memory.h 11 KB

  1. /* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
  2. /******************************************************************************
  3. * memory.h
  4. *
  5. * Memory reservation and information.
  6. *
  7. * Copyright (c) 2005, Keir Fraser <[email protected]>
  8. */
  9. #ifndef __XEN_PUBLIC_MEMORY_H__
  10. #define __XEN_PUBLIC_MEMORY_H__
  11. #include <linux/spinlock.h>
  12. /*
  13. * Increase or decrease the specified domain's memory reservation. Returns a
  14. * -ve errcode on failure, or the # extents successfully allocated or freed.
  15. * arg == addr of struct xen_memory_reservation.
  16. */
  17. #define XENMEM_increase_reservation 0
  18. #define XENMEM_decrease_reservation 1
  19. #define XENMEM_populate_physmap 6
  20. struct xen_memory_reservation {
  21. /*
  22. * XENMEM_increase_reservation:
  23. * OUT: MFN (*not* GMFN) bases of extents that were allocated
  24. * XENMEM_decrease_reservation:
  25. * IN: GMFN bases of extents to free
  26. * XENMEM_populate_physmap:
  27. * IN: GPFN bases of extents to populate with memory
  28. * OUT: GMFN bases of extents that were allocated
  29. * (NB. This command also updates the mach_to_phys translation table)
  30. */
  31. GUEST_HANDLE(xen_pfn_t) extent_start;
  32. /* Number of extents, and size/alignment of each (2^extent_order pages). */
  33. xen_ulong_t nr_extents;
  34. unsigned int extent_order;
  35. /*
  36. * Maximum # bits addressable by the user of the allocated region (e.g.,
  37. * I/O devices often have a 32-bit limitation even in 64-bit systems). If
  38. * zero then the user has no addressing restriction.
  39. * This field is not used by XENMEM_decrease_reservation.
  40. */
  41. unsigned int address_bits;
  42. /*
  43. * Domain whose reservation is being changed.
  44. * Unprivileged domains can specify only DOMID_SELF.
  45. */
  46. domid_t domid;
  47. };
  48. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_memory_reservation);
  49. /*
  50. * An atomic exchange of memory pages. If return code is zero then
  51. * @out.extent_list provides GMFNs of the newly-allocated memory.
  52. * Returns zero on complete success, otherwise a negative error code.
  53. * On complete success then always @nr_exchanged == @in.nr_extents.
  54. * On partial success @nr_exchanged indicates how much work was done.
  55. */
  56. #define XENMEM_exchange 11
  57. struct xen_memory_exchange {
  58. /*
  59. * [IN] Details of memory extents to be exchanged (GMFN bases).
  60. * Note that @in.address_bits is ignored and unused.
  61. */
  62. struct xen_memory_reservation in;
  63. /*
  64. * [IN/OUT] Details of new memory extents.
  65. * We require that:
  66. * 1. @in.domid == @out.domid
  67. * 2. @in.nr_extents << @in.extent_order ==
  68. * @out.nr_extents << @out.extent_order
  69. * 3. @in.extent_start and @out.extent_start lists must not overlap
  70. * 4. @out.extent_start lists GPFN bases to be populated
  71. * 5. @out.extent_start is overwritten with allocated GMFN bases
  72. */
  73. struct xen_memory_reservation out;
  74. /*
  75. * [OUT] Number of input extents that were successfully exchanged:
  76. * 1. The first @nr_exchanged input extents were successfully
  77. * deallocated.
  78. * 2. The corresponding first entries in the output extent list correctly
  79. * indicate the GMFNs that were successfully exchanged.
  80. * 3. All other input and output extents are untouched.
  81. * 4. If not all input exents are exchanged then the return code of this
  82. * command will be non-zero.
  84. */
  85. xen_ulong_t nr_exchanged;
  86. };
  87. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_memory_exchange);
  88. /*
  89. * Returns the maximum machine frame number of mapped RAM in this system.
  90. * This command always succeeds (it never returns an error code).
  91. * arg == NULL.
  92. */
  93. #define XENMEM_maximum_ram_page 2
  94. /*
  95. * Returns the current or maximum memory reservation, in pages, of the
  96. * specified domain (may be DOMID_SELF). Returns -ve errcode on failure.
