/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The LineageOS Project * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define LOG_TAG "UdfpsHandler.xiaomi_sm8450" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "UdfpsHandler.h" #define COMMAND_NIT 10 #define TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_OFF 0 #define TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_1000NIT 1 #define TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_110NIT 6 #define LOW_BRIGHTNESS_THRESHHOLD 100 #define COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_STATUS 1 #define COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_X 2 #define COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_Y 3 #define PARAM_FOD_PRESSED 1 #define PARAM_FOD_RELEASED 0 #define DISP_FEATURE_PATH "/dev/mi_display/disp_feature" #define TOUCH_DEV_PATH "/dev/xiaomi-touch" #define FOD_PRESS_STATUS_PATH "/sys/class/touch/touch_dev/fod_press_status" namespace { static bool readBool(int fd) { char c; int rc; rc = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (rc) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to seek fd, err: " << rc; return false; } rc = read(fd, &c, sizeof(char)); if (rc != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to read bool from fd, err: " << rc; return false; } return c != '0'; } static disp_event_resp* parseDispEvent(int fd) { disp_event header; ssize_t headerSize = read(fd, &header, sizeof(header)); if (headerSize < sizeof(header)) { LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected display event header size: " << headerSize; return nullptr; } struct disp_event_resp* response = reinterpret_cast(malloc(header.length)); response->base = header; int dataLength = response->base.length - sizeof(response->base); if (dataLength < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "invalid data length: " << response->base.length; return nullptr; } ssize_t dataSize = read(fd, &response->data, dataLength); if (dataSize < dataLength) { LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected display event data size: " << dataSize; return nullptr; } return response; } } // anonymous namespace class XiaomiSm8450UdfpsHander : public UdfpsHandler { public: void init(fingerprint_device_t* device) { mDevice = device; touch_fd_ = android::base::unique_fd(open(TOUCH_DEV_PATH, O_RDWR)); disp_fd_ = android::base::unique_fd(open(DISP_FEATURE_PATH, O_RDWR)); std::string fpVendor = android::base::GetProperty("persist.vendor.sys.fp.vendor", "none"); LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << "fingerprint vendor is: " << fpVendor; isFpcFod = fpVendor == "fpc_fod"; // Thread to notify fingeprint hwmodule about fod presses std::thread([this]() { int fd = open(FOD_PRESS_STATUS_PATH, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to open " << FOD_PRESS_STATUS_PATH << " , err: " << fd; return; } struct pollfd fodPressStatusPoll = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLERR | POLLPRI, .revents = 0, }; while (true) { int rc = poll(&fodPressStatusPoll, 1, -1); if (rc < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to poll " << FOD_PRESS_STATUS_PATH << ", err: " << rc; continue; } bool pressed = readBool(fd); mDevice->extCmd(mDevice, COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_X, pressed ? lastPressX : 0); mDevice->extCmd(mDevice, COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_Y, pressed ? lastPressY : 0); mDevice->extCmd(mDevice, COMMAND_FOD_PRESS_STATUS, pressed ? PARAM_FOD_PRESSED : PARAM_FOD_RELEASED); // Request HBM disp_local_hbm_req req; req.base.flag = 0; req.base.disp_id = MI_DISP_PRIMARY; req.local_hbm_value = pressed ? LHBM_TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_WHITE_1000NIT : LHBM_TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_OFF_FINGER_UP; ioctl(disp_fd_.get(), MI_DISP_IOCTL_SET_LOCAL_HBM, &req); } }).detach(); // Thread to listen for fod ui changes std::thread([this]() { int fd = open(DISP_FEATURE_PATH, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to open " << DISP_FEATURE_PATH << " , err: " << fd; return; } // Register for FOD events disp_event_req req; req.base.flag = 0; req.base.disp_id = MI_DISP_PRIMARY; req.type = MI_DISP_EVENT_FOD; ioctl(fd, MI_DISP_IOCTL_REGISTER_EVENT, &req); struct pollfd dispEventPoll = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLIN, .revents = 0, }; while (true) { int rc = poll(&dispEventPoll, 1, -1); if (rc < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to poll " << DISP_FEATURE_PATH << ", err: " << rc; continue; } struct disp_event_resp* response = parseDispEvent(fd); if (response == nullptr) { continue; } if (response->base.type != MI_DISP_EVENT_FOD) { LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected display event: " << response->base.type; continue; } int value = response->data[0]; LOG(DEBUG) << "received data: " << std::bitset<8>(value); bool localHbmUiReady = value & LOCAL_HBM_UI_READY; bool requestLowBrightnessCapture = value & FOD_LOW_BRIGHTNESS_CAPTURE; mDevice->extCmd(mDevice, COMMAND_NIT, localHbmUiReady ? (requestLowBrightnessCapture ? TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_110NIT : TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_1000NIT) : TARGET_BRIGHTNESS_OFF); } }).detach(); } void onFingerDown(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, float /*minor*/, float /*major*/) { LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << "x: " << x << ", y: " << y; // Track x and y coordinates lastPressX = x; lastPressY = y; // Notify touchscreen about press status setFingerDown(true); } void onFingerUp() { LOG(DEBUG) << __func__; // Notify touchscreen about press status setFingerDown(false); } void onAcquired(int32_t result, int32_t vendorCode) { LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " result: " << result << " vendorCode: " << vendorCode; if (result == FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_GOOD) { setFingerDown(false); } } void cancel() { LOG(DEBUG) << __func__; } private: fingerprint_device_t* mDevice; android::base::unique_fd touch_fd_; android::base::unique_fd disp_fd_; bool isFpcFod; uint32_t lastPressX, lastPressY; void setFingerDown(bool pressed) { int buf[MAX_BUF_SIZE] = {MI_DISP_PRIMARY, THP_FOD_DOWNUP_CTL, pressed ? 1 : 0}; ioctl(touch_fd_.get(), TOUCH_IOC_SET_CUR_VALUE, &buf); } }; static UdfpsHandler* create() { return new XiaomiSm8450UdfpsHander(); } static void destroy(UdfpsHandler* handler) { delete handler; } extern "C" UdfpsHandlerFactory UDFPS_HANDLER_FACTORY = { .create = create, .destroy = destroy, };