1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048 |
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- #ifndef _BCACHE_H
- #define _BCACHE_H
- /*
- *
- * Bcache mostly works with cache sets, cache devices, and backing devices.
- *
- * Support for multiple cache devices hasn't quite been finished off yet, but
- * it's about 95% plumbed through. A cache set and its cache devices is sort of
- * like a md raid array and its component devices. Most of the code doesn't care
- * about individual cache devices, the main abstraction is the cache set.
- *
- * Multiple cache devices is intended to give us the ability to mirror dirty
- * cached data and metadata, without mirroring clean cached data.
- *
- * Backing devices are different, in that they have a lifetime independent of a
- * cache set. When you register a newly formatted backing device it'll come up
- * in passthrough mode, and then you can attach and detach a backing device from
- * a cache set at runtime - while it's mounted and in use. Detaching implicitly
- * invalidates any cached data for that backing device.
- *
- * A cache set can have multiple (many) backing devices attached to it.
- *
- * There's also flash only volumes - this is the reason for the distinction
- * between struct cached_dev and struct bcache_device. A flash only volume
- * works much like a bcache device that has a backing device, except the
- * "cached" data is always dirty. The end result is that we get thin
- * provisioning with very little additional code.
- *
- * Flash only volumes work but they're not production ready because the moving
- * garbage collector needs more work. More on that later.
- *
- *
- * Bcache is primarily designed for caching, which means that in normal
- * operation all of our available space will be allocated. Thus, we need an
- * efficient way of deleting things from the cache so we can write new things to
- * it.
- *
- * To do this, we first divide the cache device up into buckets. A bucket is the
- * unit of allocation; they're typically around 1 mb - anywhere from 128k to 2M+
- * works efficiently.
- *
- * Each bucket has a 16 bit priority, and an 8 bit generation associated with
- * it. The gens and priorities for all the buckets are stored contiguously and
- * packed on disk (in a linked list of buckets - aside from the superblock, all
- * of bcache's metadata is stored in buckets).
- *
- * The priority is used to implement an LRU. We reset a bucket's priority when
- * we allocate it or on cache it, and every so often we decrement the priority
- * of each bucket. It could be used to implement something more sophisticated,
- * if anyone ever gets around to it.
- *
- * The generation is used for invalidating buckets. Each pointer also has an 8
- * bit generation embedded in it; for a pointer to be considered valid, its gen
- * must match the gen of the bucket it points into. Thus, to reuse a bucket all
- * we have to do is increment its gen (and write its new gen to disk; we batch
- * this up).
- *
- * Bcache is entirely COW - we never write twice to a bucket, even buckets that
- * contain metadata (including btree nodes).
- *
- *
- * Bcache is in large part design around the btree.
- *
- * At a high level, the btree is just an index of key -> ptr tuples.
- *
- * Keys represent extents, and thus have a size field. Keys also have a variable
- * number of pointers attached to them (potentially zero, which is handy for
- * invalidating the cache).
- *
- * The key itself is an inode:offset pair. The inode number corresponds to a
- * backing device or a flash only volume. The offset is the ending offset of the
- * extent within the inode - not the starting offset; this makes lookups
- * slightly more convenient.
- *
- * Pointers contain the cache device id, the offset on that device, and an 8 bit
- * generation number. More on the gen later.
- *
- * Index lookups are not fully abstracted - cache lookups in particular are
- * still somewhat mixed in with the btree code, but things are headed in that
- * direction.
- *
- * Updates are fairly well abstracted, though. There are two different ways of
- * updating the btree; insert and replace.
- *
- * BTREE_INSERT will just take a list of keys and insert them into the btree -
- * overwriting (possibly only partially) any extents they overlap with. This is
- * used to update the index after a write.
- *
- * BTREE_REPLACE is really cmpxchg(); it inserts a key into the btree iff it is
- * overwriting a key that matches another given key. This is used for inserting
- * data into the cache after a cache miss, and for background writeback, and for
- * the moving garbage collector.
- *
- * There is no "delete" operation; deleting things from the index is
- * accomplished by either by invalidating pointers (by incrementing a bucket's
- * gen) or by inserting a key with 0 pointers - which will overwrite anything
- * previously present at that location in the index.
- *
- * This means that there are always stale/invalid keys in the btree. They're
- * filtered out by the code that iterates through a btree node, and removed when
- * a btree node is rewritten.
