/* Copyright (c) 2017-2021, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_BatchingAdapter" #include #include #include #include using namespace loc_core; BatchingAdapter::BatchingAdapter() : LocAdapterBase(0, LocContext::getLocContext(LocContext::mLocationHalName), false, nullptr, true), mOngoingTripDistance(0), mOngoingTripTBFInterval(0), mTripWithOngoingTBFDropped(false), mTripWithOngoingTripDistanceDropped(false), mSystemPowerState(POWER_STATE_UNKNOWN), mBatchingTimeout(0), mBatchingAccuracy(1), mBatchSize(0), mTripBatchSize(0) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: Constructor", __func__); readConfigCommand(); setConfigCommand(); // at last step, let us inform adapater base that we are done // with initialization, e.g.: ready to process handleEngineUpEvent doneInit(); } void BatchingAdapter::readConfigCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgReadConfig : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; inline MsgReadConfig(BatchingAdapter& adapter) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter) {} inline virtual void proc() const { uint32_t batchingTimeout = 0; uint32_t batchingAccuracy = 0; uint32_t batchSize = 0; uint32_t tripBatchSize = 0; static const loc_param_s_type batching_conf_param_table[] = { {"BATCH_SIZE", &batchSize, NULL, 'n'}, {"OUTDOOR_TRIP_BATCH_SIZE", &tripBatchSize, NULL, 'n'}, {"BATCH_SESSION_TIMEOUT", &batchingTimeout, NULL, 'n'}, {"ACCURACY", &batchingAccuracy, NULL, 'n'}, }; UTIL_READ_CONF(LOC_PATH_BATCHING_CONF, batching_conf_param_table); LOC_LOGD("%s]: batchSize %u tripBatchSize %u batchingAccuracy %u batchingTimeout %u ", __func__, batchSize, tripBatchSize, batchingAccuracy, batchingTimeout); mAdapter.setBatchSize(batchSize); mAdapter.setTripBatchSize(tripBatchSize); mAdapter.setBatchingTimeout(batchingTimeout); mAdapter.setBatchingAccuracy(batchingAccuracy); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReadConfig(*this)); } void BatchingAdapter::setConfigCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgSetConfig : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; inline MsgSetConfig(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mApi.setBatchSize(mAdapter.getBatchSize()); mApi.setTripBatchSize(mAdapter.getTripBatchSize()); } }; sendMsg(new MsgSetConfig(*this, *mLocApi)); } void BatchingAdapter::stopClientSessions(LocationAPI* client, bool eraseSession) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); typedef struct pairKeyBatchMode { LocationAPI* client; uint32_t id; BatchingMode batchingMode; inline pairKeyBatchMode(LocationAPI* _client, uint32_t _id, BatchingMode _bMode) : client(_client), id(_id), batchingMode(_bMode) {} } pairKeyBatchMode; std::vector vBatchingClient; for (auto it : mBatchingSessions) { if (client == it.first.client) { vBatchingClient.emplace_back(it.first.client, it.first.id, it.second.batchingMode); } } for (auto keyBatchingMode : vBatchingClient) { if (keyBatchingMode.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_TRIP) { stopBatching(keyBatchingMode.client, keyBatchingMode.id, eraseSession); } else { stopTripBatchingMultiplex(keyBatchingMode.client, keyBatchingMode.id, eraseSession); } } } void BatchingAdapter::updateClientsEventMask() { LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T mask = 0; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { // we don't register LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL until we // start batching with ROUTINE or TRIP option if (it->second.batchingCb != nullptr) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_STATUS; } } if (autoReportBatchingSessionsCount() > 0) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL; } updateEvtMask(mask, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_SET); } void BatchingAdapter::handleEngineUpEvent() { struct MsgSSREvent : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; inline MsgSSREvent(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api) {} virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.setEngineCapabilitiesKnown(true); mAdapter.broadcastCapabilities(mAdapter.getCapabilities()); mApi.setBatchSize(mAdapter.getBatchSize()); mApi.setTripBatchSize(mAdapter.getTripBatchSize()); if ((POWER_STATE_SUSPEND != mAdapter.mSystemPowerState) && POWER_STATE_SHUTDOWN != mAdapter.mSystemPowerState) { mAdapter.restartSessions(); } for (auto msg: mAdapter.mPendingMsgs) { mAdapter.sendMsg(msg); } mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.clear(); } }; sendMsg(new MsgSSREvent(*this, *mLocApi)); } void BatchingAdapter::restartSessions() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); if (autoReportBatchingSessionsCount() > 0) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED); } for (auto it = mBatchingSessions.begin(); it != mBatchingSessions.