# Error Estimate # _SET = 1 # _CLEAR = 0 ERR_ESTIMATE=0 #NTP server NTP_SERVER=time.xtracloud.net #XTRA CA path XTRA_CA_PATH=/usr/lib/ssl-1.1/certs # DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info # 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose # If DEBUG_LEVEL is commented, Android's logging levels will be used DEBUG_LEVEL = 2 # Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable INTERMEDIATE_POS=0 # supl version 1.0 SUPL_VER=0x10000 # Emergency SUPL, 1=enable, 0=disable #SUPL_ES=1 #Choose PDN for Emergency SUPL #1 - Use emergency PDN #0 - Use regular SUPL PDN for Emergency SUPL #USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=0 #SUPL_MODE is a bit mask set in config.xml per carrier by default. #If it is uncommented here, this value will overwrite the value from #config.xml. #MSA=0X2 #MSB=0X1 #SUPL_MODE= # GPS Capabilities bit mask # SCHEDULING = 0x01 # MSB = 0x02 # MSA = 0x04 # ON_DEMAND_TIME = 0x10 # default = ON_DEMAND_TIME | MSA | MSB | SCHEDULING CAPABILITIES=0x17 # Accuracy threshold for intermediate positions # less accurate positions are ignored, 0 for passing all positions # ACCURACY_THRES=5000 ################################ ##### AGPS server settings ##### ################################ # FOR SUPL SUPPORT, set the following # SUPL_HOST=supl.host.com or IP # SUPL_PORT=1234 # FOR MO SUPL SUPPORT, set the following # MO_SUPL_HOST=supl.host.com or IP # MO_SUPL_PORT=1234 # FOR C2K PDE SUPPORT, set the following # C2K_HOST=c2k.pde.com or IP # C2K_PORT=1234 # Bitmask of slots that are available # for write/install to, where 1s indicate writable, # and the default value is 0 where no slots # are writable. For example, AGPS_CERT_WRITABLE_MASK # of b1000001010 makes 3 slots available # and the remaining 7 slots unwritable. #AGPS_CERT_WRITABLE_MASK=0 #################################### # LTE Positioning Profile Settings #################################### # LPP_PROFILE is a bit mask # 0: Enable RRLP on LTE(Default) # 0x1: LPP User Plane # 0x2: LPP Control Plane # 0x4: LPP User Plane for NR5G # 0x8: LPP Control Plane for NR5G LPP_PROFILE = 2 #################################### #Datum Type #################################### # 0: WGS-84 # 1: PZ-90 DATUM_TYPE = 0 ################################ # EXTRA SETTINGS ################################ # NMEA provider (1=Modem Processor, 0=Application Processor) NMEA_PROVIDER=0 ################################ # NMEA TAG BLOCK GROUPING ################################ # NMEA tag block grouping is only applicable to GSA # Default is disabled # 0 - disabled # 1 - enabled NMEA_TAG_BLOCK_GROUPING_ENABLED = 0 # Customized NMEA GGA fix quality that can be used to tell # whether SENSOR contributed to the fix. # # When this configuration item is not enabled (set to any value that is not 1), # GGA fix quality conforms to NMEA standard spec as below: # PPP/DGNSS/SBAS correction fix w/ or w/o sensor: 2 # RTK fixed fix w/ or w/o sensor: 4 # RTK float fix w/ or w/o sensor: 5 # SPE fix w/ or w/o sensor: 1 # Sensor dead reckoning fix: 6 # # When this configuration is enabled (set to 1), GGA fix quality # will be output as below: # PPP fix w/o sensor: 59, w/ sensor: 69 # DGNSS/SBAS correction fix w/o sensor: 2, w/ sensor: 62 # RTK fixed fix w/o sensor: 4, w/ sensor: 64 # RTK float fix w/o sensor: 5, w/ sensor: 65, # SPE fix w/o sensor: 1, and w/ sensor: 61 # Sensor dead reckoning fix: 6 # # any value that is not 1 - disabled # 1 - enabled CUSTOM_NMEA_GGA_FIX_QUALITY_ENABLED = 0 ################################ # NMEA Reporting Rate Config, valid only when NMEA_PROVIDER is set to "0" ################################ # NMEA Reporting Rate # Set it to "1HZ" for 1Hz NMEA Reporting # Set it to "NHZ" for NHz NMEA Reporting #Default : NHZ (overridden by position update rate if set to lower rates) NMEA_REPORT_RATE=NHZ # Mark if it is a SGLTE target (1=SGLTE, 0=nonSGLTE) SGLTE_TARGET=0 ################################################## # Select Positioning Protocol on A-GLONASS system ################################################## # 0x1: RRC CPlane # 0x2: RRLP UPlane # 0x4: LLP Uplane A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 0 ################################################## # Select technology for LPPe Control Plane ################################################## # 0x1: DBH for LPPe CP # 0x2: WLAN AP Measurements for LPPe CP # 0x4: SRN AP measurement for CP # 0x8: Sensor Barometer Measurement LPPe CP # 0x10: Allow LPPe during non-E911 session over CP # 0x20: Allow shipping the Civic Address to the server over CP #LPPE_CP_TECHNOLOGY = 0 ################################################## # Select technology for