- *
- *
- * Our unit of allocation is a bucket, and we can't arbitrarily allocate and
- * free smaller than a bucket - so, that's how big our btree nodes are.
- *
- * (If buckets are really big we'll only use part of the bucket for a btree node
- * - no less than 1/4th - but a bucket still contains no more than a single
- * btree node. I'd actually like to change this, but for now we rely on the
- * bucket's gen for deleting btree nodes when we rewrite/split a node.)
- *
- * Anyways, btree nodes are big - big enough to be inefficient with a textbook
- * btree implementation.
- *
- * The way this is solved is that btree nodes are internally log structured; we
- * can append new keys to an existing btree node without rewriting it. This
- * means each set of keys we write is sorted, but the node is not.
- *
- * We maintain this log structure in memory - keeping 1Mb of keys sorted would
- * be expensive, and we have to distinguish between the keys we have written and
- * the keys we haven't. So to do a lookup in a btree node, we have to search
- * each sorted set. But we do merge written sets together lazily, so the cost of
- * these extra searches is quite low (normally most of the keys in a btree node
- * will be in one big set, and then there'll be one or two sets that are much
- * smaller).
- *
- * This log structure makes bcache's btree more of a hybrid between a
- * conventional btree and a compacting data structure, with some of the
- * advantages of both.
- *
- *
- * We can't just invalidate any bucket - it might contain dirty data or
- * metadata. If it once contained dirty data, other writes might overwrite it
- * later, leaving no valid pointers into that bucket in the index.
- *
- * Thus, the primary purpose of garbage collection is to find buckets to reuse.
- * It also counts how much valid data it each bucket currently contains, so that
- * allocation can reuse buckets sooner when they've been mostly overwritten.
- *
- * It also does some things that are really internal to the btree
- * implementation. If a btree node contains pointers that are stale by more than
- * some threshold, it rewrites the btree node to avoid the bucket's generation
- * wrapping around. It also merges adjacent btree nodes if they're empty enough.
- *
- *
- * Bcache's journal is not necessary for consistency; we always strictly
- * order metadata writes so that the btree and everything else is consistent on
- * disk in the event of an unclean shutdown, and in fact bcache had writeback
- * caching (with recovery from unclean shutdown) before journalling was
- * implemented.
- *
- * Rather, the journal is purely a performance optimization; we can't complete a
- * write until we've updated the index on disk, otherwise the cache would be
- * inconsistent in the event of an unclean shutdown. This means that without the
- * journal, on random write workloads we constantly have to update all the leaf
- * nodes in the btree, and those writes will be mostly empty (appending at most
- * a few keys each) - highly inefficient in terms of amount of metadata writes,
- * and it puts more strain on the various btree resorting/compacting code.
- *
- * The journal is just a log of keys we've inserted; on startup we just reinsert
- * all the keys in the open journal entries. That means that when we're updating
- * a node in the btree, we can wait until a 4k block of keys fills up before
- * writing them out.
- *
- * For simplicity, we only journal updates to leaf nodes; updates to parent
- * nodes are rare enough (since our leaf nodes are huge) that it wasn't worth
- * the complexity to deal with journalling them (in particular, journal replay)
- * - updates to non leaf nodes just happen synchronously (see btree_split()).
- */
- #define pr_fmt(fmt) "bcache: %s() " fmt, __func__
- #include <linux/bio.h>
- #include <linux/kobject.h>
- #include <linux/list.h>
- #include <linux/mutex.h>
- #include <linux/rbtree.h>
- #include <linux/rwsem.h>
- #include <linux/refcount.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/workqueue.h>
- #include <linux/kthread.h>
- #include "bcache_ondisk.h"
- #include "bset.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "closure.h"
- struct bucket {
- atomic_t pin;
- uint16_t prio;
- uint8_t gen;
- uint8_t last_gc; /* Most out of date gen in the btree */
- uint16_t gc_mark; /* Bitfield used by GC. See below for field */
- };
- /*
- * I'd use bitfields for these, but I don't trust the compiler not to screw me
- * as multiple threads touch struct bucket without locking
- */
- BITMASK(GC_MARK, struct bucket, gc_mark, 0, 2);
- #define GC_MARK_DIRTY 2
- #define GC_MARK_METADATA 3
- BITMASK(GC_SECTORS_USED, struct bucket, gc_mark, 2, GC_SECTORS_USED_SIZE);
- BITMASK(GC_MOVE, struct bucket, gc_mark, 15, 1);
- #include "journal.h"
- #include "stats.h"
- struct search;
- struct btree;
- struct keybuf;
- struct keybuf_key {
- struct rb_node node;
- void *private;
- };
- struct keybuf {
- struct bkey last_scanned;
- spinlock_t lock;
- /*
- * Beginning and end of range in rb tree - so that we can skip taking
- * lock and checking the rb tree when we need to check for overlapping
- * keys.
