wfdconfig.xml 24 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
  2. <!--
  3. Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019, 2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  4. All Rights Reserved.
  5. Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  6. -->
  7. <WFDConfig>
  8. <Capability>
  9. <!--
  10. Audio capabilities
  11. -->
  12. <AudioLPCM>
  13. <Name>LPCM</Name>
  14. <Valid>1</Valid>
  15. <Channels>2</Channels>
  16. <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
  17. <Latency>33</Latency>
  18. </AudioLPCM>
  19. <AudioAAC>
  20. <Name>AAC</Name>
  21. <Valid>1</Valid>
  22. <Channels>6</Channels>
  23. <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
  24. <Latency>0</Latency>
  25. </AudioAAC>
  26. <AudioAC3>
  27. <Name>AC3</Name>
  28. <Valid>0</Valid>
  29. <Channels>0</Channels>
  30. <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
  31. <Latency>0</Latency>
  32. </AudioAC3>
  33. <!--
  34. Video extended capabilities for H264 codec
  35. -->
  36. <VideoFormats>
  37. <VideoCodecHeader>
  38. <TotalProfiles>3</TotalProfiles>
  39. <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
  40. </VideoCodecHeader>
  41. <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
  42. 1 - Constrained High,
  43. 2 - Constrained High2,
  44. 3 - BaseLine
  45. 4 - Main
  46. 5 - High
  47. HEVC Profile 0 - Main
  48. -->
  49. <!-- AVC Level 0 - 3.1,
  50. 1 - 3.2,
  51. 2 - 4.0,
  52. 3 - 4.1,
  53. 4 - 4.2,
  54. 5 - 5,
  55. 6 - 5.1,
  56. 7 - 5.2
  57. HEVC Level 0 - 3.1,
  58. 1 - 4,
  59. 2 - 4.1,
  60. 3 - 5,
  61. 4 - 5.1
  62. -->
  63. <VideoCodec1>
  64. <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
  65. <Profile>0</Profile>
  66. <Level>6</Level>
  67. <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
  68. <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
  69. <Latency>0</Latency>
  70. <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
  71. <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
  72. <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
  73. <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
  74. <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
  75. <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
  76. </VideoCodec1>
  77. <VideoCodec2>
  78. <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
  79. <Profile>1</Profile>
  80. <Level>6</Level>
  81. <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
  82. <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
  83. <Latency>0</Latency>
  84. <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
  85. <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
  86. <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
  87. <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
  88. <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
  89. <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
  90. </VideoCodec2>
  91. <VideoCodec3>
  92. <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
  93. <Profile>0</Profile>
  94. <Level>4</Level>
  95. <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
  96. <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
  97. <Latency>0</Latency>
  98. <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
  99. <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
  100. <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
  101. <VideoFps>60</VideoFps>
  102. <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
  103. <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
  104. </VideoCodec3>
  105. </VideoFormats>
  106. <!--
  107. Aux streaming addition added for Direct streaming
  108. -->
  109. <AuxStreamInfo>
  110. <Codec>
  111. <Count>1</Count>
  112. <Name1>PNG</Name1>
  113. </Codec>
  114. <!--
  115. Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
  116. Resolution is 720P
  117. -->
  118. <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
  119. <HRes>1280</HRes>
  120. <VRes>720</VRes>
  121. <Mode>CEA</Mode>
  122. </AuxStreamInfo>
  123. <!--
  124. Standby Resume capability is supported
  125. -->
  126. <StandbyResumeCapability>
  127. <Valid>1</Valid>
  128. </StandbyResumeCapability>
  129. <!--
  130. Explicit AV format change
  131. Not supported
  132. -->
  133. <AVFormatChange>
  134. <Valid>0</Valid>
  135. <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
  136. </AVFormatChange>
  137. <!--
  138. Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
  139. FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7, according to the WFD spec.
  140. 0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
  141. -->
  142. <FrameSkipping>
  143. <Valid>1</Valid>
  144. <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
  145. </FrameSkipping>
  146. <!-- disable HDCP by default -->
  147. <ContentProtection>
  148. <Valid>0</Valid>
  149. <!--
  150. Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
  151. WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
  152. -->
  153. <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
  154. <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
  155. <!--
  156. turn on/off audio encryption
  157. -->
  158. <EncryptAudio>0</EncryptAudio>
  159. </ContentProtection>
  160. <!--
  161. To enable RTP dump at source
  162. -->
  163. <RTPDumpEnable>
  164. <!-- DEPRECATED -->
  165. <!-- For enabling RTP encoder dumping set
  166. persist.vendor.debug.rtp.enable_dump to 1
  167. /data/media/dump.ts
  168. -->
  169. </RTPDumpEnable>
  170. <!--
  171. UIBC settings
  172. -->
  173. <UIBC>
  174. <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid> <!-- UIBC by default enabled -->
  175. <M4Enable>1</M4Enable> <!-- 0/1 send UIBC enable in M4 or not -->
  176. <M14Support>0</M14Support> <!-- 0/1 M14 supported or not -->
  177. <InputCategory>
  178. <Generic>1</Generic> <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
  179. <HID>1</HID> <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
  180. </InputCategory>
  181. <!-- Supported input events -->
  182. <InputEvents>
