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cupid: Decommonize NFC configs

Arian 10 months ago

+ 3 - 0

@@ -370,6 +370,9 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/[email protected]_64.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/[email protected]_64.rc \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/[email protected]:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/[email protected] \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/init/[email protected]:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/init/[email protected] \
+    vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/libnfc-nci.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/libnfc-nci.conf \
+    vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf \
+    vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/libnfc-nxp_RF.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/libnfc-nxp_RF.conf \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/mdss_dsi_l3_42_02_0a_dsc_cmd_mi.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/mdss_dsi_l3_42_02_0a_dsc_cmd_mi.xml \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/media_codecs_c2_audio.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_c2_audio.xml \
     vendor/xiaomi/cupid/proprietary/vendor/etc/media_codecs_vendor_audio.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_vendor_audio.xml \

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+########################## Start of libnfc-nci.conf ###########################
+# Application options
+# performance measurement
+# Change this setting to control how often USERIAL log the performance (throughput)
+# data on read/write/poll
+# defailt is to log performance dara for every 100 read or write
+# File used for NFA storage
+# Configure the default NfcA/IsoDep techology and protocol route. Can be
+# either a secure element (e.g. 0xF4) or the host (0x00)
+## Default poll duration (in ms)
+## The defualt is 500ms if not set
+# Force UICC to only listen to the following technology(s).
+# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
+# Force HOST listen feature enable or disable.
+# 0: Disable
+# 1: Enable
+# When screen is turned off, specify the desired power state of the controller.
+# 0: power-off-sleep state; DEFAULT
+# 1: full-power state
+# 2: screen-off card-emulation (CE4/CE3/CE1 modes are used)
+# Force tag polling for the following technology(s).
+# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
+# Notable bits:
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A             0x01    /* NFC Technology A             */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_B             0x02    /* NFC Technology B             */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F             0x04    /* NFC Technology F             */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_ISO15693      0x08    /* Proprietary Technology       */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE      0x40    /* NFC Technology A active mode */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE      0x80    /* NFC Technology F active mode */
+# Force P2P to only listen for the following technology(s).
+# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
+# Notable bits:
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A             0x01    /* NFC Technology A             */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F             0x04    /* NFC Technology F             */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_A_ACTIVE      0x40    /* NFC Technology A active mode */
+# NFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK_F_ACTIVE      0x80    /* NFC Technology F active mode */
+# Override the stack default for NFA_EE_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED set in nfc_target.h.
+# The value is set to 3 by default as it assumes we will discover 0xF2,
+# 0xF3, and 0xF4. If a platform will exclude and SE, this value can be reduced
+# so that the stack will not wait any longer than necessary.
+# Maximum EE supported number
+# NXP PN547C2 0x02
+# NXP PN65T 0x03
+# NXP PN548C2 0x02
+# NXP PN66T 0x03
+# Deactivate notification wait time out in seconds used in ETSI Reader mode
+# 0 - Infinite wait
+# AID_MATCHING constants
+# Preferred Secure Element for Technology based routing
+# eSE               0x01
+# UICC              0x02
+#Set bit to 1 , black list is enabled
+#Set bit to 0,  to disable balcklist
+# Maximum WTX requests entertained by MW
+#Set the default Felica T3T System Code :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+#Set NCI credit notification timeout value
+#Set the OffHost AID supported power state:

+ 551 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+#################### This file is used by NXP NFC NCI HAL #####################
+# Sep.24, 2020 - Merged from MW11.51.F1 by Jian
+# Application options
+# Logging Levels
+# ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG          0x03
+# ANDROID_LOG_WARN           0x02
+# ANDROID_LOG_ERROR          0x01
+# ANDROID_LOG_SILENT         0x00
+# Nfc Device Node name
+#VEN Toggle Config
+#Disable = 0x00
+#Enable  = 0x01
+# Extension for Mifare reader enable
+# Mifare Reader implementation
+# 0: General implementation
+# 1: Legacy implementation
+# File name for Firmware
+# NXP proprietary settings
+NXP_ACT_PROP_EXTN={2F, 02, 00}
+# NFC forum profile settings
+NXP_NFC_PROFILE_EXTN={20, 02, 05, 01, A0, 44, 01, 00}
+# NXP TVDD configurations settings
+# Allow NFCC to configure External TVDD, two configurations (1 and 2) supported,
+# out of them only one can be configured at a time.
