config.xml 15 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. Copyright (C) 2024 The LineageOS Project
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
  5. -->
  6. <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  7. <!-- NOTE: The telephony module is no longer reading the configuration below for available
  8. APN types. The set of APN types and relevant settings are specified within the telephony
  9. module and are non-configurable. Whether or not data connectivity over a cellular network
  10. is available at all is controlled by the flag: config_moble_data_capable. -->
  11. <string-array name="networkAttributes" translatable="false">
  12. <item>wifi,1,1,1,-1,true</item>
  13. <item>mobile,0,0,0,-1,true</item>
  14. <item>mobile_mms,2,0,4,60000,true</item>
  15. <item>mobile_supl,3,0,2,60000,true</item>
  16. <item>mobile_dun,4,0,2,60000,true</item>
  17. <item>mobile_hipri,5,0,3,60000,true</item>
  18. <item>mobile_fota,10,0,2,60000,true</item>
  19. <item>mobile_ims,11,0,2,60000,true</item>
  20. <item>mobile_cbs,12,0,2,60000,true</item>
  21. <item>bluetooth,7,7,2,-1,true</item>
  22. <item>mobile_emergency,15,0,5,-1,true</item>
  23. <item>ethernet,9,9,9,-1,true</item>
  24. </string-array>
  25. <!-- An Array of "[ConnectivityManager connectionType],
  26. [# simultaneous connection types]" -->
  27. <string-array name="radioAttributes" translatable="false">
  28. <item>1,1</item>
  29. <item>0,1</item>
  30. <item>7,1</item>
  31. </string-array>
  32. <!-- This setting is deprecated, please use
  33. instead. -->
  34. <string-array name="config_tether_usb_regexs" translatable="false">
  35. <item>usb\\d</item>
  36. <item>rndis\\d</item>
  37. </string-array>
  38. <!-- This setting is deprecated, please use
  39. instead. -->
  40. <string-array name="config_tether_wifi_regexs" translatable="false">
  41. <item>softap0</item>
  42. <item>wlan0</item>
  43. </string-array>
  44. <!-- This setting is deprecated, please use
  45. instead. -->
  46. <string-array name="config_tether_bluetooth_regexs" translatable="false">
  47. <item>bnep\\d</item>
  48. <item>bt-pan</item>
  49. </string-array>
  50. <!-- This setting is deprecated, please use
  51. instead. -->
  52. <string-array name="config_tether_dhcp_range" translatable="false">
  53. <item></item>
  54. <item></item>
  55. <item></item>
  56. <item></item>
  57. <item></item>
  58. <item></item>
  59. <item></item>
  60. <item></item>
  61. <item></item>
  62. <item></item>
  63. <item></item>
  64. <item></item>
  65. <item></item>
  66. <item></item>
  67. <item></item>
  68. <item></item>
  69. <item></item>
  70. <item></item>
  71. <item></item>
  72. <item></item>
  73. </string-array>
  74. <!-- This setting is deprecated, please use
  75. -->
  76. <integer-array name="config_tether_upstream_types" translatable="false">
  77. <item>0</item>
  78. <item>1</item>
  79. <item>5</item>
  80. <item>7</item>
  81. </integer-array>
  82. <!-- Flag indicating whether we should enable the automatic brightness.
  83. Software implementation will be used if config_hardware_auto_brightness_available is not set -->
  84. <bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">true</bool>
  85. <!-- If this is true, the screen will come on when you unplug usb/power/whatever. -->
  86. <bool name="config_unplugTurnsOnScreen">true</bool>
  87. <!-- Boolean indicating whether the HWC setColorTransform function can be performed efficiently
  88. in hardware. -->
  89. <bool name="config_setColorTransformAccelerated">true</bool>
  90. <!-- Indicate available ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_xxx. -->
  91. <integer-array name="config_availableColorModes">
  92. <item>0</item>
  93. <item>1</item>
  94. <item>3</item>
  95. <item>256</item>
  96. <item>257</item>
  97. <item>258</item>
  98. <item>259</item>
  99. <item>260</item>
  100. <item>261</item>
  101. <item>262</item>
  102. <item>263</item>
  103. <item>264</item>
  104. <item>265</item>
  105. </integer-array>
  106. <!-- Is the device capable of hot swapping an UICC Card -->
  107. <bool name="config_hotswapCapable">true</bool>
  108. <!-- Screen brightness used to dim the screen while dozing in a very low power state.
