123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 |
- multiCameraLogicalXMLFile=cupid.xml
- # Camera Log
- logInfoMask=0x10098
- logConfigMask=0x80
- overrideLogLevels=0x1F
- enableTxtLogging=1
- offlineLogNumber=14
- offlineLoggerEnableBackupLog=FALSE
- pdafHWEnable=TRUE
- enableNCSService=TRUE
- # PDAF does not show the focus area frame, CAF show the focus area frame
- disableFocusIndication=1
- # Bokeh
- isPhyicalMultiCameraSupported=TRUE
- bokehVendorID=1
- bokehRelightVerion=2
- multiCameraFrameSyncMask=0
- supportedBokehRoleMask=0x1
- ismfnrbokehsupported=TRUE
- BokehSlaveMfnrEnable=TRUE
- # SAT
- enablePostZoomFOV=1
- enableMFLOEMCustomization=TRUE
- maxDigitalZoom=10.0
- videoSATSupportedRange=0x0F
- enablePerRequestSync=FALSE
- # SAT zoom animation params
- isSwitchAnimationSupported=TRUE
- satZoomButton=0.6:1:2:5:10|0.6:1:2:5:6
- satZoomTime=800|700
- #Disable SAT in third-party app
- is3rdLightWeightSupported=TRUE
- # ISZ
- enableInSensorZoom=FALSE
- enableDynamicModeSwitchVCUpdate=FALSE
- ISZEnableCameraRole=0x2
- ISZGainThSwitchIn=30.0
- ISZGainThSwitchOff=34.0
- # For FD
- FDClient=FDHWHybrid
- #Video skinbeautifie/Filter/Bokeh
- isVideoBeautifierSupported=TRUE
- isVideoFilterSupported=TRUE
- isVideoBokehSupported=TRUE
- isFrontVideoBokehSupported=TRUE
- AIEnhancementVersion=34
- # TS skinbeautifier
- isBeautyVersion=102
- enableEGLCache=TRUE
- isBeautyMakeupSupported=TRUE
- isTrueSightBeautyEnabled=TRUE
- enablechirecovery=FALSE
- #enable earlyPCR
- numPCRsBeforeStreamOn=1
- #enable camera pre init
- isEarlysettingsEnable=0x11
- #enablemimovie
- isVideoMimovieSupported=TRUE
- # MFHDR enable Snapshot Mode
- SupportedAlgoEngineHdr=1
- #SHDR seamless
- setAutoHDRMode=1
- enableSFEAlignment=TRUE
- OffsetToProduceSFEAlignGrid=2
- enableDynamicModeSwitchVCUpdate=TRUE
- perFrameSensorMode=TRUE
- enable3expSHDRSnapshot=TRUE
- #SHDR liveshot use preview frame
- #001000 : front videohdr liveshot
- LiveshotUsePreview=8
- #enablelogformat
- isVideoLogformatSupported=TRUE
- #OIS enable Optimization
- enableOISOptimization=TRUE
- #enable supernight and SE raw up
- MIVISuperNightSupportMask=0x0707
- disablePDAF=FALSE
- raiserecoverysigabrt=TRUE
- # Video EIS
- #Res1@FPS1|Res2@FPS2 ...,5--720P,6--1080P,8--4K,3001--8K
- vsquality=5@30|6@30|6@60|8@30|8@60|3001@24
- iseispreviewSupported=TRUE
- isFrontVHdrSupported=TRUE
- # For CTS Reprocess Size
- minReprocessInputWidth=0x1FFF
- minReprocessInputHeight=0x1FFF
- algoCameraXEnabled=TRUE
- algoSDKEnabled=TRUE
- # Video skinbeautifier/AI/Filter
- isVideoBeautyEISSupported=TRUE
- isVideoBeautyScreenshotSupported=TRUE
- isColorRetentionSupported=TRUE
- isVideoColorRetentionBackSupported=TRUE
- superVideoFilterVersion=1
- is30fpsDynamicSupported=TRUE
- dynamicFpsSupported=0@30|1@30|2@30|3@30|4@30
- # Quickview
- enableCHIPartialData=1
- quickviewsupport=TRUE
- quickviewmask=0x2F07
- addScanIn3ALockStatus=1
- #hdr10plus
- VideoHdrAvailableConfigurations=hdr10plus:1080P@30|hdr10plus:1080P@60|hdr10plus:4k@30|hdr10plus:4k@60|hdr10:8k@24|hdr10:8k@30|hlg
- #Input Info Check of HDR
- InputInfoChecker=0
- # override Flash Current
- overrideFlashTorchCurrent=150
- overrideFlashVideoLightCurrent=150
- overrideFlashSnapshotLightCurrent=500
- overrideFlashPreviewLightCurrent=150
- #Enable motion capture
- # bit[0]: 1 means it supports motion capture in capture mode.
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[1]: 1 means it supports dedicated denoise algo under
- # motion capture & capture mode.
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[2]: 1 means it supports HDR under
- # motion capture & capture mode.