- */
- struct bkey start;
- struct bkey end;
- struct rb_root keys;
- #define KEYBUF_NR 500
- DECLARE_ARRAY_ALLOCATOR(struct keybuf_key, freelist, KEYBUF_NR);
- };
- struct bcache_device {
- struct closure cl;
- struct kobject kobj;
- struct cache_set *c;
- unsigned int id;
- struct gendisk *disk;
- unsigned long flags;
- int nr_stripes;
- unsigned int stripe_size;
- atomic_t *stripe_sectors_dirty;
- unsigned long *full_dirty_stripes;
- struct bio_set bio_split;
- unsigned int data_csum:1;
- int (*cache_miss)(struct btree *b, struct search *s,
- struct bio *bio, unsigned int sectors);
- int (*ioctl)(struct bcache_device *d, fmode_t mode,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
- };
- struct io {
- /* Used to track sequential IO so it can be skipped */
- struct hlist_node hash;
- struct list_head lru;
- unsigned long jiffies;
- unsigned int sequential;
- sector_t last;
- };
- enum stop_on_failure {
- };
- struct cached_dev {
- struct list_head list;
- struct bcache_device disk;
- struct block_device *bdev;
- struct cache_sb sb;
- struct cache_sb_disk *sb_disk;
- struct bio sb_bio;
- struct bio_vec sb_bv[1];
- struct closure sb_write;
- struct semaphore sb_write_mutex;
- /* Refcount on the cache set. Always nonzero when we're caching. */
- refcount_t count;
- struct work_struct detach;
- /*
- * Device might not be running if it's dirty and the cache set hasn't
- * showed up yet.
- */
- atomic_t running;
- /*
- * Writes take a shared lock from start to finish; scanning for dirty
- * data to refill the rb tree requires an exclusive lock.
- */
- struct rw_semaphore writeback_lock;
- /*
- * Nonzero, and writeback has a refcount (d->count), iff there is dirty
- * data in the cache. Protected by writeback_lock; must have an
- * shared lock to set and exclusive lock to clear.
- */
- atomic_t has_dirty;
- unsigned int cache_readahead_policy;
- struct bch_ratelimit writeback_rate;
- struct delayed_work writeback_rate_update;
- /* Limit number of writeback bios in flight */
- struct semaphore in_flight;
- struct task_struct *writeback_thread;
- struct workqueue_struct *writeback_write_wq;
- struct keybuf writeback_keys;
- struct task_struct *status_update_thread;
- /*
- * Order the write-half of writeback operations strongly in dispatch
- * order. (Maintain LBA order; don't allow reads completing out of
- * order to re-order the writes...)