  97. * arg == addr of domid_t.
  98. */
  99. #define XENMEM_current_reservation 3
  100. #define XENMEM_maximum_reservation 4
  101. /*
  102. * Returns a list of MFN bases of 2MB extents comprising the machine_to_phys
  103. * mapping table. Architectures which do not have a m2p table do not implement
  104. * this command.
  105. * arg == addr of xen_machphys_mfn_list_t.
  106. */
  107. #define XENMEM_machphys_mfn_list 5
  108. struct xen_machphys_mfn_list {
  109. /*
  110. * Size of the 'extent_start' array. Fewer entries will be filled if the
  111. * machphys table is smaller than max_extents * 2MB.
  112. */
  113. unsigned int max_extents;
  114. /*
  115. * Pointer to buffer to fill with list of extent starts. If there are
  116. * any large discontiguities in the machine address space, 2MB gaps in
  117. * the machphys table will be represented by an MFN base of zero.
  118. */
  119. GUEST_HANDLE(xen_pfn_t) extent_start;
  120. /*
  121. * Number of extents written to the above array. This will be smaller
  122. * than 'max_extents' if the machphys table is smaller than max_e * 2MB.
  123. */
  124. unsigned int nr_extents;
  125. };
  126. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_machphys_mfn_list);
  127. /*
  128. * Returns the location in virtual address space of the machine_to_phys
  129. * mapping table. Architectures which do not have a m2p table, or which do not
  130. * map it by default into guest address space, do not implement this command.
  131. * arg == addr of xen_machphys_mapping_t.
  132. */
  133. #define XENMEM_machphys_mapping 12
  134. struct xen_machphys_mapping {
  135. xen_ulong_t v_start, v_end; /* Start and end virtual addresses. */
  136. xen_ulong_t max_mfn; /* Maximum MFN that can be looked up. */
  137. };
  138. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_machphys_mapping_t);
  139. #define XENMAPSPACE_shared_info 0 /* shared info page */
  140. #define XENMAPSPACE_grant_table 1 /* grant table page */
  141. #define XENMAPSPACE_gmfn 2 /* GMFN */
  142. #define XENMAPSPACE_gmfn_range 3 /* GMFN range, XENMEM_add_to_physmap only. */
  143. #define XENMAPSPACE_gmfn_foreign 4 /* GMFN from another dom,
  144. * XENMEM_add_to_physmap_range only.
  145. */
  146. #define XENMAPSPACE_dev_mmio 5 /* device mmio region */
  147. /*
  148. * Sets the GPFN at which a particular page appears in the specified guest's
  149. * pseudophysical address space.
  150. * arg == addr of xen_add_to_physmap_t.
  151. */
  152. #define XENMEM_add_to_physmap 7
  153. struct xen_add_to_physmap {
  154. /* Which domain to change the mapping for. */
  155. domid_t domid;
  156. /* Number of pages to go through for gmfn_range */
  157. uint16_t size;
  158. /* Source mapping space. */
  159. unsigned int space;
  160. /* Index into source mapping space. */
  161. xen_ulong_t idx;
  162. /* GPFN where the source mapping page should appear. */
  163. xen_pfn_t gpfn;
  164. };
  165. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_add_to_physmap);
  166. /*** REMOVED ***/
  167. /*#define XENMEM_translate_gpfn_list 8*/
  168. #define XENMEM_add_to_physmap_range 23
  169. struct xen_add_to_physmap_range {
  170. /* IN */
  171. /* Which domain to change the mapping for. */
  172. domid_t domid;
  173. uint16_t space; /* => enum phys_map_space */
  174. /* Number of pages to go through */
  175. uint16_t size;
  176. domid_t foreign_domid; /* IFF gmfn_foreign */
  177. /* Indexes into space being mapped. */
  178. GUEST_HANDLE(xen_ulong_t) idxs;
  179. /* GPFN in domid where the source mapping page should appear. */
  180. GUEST_HANDLE(xen_pfn_t) gpfns;
  181. /* OUT */
  182. /* Per index error code. */
  183. GUEST_HANDLE(int) errs;
  184. };
  185. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_add_to_physmap_range);
  186. /*
  187. * Returns the pseudo-physical memory map as it was when the domain
  188. * was started (specified by XENMEM_set_memory_map).
