/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_GnssMeasurementInterface" #include <log_util.h> #include <MeasurementAPIClient.h> #include "GnssMeasurement.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace gnss { namespace V1_0 { namespace implementation { void GnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurementDeathRecipient::serviceDied( uint64_t cookie, const wp<IBase>& who) { LOC_LOGE("%s] service died. cookie: %llu, who: %p", __FUNCTION__, static_cast<unsigned long long>(cookie), &who); auto gssMeasurement = mGnssMeasurement.promote(); if (gssMeasurement != nullptr) { gssMeasurement->handleClientDeath(); } } GnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurement(const sp<GnssMeasurement>& self) : mSelf(self), mApi(new MeasurementAPIClient()) { } GnssMeasurement::~GnssMeasurement() { if (mApi) { mApi->destroy(); mApi = nullptr; } } void GnssMeasurement::handleClientDeath() { close(); if (mApi != nullptr) { mApi->measurementSetCallback(nullptr); } mGnssMeasurementCbIface = nullptr; } // Methods from ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssMeasurement follow. Return<IGnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurementStatus> GnssMeasurement::setCallback( const sp<V1_0::IGnssMeasurementCallback>& callback) { Return<IGnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurementStatus> ret = IGnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurementStatus::ERROR_GENERIC; if (mGnssMeasurementCbIface != nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: GnssMeasurementCallback is already set", __FUNCTION__); return IGnssMeasurement::GnssMeasurementStatus::ERROR_ALREADY_INIT; } if (callback == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: callback is nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } if (mApi == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: mApi is nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } mGnssMeasurementCbIface = callback; if (mGnssMeasurementDeathRecipient == nullptr) { mGnssMeasurementDeathRecipient = new GnssMeasurementDeathRecipient(mSelf); } mGnssMeasurementCbIface->linkToDeath(mGnssMeasurementDeathRecipient, 0); return mApi->measurementSetCallback(callback); } Return<void> GnssMeasurement::close() { if (mApi == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: mApi is nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return Void(); } if (mGnssMeasurementCbIface != nullptr) { mGnssMeasurementCbIface->unlinkToDeath(mGnssMeasurementDeathRecipient); mGnssMeasurementCbIface = nullptr; } mApi->measurementClose(); return Void(); } } // namespace implementation } // namespace V1_0 } // namespace gnss } // namespace hardware } // namespace android