+# For PN553 only
+#config1:SLALM, 3.3V for both RM and CM
+#NXP_EXT_TVDD_CFG_1={20, 02, 0F, 01, A0, 0E, 0B, 31, 01, 01, 31, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, D0, 0C}
+#config2: use DCDC in CE, use Tx_Pwr_Req, set CFG2 mode, SLALM,
+#monitoring 5V from DCDC, 3.3V for both RM and CM, DCDCWaitTime=4.2ms
+#NXP_EXT_TVDD_CFG_2={20, 02, 0F, 01, A0, 0E, 0B, 11, 01, C2, B2, 00, B2, 1E, 1F, 00, D0, 0C}
+# Core configuration rf field filter settings to enable set to 01 to disable set
+# to 00 last bit
+#NXP_CORE_RF_FIELD={ 20, 02, 05, 01, A0, 62, 01, 00 }
+# To enable i2c fragmentation set i2c fragmentation enable 0x01 to disable set
+# to 0x00
+#set autonomous mode
+# disable autonomous 0x00
+# enable autonomous  0x01
+#set Guard Timer
+# Gurad Timer range to 0x0F-0xFF(i.e.15-255 seconds)
+#Enable SWP full power mode when phone is power off
+#This is used to configure UICC2 at boot time.
+# UICC2              0x03
+# CE when Screen state is locked
+# This setting is for DEFAULT_AID_ROUTE,
+# Disable           0x00
+# Enable            0x01
+#Timeout in secs
+#Set the default AID route Location :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# host  0x00
+# eSE   0x01
+# UICC  0x02
+# UICC2 0x03
+#Set the ISODEP (Mifare Desfire) route Location :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# host  0x00
+# eSE   0x01
+# UICC  0x02
+# UICC2 0x03
+#Set the Mifare CLT route Location :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# host  0x00
+# eSE   0x01
+# UICC  0x02
+# UICC2 0x03
+#Set the Felica CLT route Location :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# eSE   0x01
+# UICC  0x02
+# UICC2 0x03
+#Set the default AID Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Set the Mifare Desfire Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Set the Mifare CLT Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Set the Felica CLT Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Set the T4TNfcee AID Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Set the default Felica T3T System Code OffHost route Location :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+# host  0x00
+# eSE   0x01
+# UICC  0x02
+# UICC2 0x03
+# AID Matching platform options
+# P61 interface options
+# SPI 0x02
+#Enable  0x01
+#Disable  0x00
+# Allowed range of swp timeout setting is 0x00 to 0x3C [0 - 60].
+# Timeout in milliseconds, for example
+# No Timeout  0x00
+# 10 millisecond timeout 0x0A
+# Flashing Options Configurations
+# P61 interface options for JCOP Download
+# SPI 0x02
+# Option to perform LS update every boot
+# Enable 0x01
+# Disable    0x00
+# Option to perform JCOP update every boot
+# Enable 0x01
+# Disable 0x00
+# Bail out mode
+#  If set to 1, NFCC is using bail out mode for either Type A or Type B poll.
+#  Set this parameter value to 1 if Android Beam is enabled, else set to 0.
+# White list of Hosts
+# This values will be the Hosts(NFCEEs) in the HCI Network.
+# Choose the presence-check algorithm for type-4 tag.  If not defined, the default value is 1.
+# 0  NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_DEFAULT; Let stack selects an algorithm
+# 1  NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_I_BLOCK; ISO-DEP protocol's empty I-block
+# 2 NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_ISO_DEP_NAK; Type - 4 tag protocol iso-dep nak presence check
+#    command is sent waiting for rsp and ntf.
