1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045 |
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2014- QLogic Corporation.
- * All rights reserved
- * www.qlogic.com
- *
- * Linux driver for QLogic BR-series Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter.
- */
- #ifndef __BFA_IOC_H__
- #define __BFA_IOC_H__
- #include "bfad_drv.h"
- #include "bfa_cs.h"
- #include "bfi.h"
- #define BFA_DBG_FWTRC_LEN \
- (BFA_DBG_FWTRC_ENTS * sizeof(struct bfa_trc_s) + \
- (sizeof(struct bfa_trc_mod_s) - \
- BFA_TRC_MAX * sizeof(struct bfa_trc_s)))
- /*
- * BFA timer declarations
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_timer_cbfn_t)(void *);
- /*
- * BFA timer data structure
- */
- struct bfa_timer_s {
- struct list_head qe;
- bfa_timer_cbfn_t timercb;
- void *arg;
- int timeout; /* in millisecs */
- };
- /*
- * Timer module structure
- */
- struct bfa_timer_mod_s {
- struct list_head timer_q;
- };
- #define BFA_TIMER_FREQ 200 /* specified in millisecs */
- void bfa_timer_beat(struct bfa_timer_mod_s *mod);
- void bfa_timer_begin(struct bfa_timer_mod_s *mod, struct bfa_timer_s *timer,
- bfa_timer_cbfn_t timercb, void *arg,
- unsigned int timeout);
- void bfa_timer_stop(struct bfa_timer_s *timer);
- /*
- * Generic Scatter Gather Element used by driver
- */
- struct bfa_sge_s {
- u32 sg_len;
- void *sg_addr;
- };
- #define bfa_sge_word_swap(__sge) do { \
- ((u32 *)(__sge))[0] = swab32(((u32 *)(__sge))[0]); \
- ((u32 *)(__sge))[1] = swab32(((u32 *)(__sge))[1]); \
- ((u32 *)(__sge))[2] = swab32(((u32 *)(__sge))[2]); \
- } while (0)
- #define bfa_swap_words(_x) ( \
- ((u64)(_x) << 32) | ((u64)(_x) >> 32))
- #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
- #define bfa_sge_to_be(_x)
- #define bfa_sge_to_le(_x) bfa_sge_word_swap(_x)
- #define bfa_sgaddr_le(_x) bfa_swap_words(_x)
- #else
- #define bfa_sge_to_be(_x) bfa_sge_word_swap(_x)
- #define bfa_sge_to_le(_x)
- #define bfa_sgaddr_le(_x) (_x)
- #endif
- /*
- * BFA memory resources
- */
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s {
- struct list_head qe; /* Queue of DMA elements */
- u32 mem_len; /* Total Length in Bytes */
- u8 *kva; /* kernel virtual address */
- u64 dma; /* dma address if DMA memory */
- u8 *kva_curp; /* kva allocation cursor */
- u64 dma_curp; /* dma allocation cursor */
- };
- #define bfa_mem_dma_t struct bfa_mem_dma_s
- struct bfa_mem_kva_s {
- struct list_head qe; /* Queue of KVA elements */
- u32 mem_len; /* Total Length in Bytes */
- u8 *kva; /* kernel virtual address */
- u8 *kva_curp; /* kva allocation cursor */
- };
- #define bfa_mem_kva_t struct bfa_mem_kva_s
- struct bfa_meminfo_s {
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s dma_info;
- struct bfa_mem_kva_s kva_info;
- };
- /* BFA memory segment setup helpers */
- static inline void bfa_mem_dma_setup(struct bfa_meminfo_s *meminfo,
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s *dm_ptr,
- size_t seg_sz)
- {
- dm_ptr->mem_len = seg_sz;
- if (seg_sz)
- list_add_tail(&dm_ptr->qe, &meminfo->dma_info.qe);
- }
- static inline void bfa_mem_kva_setup(struct bfa_meminfo_s *meminfo,
- struct bfa_mem_kva_s *kva_ptr,
- size_t seg_sz)
- {
- kva_ptr->mem_len = seg_sz;
- if (seg_sz)
- list_add_tail(&kva_ptr->qe, &meminfo->kva_info.qe);
- }
- /* BFA dma memory segments iterator */
- #define bfa_mem_dma_sptr(_mod, _i) (&(_mod)->dma_seg[(_i)])
- #define bfa_mem_dma_seg_iter(_mod, _sptr, _nr, _i) \
- for (_i = 0, _sptr = bfa_mem_dma_sptr(_mod, _i); _i < (_nr); \
- _i++, _sptr = bfa_mem_dma_sptr(_mod, _i))
- #define bfa_mem_kva_curp(_mod) ((_mod)->kva_seg.kva_curp)