- */
- struct closure_waitlist writeback_ordering_wait;
- atomic_t writeback_sequence_next;
- /* For tracking sequential IO */
- #define RECENT_IO_BITS 7
- #define RECENT_IO (1 << RECENT_IO_BITS)
- struct io io[RECENT_IO];
- struct hlist_head io_hash[RECENT_IO + 1];
- struct list_head io_lru;
- spinlock_t io_lock;
- struct cache_accounting accounting;
- /* The rest of this all shows up in sysfs */
- unsigned int sequential_cutoff;
- unsigned int io_disable:1;
- unsigned int verify:1;
- unsigned int bypass_torture_test:1;
- unsigned int partial_stripes_expensive:1;
- unsigned int writeback_metadata:1;
- unsigned int writeback_running:1;
- unsigned int writeback_consider_fragment:1;
- unsigned char writeback_percent;
- unsigned int writeback_delay;
- uint64_t writeback_rate_target;
- int64_t writeback_rate_proportional;
- int64_t writeback_rate_integral;
- int64_t writeback_rate_integral_scaled;
- int32_t writeback_rate_change;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_update_seconds;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_i_term_inverse;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_p_term_inverse;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_fp_term_low;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_fp_term_mid;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_fp_term_high;
- unsigned int writeback_rate_minimum;
- enum stop_on_failure stop_when_cache_set_failed;
- atomic_t io_errors;
- unsigned int error_limit;
- unsigned int offline_seconds;
- /*
- * Retry to update writeback_rate if contention happens for
- * down_read(dc->writeback_lock) in update_writeback_rate()
- */
- unsigned int rate_update_retry;
- };
- enum alloc_reserve {
- };
- struct cache {
- struct cache_set *set;
- struct cache_sb sb;
- struct cache_sb_disk *sb_disk;
- struct bio sb_bio;
- struct bio_vec sb_bv[1];
- struct kobject kobj;
- struct block_device *bdev;
- struct task_struct *alloc_thread;
- struct closure prio;
- struct prio_set *disk_buckets;
- /*
- * When allocating new buckets, prio_write() gets first dibs - since we
- * may not be allocate at all without writing priorities and gens.
- * prio_last_buckets[] contains the last buckets we wrote priorities to
- * (so gc can mark them as metadata), prio_buckets[] contains the
- * buckets allocated for the next prio write.
- */
- uint64_t *prio_buckets;
- uint64_t *prio_last_buckets;
- /*
- * free: Buckets that are ready to be used
- *
- * free_inc: Incoming buckets - these are buckets that currently have
- * cached data in them, and we can't reuse them until after we write
- * their new gen to disk. After prio_write() finishes writing the new
- * gens/prios, they'll be moved to the free list (and possibly discarded
- * in the process)
- */
- DECLARE_FIFO(long, free_inc);
- size_t fifo_last_bucket;
- /* Allocation stuff: */
- struct bucket *buckets;
- DECLARE_HEAP(struct bucket *, heap);
- /*
- * If nonzero, we know we aren't going to find any buckets to invalidate
- * until a gc finishes - otherwise we could pointlessly burn a ton of
- * cpu
- */
- unsigned int invalidate_needs_gc;
- bool discard; /* Get rid of? */
- struct journal_device journal;
- /* The rest of this all shows up in sysfs */
- #define IO_ERROR_SHIFT 20
- atomic_t io_errors;
- atomic_t io_count;
- atomic_long_t meta_sectors_written;
- atomic_long_t btree_sectors_written;
- atomic_long_t sectors_written;
- };
- struct gc_stat {
- size_t nodes;
- size_t nodes_pre;
- size_t key_bytes;
- size_t nkeys;
- uint64_t data; /* sectors */
- unsigned int in_use; /* percent */
- };
- /*
- * Flag bits, for how the cache set is shutting down, and what phase it's at:
- *
- * CACHE_SET_UNREGISTERING means we're not just shutting down, we're detaching
- * all the backing devices first (their cached data gets invalidated, and they
- * won't automatically reattach).
- *
- * CACHE_SET_STOPPING always gets set first when we're closing down a cache set;
- * we'll continue to run normally for awhile with CACHE_SET_STOPPING set (i.e.
- * flushing dirty data).
- *
- * CACHE_SET_RUNNING means all cache devices have been registered and journal
- * replay is complete.
- *
- * CACHE_SET_IO_DISABLE is set when bcache is stopping the whold cache set, all
- * external and internal I/O should be denied when this flag is set.
- *
- */
- struct cache_set {
- struct closure cl;
- struct list_head list;
- struct kobject kobj;
- struct kobject internal;
- struct dentry *debug;
- struct cache_accounting accounting;
- unsigned long flags;
- atomic_t idle_counter;
- atomic_t at_max_writeback_rate;
- struct cache *cache;
- struct bcache_device **devices;
- unsigned int devices_max_used;
- atomic_t attached_dev_nr;
- struct list_head cached_devs;
- uint64_t cached_dev_sectors;
- atomic_long_t flash_dev_dirty_sectors;
- struct closure caching;
- struct closure sb_write;
- struct semaphore sb_write_mutex;
- mempool_t search;
- mempool_t bio_meta;
- struct bio_set bio_split;
- /* For the btree cache */
- struct shrinker shrink;
- /* For the btree cache and anything allocation related */
- struct mutex bucket_lock;
- /* log2(bucket_size), in sectors */
- unsigned short bucket_bits;
- /* log2(block_size), in sectors */
- unsigned short block_bits;
- /*
- * Default number of pages for a new btree node - may be less than a
- * full bucket
- */
- unsigned int btree_pages;
- /*
- * Lists of struct btrees; lru is the list for structs that have memory
- * allocated for actual btree node, freed is for structs that do not.