+# Options to Fallback to alternative route
+# Disable           0x00
+# DH                0x01
+# ESE               0x02
+# Vendor Specific Proprietary Protocol & Discovery Configuration
+# Set to 0xFF if unsupported
+#  byte[0] NCI_PROTOCOL_18092_ACTIVE
+#  byte[3] NCI_PROTOCOL_15693
+NFA_PROPRIETARY_CFG={05, FF, FF, 06, 81, 80, FF, FF, FF}
+#Enable/Disable block number checks for china transit use case
+#Enable  0x01
+#Disable  0x00
+#This flags will enable different modes of Lx Debug based on bits of the Byte0
+#Byte 0:
+# |_________Bit Mask_______|   Debug Mode
+#  b7|b6|b5|b4|b3|b2|b1|b0|
+#    |  |x |  |  |  |  |  |    Modulation Detected Notification
+#    |  |  |X |  |  |  |  |    Enable L1 Events (ISO14443-4, ISO18092)
+#    |  |  |  |X |  |  |  |    Enable L2 Reader Events(ROW specific)
+#    |  |  |  |  |X |  |  |    Enable Felica SystemCode
+#    |  |  |  |  |  |X |  |    Enable Felica RF (all Felica CM events)
+#    |  |  |  |  |  |  |X |    Enable L2 Events CE (ISO14443-3, RF Field ON/OFF)
+#Byte 1: RFU, shall always be 0x00
+#                              Byte1    Byte0
+#                                  \__ __/
+# e.g. NXP_CORE_PROP_SYSTEM_DEBUG=0x0031 ==> Modulation detected, L1, L2 CE
+#Enable NXP NCI runtime parser library
+#Enable 0x01
+#Disable 0x00
+# Timeout value in milliseconds for JCOP OS download to complete
+# Forcing HOST to listen for a selected protocol
+# 0x00 : Disable Host Listen
+# 0x01 : Enable Host to Listen (A)  for ISO-DEP tech A
+# 0x02 : Enable Host to Listen (B)  for ISO-DEP tech B
+# 0x04 : Enable Host to Listen (F)  for T3T Tag Type Protocol tech F
+# 0x07 : Enable Host to Listen (ABF)for ISO-DEP tech AB & T3T Tag Type Protocol tech F
+# Enable forward functionality
+# Disable           0x00
+# Enable            0x01
+# Configure the NFC Extras to open and use a static pipe.  If the value is
+# not set or set to 0, then the default is use a dynamic pipe based on a
+# destination gate (see NFA_HCI_DEFAULT_DEST_GATE).  Note there is a value
+# for each EE (ESE/SIM1/SIM2)
+#Set the Felica T3T System Code Power state :
+#This settings will be used when application does not set this parameter
+#Update Power state as per NCI2.0
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+#Default Secure Element route id
+#Maximum SMB transceive wait for response
+# Firmware file type file   0x01
+#.bin file  0x02
+# Extended APDU length for ISO_DEP
+# Support for Amendment I SEMS specification
+# Support SEMS Amendment I 0x01
+# Support NXP LS client    0x00
+#All eSE terminals shall be match with the  /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml file
+#under android.hardware.secure_element
+# The terminal name shall start from 1
+# Assign terminal number to each interface based on system config
+# Assign terminal number to each interface based on system config
+# Assign terminal number to each interface based on system config
+#For static or dynamic dual UICC feature support
+#Enable static dual uicc feature by setting value 0x00
+#Enable dynamic dual uicc feature by setting value 0x01
+# Time to wait by DH when NFCC will report eSE Cold Temp Error.
+# The value is as per the UM and in seconds
+# Set configuration optimization decision setting
+# Enable    = 0x01
+# Disable   = 0x00
+#OffHost ESE route location for MultiSE
+#ESE = 01
+#OffHost UICC route location for MultiSE
+#UICC1 = 02
+#UICC2 = 03
+#bit pos 0 = T4T NFCEE Enable
+#bit pos 6 = T4T NFCEE Contactless write enable
+#CORE_SET_CONF_CMD to reset Prop Emvco Flag
+NXP_PROP_RESET_EMVCO_CMD={20, 02, 05, 01, A0, 44, 01, 00}
+#Guard time in ms for the mPOS/SCR module to process the reader start/stop req
+#MW workaround to enable LPCD when EMVCO polling mode starts and disable
+#while switching back to NFC Forum mode
+# 0 --> Disable MW workaround
+# 1 --> Enable MW workaround
+# 2 --> Use this option only for FW versions below 1.10.52
+# Firmware patch format, Only 1 and 5 should be set
+#   0 -> NFC Default
+#   1 -> EMVCO Default
+#   3 -> EMVCO Polling, DISC_IDLE = POWER_OFF, DISC DEACTIVATE =  Removal process
+#   5 -> EMVCO Cert Polling, DISC_IDLE = Removal process  , DISC DEACTIVATE =   POWER_OFF
+# This will enable power state required for GSMA testing.
