@@ -429,45 +429,23 @@ esac
# Make modem config folder and copy firmware config to that folder for RIL
-if [ -f /data/vendor/mbnconfig/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs/mbn_build_utc.txt ]; then
- # for mbnota design
- if [ -f /data/vendor/modem_config/mbn_build_utc.txt ]; then
- prev_version_info=`cat /data/vendor/modem_config/mbn_build_utc.txt`
- else
- prev_version_info=""
- fi
- cur_version_info=`cat /data/vendor/mbnconfig/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs/mbn_build_utc.txt`
- if [ "$prev_version_info" != "$cur_version_info" ]; then
- # add W for group recursively before delete
- chmod g+w -R /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- rm -rf /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- # preserve the read only mode for all subdir and files
- cp --preserve=m -dr /data/vendor/mbnconfig/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs/* /data/vendor/modem_config
- cp --preserve=m -d /data/vendor/mbnconfig/image/modem_pr/mbn_ota.txt /data/vendor/modem_config/
- # the group must be root, otherwise this script could not add "W" for group recursively
- chown -hR radio.root /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- fi
+if [ -f /data/vendor/modem_config/ver_info.txt ]; then
+ prev_version_info=`cat /data/vendor/modem_config/ver_info.txt`
- # for legacy design
- if [ -f /data/vendor/modem_config/ver_info.txt ]; then
- prev_version_info=`cat /data/vendor/modem_config/ver_info.txt`
- else
- prev_version_info=""
- fi
+ prev_version_info=""
- cur_version_info=`cat /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt`
- if [ ! -f /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt -o "$prev_version_info" != "$cur_version_info" ]; then
- # add W for group recursively before delete
- chmod g+w -R /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- rm -rf /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- # preserve the read only mode for all subdir and files
- cp --preserve=m -dr /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs/* /data/vendor/modem_config
- cp --preserve=m -d /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt /data/vendor/modem_config/
- cp --preserve=m -d /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/modem_pr/mbn_ota.txt /data/vendor/modem_config/
- # the group must be root, otherwise this script could not add "W" for group recursively
- chown -hR radio.root /data/vendor/modem_config/*
- fi
+cur_version_info=`cat /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt`
+if [ ! -f /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt -o "$prev_version_info" != "$cur_version_info" ]; then
+ # add W for group recursively before delete
+ chmod g+w -R /data/vendor/modem_config/*
+ rm -rf /data/vendor/modem_config/*
+ # preserve the read only mode for all subdir and files
+ cp --preserve=m -dr /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs/* /data/vendor/modem_config
+ cp --preserve=m -d /vendor/firmware_mnt/verinfo/ver_info.txt /data/vendor/modem_config/
+ cp --preserve=m -d /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/modem_pr/mbn_ota.txt /data/vendor/modem_config/
+ # the group must be root, otherwise this script could not add "W" for group recursively
+ chown -hR radio.root /data/vendor/modem_config/*
chmod g-w /data/vendor/modem_config
setprop ro.vendor.ril.mbn_copy_completed 1