ssgtzd.rc 591 B

  1. # Copyright (c) 2019 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  2. # All Rights Reserved.
  3. # Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
  4. # Create the directories used by qwes
  5. on post-fs-data
  6. mkdir /data/vendor/qwes 0755 system system
  7. # Start daemon on early-init
  8. on early-boot
  9. start vendor.ssgtzd
  10. # Used 'disabled' flag, so daemon won't be started until explicit start
  11. service vendor.ssgtzd /vendor/bin/ssgtzd
  12. class late_start
  13. user system
  14. group system oem_2912
  15. disabled
  16. socket ssgtzd stream 0660 system oem_2912
  17. socket ssgtzd_opener stream 0660 system system