+# When this is enabled , then default AID route power state is added with this power state
+# If any aid with power state 0 is added, then this power state is used.
+# bit pos 0 = Switch On
+# bit pos 1 = Switch Off
+# bit pos 2 = Battery Off
+# bit pos 3 = Screen off unlock
+# bit pos 4 = Screen On lock
+# bit pos 5 = Screen Off lock
+# Enable disconnect tag in screen off
+# Disable           0x00
+# Enable            0x01
+# Core configuration extensions
+# It includes
+# Wired mode settings A0ED, A0EE
+# Tag Detector A040, A041, A043
+# Low Power mode A007
+# Clock settings A002, A003
+# PbF settings A008
+# Clock timeout settings A004
+# eSE (SVDD) PWR REQ settings A0F2
+# Window size A0D8
+# DWP Speed   A0D5
+# How eSE connected to PN553 A012
+# UICC2 bit rate A0D1
+# SWP1A interface A0D4
+# DWP intf behavior config, SVDD Load activated by default if set to 0x31 A037
+# Delay between EVT_END_OF_OPERATION and SE Deactivation set to 0x32(5ms) A113
+NXP_CORE_CONF_EXTN={20, 02, 21, 07,
+    A0, EC, 01, 01,
+    A0, ED, 01, 01,
+    A1, 13, 01, 32,
+    A0, 07, 01, 01,
+    A0, 0A, 01, 20,
+    A0, 47, 02, 00, 27,
+    A0, 85, 04, 58, 08, A8, AC
+#       A0, 40, 01, 00
+#       A0, 41, 01, 02,
+#       A0, 43, 01, 04,
+#       }
+# Core configuration settings
+NXP_CORE_CONF={ 20, 02, 33, 11,
+        28, 01, 00,
+        21, 01, 00,
+        30, 01, 04,
+        31, 01, 00,
+        32, 01, 60,
+        38, 01, 01,
+        33, 00,
+        54, 01, 06,
+        50, 01, 02,
+        5B, 01, 00,
+        3E, 01, 00,
+        80, 01, 01,
+        81, 01, 01,
+        82, 01, 0E,
+        18, 01, 01,
+        68, 01, 01,
+        85, 01, 01
+        }
+# Enable(0x01) or disable(0x00) non-standard tag reading
+# Disable Non-standard card read         0x00
+# Enable Non-standard card read          0x01
+# Enable(0x01) or disable(0x00) iso dep sak merge
+# Disable SAK merging         0x00
+# Enable SAK merging          0x01
+# Enable(0x01) or disable(0x00 ) for getting HW Info log over SMB wired
+# Disable getting HW info log            0x00
+# Enable getting HW info log             0x01
+# Valid time difference range within for non-standard tag detection from first
+# Activation fail to next discovery
+# Note :- This will take effect only when NXP_SUPPORT_NON_STD_CARD is enabled
+# Default         100 ms
+# TAI Timeout
+# Enable wait/delay if RF session is active.
