p50 -->
+ <BIT11>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT11>
+ <!-- 1920x1080p25 -->
+ <BIT12>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT12>
+ <!-- 1920x1080p50 -->
+ <BIT13>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT13>
+ <!-- 1920x1080i50 -->
+ <BIT14>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT14>
+ <!-- 1280x720p24 -->
+ <BIT15>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT15>
+ <!-- 1920x1080p24 -->
+ <BIT16>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT16>
+ <!-- 3840x2160p24 -->
+ <BIT17>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT17>
+ <!-- 3840x2160 p25 -->
+ <BIT18>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT18>
+ <!-- 3840x2160p30 -->
+ <BIT19>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT19>
+ <!-- 3840x2160p50 -->
+ <BIT20>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT20>
+ <!-- 3840x2160p60 -->
+ <BIT21>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT21>
+ <!-- 4096x2160p24 -->
+ <BIT22>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT22>
+ <!-- 4096x2160p25 -->
+ <BIT23>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT23>
+ <!-- 4096x2160p30 -->
+ <BIT24>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT24>
+ <!-- 4096x2160p50 -->
+ <BIT25>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT25>
+ <!-- 4096x2160 p60 -->
+ <BIT26>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT26>
+ </CEA>
+ <!--
+ VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+ Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+ Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+ can go upto MinBitrate
+ -->
+ <VESA>
+ <!-- 800x600p30 -->
+ <BIT0>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT0>
+ <!-- 800x600p60 -->
+ <BIT1>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT1>
+ <!-- 1024x768p30 -->
+ <BIT2>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT2>
+ <!-- 1024x768p60 -->
+ <BIT3>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT3>
+ <!-- 1152x864p30 -->
+ <BIT4>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT4>
+ <!-- 1152x864p60 -->
+ <BIT5>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT5>
+ <!-- 1280x768p30 -->
+ <BIT6>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT6>
+ <!-- 1280x768p60 -->
+ <BIT7>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT7>
+ <!-- 1280x800p30 -->
+ <BIT8>
+ <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>14000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT8>
+ <!-- 1280x800p60 -->
+ <BIT9>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT9>
+ <!-- 1360x768p30 -->
+ <BIT10>
+ <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>14000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT10>
+ <!-- 1360x768p60 -->
+ <BIT11>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT11>
+ <!-- 1366x768p30 -->
+ <BIT12>
+ <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT12>
+ <!-- 1366x768p60 -->
+ <BIT13>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT13>
+ <!-- 1280x1024p30 -->
+ <BIT14>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT14>
+ <!-- 1280x1024p60 -->
+ <BIT15>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT15>
+ <!-- 1400x1050p30 -->
+ <BIT16>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT16>
+ <!-- 1400x1050p60 -->
+ <BIT17>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT17>
+ <!-- 1440x900p30 -->
+ <BIT18>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT18>
+ <!-- 1440x900p60 -->
+ <BIT19>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT19>
+ <!-- 1600x900p30 -->
+ <BIT20>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT20>
+ <!-- 1600x900p60 -->
+ <BIT21>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT21>
+ <!-- 1600x1200p30 -->
+ <BIT22>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT22>
+ <!-- 1600x1200p60 -->
+ <BIT23>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT23>
+ <!-- 1680x1024p30 -->
+ <BIT24>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT24>
+ <!-- 1680x1024p60 -->
+ <BIT25>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT25>
+ <!-- 1680x1050p30 -->
+ <BIT26>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT26>
+ <!-- 1680x1050p60 -->
+ <BIT27>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT27>
+ <!-- 1920x1200p30 -->
+ <BIT28>
+ <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT28>
+ <!-- 1920x1200p60 -->
+ <BIT29>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT29>
+ <!-- 2560x1440p30 -->
+ <BIT30>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT30>
+ <!-- 2560x1440p60 -->
+ <BIT31>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT31>
+ <!-- 2560x1600p30 -->
+ <BIT32>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT32>
+ <!-- 2560x1600p60 -->
+ <BIT33>
+ <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT33>
+ </VESA>
+ <!--
+ HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+ Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+ Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+ can go upto MinBitrate
+ -->
+ <HH>
+ <!-- 800x480p30 -->
+ <BIT0>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT0>
+ <!-- 800x480p60 -->
+ <BIT1>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT1>
+ <!-- 854x480p30 -->
+ <BIT2>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT2>
+ <!-- 854x480p60 -->
+ <BIT3>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT3>
+ <!-- 864x480p30 -->
+ <BIT4>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT4>
+ <!-- 864x480p60 -->
+ <BIT5>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT5>
+ <!-- 640x360p30 -->
+ <BIT6>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT6>
+ <!-- 640x360p60 -->
+ <BIT7>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT7>
+ <!-- 960x540p30 -->
+ <BIT8>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT8>
+ <!-- 960x540p60 -->
+ <BIT9>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT9>
+ <!-- 848x480p30 -->
+ <BIT10>
+ <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT10>
+ <!-- 848x480p60 -->
+ <BIT11>
+ <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+ <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+ </BIT11>
+ </HH>
+ </BitrateTable>
+ <!--
+ RetryCount is Max no of times Client request to set-up Socket connect
+ This can be applicable only to sink
+ -->
+ <RetryCount>40</RetryCount>
+ <!--
+ To disable/enable audio stream playback
+ support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+ -->
+ <AudioStreamInSuspend>0</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+ <!--
+ Compensation delay for audio
+ This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+ value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+ change this value in case they want
+ -->
+ <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+ <!--
+ To disable/enable AV Sync - 1 or 0
+ By default AV sync is enabled
+ This is only for certification
+ The reason for introducing this flag is
+ there are some issues with some test bed sources
+ if we enable AV sync though our sink is properly
+ handling AV sync
+ -->
+ <DisableAVSync>0</DisableAVSync>
+ <!--
+ Push video frames to display in async mode, so that display can drop frames
+ if frames are pushed faster than vsync.
+ -->
+ <PushVideoFrameInASyncMode>0</PushVideoFrameInASyncMode>
+ <!--
+ To drop video frame in case parser detects and reports packet loss over the air
+ Three modes are supported -
+ 1. 0 - Don't drop any video frame
+ 2. 1 - Drop only the video frame where parser reported packet loss
+ 3. 2 - Parser reported packet loss, request an IDR and drop until IDR
+ -->
+ <DropFrameOnPacketLossMode>0</DropFrameOnPacketLossMode>
+ <!--
+ To disable/enable Audio Track Latency - 0 or 1.
+ This adds audio track latency to renderer to improve AV sync during BT use case.
+ -->
+ <EnableAudioTrackLatency>0</EnableAudioTrackLatency>
+ <!--
+ Make audio AV Sync drop window configurable item.Sometimes if wlan
+ doesn't perform at required throughput,audio drops can happen due
+ to late arrival of audio frames.
+ -->
+ <AudioAVSyncDropWindow>-150000</AudioAVSyncDropWindow>
+ <!--
+ Make Video AV Sync drop window configurable item.Sometimes if wlan
+ doesn't perform at required throughput,Video drops can happen due
+ to late arrival of video frames.
+ -->
+ <VideoAVSyncDropWindow>-200000</VideoAVSyncDropWindow>
+ <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+ <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+ <Cursor>0</Cursor>
+ <!--
+ Video Decoder Input Custom Limit Buffer Size Mode
+ -->
+ <VideoCustomSizeMode>1</VideoCustomSizeMode>