  109. May be less than the minimum allowed brightness setting
  110. that can be set by the user. -->
  111. <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDoze">17</integer>
  112. <!-- Array of light sensor lux values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
  113. The N entries of this array define N + 1 control points as follows:
  114. (1-based arrays)
  115. Point 1: (0, value[1]): lux <= 0
  116. Point 2: (level[1], value[2]): 0 < lux <= level[1]
  117. Point 3: (level[2], value[3]): level[2] < lux <= level[3]
  118. ...
  119. Point N+1: (level[N], value[N+1]): level[N] < lux
  120. The control points must be strictly increasing. Each control point
  121. corresponds to an entry in the brightness backlight values arrays.
  122. For example, if lux == level[1] (first element of the levels array)
  123. then the brightness will be determined by value[2] (second element
  124. of the brightness values array).
  125. Spline interpolation is used to determine the auto-brightness
  126. backlight values for lux levels between these control points.
  127. Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
  128. <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
  129. <item>10</item>
  130. <item>30</item>
  131. <item>60</item>
  132. <item>100</item>
  133. <item>150</item>
  134. <item>210</item>
  135. <item>255</item>
  136. </integer-array>
  137. <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the lux values
  138. in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
  139. than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
  140. The brightness values must be between 0 and 255 and be non-decreasing.
  141. This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
  142. <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
  143. <item>10</item>
  144. <item>20</item>
  145. <item>40</item>
  146. <item>70</item>
  147. <item>110</item>
  148. <item>160</item>
  149. <item>200</item>
  150. <item>255</item>
  151. </integer-array>
  152. <!-- The restoring is handled by modem if it is true-->
  153. <bool name="skip_restoring_network_selection" translatable="false">true</bool>
  154. <!-- MMS user agent string -->
  155. <string name="config_mms_user_agent" translatable="false">Android-Mms/2.0</string>
  156. <!-- MMS user agent prolfile url -->
  157. <string name="config_mms_user_agent_profile_url" translatable="false"></string>
  158. <!-- Whether a software navigation bar should be shown. NOTE: in the future this may be
  159. autodetected from the Configuration. -->
  160. <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>
  161. <!-- ComponentName of a dream to show whenever the system would otherwise have
  162. gone to sleep. When the PowerManager is asked to go to sleep, it will instead
  163. try to start this dream if possible. The dream should typically call startDozing()
  164. to put the display into a low power state and allow the application processor
  165. to be suspended. When the dream ends, the system will go to sleep as usual.
  166. Specify the component name or an empty string if none.
  167. Note that doze dreams are not subject to the same start conditions as ordinary dreams.
  168. Doze dreams will run whenever the power manager is in a dozing state. -->
  169. <string name="config_dozeComponent" translatable="false"></string>
  170. <!-- If true, the doze component is not started until after the screen has been
  171. turned off and the screen off animation has been performed. -->
  172. <bool name="config_dozeAfterScreenOffByDefault">true</bool>
  173. <!-- Power Management: Specifies whether to decouple the interactive state of the
  174. device from the display on/off state.
  175. When false, setInteractive(..., true) will be called before the display is turned on
  176. and setInteractive(..., false) will be called after the display is turned off.
  177. This mode provides best compatibility for devices that expect the interactive
  178. state to be tied to the display state.
  179. When true, setInteractive(...) will be called independently of whether the display
  180. is being turned on or off. This mode enables the power manager to reduce
  181. clocks and disable the touch controller while the display is on.
  182. This resource should be set to "true" when a doze component has been specified
  183. to maximize power savings but not all devices support it.
  184. Refer to power.h for details.
  185. -->
  186. <bool name="config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay">false</bool>
  187. <!-- Set to true to add links to Cell Broadcast app from Settings and MMS app. -->
  188. <bool name="config_cellBroadcastAppLinks">true</bool>
  189. <!-- Maximum number of supported users -->
  190. <integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">4</integer>
  191. <!-- Whether UI for multi user should be shown -->
  192. <bool name="config_enableMultiUserUI">true</bool>
  193. <!-- Configure mobile tcp buffer sizes in the form:
  194. rat-name:rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max
  195. If no value is found for the rat-name in use, the system default will be applied.
  196. This is deprecated. Please use config_mobile_tcp_buffers for rat-based TCP buffers sizes or
  197. config_tcp_buffers for rat-independent TCP buffer sizes.