  183. <GenericInputEvents>
  184. <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
  185. <Mouse>1</Mouse>
  186. <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
  187. <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
  188. <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
  189. <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
  190. <Camera>0</Camera>
  191. <Gesture>0</Gesture>
  192. <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
  193. </GenericInputEvents>
  194. <!--
  195. Each input path will have a byte and support
  196. for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
  198. MOUSE BIT1
  202. CAMERA BIT5
  205. -->
  206. <HIDInputPaths>
  207. <Infrared>0</Infrared>
  208. <USB>3</USB>
  209. <BT>0</BT>
  210. <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
  211. <Wifi>0</Wifi>
  212. <NoSP>0</NoSP>
  213. </HIDInputPaths>
  214. </InputEvents>
  215. <!-- TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
  216. <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
  217. </UIBC>
  218. </Capability>
  219. <!--
  220. Enabling Rtcp
  221. -->
  222. <RTCP>
  223. <RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>1</RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>
  224. </RTCP>
  225. <!--
  226. Dynamic bitrate adaptation is supported based on link speed
  227. Based on the available link speed change video bitrate dynamically
  228. -->
  229. <DynamicBitrateAdaptation>1</DynamicBitrateAdaptation>
  230. <!--
  231. Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
  232. -->
  233. <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
  234. <!--
  235. RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
  236. -->
  237. <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
  238. <!--
  239. To configure video core in SVS mode
  240. -->
  241. <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>0</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
  242. <!--
  243. To configure video core in Nominal mode
  244. -->
  245. <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
  246. <!--
  247. To configure video core in Turbo mode
  248. -->
  249. <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
  250. <!--
  251. To configure minqp value
  252. -->
  253. <MinQPValue>22</MinQPValue>
  254. <!--
  255. To configure maxqp value
  256. -->
  257. <MaxQPValue>44</MaxQPValue>
  258. <!--
  259. Bitrate settings for each mode
  260. -->
  261. <BitrateTable>
  262. <!--
  263. Bitrate table for Audio formats
  264. -->
  265. <AAC>
  266. <!--
  267. Bitrate table for AAC
  268. -->
  269. <BIT0>
  270. <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
  271. <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
  272. </BIT0>
  273. <BIT1>
  274. <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
  275. <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
  276. </BIT1>
  277. <BIT2>
  278. <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
  279. <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
  280. </BIT2>
  281. </AAC>
  282. <!--
  283. CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
  284. Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
  285. Based on the available link speed video bitrate
  286. can go upto MinBitrate
  287. -->
  288. <CEA>
  289. <!-- 640x480p60 -->
  290. <BIT0>
  291. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  292. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  293. </BIT0>
  294. <!-- 720x480p60 -->
  295. <BIT1>
  296. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  297. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  298. </BIT1>
  299. <!-- 720x480i60 -->
  300. <BIT2>
  301. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  302. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  303. </BIT2>
  304. <!-- 720x576p50 -->
  305. <BIT3>
  306. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  307. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  308. </BIT3>
  309. <!-- 720x576i50 -->
  310. <BIT4>
  311. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  312. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  313. </BIT4>
  314. <!-- 1280x720p30 -->
  315. <BIT5>
  316. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  317. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  318. </BIT5>
  319. <!-- 1280x720p60 -->
  320. <BIT6>
  321. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  322. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  323. </BIT6>
  324. <!-- 1920x1080p30 -->
  325. <BIT7>
  326. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  327. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  328. </BIT7>
  329. <!-- 1920x1080p60 -->
  330. <BIT8>
  331. <MinBitrate>7000000</MinBitrate>
  332. <MaxBitrate>13000000</MaxBitrate>
  333. </BIT8>
  334. <!-- 1920x1080i60 -->
  335. <BIT9>
  336. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  337. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  338. </BIT9>
  339. <!-- 1280x720p25 -->
  340. <BIT10>
  341. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  342. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  343. </BIT10>
  344. <!-- 1280x720p50 -->
  345. <BIT11>
  346. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  347. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  348. </BIT11>
  349. <!-- 1920x1080p25 -->
  350. <BIT12>
  351. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  352. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  353. </BIT12>
  354. <!-- 1920x1080p50 -->
  355. <BIT13>
  356. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  357. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  358. </BIT13>
  359. <!-- 1920x1080i50 -->
  360. <BIT14>
  361. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  362. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  363. </BIT14>
  364. <!-- 1280x720p24 -->
  365. <BIT15>
  366. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  367. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  368. </BIT15>