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_TRIP) { mLocApi->startBatching(it->first.id, it->second, getBatchingAccuracy(), getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [] (LocationError /*err*/) {})); } } if (mTripSessions.size() > 0) { // restart outdoor trip batching session if any. mOngoingTripDistance = 0; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = 0; // record the min trip distance and min tbf interval of all ongoing sessions for (auto tripSession : mTripSessions) { TripSessionStatus &tripSessStatus = tripSession.second; if ((0 == mOngoingTripDistance) || (mOngoingTripDistance > (tripSessStatus.tripDistance - tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip))) { mOngoingTripDistance = tripSessStatus.tripDistance - tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip; } if ((0 == mOngoingTripTBFInterval) || (mOngoingTripTBFInterval > tripSessStatus.tripTBFInterval)) { mOngoingTripTBFInterval = tripSessStatus.tripTBFInterval; } // reset the accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch for each session tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch = 0; } mLocApi->startOutdoorTripBatching(mOngoingTripDistance, mOngoingTripTBFInterval, getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { mOngoingTripDistance = 0; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = 0; } printTripReport(); })); } } bool BatchingAdapter::hasBatchingCallback(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); return (it != mClientData.end() && it->second.batchingCb); } bool BatchingAdapter::isBatchingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); return (mBatchingSessions.find(key) != mBatchingSessions.end()); } bool BatchingAdapter::isTripSession(uint32_t sessionId) { return (mTripSessions.find(sessionId) != mTripSessions.end()); } void BatchingAdapter::saveBatchingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const BatchingOptions& batchingOptions) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); mBatchingSessions[key] = batchingOptions; } void BatchingAdapter::eraseBatchingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); auto it = mBatchingSessions.find(key); if (it != mBatchingSessions.end()) { mBatchingSessions.erase(it); } } void BatchingAdapter::reportResponse(LocationAPI* client, LocationError err, uint32_t sessionId) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u err %u", __func__, client, sessionId, err); auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end() && it->second.responseCb != nullptr) { it->second.responseCb(err, sessionId); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s]: client %p id %u not found in data", __func__, client, sessionId); } } uint32_t BatchingAdapter::autoReportBatchingSessionsCount() { uint32_t count = 0; for (auto batchingSession: mBatchingSessions) { if (batchingSession.second.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT) { count++; } } count += mTripSessions.size(); return count; } uint32_t BatchingAdapter::startBatchingCommand( LocationAPI* client, BatchingOptions& batchOptions) { uint32_t sessionId = generateSessionId(); LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u minInterval %u minDistance %u mode %u Batching Mode %d", __func__, client, sessionId, batchOptions.minInterval, batchOptions.minDistance, batchOptions.mode,batchOptions.batchingMode); struct MsgStartBatching : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; BatchingOptions mBatchingOptions; inline MsgStartBatching(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, BatchingOptions batchOptions) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mBatchingOptions(batchOptions) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!mAdapter.isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.push_back(new MsgStartBatching(*this)); return; } LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.hasBatchingCallback(mClient)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING; } else if (0 == mBatchingOptions.size) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (!ContextBase::isMessageSupported( LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_LOCATION_BATCHING)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { if (mBatchingOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_ROUTINE || mBatchingOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT) { mAdapter.startBatching(mClient, mSessionId, mBatchingOptions); } else if (mBatchingOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_TRIP) { mAdapter.startTripBatchingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId, mBatchingOptions); } else { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, mSessionId); } } } }; sendMsg(new MsgStartBatching(*this, *mLocApi, client, sessionId, batchOptions)); return sessionId; } void BatchingAdapter::startBatching(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const BatchingOptions& batchingOptions) { if (batchingOptions.