  198. -->
  199. <string-array name="config_mobile_tcp_buffers">
  200. <item>5gnr:2097152,6291456,16777216,512000,2097152,8388608</item>
  201. <item>lte:2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576</item>
  202. <item>lte_ca:4096,6291456,12582912,4096,1048576,2097152</item>
  203. <item>umts:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
  204. <item>hspa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
  205. <item>hsupa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
  206. <item>hsdpa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
  207. <item>hspap:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
  208. <item>edge:4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040</item>
  209. <item>gprs:4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680</item>
  210. <item>evdo:4094,87380,524288,4096,16384,262144</item>
  211. </string-array>
  212. <!-- Set to true if the wifi display supports compositing content stored
  213. in gralloc protected buffers. For this to be true, there must exist
  214. a protected hardware path for surface flinger to composite and send
  215. protected buffers to the wifi display video encoder.
  216. If this flag is false, we advise applications not to use protected
  217. buffers (if possible) when presenting content to a wifi display because
  218. the content may be blanked.
  219. This flag controls whether the {@link Display#FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  220. flag is set for wifi displays.
  221. -->
  222. <bool name="config_wifiDisplaySupportsProtectedBuffers">true</bool>
  223. <!-- Whether camera shutter sound is forced or not (country specific). -->
  224. <bool name="config_camera_sound_forced">false</bool>
  225. <!-- Flag indicating if the speed up audio on mt call code should be executed -->
  226. <bool name="config_speed_up_audio_on_mt_calls">true</bool>
  227. <!-- set to false if we need to show user confirmation
  228. when alpha identifier is not provided by the UICC -->
  229. <bool name="config_stkNoAlphaUsrCnf">false</bool>
  230. <!-- Flag indicating which package name can access the persistent data partition -->
  231. <string name="config_persistentDataPackageName" translatable="false"></string>
  232. <!-- Flag specifying whether VoLTE is available on device -->
  233. <bool name="config_device_volte_available">true</bool>
  234. <!-- Flag specifying whether VoLTE should be available for carrier: independent of
  235. carrier provisioning. If false: hard disabled. If true: then depends on carrier
  236. provisioning, availability etc -->
  237. <bool name="config_carrier_volte_available">true</bool>
  238. <!-- Flag specifying whether VT is available on device -->
  239. <bool name="config_device_vt_available">true</bool>
  240. <!-- Flag specifying whether WFC over IMS is available on device -->
  241. <bool name="config_device_wfc_ims_available">true</bool>
  242. <!-- Config determines whether to update phone object when voice registration
  243. state changes. Voice radio tech change will always trigger an update of
  244. phone object irrespective of this config -->
  245. <bool name="config_switch_phone_on_voice_reg_state_change">false</bool>
  246. <!--The default "usage setting" indicating that the device is either a voice-centric
  247. device (1) or a data-centric device (2). A voice-centric device will require that any cellular
  248. service that it uses provides access to voice capability, and a data-centric device will
  249. likewise require that the network provides access to data services. These settings are
  250. sent to the cellular modem and control the behavior in accordance with 3gpp TS 24.301 sec 4.3
  251. (and equivalent functionality in other generations of cellular).-->
  252. <integer name="config_default_cellular_usage_setting">-1</integer>
  253. <!-- Whether the Unprocessed audio source supports the required frequency range and level -->
  254. <bool name="config_supportAudioSourceUnprocessed">true</bool>
  255. <!-- The default refresh rate for a given device. Change this value to set a higher default
  256. refresh rate. If the hardware composer on the device supports display modes with a higher
  257. refresh rate than the default value specified here, the framework may use those higher
  258. refresh rate modes if an app chooses one by setting preferredDisplayModeId or calling
  259. setFrameRate().
  260. If a non-zero value is set for config_defaultPeakRefreshRate, then
  261. config_defaultRefreshRate may be set to 0, in which case the value set for
  262. config_defaultPeakRefreshRate will act as the default frame rate. -->
  263. <integer name="config_defaultRefreshRate">0</integer>
  264. <!-- The default peak refresh rate for a given device. Change this value if you want to prevent
  265. the framework from using higher refresh rates, even if display modes with higher refresh
  266. rates are available from hardware composer. Only has an effect if the value is
  267. non-zero. -->
  268. <integer name="config_defaultPeakRefreshRate">240</integer>
  269. <!-- Whether the device enable the standalone (SA) mode of 5G NR.-->
  270. <bool name="config_telephony5gStandalone">true</bool>
  271. <!-- Whether the device enable the non-standalone (NSA) mode of 5G NR.-->
  272. <bool name="config_telephony5gNonStandalone">true</bool>
  273. <!-- Whether to select voice/data/sms preference without user confirmation -->
  274. <bool name="config_voice_data_sms_auto_fallback">true</bool>
  275. </resources>