+# Disable           0x00
+# Enable            0x01

+ 228 - 0

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+## Sep.24, 2020 - Merged from MW11.51.F1 by Jian   RF tuning by jinzhi Nov.8 2021 #############
+## Nov.8,  2021  RF tuning by jinzhi #############
+## L3 P2.1 libnfc-nxp_RF.conf  FW60 test 30,Aug. 2020#########
+# System clock source selection configuration
+#define CLK_SRC_XTAL       1
+#define CLK_SRC_PLL        2
+# System clock frequency selection configuration
+#define CLK_FREQ_13MHZ         1
+#define CLK_FREQ_19_2MHZ       2
+#define CLK_FREQ_24MHZ         3
+#define CLK_FREQ_26MHZ         4
+#define CLK_FREQ_38_4MHZ       5
+#define CLK_FREQ_52MHZ         6
+# The timeout value to be used for clock request acknowledgment
+# min value = 0x01 to max = 0x06
+# The delay to try to start PLL/XTAL when using sys clock 256/fc units = ~18.8 us
+# min value = 0x01 to max = 0x1F
+# MAX 20 RF configuration blocks are supported by MW
+# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
+# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
+          20, 02, DF, 05,
+          A0, 0E, 2C, F0, 00, 3E, 11, E4, E4, E4, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, A7, 8E, FF, FF, 23, 23, 23, 23, 0A, 00, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 01, 00, 10, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 17, 40, FF, 07, 13, 07, 05, 13,
+          A0, A4, 85, 14, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 03, 00, 05, 00, 07, 00, 08, 00, 0A, 00, 0C, 00, 0E, 00, 10, 00, 11, 00, 13, 00, 14, 00, 16, 00, 18, 00, 19, 00, 1A, 00, 1C, 00, 1D, 00, 1F, 00, 20, 00, 21, 00, 24, 00, 25, 00, 27, 00, 29, 00, 2A, 00, 2C, 00, 2D, 00, 2F, 00, 31, 00, 32, 00, 34, 00, 35, 00, 37, 00, 39, 00, 3A, 00, 3C, 00, 3D, 00, 3F, 00, 41, 00, 42, 00, 44, 00, 46, 00, 47, 00, 49, 00, 4A, 00, 4C, 00, 4E, 00, 4F, 00, 51, 00, 52, 00, 54, 00, 56, 00, 57, 00, 59, 00, 5A, 00, 5C, 00, 5E, 00, 5F, 00, 61, 00, 62, 00, 64, 00,
+          A0, A5, 0D, 3B, 3B, 3B, 3B, 3B, 3B, FF, 03, 1F, 00, 3B, 00, 00,
+          A0, 6A, 10, B0, 04, B0, 04, B0, 04, B0, 04, 38, 04, 38, 04, 38, 04, 38, 04,
+          A1, 34, 01, 04
+          20, 02, F5, 02,
+          A0,   34,   C8,   23,   04,   3D,   01,   02,   19,   EF,   08,   00,   00,   B9,   0A,   00,   00,   B9,   0A,   00,   00,   4C,   0E,   00,   00,   15,   10,   00,   00,   15,   10,   00,   00,   15,   10,   00,   00,   15,   10,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   CE,   1A,   00,   00,   CE,   1A,   00,   00,   CE,   1A,   00,   00,   60,   1E,   00,   00,   2A,   20,   00,   00,   BD,   23,   00,   00,   75,   2E,   00,   00,   08,   32,   00,   00,   9C,   3A,   00,   00,   9C,   3A,   00,   00,   9C,   3A,   00,   00,   06,   19,   93,   03,   00,   00,   93,   03,   00,   00,   93,   03,   00,   00,   93,   03,   00,   00,   26,   07,   00,   00,   26,   07,   00,   00,   26,   07,   00,   00,   DE,   11,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   71,   15,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,   7A,   47,   00,   00,
+          A0, 28, 26, 03, 00, 00, 03, CB, 3C, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, C4, FF, 00, 88, FF, 00, 4C, FF, 00, 10, FF, 00, D4, FE, 00, 98, FE, 00, 5C, FE, 00, 20, FE, 00, E4, FD, 00
+		  20, 02, 66, 01,
+	      A1, 0A, 62, 09, 18, 7A, 03, 00, 00, 7A, 03, 00, 00, 7A, 03, 00, 00, 7A, 03, 00, 00, 7A, 03, 00, 00, 78, 05, 00, 00, 08, 07, 00, 00, FC, 08, 00, 00, FC, 08, 00, 00, 92, 09, 00, 00, 92, 09, 00, 00, DC, 0A, 00, 00, DC, 0A, 00, 00, 48, 0D, 00, 00, 30, 11, 00, 00, 30, 11, 00, 00, 8E, 12, 00, 00, 7C, 15, 00, 00, 70, 17, 00, 00, 58, 1B, 00, 00, 40, 1F, 00, 00, 28, 23, 00, 00, 28, 23, 00, 00, 28, 23, 00, 00
+NXP_RF_CONF_BLK_4={20, 02, F1, 01, A0, A9, ED, 00, 2A, FF, 01, 24, FF, 02, 1F, FF, 03, 1A, FF, 04, 16, FF, 05, 12, FF, 06, 0F, FF, 07, 0C, FF, 08, 09, FF, 09, 07, FF, 0A, 05, FF, 0B, 03, FF, 0C, 01, FF, 0D, 00, F5, 0E, 00, DC, 0F, 00, C6, 10, 00, B3, 11, 00, A2, 12, 00, 92, 13, 00, 84, 14, 00, 77, 15, 00, 6B, 16, 00, 60, 17, 00, 57, 18, 00, 4E, 19, 00, 46, 1A, 00, 3F, 1B, 00, 39, 1C, 00, 33, 1D, 00, 2E, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A, 1E, 00, 2A}
+		  20, 02, C5, 02,
+	      A0, 0B, BB, 00, 1D, 01, 14, 6A, 2A, E8, 03, E8, 03, 06, 10, 0E, 2C, 01, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 13, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 0A, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 78, 00, 00, 00, 3C, 00, 00, 00, 3C, 00, 00, 00, 3C, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, A6, 03, C0, 08, 08
+		  20, 02, E9, 05,