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT && 0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { // if there is currenty no batching sessions interested in batch full event, then this // new session will need to register for batch full event updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED); } // Assume start will be OK, remove session if not saveBatchingSession(client, sessionId, batchingOptions); mLocApi->startBatching(sessionId, batchingOptions, getBatchingAccuracy(), getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId, batchingOptions] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { eraseBatchingSession(client, sessionId); } if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err && batchingOptions.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT && 0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { // if we fail to start batching and we have already registered batch full event // we need to undo that since no sessions are now interested in batch full event updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED); } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); })); } void BatchingAdapter::updateBatchingOptionsCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id, BatchingOptions& batchOptions) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u minInterval %u minDistance %u mode %u batchMode %u", __func__, client, id, batchOptions.minInterval, batchOptions.minDistance, batchOptions.mode, batchOptions.batchingMode); struct MsgUpdateBatching : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; BatchingOptions mBatchOptions; inline MsgUpdateBatching(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, BatchingOptions batchOptions) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mBatchOptions(batchOptions) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!mAdapter.isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.push_back(new MsgUpdateBatching(*this)); return; } LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.isBatchingSession(mClient, mSessionId)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; } else if ((0 == mBatchOptions.size) || (mBatchOptions.batchingMode > BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { if (!mAdapter.isTripSession(mSessionId)) { mAdapter.stopBatching(mClient, mSessionId, true, mBatchOptions); } else { mAdapter.stopTripBatchingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId, true, mBatchOptions); } } } }; sendMsg(new MsgUpdateBatching(*this, *mLocApi, client, id, batchOptions)); } void BatchingAdapter::stopBatchingCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u", __func__, client, id); struct MsgStopBatching : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; inline MsgStopBatching(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!mAdapter.isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.push_back(new MsgStopBatching(*this)); return; } LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.isBatchingSession(mClient, mSessionId)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; } if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { if (mAdapter.isTripSession(mSessionId)) { mAdapter.stopTripBatchingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId); } else { mAdapter.stopBatching(mClient, mSessionId); } } } }; sendMsg(new MsgStopBatching(*this, *mLocApi, client, id)); } void BatchingAdapter::stopBatching(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, bool restartNeeded, const BatchingOptions& batchOptions, bool eraseSession) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); auto it = mBatchingSessions.find(key); if (it != mBatchingSessions.end()) { auto flpOptions = it->second; // Assume stop will be OK, restore session if not if (eraseSession) eraseBatchingSession(client, sessionId); mLocApi->stopBatching(sessionId, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId, flpOptions, restartNeeded, batchOptions, eraseSession] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { if (eraseSession) saveBatchingSession(client, sessionId, batchOptions); } else { // if stopBatching is success, unregister for batch full event if this was the last // batching session that is interested in batch full event if (0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount() && flpOptions.batchingMode != BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED); } if (restartNeeded) { if (batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_ROUTINE || batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT) { startBatching(client, sessionId, batchOptions); } else if (batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_TRIP) { startTripBatchingMultiplex(client, sessionId, batchOptions); } } } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); })); } } void BatchingAdapter::getBatchedLocationsCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id, size_t count) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u count %zu", __func__, client, id, count); struct MsgGetBatchedLocations : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; size_t mCount; inline MsgGetBatchedLocations(BatchingAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, size_t count) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mCount(count) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!mAdapter.isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.push_back(new MsgGetBatchedLocations(*this)); return; } LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.hasBatchingCallback(mClient)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING; } else if (!mAdapter.isBatchingSession(mClient, mSessionId)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; } if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { if (mAdapter.isTripSession(mSessionId)) { mApi.getBatchedTripLocations(mCount, 0, new LocApiResponse(*mAdapter.getContext(), [&mAdapter = mAdapter, mSessionId = mSessionId, mClient = mClient] (LocationError err) { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, err, mSessionId); })); } else { mApi.getBatchedLocations(mCount, new LocApiResponse(*mAdapter.getContext(), [&mAdapter = mAdapter, mSessionId = mSessionId, mClient = mClient] (LocationError err) { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, err, mSessionId); })); } } else { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, err, mSessionId); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgGetBatchedLocations(*this, *mLocApi, client, id, count)); } void BatchingAdapter::reportLocationsEvent(const Location* locations, size_t count, BatchingMode batchingMode) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: count %zu batchMode %d", __func__, count, batchingMode); struct MsgReportLocations : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; Location* mLocations; size_t mCount; BatchingMode mBatchingMode; inline MsgReportLocations(BatchingAdapter& adapter, const Location* locations, size_t count, BatchingMode batchingMode) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mLocations(new Location[count]), mCount(count), mBatchingMode(batchingMode) { if (nullptr == mLocations) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: new failed to allocate mLocations", __func__); return; } for (size_t i=0; i < mCount; ++i) { mLocations[i] = locations[i]; } } inline virtual ~MsgReportLocations() { if (nullptr != mLocations) delete[] mLocations; } inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.reportLocations(mLocations, mCount, mBatchingMode); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportLocations(*this, locations, count, batchingMode)); } void BatchingAdapter::reportLocations(Location* locations, size_t count, BatchingMode batchingMode) { BatchingOptions batchOptions = {sizeof(BatchingOptions), batchingMode}; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.batchingCb) { it->second.batchingCb(count, locations, batchOptions); } } } void BatchingAdapter::reportCompletedTripsEvent(uint32_t accumulated_distance) { struct MsgReportCompletedTrips : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; uint32_t mAccumulatedDistance; inline MsgReportCompletedTrips(BatchingAdapter& adapter, uint32_t accumulated_distance) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mAccumulatedDistance(accumulated_distance) { } inline virtual ~MsgReportCompletedTrips() { } inline virtual void proc() const { // Check if any trips are completed std::list completedTripsList; completedTripsList.clear(); for(auto itt = mAdapter.mTripSessions.begin(); itt != mAdapter.mTripSessions.end();) { TripSessionStatus &tripSession = itt->second; tripSession.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip = tripSession.accumulatedDistanceOnTripRestart + (mAccumulatedDistance - tripSession.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch); if (tripSession.tripDistance <= tripSession.