  369. <!-- 1920x1080p24 -->
  370. <BIT16>
  371. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  372. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  373. </BIT16>
  374. <!-- 3840x2160p24 -->
  375. <BIT17>
  376. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  377. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  378. </BIT17>
  379. <!-- 3840x2160 p25 -->
  380. <BIT18>
  381. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  382. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  383. </BIT18>
  384. <!-- 3840x2160p30 -->
  385. <BIT19>
  386. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  387. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  388. </BIT19>
  389. <!-- 3840x2160p50 -->
  390. <BIT20>
  391. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  392. <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
  393. </BIT20>
  394. <!-- 3840x2160p60 -->
  395. <BIT21>
  396. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  397. <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
  398. </BIT21>
  399. <!-- 4096x2160p24 -->
  400. <BIT22>
  401. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  402. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  403. </BIT22>
  404. <!-- 4096x2160p25 -->
  405. <BIT23>
  406. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  407. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  408. </BIT23>
  409. <!-- 4096x2160p30 -->
  410. <BIT24>
  411. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  412. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  413. </BIT24>
  414. <!-- 4096x2160p50 -->
  415. <BIT25>
  416. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  417. <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
  418. </BIT25>
  419. <!-- 4096x2160 p60 -->
  420. <BIT26>
  421. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  422. <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
  423. </BIT26>
  424. </CEA>
  425. <!--
  426. VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
  427. Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
  428. Based on the available link speed video bitrate
  429. can go upto MinBitrate
  430. -->
  431. <VESA>
  432. <!-- 800x600p30 -->
  433. <BIT0>
  434. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  435. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  436. </BIT0>
  437. <!-- 800x600p60 -->
  438. <BIT1>
  439. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  440. <MaxBitrate>5000000</MaxBitrate>
  441. </BIT1>
  442. <!-- 1024x768p30 -->
  443. <BIT2>
  444. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  445. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  446. </BIT2>
  447. <!-- 1024x768p60 -->
  448. <BIT3>
  449. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  450. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  451. </BIT3>
  452. <!-- 1152x864p30 -->
  453. <BIT4>
  454. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  455. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  456. </BIT4>
  457. <!-- 1152x864p60 -->
  458. <BIT5>
  459. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  460. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  461. </BIT5>
  462. <!-- 1280x768p30 -->
  463. <BIT6>
  464. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  465. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  466. </BIT6>
  467. <!-- 1280x768p60 -->
  468. <BIT7>
  469. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  470. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  471. </BIT7>
  472. <!-- 1280x800p30 -->
  473. <BIT8>
  474. <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
  475. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  476. </BIT8>
  477. <!-- 1280x800p60 -->
  478. <BIT9>
  479. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  480. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  481. </BIT9>
  482. <!-- 1360x768p30 -->
  483. <BIT10>
  484. <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
  485. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  486. </BIT10>
  487. <!-- 1360x768p60 -->
  488. <BIT11>
  489. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  490. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  491. </BIT11>
  492. <!-- 1366x768p30 -->
  493. <BIT12>
  494. <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
  495. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  496. </BIT12>
  497. <!-- 1366x768p60 -->
  498. <BIT13>
  499. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  500. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  501. </BIT13>
  502. <!-- 1280x1024p30 -->
  503. <BIT14>
  504. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  505. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  506. </BIT14>
  507. <!-- 1280x1024p60 -->
  508. <BIT15>
  509. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  510. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  511. </BIT15>
  512. <!-- 1400x1050p30 -->
  513. <BIT16>
  514. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  515. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  516. </BIT16>
  517. <!-- 1400x1050p60 -->
  518. <BIT17>
  519. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  520. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  521. </BIT17>
  522. <!-- 1440x900p30 -->
  523. <BIT18>
  524. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  525. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  526. </BIT18>
  527. <!-- 1440x900p60 -->
  528. <BIT19>
  529. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  530. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  531. </BIT19>
  532. <!-- 1600x900p30 -->
  533. <BIT20>
  534. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  535. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  536. </BIT20>
  537. <!-- 1600x900p60 -->
  538. <BIT21>
  539. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  540. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  541. </BIT21>
  542. <!-- 1600x1200p30 -->