- #define bfa_mem_dma_virt(_sptr) ((_sptr)->kva_curp)
- #define bfa_mem_dma_phys(_sptr) ((_sptr)->dma_curp)
- #define bfa_mem_dma_len(_sptr) ((_sptr)->mem_len)
- /* Get the corresponding dma buf kva for a req - from the tag */
- #define bfa_mem_get_dmabuf_kva(_mod, _tag, _rqsz) \
- (((u8 *)(_mod)->dma_seg[BFI_MEM_SEG_FROM_TAG(_tag, _rqsz)].kva_curp) +\
- BFI_MEM_SEG_REQ_OFFSET(_tag, _rqsz) * (_rqsz))
- /* Get the corresponding dma buf pa for a req - from the tag */
- #define bfa_mem_get_dmabuf_pa(_mod, _tag, _rqsz) \
- ((_mod)->dma_seg[BFI_MEM_SEG_FROM_TAG(_tag, _rqsz)].dma_curp + \
- BFI_MEM_SEG_REQ_OFFSET(_tag, _rqsz) * (_rqsz))
- /*
- * PCI device information required by IOC
- */
- struct bfa_pcidev_s {
- int pci_slot;
- u8 pci_func;
- u16 device_id;
- u16 ssid;
- void __iomem *pci_bar_kva;
- };
- /*
- * Structure used to remember the DMA-able memory block's KVA and Physical
- * Address
- */
- struct bfa_dma_s {
- void *kva; /* ! Kernel virtual address */
- u64 pa; /* ! Physical address */
- };
- #define BFA_DMA_ALIGN_SZ 256
- #define BFA_ROUNDUP(_l, _s) (((_l) + ((_s) - 1)) & ~((_s) - 1))
- /*
- * smem size for Crossbow and Catapult
- */
- #define BFI_SMEM_CB_SIZE 0x200000U /* ! 2MB for crossbow */
- #define BFI_SMEM_CT_SIZE 0x280000U /* ! 2.5MB for catapult */
- #define bfa_dma_be_addr_set(dma_addr, pa) \
- __bfa_dma_be_addr_set(&dma_addr, (u64)pa)
- static inline void
- __bfa_dma_be_addr_set(union bfi_addr_u *dma_addr, u64 pa)
- {
- dma_addr->a32.addr_lo = cpu_to_be32(pa);
- dma_addr->a32.addr_hi = cpu_to_be32(pa >> 32);
- }
- #define bfa_alen_set(__alen, __len, __pa) \
- __bfa_alen_set(__alen, __len, (u64)__pa)
- static inline void
- __bfa_alen_set(struct bfi_alen_s *alen, u32 len, u64 pa)
- {
- alen->al_len = cpu_to_be32(len);
- bfa_dma_be_addr_set(alen->al_addr, pa);
- }
- struct bfa_ioc_regs_s {
- void __iomem *hfn_mbox_cmd;
- void __iomem *hfn_mbox;
- void __iomem *lpu_mbox_cmd;
- void __iomem *lpu_mbox;
- void __iomem *lpu_read_stat;
- void __iomem *pss_ctl_reg;
- void __iomem *pss_err_status_reg;
- void __iomem *app_pll_fast_ctl_reg;
- void __iomem *app_pll_slow_ctl_reg;
- void __iomem *ioc_sem_reg;
- void __iomem *ioc_usage_sem_reg;
- void __iomem *ioc_init_sem_reg;
- void __iomem *ioc_usage_reg;
- void __iomem *host_page_num_fn;
- void __iomem *heartbeat;
- void __iomem *ioc_fwstate;
- void __iomem *alt_ioc_fwstate;
- void __iomem *ll_halt;
- void __iomem *alt_ll_halt;
- void __iomem *err_set;
- void __iomem *ioc_fail_sync;
- void __iomem *shirq_isr_next;
- void __iomem *shirq_msk_next;
- void __iomem *smem_page_start;
- u32 smem_pg0;
- };
- #define bfa_mem_read(_raddr, _off) swab32(readl(((_raddr) + (_off))))
- #define bfa_mem_write(_raddr, _off, _val) \
- writel(swab32((_val)), ((_raddr) + (_off)))
- /*
- * IOC Mailbox structures
- */
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s {
- struct list_head qe;
- u32 msg[BFI_IOC_MSGSZ];
- };
- /*
- * IOC mailbox module
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_mbox_mcfunc_t)(void *cbarg, struct bfi_mbmsg_s *m);
- struct bfa_ioc_mbox_mod_s {
- struct list_head cmd_q; /* pending mbox queue */
- int nmclass; /* number of handlers */
- struct {
- bfa_ioc_mbox_mcfunc_t cbfn; /* message handlers */
- void *cbarg;
- } mbhdlr[BFI_MC_MAX];
- };
- /*
- * IOC callback function interfaces
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_enable_cbfn_t)(void *bfa, enum bfa_status status);
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_disable_cbfn_t)(void *bfa);
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_hbfail_cbfn_t)(void *bfa);