LPPe User Plane ################################################## # 0x1: DBH for LPPe UP # 0x2: WLAN AP Measurements for LPPe UP # 0x4: SRN AP measurement for UP # 0x8: Sensor Barometer Measurement LPPe UP # 0x10: Allow LPPe during non-E911 session over UP # 0x20: Allow shipping the Civic Address to the server over UP #LPPE_UP_TECHNOLOGY = 0 ################################################## # AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT ################################################## # enable/disable injection of AGPS configurations: # SUPL_VER # SUPL_HOST # SUPL_PORT # MO_SUPL_HOST # MO_SUPL_PORT # C2K_HOST # C2K_PORT # LPP_PROFILE # A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT # 0: disable # 1: enable AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT = 1 ################################################## # GNSS settings for automotive use cases # Configurations in following section are # specific to automotive use cases, others # please do not change, keep the default values ################################################## # AP Coarse Timestamp Uncertainty ################################################## # default : 10 # AP time stamp uncertainty, until GNSS receiver # is able to acquire better timing information AP_TIMESTAMP_UNCERTAINTY = 10 ##################################### # DR_SYNC Pulse Availability ##################################### # 0 : DR_SYNC pulse not available (default) # 1 : DR_SYNC pulse available # This configuration enables the driver to make use # of PPS events generated by DR_SYNC pulse # Standard Linux PPS driver needs to be enabled DR_SYNC_ENABLED = 0 ##################################### # PPS Device name ##################################### PPS_DEVICENAME = /dev/pps0 ##################################### # Ignore PPS at Startup and after long outage ##################################### IGNORE_PPS_PULSE_COUNT = 1 ##################################### # Long GNSS RF outage in seconds ##################################### GNSS_OUTAGE_DURATION = 10 ##################################### # Engine hub timer offset in msec ##################################### #ENGINEHUB_TIMER_OFFSET_MSEC = 0 ##################################### # AP Clock Accuracy ##################################### # Quality of APPS processor clock (in PPM). # Value specified is used for calculation of # APPS time stamp uncertainty AP_CLOCK_PPM = 100 ##################################### # MAX ms difference to detect missing pulse ##################################### # Specifies time threshold in ms to validate any missing PPS pulses MISSING_PULSE_TIME_DELTA = 900 ##################################### # Propagation time uncertainty ##################################### # This settings enables time uncertainty propagation # logic incase of missing PPS pulse PROPAGATION_TIME_UNCERTAINTY = 1 ####################################### # APN / IP Type Configuration # APN and IP Type to use for setting # up WWAN call. # Use below values for IP Type: # v4 = 1 # v6 = 2 # v4v6 = 3 # Values for SUB_ID: 0 (DEFAULT), 1 or 2 ####################################### # INTERNET_APN = abc.xyz # INTERNET_IP_TYPE = 1 # INTERNET_SUB_ID = 0 # SUPL_APN = abc.xyz # SUPL_IP_TYPE = 1 # SUPL_APN_SUB2 = abc.xyz # SUPL_IP_TYPE_SUB2 = 1 ##################################### # Set Roaming ##################################### # This setting enables/disables # roaming (disable=0 or enable=1) # SET_ROAMING = 0 ##################################### # Modem type ##################################### # This setting configures modem type # (external=0 or internal=1) # comment out the next line to vote # for the first modem in the list MODEM_TYPE = 1 ################################################## # CONSTRAINED TIME UNCERTAINTY MODE ################################################## # 0 : disabled (default) # 1 : enabled # This setting enables GPS engine to keep its time # uncertainty below the specified constraint #CONSTRAINED_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_ENABLED = 0 # If constrained time uncertainty mode is enabled, # this setting specifies the time uncertainty # threshold that gps engine need to maintain. # In unit of milli-seconds. # Default is 0.0 meaning that modem default value # of time uncertainty threshold will be used. #CONSTRAINED_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD = 0.0 # If constrained time uncertainty mode is enabled, # this setting specifies the power budget that # gps engine is allowed to spend to maintain the time # uncertainty. # Default is 0 meaning that GPS engine is not constained # by power budget and can spend as much power as