targetconfig.xml 2.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. * Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  4. * All Rights Reserved.
  5. * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  6. -->
  7. <TargetConfig>
  8. <!-- All the target related information goes in TargetInfo tag.
  9. Following are the supported fields for TargetInfo tag.
  10. Mandatory Fields
  11. * NumClusters, number of clusters
  12. * TotalNumCores, total number of cores
  13. * SocIds, a comma seperated list of supported socids for this target.
  14. Other Fields
  15. * Target, target name.
  16. * SynCore, default value is "1" implies sync core and change to "0" for async core.
  17. * CoreCtlCpu, core_ctl is enabled on which physical core, defalut value is "-1".
  18. * MinCoreOnline, minimum number of cores needed to be online, default value is "0"
  19. * GovInstanceType, default value "0" which implies "CLUSTER_BASED_GOV_INSTANCE",
  20. can be changed to "1" for "SINGLE_GOV_INSTANCE".
  21. * CpufreqGov, default value is "0" which implies "INTERACTIVE", can be changed it
  22. to "1" for "SCHEDUTIL".
  23. * TargetMaxArgsPerReq, can be used to update max arg per req value, default is 64.
  24. -->
  25. <!-- For each cluster,write a seperate ClustersInfo tag.
  26. Following are the supported fields for ClustersInfo tag.
  27. Mandatory Fields
  28. * Id, cluster number starts with index 0.
  29. * NumCores, total number of cores for that cluster.
  30. Other Fields
  31. * Type, whther a "little" or "big" cluster.
  32. (Type is mandatory, If there is more than one cluster.)
  33. * MaxFrequency, Any limitations for max frequency for that cluster.
  34. -->
  35. <!-- For targets sharing the same platfrom, we can have seperate config tag for each
  36. of those targets with different number in the Config tag and basing on the socId
  37. of the target device, we decide which configs to consider. -->
  38. <Config1>
  39. <TargetInfo
  40. Target="pineapple"
  41. NumClusters="4"
  42. TotalNumCores="8"
  43. SocIds="557,577"
  44. SynCore="1"
  45. CoreCtlCpu="4"
  46. MinCoreOnline="0"
  47. CpufreqGov="1"
  48. TargetMaxArgsPerReq="64"
  49. />
  50. <ClustersInfo Id="0" NumCores="2" Type="little" />
  51. <ClustersInfo Id="1" NumCores="3" Type="big" />
  52. <ClustersInfo Id="2" NumCores="2" Type="titanium" />
  53. <ClustersInfo Id="3" NumCores="1" Type="prime" />
  54. </Config1>
  55. </TargetConfig>