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_reset_cbfn_t)(void *bfa);
- struct bfa_ioc_cbfn_s {
- bfa_ioc_enable_cbfn_t enable_cbfn;
- bfa_ioc_disable_cbfn_t disable_cbfn;
- bfa_ioc_hbfail_cbfn_t hbfail_cbfn;
- bfa_ioc_reset_cbfn_t reset_cbfn;
- };
- /*
- * IOC event notification mechanism.
- */
- enum bfa_ioc_event_e {
- };
- typedef void (*bfa_ioc_notify_cbfn_t)(void *, enum bfa_ioc_event_e);
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s {
- struct list_head qe;
- bfa_ioc_notify_cbfn_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- };
- /*
- * Initialize a IOC event notification structure
- */
- #define bfa_ioc_notify_init(__notify, __cbfn, __cbarg) do { \
- (__notify)->cbfn = (__cbfn); \
- (__notify)->cbarg = (__cbarg); \
- } while (0)
- struct bfa_iocpf_s {
- bfa_fsm_t fsm;
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc;
- bfa_boolean_t fw_mismatch_notified;
- bfa_boolean_t auto_recover;
- u32 poll_time;
- };
- struct bfa_ioc_s {
- bfa_fsm_t fsm;
- struct bfa_s *bfa;
- struct bfa_pcidev_s pcidev;
- struct bfa_timer_mod_s *timer_mod;
- struct bfa_timer_s ioc_timer;
- struct bfa_timer_s sem_timer;
- struct bfa_timer_s hb_timer;
- u32 hb_count;
- struct list_head notify_q;
- void *dbg_fwsave;
- int dbg_fwsave_len;
- bfa_boolean_t dbg_fwsave_once;
- enum bfi_pcifn_class clscode;
- struct bfa_ioc_regs_s ioc_regs;
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod;
- struct bfa_ioc_drv_stats_s stats;
- bfa_boolean_t fcmode;
- bfa_boolean_t pllinit;
- bfa_boolean_t stats_busy; /* outstanding stats */
- u8 port_id;
- struct bfa_dma_s attr_dma;
- struct bfi_ioc_attr_s *attr;
- struct bfa_ioc_cbfn_s *cbfn;
- struct bfa_ioc_mbox_mod_s mbox_mod;
- struct bfa_ioc_hwif_s *ioc_hwif;
- struct bfa_iocpf_s iocpf;
- enum bfi_asic_gen asic_gen;
- enum bfi_asic_mode asic_mode;
- enum bfi_port_mode port0_mode;
- enum bfi_port_mode port1_mode;
- enum bfa_mode_s port_mode;
- u8 ad_cap_bm; /* adapter cap bit mask */
- u8 port_mode_cfg; /* config port mode */
- int ioc_aen_seq;
- };
- struct bfa_ioc_hwif_s {
- bfa_status_t (*ioc_pll_init) (void __iomem *rb, enum bfi_asic_mode m);
- bfa_boolean_t (*ioc_firmware_lock) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_firmware_unlock) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_reg_init) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_map_port) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_isr_mode_set) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- bfa_boolean_t msix);
- void (*ioc_notify_fail) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_ownership_reset) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t (*ioc_sync_start) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_sync_join) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_sync_leave) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_sync_ack) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t (*ioc_sync_complete) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t (*ioc_lpu_read_stat) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_set_fwstate) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- enum bfi_ioc_state fwstate);
- enum bfi_ioc_state (*ioc_get_fwstate) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void (*ioc_set_alt_fwstate) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- enum bfi_ioc_state fwstate);
- enum bfi_ioc_state (*ioc_get_alt_fwstate) (struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- };
- /*
- * Queue element to wait for room in request queue. FIFO order is
- * maintained when fullfilling requests.