+	      A0, AB, 82, 27, 1B, 33, 04, 42, 04, 55, 04, 75, 04, 9E, 04, C7, 04, F0, 04, 20, 05, 4F, 05, 7F, 05, B8, 05, F2, 05, 2B, 06, 72, 06, BA, 06, 02, 07, 49, 07, 91, 07, F0, 07, 50, 08, AF, 08, 0F, 09, 6E, 09, E1, 09, 54, 0A, C6, 0A, 56, 0B, E5, 0B, 74, 0C, 04, 0D, 93, 0D, 52, 0E, 11, 0F, D0, 0F, 8F, 10, 4F, 11, 0E, 12, 2C, 13, 4B, 14, 6A, 15, 88, 16, A7, 17, C6, 18, 44, 1A, C2, 1B, 41, 1D, BF, 1E, 9D, 20, 7B, 22, 58, 24, 96, 26, D3, 28, 11, 2B, 4E, 2D, 4B, 30, 47, 33, 44, 36, 40, 39, 3D, 3C, A2, 3F, 07, 43, 6C, 46, E6, 4A, 61, 4F,
+	      A0, A7, 0B, 00, 02, 77, 17, 1F, 1F, 1F, 0A, FF, 19, 05,
+	      A0, A8, 38, 00, 33, 33, 10, 00, 33, 23, 10, 00, 33, 24, 10, 4B, 23, 44, 10, CF, 22, 43, 10, CF, 22, 43, 10, CF, 22, 43, 10, CE, 22, 43, 10, CF, 22, 43, 10, CE, 22, 43, 10, 00, 33, 22, 10, C0, 22, 23, 10, 00, 33, 22, 10, C0, 22, 23, 10,
+	      A0, 98, 08, 2F, 97, 1C, 80, 23, 2F, 2F, 2F,
+	      A0, 9E, 0C, 0B, 97, 1C, 96, 00, 96, 00, 2B, 52, 03, 00, 00
+		  20, 02, FB, 14,
+	      A0, C6, 5B, 00, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 3C, 00, 00, 00, 20, 80, FF, 01, 00, 00, 64, 00, 00, C0, 00, 00, 00, C0, 00, 00, 00, 01, 01, 01, 20, 01, 03, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 10, C9, 30, 00, 40, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 24, 29, 07,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 24, 30, 07,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 25, 29, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 25, 30, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 40, 42, F0, C1, 37, CC,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 41, 45, 31, 12, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 42, 7C, 54,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 8D, 00, A0, A4, 64,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 8B, 00, A2, 23, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 89, 7F, 12, BD, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 44, 00, B0, 66, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 43, 24, 24, 4D, ED,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 41, FD, FF, 5F, F0,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 40, 20, 77, 33, 3A,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 42, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 51, 40, 32, 77, 33, 3A,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 43, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01
+		  20, 02, FD, 1C,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 43, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 43, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 43, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 43, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 44, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 44, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 44, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 44, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 44, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 45, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 45, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 45, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 45, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 45, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 46, 45, 39, 12, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 46, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 47, 43, A5, 64, 4C, ED,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 47, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 47, 4A, 20, AA, 0B, 81,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 47, 49, B5, 44, 22, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 48, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 48, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 48, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 48, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 49, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 49, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 49, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 49, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00
+		  20, 02, FA, 1C,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4A, 8B, 48, 02, F0, 80,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4A, 43, A5, 64, 4C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4A, 40, 05, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4A, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4A, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4B, 43, A5, 64, 4C, 6D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4C, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4C, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4C, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4C, 40, 85, 51, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4D, 44, 00, 34, 52, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4D, 4A, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4D, 49, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4D, 40, 85, 51, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 45, 31, 12, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 4E, 7C, 50,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 8D, 00, 00, 00, 06,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 8B, 00, A2, 24, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 89, 7D, 84, 05, 08,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 44, 00, B0, 66, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 43, A5, 64, 5C, AD,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 41, FD, FF, 5F, F0,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4E, 40, 07, 77, 33, 3D,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4F, 4A, 2A, 8E, 8D, 2A,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 4F, 49, 5D, 27, 27, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 60, 4E, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 60, 4F, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 60, 50, FF, FF, FF, 3F
+		  20, 02, FD, 1C,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 80, 7D, A0, 00, 96, BF,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 80, 80, 42, 00, 04, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 80, C9, 30, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 8C, 80, 41, 00, 04, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 90, 4F, FF, FF, F0, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 90, 4E, FF, FF, F0, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 90, 39, 3F, 00, 00, 61,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, A9, 84, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, A1, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 99, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 95, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, A5, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 9D, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 97, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 4F, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9B, 4E, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 91, D4, F8, 84, EF, 03,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 91, D2, 4A, 4A, 4B, 38,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, A9, 84, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, A1, 7F, 22, 5F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 99, 7F, 22, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 95, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, A5, 7F, 22, 5F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 9D, 7F, 22, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 97, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 4F, 9F, 88, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9C, 4E, 9F, 88, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 95, D4, F8, 84, 75, 00
+		  20, 02, EC, 12,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 95, D2, 4A, 4B, 4B, 58,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, A9, 84, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, A1, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 99, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 95, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, A5, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 9D, 7F, 7F, 7F, 7F,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 97, FF, 00, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 4F, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 9D, 4E, FF, FF, FF, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 99, D4, F8, 04, E4, 01,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 99, D2, 4A, 4B, 4B, 48,
+	      A0, AF, 09, 11, 2F, 00, 23, 11, 2F, 00, 23, 00,
+	      A0, 92, 28, 37, 00, 1B, 00, FC, 81, 0F, 00, 22, 80, 0F, 00, 14, 00, 20, 70, EA, 01, 43, 18, 32, 16, 78, 30, 0D, 00, 03, 55, EA, 05, 01, 04, 68, 02, 3F, 92, 04, 00, 0C, 13,
+	      A0, 1F, 06, 63, 00, 42, 00, 14, 00,
+	      A0, 9A, 02, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 99, 0A, 03, 00, 80, 00, 00, 80, 00, 00, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 68, 2A, 06, 40, 60, 03, 19, 00, 00, 00, 00, 82, 04, 00, C0, 05, C0, 00, 00, 01, 00, 01, A0, 00, A0, 00, 03, FA, 00, 00, 00, 4C, 00, 14, 00, 7D, 00, 05, 7F, 00, 00, 01, 00, 03
+		  20, 02, 46, 08,
+	      A0, 0D, 03, 61, 09, 81,
+          A0, 0D, 06, 60, AB, FF, FF, 00, 00,
+          A0, 0D, 06, 60, 95, FF, FF, 0F, 00,
+          A0, 0D, 06, 60, 97, FF, FF, 0F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 82, 82, 49, 80, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 80, 82, 49, 80, 00, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 62, 32, AE, 00, 7F, 00,
+	      A0, 0D, 06, 67, 32, AE, 00, 1F, 00