- *
- * We never free a struct btree, except on shutdown - we just put it on
- * the btree_cache_freed list and reuse it later. This simplifies the
- * code, and it doesn't cost us much memory as the memory usage is
- * dominated by buffers that hold the actual btree node data and those
- * can be freed - and the number of struct btrees allocated is
- * effectively bounded.
- *
- * btree_cache_freeable effectively is a small cache - we use it because
- * high order page allocations can be rather expensive, and it's quite
- * common to delete and allocate btree nodes in quick succession. It
- * should never grow past ~2-3 nodes in practice.
- */
- struct list_head btree_cache;
- struct list_head btree_cache_freeable;
- struct list_head btree_cache_freed;
- /* Number of elements in btree_cache + btree_cache_freeable lists */
- unsigned int btree_cache_used;
- /*
- * If we need to allocate memory for a new btree node and that
- * allocation fails, we can cannibalize another node in the btree cache
- * to satisfy the allocation - lock to guarantee only one thread does
- * this at a time:
- */
- wait_queue_head_t btree_cache_wait;
- struct task_struct *btree_cache_alloc_lock;
- spinlock_t btree_cannibalize_lock;
- /*
- * When we free a btree node, we increment the gen of the bucket the
- * node is in - but we can't rewrite the prios and gens until we
- * finished whatever it is we were doing, otherwise after a crash the
- * btree node would be freed but for say a split, we might not have the
- * pointers to the new nodes inserted into the btree yet.
- *
- * This is a refcount that blocks prio_write() until the new keys are
- * written.
- */
- atomic_t prio_blocked;
- wait_queue_head_t bucket_wait;
- /*
- * For any bio we don't skip we subtract the number of sectors from
- * rescale; when it hits 0 we rescale all the bucket priorities.
- */
- atomic_t rescale;
- /*
- * used for GC, identify if any front side I/Os is inflight
- */
- atomic_t search_inflight;
- /*
- * When we invalidate buckets, we use both the priority and the amount
- * of good data to determine which buckets to reuse first - to weight
- * those together consistently we keep track of the smallest nonzero
- * priority of any bucket.
- */
- uint16_t min_prio;
- /*
- * max(gen - last_gc) for all buckets. When it gets too big we have to
- * gc to keep gens from wrapping around.
- */
- uint8_t need_gc;
- struct gc_stat gc_stats;
- size_t nbuckets;
- size_t avail_nbuckets;
- struct task_struct *gc_thread;
- /* Where in the btree gc currently is */
- struct bkey gc_done;
- /*
- * For automatical garbage collection after writeback completed, this
- * varialbe is used as bit fields,
- * - 0000 0001b (BCH_ENABLE_AUTO_GC): enable gc after writeback
- * - 0000 0010b (BCH_DO_AUTO_GC): do gc after writeback
- * This is an optimization for following write request after writeback
- * finished, but read hit rate dropped due to clean data on cache is
- * discarded. Unless user explicitly sets it via sysfs, it won't be
- * enabled.
- */
- #define BCH_ENABLE_AUTO_GC 1
- #define BCH_DO_AUTO_GC 2
- uint8_t gc_after_writeback;
- /*
- * The allocation code needs gc_mark in struct bucket to be correct, but
- * it's not while a gc is in progress. Protected by bucket_lock.
- */
- int gc_mark_valid;
- /* Counts how many sectors bio_insert has added to the cache */
- atomic_t sectors_to_gc;
- wait_queue_head_t gc_wait;
- struct keybuf moving_gc_keys;
- /* Number of moving GC bios in flight */
- struct semaphore moving_in_flight;
- struct workqueue_struct *moving_gc_wq;
- struct btree *root;
- struct btree *verify_data;
- struct bset *verify_ondisk;
- struct mutex verify_lock;
- #endif
- uint8_t set_uuid[16];
- unsigned int nr_uuids;
- struct uuid_entry *uuids;
- BKEY_PADDED(uuid_bucket);
- struct closure uuid_write;
- struct semaphore uuid_write_mutex;
- /*
- * A btree node on disk could have too many bsets for an iterator to fit
- * on the stack - have to dynamically allocate them.