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[3]: 1 means replace SR with MFNR
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[8]: 1 means it supports motion capture in portrait mode.
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[9]: 1 means it supports dedicated denoise algo under
- # motion capture & portrait mode.
- # 0 means not.
- # bit[11:12]: default on behavior bits
- # b'00 means off by default.
- # b'01 means it's enabled by default in non-banding env.
- # User enables it manually in banding env via UI.
- # b'10 means it's enabled by default in all env.
- # User disables it manually in banding env via UI.
- # b'11 reserve
- # bit[13:31]: reserve
- enableMotionCapture=0x090D
- # offset to reduce the motion shot latency
- zeroShotLatencyOffset=0
- # Bit Mask for HighQualityQuickShot configure
- # Bit[0] - Support MFSR/LLS in SAT mode
- # Bit[1] - Support HDR in SAT mode
- # Bit[2] - Support SR in SAT mode
- # Bit[3] - Support SuperNightSE in SAT mode
- # Bit[4~7] - reserve
- # Bit[8] - Support Bokeh MFNR in Back Camera
- # Bit[9] - Support Bokeh HDR in Back Camera
- # Bit[10] - Support MFNR in Front Camera
- # Bit[11] - Support HDR in Front Camera
- # Bit[12] - Support Bokeh in Front Camera
- # Bit[13] - Support Macro Mode
- # Bit[14~15] - reserve
- # Bit[16~19] - HighQualityQuickShot queue length(max number of HighQualityQuickShot)
- # Bit[20] - Support reuse RDI buffer or not
- # Bit[21] - Support Limit MFNR input frames or not
- # Bit[22] - Support quickshot and HightQualityQuickShot mixed use.
- # Bit[23] - reserve
- # Bit[24] - Mixed quick shot suport SAT MFNR or not
- # Bit[25] - Mixed quick shot suport front MFNR or not
- # Bit[26] - Mixed quick shot suport Macro mode or not
- # Bit[27~31] - reserve
- HighQualityQuickShotSupportMask=0x1431F03
- # Bit Mask for HighQualityQuickShotDelayTime configure
- # Bit[0 ~ 3] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of Bokeh MFNR in Back Camera
- # Bit[4 ~ 7] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of Bokeh MFNR in Front Camera
- # Bit[8 ~ 11] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of Back Normal Capture
- # Bit[12 ~ 15] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of HDR in Front Camera
- # Bit[16 ~ 19] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of HDR in Back Camera
- # Bit[20 ~ 23] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of SuperNightSe in Back Camera
- # Bit[24 ~ 27] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of SR in Back Camera
- # Bit[28 ~ 31] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of Front Normal Capture
- # Bit[32 ~ 35] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of MacroMode in Back Camera
- # Bit[36 ~ 39] - DelayTime XX * 100 ms of Bokeh HDR in Back Camera
- # Bit[40 ~ 63] - reserv
- QuickShotDelayTimeMask=0x4222222044
- #enable VSR
- enableVSR=0x2
- overrideEnableVSR=TRUE
- #DME
- enableDMEbasedMCTF=1
- # SMMU
- MPMSizeThresToDisableDelayedUnmap=0
- MPMForceDisableDelayedUnmap=TRUE
- #PreviewEIS enable
- isPreviewZoomEISSupported=1
- #Enable Touch to Track feature
- XiaomiTrackAFSupportedMask=3
- #Res1@FPS1|Res2@FPS2 ...,5--720P,6--1080P,8--4K
- XiaomiVideoTrackAFQuality=5@30|6@30|8@30
- pluginBurstReqCnt=0x2
- pluginBurstReqCntForHeif=0x3
- ## OIS+EIS
- enableOisEis=1
- #Flicker
- enableSpectralSensor=1
- multiCameraSWFrameSyncInterval=5
- multiCameraHWSyncMask=0
- multiCameraFPSMatchMask=0x1
- multiCameraFrameSyncMask=0x1
- multiCameraExposureTimeMatch=TRUE
- enableExposureTimeMatch=TRUE
- #multiCameraDetectFrameSync=TRUE
- #saliency enable
- enableSALINet=1
- # HalBufferMgrMode disable
- halBufferMgrMode=0
- #isVideoHDRSupportSetFreq
- isVideoHDRSupportSetFreq=0x3
- numConsecutiveRecovery=5
- #FD algorithm shift threshold setting
- #0x0: ChiThermalLevelLow //means only use QCOM FD
- #0x1: ChiThermalLevelThermalBreak
- #0x2: ChiThermalLevelThermalHot
- #0x3: ChiThermalLevelThermalHurt
- #0x4: ChiThermalLevelMid //default
- #0x5: ChiThermalLevelHigh //means only use third party FD
- FDAlgorithmShiftThreshold=0x4
- #slow motion thread num
- OperationMode2ThreadNum=1:3
- #thermal
- enableBLMClient=1
- #flush time
- nodeResponseTime=50
- sessionResponseTimePadding=100
- #Enable GPU rotate
- enableGPURotation=TRUE