- */
- struct bfa_reqq_wait_s {
- struct list_head qe;
- void (*qresume) (void *cbarg);
- void *cbarg;
- };
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_cbfn_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_boolean_t complete);
- /*
- * Generic BFA callback element.
- */
- struct bfa_cb_qe_s {
- struct list_head qe;
- bfa_cb_cbfn_t cbfn;
- bfa_boolean_t once;
- bfa_boolean_t pre_rmv; /* set for stack based qe(s) */
- bfa_status_t fw_status; /* to access fw status in comp proc */
- void *cbarg;
- };
- /*
- * IOCFC state machine definitions/declarations
- */
- enum iocfc_event {
- IOCFC_E_INIT = 1, /* IOCFC init request */
- IOCFC_E_START = 2, /* IOCFC mod start request */
- IOCFC_E_STOP = 3, /* IOCFC stop request */
- IOCFC_E_ENABLE = 4, /* IOCFC enable request */
- IOCFC_E_DISABLE = 5, /* IOCFC disable request */
- IOCFC_E_IOC_ENABLED = 6, /* IOC enabled message */
- IOCFC_E_IOC_DISABLED = 7, /* IOC disabled message */
- IOCFC_E_IOC_FAILED = 8, /* failure notice by IOC sm */
- IOCFC_E_DCONF_DONE = 9, /* dconf read/write done */
- IOCFC_E_CFG_DONE = 10, /* IOCFC config complete */
- };
- /*
- * ASIC block configurtion related
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_ablk_cbfn_t)(void *, enum bfa_status);
- struct bfa_ablk_s {
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc;
- struct bfa_ablk_cfg_s *cfg;
- u16 *pcifn;
- struct bfa_dma_s dma_addr;
- bfa_boolean_t busy;
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mb;
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify;
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s ablk_dma;
- };
- #define BFA_MEM_ABLK_DMA(__bfa) (&((__bfa)->modules.ablk.ablk_dma))
- /*
- * SFP module specific
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_sfp_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_status_t status);
- struct bfa_sfp_s {
- void *dev;
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc;
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod;
- struct sfp_mem_s *sfpmem;
- bfa_cb_sfp_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- enum bfi_sfp_mem_e memtype; /* mem access type */
- u32 status;
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify;
- enum bfa_defs_sfp_media_e *media;
- enum bfa_port_speed portspeed;
- bfa_cb_sfp_t state_query_cbfn;
- void *state_query_cbarg;
- u8 lock;
- u8 data_valid; /* data in dbuf is valid */
- u8 state; /* sfp state */
- u8 state_query_lock;
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s sfp_dma;
- u8 is_elb; /* eloopback */
- };
- #define BFA_SFP_MOD(__bfa) (&(__bfa)->modules.sfp)
- #define BFA_MEM_SFP_DMA(__bfa) (&(BFA_SFP_MOD(__bfa)->sfp_dma))
- u32 bfa_sfp_meminfo(void);
- void bfa_sfp_attach(struct bfa_sfp_s *sfp, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- void *dev, struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod);
- void bfa_sfp_memclaim(struct bfa_sfp_s *diag, u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa);
- void bfa_sfp_intr(void *bfaarg, struct bfi_mbmsg_s *msg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_sfp_show(struct bfa_sfp_s *sfp, struct sfp_mem_s *sfpmem,
- bfa_cb_sfp_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_sfp_media(struct bfa_sfp_s *sfp,
- enum bfa_defs_sfp_media_e *media,
- bfa_cb_sfp_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_sfp_speed(struct bfa_sfp_s *sfp,
- enum bfa_port_speed portspeed,
- bfa_cb_sfp_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- /*
- * Flash module specific
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_flash_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_status_t status);
- struct bfa_flash_s {
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc; /* back pointer to ioc */
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod;
- u32 type; /* partition type */
- u8 instance; /* partition instance */
- u8 rsv[3];
- u32 op_busy; /* operation busy flag */
- u32 residue; /* residual length */
- u32 offset; /* offset */
- bfa_status_t status; /* status */
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- struct bfa_reqq_wait_s reqq_wait; /* to wait for room in reqq */
- bfa_cb_flash_t cbfn; /* user callback function */
- void *cbarg; /* user callback arg */
- u8 *ubuf; /* user supplied buffer */