- * bch_cache_set_alloc() will make sure the pool can allocate iterators
- * equipped with enough room that can host
- * (sb.bucket_size / sb.block_size)
- * btree_iter_sets, which is more than static MAX_BSETS.
- */
- mempool_t fill_iter;
- struct bset_sort_state sort;
- /* List of buckets we're currently writing data to */
- struct list_head data_buckets;
- spinlock_t data_bucket_lock;
- struct journal journal;
- #define CONGESTED_MAX 1024
- unsigned int congested_last_us;
- atomic_t congested;
- /* The rest of this all shows up in sysfs */
- unsigned int congested_read_threshold_us;
- unsigned int congested_write_threshold_us;
- struct time_stats btree_gc_time;
- struct time_stats btree_split_time;
- struct time_stats btree_read_time;
- atomic_long_t cache_read_races;
- atomic_long_t writeback_keys_done;
- atomic_long_t writeback_keys_failed;
- atomic_long_t reclaim;
- atomic_long_t reclaimed_journal_buckets;
- atomic_long_t flush_write;
- enum {
- } on_error;
- unsigned int error_limit;
- unsigned int error_decay;
- unsigned short journal_delay_ms;
- bool expensive_debug_checks;
- unsigned int verify:1;
- unsigned int key_merging_disabled:1;
- unsigned int gc_always_rewrite:1;
- unsigned int shrinker_disabled:1;
- unsigned int copy_gc_enabled:1;
- unsigned int idle_max_writeback_rate_enabled:1;
- #define BUCKET_HASH_BITS 12
- struct hlist_head bucket_hash[1 << BUCKET_HASH_BITS];
- };
- struct bbio {
- unsigned int submit_time_us;
- union {
- struct bkey key;
- uint64_t _pad[3];
- /*
- * We only need pad = 3 here because we only ever carry around a
- * single pointer - i.e. the pointer we're doing io to/from.
- */
- };
- struct bio bio;
- };
- #define INITIAL_PRIO 32768U
- #define btree_bytes(c) ((c)->btree_pages * PAGE_SIZE)
- #define btree_blocks(b) \
- ((unsigned int) (KEY_SIZE(&b->key) >> (b)->c->block_bits))
- #define btree_default_blocks(c) \
- ((unsigned int) ((PAGE_SECTORS * (c)->btree_pages) >> (c)->block_bits))
- #define bucket_bytes(ca) ((ca)->sb.bucket_size << 9)
- #define block_bytes(ca) ((ca)->sb.block_size << 9)
- static inline unsigned int meta_bucket_pages(struct cache_sb *sb)
- {
- unsigned int n, max_pages;
- max_pages = min_t(unsigned int,
- __rounddown_pow_of_two(USHRT_MAX) / PAGE_SECTORS,
- n = sb->bucket_size / PAGE_SECTORS;
- if (n > max_pages)
- n = max_pages;
- return n;
- }
- static inline unsigned int meta_bucket_bytes(struct cache_sb *sb)
- {
- return meta_bucket_pages(sb) << PAGE_SHIFT;
- }
- #define prios_per_bucket(ca) \
- ((meta_bucket_bytes(&(ca)->sb) - sizeof(struct prio_set)) / \
- sizeof(struct bucket_disk))
- #define prio_buckets(ca) \
- DIV_ROUND_UP((size_t) (ca)->sb.nbuckets, prios_per_bucket(ca))
- static inline size_t sector_to_bucket(struct cache_set *c, sector_t s)
- {
- return s >> c->bucket_bits;
- }
- static inline sector_t bucket_to_sector(struct cache_set *c, size_t b)
- {
- return ((sector_t) b) << c->bucket_bits;
- }
- static inline sector_t bucket_remainder(struct cache_set *c, sector_t s)
- {
- return s & (c->cache->sb.bucket_size - 1);
- }
- static inline size_t PTR_BUCKET_NR(struct cache_set *c,
- const struct bkey *k,
- unsigned int ptr)
- {
- return sector_to_bucket(c, PTR_OFFSET(k, ptr));
- }
- static inline struct bucket *PTR_BUCKET(struct cache_set *c,