needed. # In unit of 0.1 milli watt second. #CONSTRAINED_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_ENERGY_BUDGET = 0 ################################################## # POSITION ASSISTED CLOCK ESTIMATOR ################################################## # 0 : disabled (default) # 1 : enabled # This setting enables GPS engine to estimate clock # bias and drift when the signal from at least 1 # SV is available and the UE's position is known by # other position engines. #POSITION_ASSISTED_CLOCK_ESTIMATOR_ENABLED = 0 ##################################### # package names and NFW entities they control ##################################### # Each entry below reperesnts an NFW client # and the package that controls it. # A package may control more than one NFW client, # but an NFW client is controlled by one package only # # In case multiple attribution app feature is not supported # all entries below should correspond to the same package name NFW_CLIENT_CP = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_SUPL = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_IMS = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_SIM = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_MDT = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_TLOC = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_RLOC = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_V2X = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_R1 = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_R2 = com.example.android.locationattribution NFW_CLIENT_R3 = com.example.android.locationattribution ##################################### # CP_MTLR_ES ##################################### # CP MTLR ES, 1=enable, 0=disable CP_MTLR_ES=0 ################################################## # GNSS_DEPLOYMENT ################################################## # 0 : Enable QTI GNSS (default) # 1 : Enable QCSR SS5 # 2 : Enable PDS API # This setting use to select between QTI GNSS, # QCSR SS5 hardware receiver, and PDS API. # By default QTI GNSS receiver is enabled. # GNSS_DEPLOYMENT = 0 ################################################## ## LOG BUFFER CONFIGURATION ################################################## #LOG_BUFFER_ENABLED, 1=enable, 0=disable #*_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH, maximum time depth of level * #in log buffer, unit is second #*_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY, maximum numbers of level * #log print sentences in log buffer LOG_BUFFER_ENABLED = 0 E_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH = 600 E_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY = 50 W_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH = 500 W_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY = 100 I_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH = 400 I_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY = 200 D_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH = 30 D_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY = 300 V_LEVEL_TIME_DEPTH = 200 V_LEVEL_MAX_CAPACITY = 400 ################################################## # Allow buffer diag log packets when diag memory allocation # fails during boot up time. ################################################## BUFFER_DIAG_LOGGING = 1 ################################################## # LOC_DIAGIFACE_ENABLED ################################################## # Enable or disable loading of loc diag interface # by modules using it. # 1=enable, 0=disable LOC_DIAGIFACE_ENABLED = 1 ####################################### # NTRIP CLIENT LIBRARY NAME ####################################### # NTRIP_CLIENT_LIB_NAME = ################################################## # Correction Data Framework settings # Default values: # CDFW_SOURCE_PRIORITY_1 = INTERNAL_1 RTCM # CDFW_INJECT_DATA_INTERVAL = 600000 //10 mins # CDFW_RTCM_MESSAGE_INTERVAL = 1000 //1 second # # If multiple sources coexist on a PL, # the prorioty sequence can be set by the integer number. # PRIORITY_1 is higher than PRIORITY_2, for example, # CDFW_SOURCE_PRIORITY_1 = INTERNAL_1 RTCM # CDFW_SOURCE_PRIORITY_2 = CV2X RTCM ################################################## ################################################## # RF LOSS # The loss in 0.1 dbHz from the C/N0 at the antenna port # These values must be configured by OEM if not # supported in QMI LOC message # There is one entry for each signal type ################################################## RF_LOSS_GPS = 0 RF_LOSS_GPS_L5 = 0 RF_LOSS_GLO_LEFT = 0 RF_LOSS_GLO_CENTER = 0 RF_LOSS_GLO_RIGHT = 0 RF_LOSS_BDS = 0 RF_LOSS_BDS_B2A = 0 RF_LOSS_GAL = 0 RF_LOSS_GAL_E5 = 0 RF_LOSS_NAVIC = 0