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip) { // trip is completed completedTripsList.push_back(itt->first); itt = mAdapter.mTripSessions.erase(itt); if (tripSession.tripTBFInterval == mAdapter.mOngoingTripTBFInterval) { // trip with ongoing TBF interval is completed mAdapter.mTripWithOngoingTBFDropped = true; } if (tripSession.tripDistance == mAdapter.mOngoingTripDistance) { // trip with ongoing trip distance is completed mAdapter.mTripWithOngoingTripDistanceDropped = true; } } else { itt++; } } if (completedTripsList.size() > 0) { mAdapter.reportBatchStatusChange(BATCHING_STATUS_TRIP_COMPLETED, completedTripsList); mAdapter.restartTripBatching(false, mAccumulatedDistance, 0); } else { mAdapter.printTripReport(); } } }; LOC_LOGD("%s]: Accumulated Distance so far: %u", __func__, accumulated_distance); sendMsg(new MsgReportCompletedTrips(*this, accumulated_distance)); } void BatchingAdapter::reportBatchStatusChange(BatchingStatus batchStatus, std::list & completedTripsList) { BatchingStatusInfo batchStatusInfo = {sizeof(BatchingStatusInfo), batchStatus}; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.batchingStatusCb) { it->second.batchingStatusCb(batchStatusInfo, completedTripsList); } } } void BatchingAdapter::reportBatchStatusChangeEvent(BatchingStatus batchStatus) { struct MsgReportBatchStatus : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; BatchingStatus mBatchStatus; inline MsgReportBatchStatus(BatchingAdapter& adapter, BatchingStatus batchStatus) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mBatchStatus(batchStatus) { } inline virtual ~MsgReportBatchStatus() { } inline virtual void proc() const { std::list tempList; tempList.clear(); mAdapter.reportBatchStatusChange(mBatchStatus, tempList); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportBatchStatus(*this, batchStatus)); } void BatchingAdapter::startTripBatchingMultiplex(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const BatchingOptions& batchingOptions) { if (mTripSessions.size() == 0) { // if there is currenty no batching sessions interested in batch full event, then this // new session will need to register for batch full event if (0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED); } // Assume start will be OK, remove session if not saveBatchingSession(client, sessionId, batchingOptions); mTripSessions[sessionId] = { 0, 0, 0, batchingOptions.minDistance, batchingOptions.minInterval}; mLocApi->startOutdoorTripBatching(batchingOptions.minDistance, batchingOptions.minInterval, getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId, batchingOptions] (LocationError err) { if (err == LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS) { mOngoingTripDistance = batchingOptions.minDistance; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = batchingOptions.minInterval; LOC_LOGD("%s] New Trip started ...", __func__); printTripReport(); } else { eraseBatchingSession(client, sessionId); mTripSessions.erase(sessionId); // if we fail to start batching and we have already registered batch full event // we need to undo that since no sessions are now interested in batch full event if (0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED); } } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); })); } else { // query accumulated distance mLocApi->queryAccumulatedTripDistance( new LocApiResponseData(*getContext(), [this, batchingOptions, sessionId, client] (LocationError err, LocApiBatchData data) { uint32_t accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch = 0; uint32_t numOfBatchedPositions = 0; uint32_t ongoingTripDistance = mOngoingTripDistance; uint32_t ongoingTripInterval = mOngoingTripTBFInterval; bool needsRestart = false; // check if TBF of new session is lesser than ongoing TBF interval if (ongoingTripInterval > batchingOptions.minInterval) { ongoingTripInterval = batchingOptions.minInterval; needsRestart = true; } accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch = data.accumulatedDistance; numOfBatchedPositions = data.numOfBatchedPositions; TripSessionStatus newTripSession = { accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch, 0, 0, batchingOptions.minDistance, batchingOptions.minInterval}; if (err != LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to query accumulated distance, assume remaining distance in // ongoing batch is mongoingTripDistance. if (batchingOptions.minDistance < ongoingTripDistance) { ongoingTripDistance = batchingOptions.minDistance; needsRestart = true; } } else { // compute the remaining distance uint32_t ongoing_trip_remaining_distance = ongoingTripDistance - accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch; // check if new trip distance is lesser than the ongoing batch remaining distance if (batchingOptions.minDistance < ongoing_trip_remaining_distance) { ongoingTripDistance = batchingOptions.minDistance; needsRestart = true; } else if (needsRestart == true) { // needsRestart is anyways true , may be because of lesser TBF of new session. ongoingTripDistance = ongoing_trip_remaining_distance; } mTripSessions[sessionId] = newTripSession; LOC_LOGD("%s] New Trip started ...", __func__); printTripReport(); } if (needsRestart) { mOngoingTripDistance = ongoingTripDistance; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = ongoingTripInterval; // reset the accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch for each session, // and record the total accumulated distance so far for the session. for (auto itt = mTripSessions.begin(); itt != mTripSessions.end(); itt++) { TripSessionStatus &tripSessStatus = itt->second; tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch = 0; tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOnTripRestart = tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip; } mLocApi->reStartOutdoorTripBatching(ongoingTripDistance, ongoingTripInterval, getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId] (LocationError err) { if (err != LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOC_LOGE("%s] New Trip restart failed!", __func__); } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); })); } else { reportResponse(client, LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS, sessionId); } })); } } void BatchingAdapter::stopTripBatchingMultiplex(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, bool restartNeeded, const BatchingOptions& batchOptions, bool eraseSession) { LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (mTripSessions.size() == 1) { mLocApi->stopOutdoorTripBatching(true, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, restartNeeded, client, sessionId, batchOptions, eraseSession] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { // if stopOutdoorTripBatching is success, unregister for batch full event if this // was the last batching session that is interested in batch full event if (1 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED); } } stopTripBatchingMultiplexCommon(err, client, sessionId, restartNeeded, batchOptions, eraseSession); })); return; } stopTripBatchingMultiplexCommon(err, client, sessionId, restartNeeded, batchOptions, eraseSession); } void BatchingAdapter::stopTripBatchingMultiplexCommon(LocationError err, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, bool restartNeeded, const BatchingOptions& batchOptions, bool eraseSession) { auto itt = mTripSessions.find(sessionId); TripSessionStatus tripSess = itt->second; if (tripSess.tripTBFInterval == mOngoingTripTBFInterval) { // trip with ongoing trip interval is stopped mTripWithOngoingTBFDropped = true; } if (tripSess.tripDistance == mOngoingTripDistance) { // trip with ongoing trip distance is stopped mTripWithOngoingTripDistanceDropped = true; } if (eraseSession) mTripSessions.erase(sessionId); if (mTripSessions.size() == 0) { mOngoingTripDistance = 0; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = 0; } else { restartTripBatching(true); } if (restartNeeded) { eraseBatchingSession(client, sessionId); if (batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_ROUTINE || batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_NO_AUTO_REPORT) { startBatching(client, sessionId, batchOptions); } else if (batchOptions.batchingMode == BATCHING_MODE_TRIP) { startTripBatchingMultiplex(client, sessionId, batchOptions); } } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); } void BatchingAdapter::restartTripBatching(bool queryAccumulatedDistance, uint32_t accDist, uint32_t numbatchedPos) { // does batch need restart with new trip distance / TBF interval uint32_t minRemainingDistance = 0; uint32_t minTBFInterval = 0; // if no more trips left, stop the ongoing trip if (mTripSessions.size() == 0) { mLocApi->stopOutdoorTripBatching(true, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [] (LocationError /*err*/) {})); mOngoingTripDistance = 0; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = 0; // unregister for batch full event if there are no more // batching session that is interested in batch full event if (0 == autoReportBatchingSessionsCount()) { updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_BATCH_FULL, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_DISABLED); } return; } // record the min trip distance and min tbf interval of all ongoing sessions for (auto itt = mTripSessions.begin(); itt != mTripSessions.end(); itt++) { TripSessionStatus tripSessStatus = itt->second; if ((minRemainingDistance == 0) || (minRemainingDistance > (tripSessStatus.tripDistance - tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip))) { minRemainingDistance = tripSessStatus.tripDistance - tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip; } if ((minTBFInterval == 0) || (minTBFInterval > tripSessStatus.tripTBFInterval)) { minTBFInterval = tripSessStatus.tripTBFInterval; } } mLocApi->queryAccumulatedTripDistance( new LocApiResponseData(*getContext(), [this, queryAccumulatedDistance, minRemainingDistance, minTBFInterval, accDist, numbatchedPos] (LocationError /*err*/, LocApiBatchData data) { bool needsRestart = false; uint32_t ongoingTripDistance = mOngoingTripDistance; uint32_t ongoingTripInterval = mOngoingTripTBFInterval; uint32_t accumulatedDistance = accDist; uint32_t numOfBatchedPositions = numbatchedPos; if (queryAccumulatedDistance) { accumulatedDistance = data.accumulatedDistance; numOfBatchedPositions = data.numOfBatchedPositions; } if ((!mTripWithOngoingTripDistanceDropped) && (ongoingTripDistance - accumulatedDistance != 0)) { // if ongoing trip is already not completed still, // check the min distance against the remaining distance if (minRemainingDistance < (ongoingTripDistance - accumulatedDistance)) { ongoingTripDistance = minRemainingDistance; needsRestart = true; } } else if (minRemainingDistance != 0) { // else if ongoing trip is already completed / dropped, // use the minRemainingDistance of ongoing sessions ongoingTripDistance = minRemainingDistance; needsRestart = true; } if ((minTBFInterval < ongoingTripInterval) || ((minTBFInterval != ongoingTripInterval) && (mTripWithOngoingTBFDropped))) { ongoingTripInterval = minTBFInterval; needsRestart = true; } if (needsRestart) { mLocApi->reStartOutdoorTripBatching(ongoingTripDistance, ongoingTripInterval, getBatchingTimeout(), new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, accumulatedDistance, ongoingTripDistance, ongoingTripInterval] (LocationError err) { if (err == LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS) { for(auto itt = mTripSessions.begin(); itt != mTripSessions.end(); itt++) { TripSessionStatus &tripSessStatus = itt->second; tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip = tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOnTripRestart + (accumulatedDistance - tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch); tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch = 0; tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOnTripRestart = tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip; } mOngoingTripDistance = ongoingTripDistance; mOngoingTripTBFInterval = ongoingTripInterval; } })); } })); } void BatchingAdapter::updateSystemPowerStateCommand(PowerStateType powerState) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: powerState: %d", __func__, powerState); struct MsgUpdateSystemPowerState : public LocMsg { BatchingAdapter& mAdapter; PowerStateType mPowerState; inline MsgUpdateSystemPowerState(BatchingAdapter& adapter, PowerStateType powerState) : mAdapter(adapter), mPowerState(powerState) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.updateSystemPowerState(mPowerState); } }; sendMsg(new MsgUpdateSystemPowerState(*this, powerState)); } void BatchingAdapter::suspendBatchingSessions() { for (auto it = mBatchingSessions.begin(); it != mBatchingSessions.end(); ++it) { LocationSessionKey key(it->first); stopClientSessions(key.client, false); } } void BatchingAdapter::updateSystemPowerState(PowerStateType systemPowerState) { if (POWER_STATE_UNKNOWN != systemPowerState) { mSystemPowerState = systemPowerState; /*Manage active GNSS sessions based on power event*/ switch (systemPowerState){ case POWER_STATE_SUSPEND: case POWER_STATE_SHUTDOWN: suspendBatchingSessions(); LOC_LOGd("Suspending all Batching session -- powerState: %d", systemPowerState); break; case POWER_STATE_RESUME: restartSessions(); LOC_LOGd("Re-starting all Batching session -- powerState: %d", systemPowerState); break; default: break; } // switch } } void BatchingAdapter::printTripReport() { IF_LOC_LOGD { LOC_LOGD("Ongoing Trip Distance = %u, Ongoing Trip TBF Interval = %u", mOngoingTripDistance, mOngoingTripTBFInterval); for (auto itt = mTripSessions.begin(); itt != mTripSessions.end(); itt++) { TripSessionStatus tripSessStatus = itt->second; LOC_LOGD("tripDistance:%u tripTBFInterval:%u" " trip accumulated Distance:%u" " trip accumualted distance ongoing batch:%u" " trip accumulated distance on trip restart %u \r\n", tripSessStatus.tripDistance, tripSessStatus.tripTBFInterval, tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceThisTrip, tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOngoingBatch, tripSessStatus.accumulatedDistanceOnTripRestart); } } }