- const struct bkey *k,
- unsigned int ptr)
- {
- return c->cache->buckets + PTR_BUCKET_NR(c, k, ptr);
- }
- static inline uint8_t gen_after(uint8_t a, uint8_t b)
- {
- uint8_t r = a - b;
- return r > 128U ? 0 : r;
- }
- static inline uint8_t ptr_stale(struct cache_set *c, const struct bkey *k,
- unsigned int i)
- {
- return gen_after(PTR_BUCKET(c, k, i)->gen, PTR_GEN(k, i));
- }
- static inline bool ptr_available(struct cache_set *c, const struct bkey *k,
- unsigned int i)
- {
- return (PTR_DEV(k, i) < MAX_CACHES_PER_SET) && c->cache;
- }
- /* Btree key macros */
- /*
- * This is used for various on disk data structures - cache_sb, prio_set, bset,
- * jset: The checksum is _always_ the first 8 bytes of these structs
- */
- #define csum_set(i) \
- bch_crc64(((void *) (i)) + sizeof(uint64_t), \
- ((void *) bset_bkey_last(i)) - \
- (((void *) (i)) + sizeof(uint64_t)))
- /* Error handling macros */
- #define btree_bug(b, ...) \
- do { \
- if (bch_cache_set_error((b)->c, __VA_ARGS__)) \
- dump_stack(); \
- } while (0)
- #define cache_bug(c, ...) \
- do { \
- if (bch_cache_set_error(c, __VA_ARGS__)) \
- dump_stack(); \
- } while (0)
- #define btree_bug_on(cond, b, ...) \
- do { \
- if (cond) \
- btree_bug(b, __VA_ARGS__); \
- } while (0)
- #define cache_bug_on(cond, c, ...) \
- do { \
- if (cond) \
- cache_bug(c, __VA_ARGS__); \
- } while (0)
- #define cache_set_err_on(cond, c, ...) \
- do { \
- if (cond) \
- bch_cache_set_error(c, __VA_ARGS__); \
- } while (0)
- /* Looping macros */
- #define for_each_bucket(b, ca) \
- for (b = (ca)->buckets + (ca)->sb.first_bucket; \
- b < (ca)->buckets + (ca)->sb.nbuckets; b++)
- static inline void cached_dev_put(struct cached_dev *dc)
- {
- if (refcount_dec_and_test(&dc->count))
- schedule_work(&dc->detach);
- }
- static inline bool cached_dev_get(struct cached_dev *dc)
- {
- if (!refcount_inc_not_zero(&dc->count))
- return false;
- /* Paired with the mb in cached_dev_attach */
- smp_mb__after_atomic();
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * bucket_gc_gen() returns the difference between the bucket's current gen and
- * the oldest gen of any pointer into that bucket in the btree (last_gc).
- */
- static inline uint8_t bucket_gc_gen(struct bucket *b)
- {
- return b->gen - b->last_gc;
- }
- #define BUCKET_GC_GEN_MAX 96U
- #define kobj_attribute_write(n, fn) \
- static struct kobj_attribute ksysfs_##n = __ATTR(n, 0200, NULL, fn)
- #define kobj_attribute_rw(n, show, store) \
- static struct kobj_attribute ksysfs_##n = \
- __ATTR(n, 0600, show, store)
- static inline void wake_up_allocators(struct cache_set *c)
- {
- struct cache *ca = c->cache;
- wake_up_process(ca->alloc_thread);
- }
- static inline void closure_bio_submit(struct cache_set *c,
- struct bio *bio,
- struct closure *cl)
- {
- closure_get(cl);
- if (unlikely(test_bit(CACHE_SET_IO_DISABLE, &c->flags))) {
- bio->bi_status = BLK_STS_IOERR;
- bio_endio(bio);
- return;
- }
- submit_bio_noacct(bio);
- }
- /*
- * Prevent the kthread exits directly, and make sure when kthread_stop()
- * is called to stop a kthread, it is still alive. If a kthread might be
- * stopped by CACHE_SET_IO_DISABLE bit set, wait_for_kthread_stop() is
- * necessary before the kthread returns.