  189. * arg == addr of struct xen_memory_map.
  190. */
  191. #define XENMEM_memory_map 9
  192. struct xen_memory_map {
  193. /*
  194. * On call the number of entries which can be stored in buffer. On
  195. * return the number of entries which have been stored in
  196. * buffer.
  197. */
  198. unsigned int nr_entries;
  199. /*
  200. * Entries in the buffer are in the same format as returned by the
  201. * BIOS INT 0x15 EAX=0xE820 call.
  202. */
  203. GUEST_HANDLE(void) buffer;
  204. };
  205. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_memory_map);
  206. /*
  207. * Returns the real physical memory map. Passes the same structure as
  208. * XENMEM_memory_map.
  209. * arg == addr of struct xen_memory_map.
  210. */
  211. #define XENMEM_machine_memory_map 10
  212. /*
  213. * Unmaps the page appearing at a particular GPFN from the specified guest's
  214. * pseudophysical address space.
  215. * arg == addr of xen_remove_from_physmap_t.
  216. */
  217. #define XENMEM_remove_from_physmap 15
  218. struct xen_remove_from_physmap {
  219. /* Which domain to change the mapping for. */
  220. domid_t domid;
  221. /* GPFN of the current mapping of the page. */
  222. xen_pfn_t gpfn;
  223. };
  224. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_remove_from_physmap);
  225. /*
  226. * Get the pages for a particular guest resource, so that they can be
  227. * mapped directly by a tools domain.
  228. */
  229. #define XENMEM_acquire_resource 28
  230. struct xen_mem_acquire_resource {
  231. /* IN - The domain whose resource is to be mapped */
  232. domid_t domid;
  233. /* IN - the type of resource */
  234. uint16_t type;
  235. #define XENMEM_resource_ioreq_server 0
  236. #define XENMEM_resource_grant_table 1
  237. /*
  238. * IN - a type-specific resource identifier, which must be zero
  239. * unless stated otherwise.
  240. *
  241. * type == XENMEM_resource_ioreq_server -> id == ioreq server id
  242. * type == XENMEM_resource_grant_table -> id defined below
  243. */
  244. uint32_t id;
  245. #define XENMEM_resource_grant_table_id_shared 0
  246. #define XENMEM_resource_grant_table_id_status 1
  247. /* IN/OUT - As an IN parameter number of frames of the resource
  248. * to be mapped. However, if the specified value is 0 and
  249. * frame_list is NULL then this field will be set to the
  250. * maximum value supported by the implementation on return.
  251. */
  252. uint32_t nr_frames;
  253. /*
  254. * OUT - Must be zero on entry. On return this may contain a bitwise
  255. * OR of the following values.
  256. */
  257. uint32_t flags;
  258. /* The resource pages have been assigned to the calling domain */
  259. #define _XENMEM_rsrc_acq_caller_owned 0
  260. #define XENMEM_rsrc_acq_caller_owned (1u << _XENMEM_rsrc_acq_caller_owned)
  261. /*
  262. * IN - the index of the initial frame to be mapped. This parameter
  263. * is ignored if nr_frames is 0.
  264. */
  265. uint64_t frame;
  266. #define XENMEM_resource_ioreq_server_frame_bufioreq 0
  267. #define XENMEM_resource_ioreq_server_frame_ioreq(n) (1 + (n))
  268. /*
  269. * IN/OUT - If the tools domain is PV then, upon return, frame_list
  270. * will be populated with the MFNs of the resource.
  271. * If the tools domain is HVM then it is expected that, on
  272. * entry, frame_list will be populated with a list of GFNs
  273. * that will be mapped to the MFNs of the resource.
  274. * If -EIO is returned then the frame_list has only been
  275. * partially mapped and it is up to the caller to unmap all
  276. * the GFNs.
  277. * This parameter may be NULL if nr_frames is 0.
  278. */
  279. GUEST_HANDLE(xen_pfn_t) frame_list;
  280. };
  281. DEFINE_GUEST_HANDLE_STRUCT(xen_mem_acquire_resource);
  282. #endif /* __XEN_PUBLIC_MEMORY_H__ */