  543. <BIT22>
  544. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  545. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  546. </BIT22>
  547. <!-- 1600x1200p60 -->
  548. <BIT23>
  549. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  550. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  551. </BIT23>
  552. <!-- 1680x1024p30 -->
  553. <BIT24>
  554. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  555. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  556. </BIT24>
  557. <!-- 1680x1024p60 -->
  558. <BIT25>
  559. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  560. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  561. </BIT25>
  562. <!-- 1680x1050p30 -->
  563. <BIT26>
  564. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  565. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  566. </BIT26>
  567. <!-- 1680x1050p60 -->
  568. <BIT27>
  569. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  570. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  571. </BIT27>
  572. <!-- 1920x1200p30 -->
  573. <BIT28>
  574. <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
  575. <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
  576. </BIT28>
  577. <!-- 1920x1200p60 -->
  578. <BIT29>
  579. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  580. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  581. </BIT29>
  582. <!-- 2560x1440p30 -->
  583. <BIT30>
  584. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  585. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  586. </BIT30>
  587. <!-- 2560x1440p60 -->
  588. <BIT31>
  589. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  590. <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
  591. </BIT31>
  592. <!-- 2560x1600p30 -->
  593. <BIT32>
  594. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  595. <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
  596. </BIT32>
  597. <!-- 2560x1600p60 -->
  598. <BIT33>
  599. <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
  600. <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
  601. </BIT33>
  602. </VESA>
  603. <!--
  604. HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
  605. Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
  606. Based on the available link speed video bitrate
  607. can go upto MinBitrate
  608. -->
  609. <HH>
  610. <!-- 800x480p30 -->
  611. <BIT0>
  612. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  613. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  614. </BIT0>
  615. <!-- 800x480p60 -->
  616. <BIT1>
  617. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  618. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  619. </BIT1>
  620. <!-- 854x480p30 -->
  621. <BIT2>
  622. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  623. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  624. </BIT2>
  625. <!-- 854x480p60 -->
  626. <BIT3>
  627. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  628. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  629. </BIT3>
  630. <!-- 864x480p30 -->
  631. <BIT4>
  632. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  633. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  634. </BIT4>
  635. <!-- 864x480p60 -->
  636. <BIT5>
  637. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  638. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  639. </BIT5>
  640. <!-- 640x360p30 -->
  641. <BIT6>
  642. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  643. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  644. </BIT6>
  645. <!-- 640x360p60 -->
  646. <BIT7>
  647. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  648. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  649. </BIT7>
  650. <!-- 960x540p30 -->
  651. <BIT8>
  652. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  653. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  654. </BIT8>
  655. <!-- 960x540p60 -->
  656. <BIT9>
  657. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  658. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  659. </BIT9>
  660. <!-- 848x480p30 -->
  661. <BIT10>
  662. <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
  663. <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
  664. </BIT10>
  665. <!-- 848x480p60 -->
  666. <BIT11>
  667. <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
  668. <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
  669. </BIT11>
  670. </HH>
  671. </BitrateTable>
  672. <!--
  673. To disable/enable audio stream playback
  674. support during power suspend - 0 or 1
  675. -->
  676. <AudioStreamInSuspend>0</AudioStreamInSuspend>
  677. <!--
  678. Compensation delay for audio
  679. This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
  680. value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
  681. change this value in case they want
  682. -->
  683. <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
  684. <!--
  685. enable/disable CyclicIntraRefresh
  686. -->
  687. <CyclicIntraRefresh>0</CyclicIntraRefresh>
  688. <!--
  690. -->
  691. <CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>50</CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>
  692. <!--
  693. Enable/Disable NALU byte to detect end of AU
  694. -->
  695. <DisableFillerNalU>1</DisableFillerNalU>
  696. <!--
  697. Enable/Disable to generate blank frame during suspend/resume
  698. -->
  699. <GenerateBlankFrame>0</GenerateBlankFrame>
  700. <!--
  701. To disable fixed interval of IDR frames, set PeriodicIDRValid to 0.
  702. Set the duration in seconds after which full refresh is required in
  703. the PeriodicIDRInterval
  704. Recommended value is 5 secs
  705. -->
  706. <PeriodicIDRSettings>
  707. <PeriodicIDRValid>1</PeriodicIDRValid>
  708. <PeriodicIDRInterval>5</PeriodicIDRInterval>
  709. </PeriodicIDRSettings>
  710. <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
  711. <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
  712. <!-- Enfore HDCP for Direct Streaming -->
  713. <DSRequiresHDCP>1</DSRequiresHDCP>
  714. </WFDConfig>