- */
- static inline void wait_for_kthread_stop(void)
- {
- while (!kthread_should_stop()) {
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule();
- }
- }
- /* Forward declarations */
- void bch_count_backing_io_errors(struct cached_dev *dc, struct bio *bio);
- void bch_count_io_errors(struct cache *ca, blk_status_t error,
- int is_read, const char *m);
- void bch_bbio_count_io_errors(struct cache_set *c, struct bio *bio,
- blk_status_t error, const char *m);
- void bch_bbio_endio(struct cache_set *c, struct bio *bio,
- blk_status_t error, const char *m);
- void bch_bbio_free(struct bio *bio, struct cache_set *c);
- struct bio *bch_bbio_alloc(struct cache_set *c);
- void __bch_submit_bbio(struct bio *bio, struct cache_set *c);
- void bch_submit_bbio(struct bio *bio, struct cache_set *c,
- struct bkey *k, unsigned int ptr);
- uint8_t bch_inc_gen(struct cache *ca, struct bucket *b);
- void bch_rescale_priorities(struct cache_set *c, int sectors);
- bool bch_can_invalidate_bucket(struct cache *ca, struct bucket *b);
- void __bch_invalidate_one_bucket(struct cache *ca, struct bucket *b);
- void __bch_bucket_free(struct cache *ca, struct bucket *b);
- void bch_bucket_free(struct cache_set *c, struct bkey *k);
- long bch_bucket_alloc(struct cache *ca, unsigned int reserve, bool wait);
- int __bch_bucket_alloc_set(struct cache_set *c, unsigned int reserve,
- struct bkey *k, bool wait);
- int bch_bucket_alloc_set(struct cache_set *c, unsigned int reserve,
- struct bkey *k, bool wait);
- bool bch_alloc_sectors(struct cache_set *c, struct bkey *k,
- unsigned int sectors, unsigned int write_point,
- unsigned int write_prio, bool wait);
- bool bch_cached_dev_error(struct cached_dev *dc);
- __printf(2, 3)
- bool bch_cache_set_error(struct cache_set *c, const char *fmt, ...);
- int bch_prio_write(struct cache *ca, bool wait);
- void bch_write_bdev_super(struct cached_dev *dc, struct closure *parent);
- extern struct workqueue_struct *bcache_wq;
- extern struct workqueue_struct *bch_journal_wq;
- extern struct workqueue_struct *bch_flush_wq;
- extern struct mutex bch_register_lock;
- extern struct list_head bch_cache_sets;
- extern struct kobj_type bch_cached_dev_ktype;
- extern struct kobj_type bch_flash_dev_ktype;
- extern struct kobj_type bch_cache_set_ktype;
- extern struct kobj_type bch_cache_set_internal_ktype;
- extern struct kobj_type bch_cache_ktype;
- void bch_cached_dev_release(struct kobject *kobj);
- void bch_flash_dev_release(struct kobject *kobj);
- void bch_cache_set_release(struct kobject *kobj);
- void bch_cache_release(struct kobject *kobj);
- int bch_uuid_write(struct cache_set *c);
- void bcache_write_super(struct cache_set *c);
- int bch_flash_dev_create(struct cache_set *c, uint64_t size);
- int bch_cached_dev_attach(struct cached_dev *dc, struct cache_set *c,
- uint8_t *set_uuid);
- void bch_cached_dev_detach(struct cached_dev *dc);
- int bch_cached_dev_run(struct cached_dev *dc);
- void bcache_device_stop(struct bcache_device *d);
- void bch_cache_set_unregister(struct cache_set *c);
- void bch_cache_set_stop(struct cache_set *c);
- struct cache_set *bch_cache_set_alloc(struct cache_sb *sb);
- void bch_btree_cache_free(struct cache_set *c);
- int bch_btree_cache_alloc(struct cache_set *c);
- void bch_moving_init_cache_set(struct cache_set *c);
- int bch_open_buckets_alloc(struct cache_set *c);
- void bch_open_buckets_free(struct cache_set *c);
- int bch_cache_allocator_start(struct cache *ca);
- void bch_debug_exit(void);
- void bch_debug_init(void);
- void bch_request_exit(void);
- int bch_request_init(void);
- void bch_btree_exit(void);
- int bch_btree_init(void);
- #endif /* _BCACHE_H */