- struct bfa_cb_qe_s hcb_qe; /* comp: BFA callback qelem */
- u32 addr_off; /* partition address offset */
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mb; /* mailbox */
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify; /* ioc event notify */
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s flash_dma;
- };
- #define BFA_FLASH(__bfa) (&(__bfa)->modules.flash)
- #define BFA_MEM_FLASH_DMA(__bfa) (&(BFA_FLASH(__bfa)->flash_dma))
- bfa_status_t bfa_flash_get_attr(struct bfa_flash_s *flash,
- struct bfa_flash_attr_s *attr,
- bfa_cb_flash_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_flash_erase_part(struct bfa_flash_s *flash,
- enum bfa_flash_part_type type, u8 instance,
- bfa_cb_flash_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_flash_update_part(struct bfa_flash_s *flash,
- enum bfa_flash_part_type type, u8 instance,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_flash_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_flash_read_part(struct bfa_flash_s *flash,
- enum bfa_flash_part_type type, u8 instance, void *buf,
- u32 len, u32 offset, bfa_cb_flash_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- u32 bfa_flash_meminfo(bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_flash_attach(struct bfa_flash_s *flash, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- void *dev, struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_flash_memclaim(struct bfa_flash_s *flash,
- u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_flash_raw_read(void __iomem *pci_bar_kva,
- u32 offset, char *buf, u32 len);
- /*
- * DIAG module specific
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_diag_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_status_t status);
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_diag_beacon_t) (void *dev, bfa_boolean_t beacon,
- bfa_boolean_t link_e2e_beacon);
- /*
- * Firmware ping test results
- */
- struct bfa_diag_results_fwping {
- u32 data; /* store the corrupted data */
- u32 status;
- u32 dmastatus;
- u8 rsvd[4];
- };
- struct bfa_diag_qtest_result_s {
- u32 status;
- u16 count; /* successful queue test count */
- u8 queue;
- u8 rsvd; /* 64-bit align */
- };
- /*
- * Firmware ping test results
- */
- struct bfa_diag_fwping_s {
- struct bfa_diag_results_fwping *result;
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- u32 data;
- u8 lock;
- u8 rsv[3];
- u32 status;
- u32 count;
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- };
- /*
- * Temperature sensor query results
- */
- struct bfa_diag_results_tempsensor_s {
- u32 status;
- u16 temp; /* 10-bit A/D value */
- u16 brd_temp; /* 9-bit board temp */
- u8 ts_junc; /* show junction tempsensor */
- u8 ts_brd; /* show board tempsensor */
- u8 rsvd[6]; /* keep 8 bytes alignment */
- };
- struct bfa_diag_tsensor_s {
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- struct bfa_diag_results_tempsensor_s *temp;
- u8 lock;
- u8 rsv[3];
- u32 status;
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- };
- struct bfa_diag_sfpshow_s {
- struct sfp_mem_s *sfpmem;
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- u8 lock;
- u8 static_data;
- u8 rsv[2];
- u32 status;
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- };
- struct bfa_diag_led_s {
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- bfa_boolean_t lock; /* 1: ledtest is operating */
- };
- struct bfa_diag_beacon_s {
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mbcmd;
- bfa_boolean_t state; /* port beacon state */
- bfa_boolean_t link_e2e; /* link beacon state */
- };
- struct bfa_diag_s {
- void *dev;
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc;
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod;
- struct bfa_diag_fwping_s fwping;
- struct bfa_diag_tsensor_s tsensor;
- struct bfa_diag_sfpshow_s sfpshow;
- struct bfa_diag_led_s ledtest;
- struct bfa_diag_beacon_s beacon;
- void *result;
- struct bfa_timer_s timer;
- bfa_cb_diag_beacon_t cbfn_beacon;
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn;
- void *cbarg;
- u8 block;
- u8 timer_active;
- u8 rsvd[2];
- u32 status;
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify;
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s diag_dma;
- };
- #define BFA_DIAG_MOD(__bfa) (&(__bfa)->modules.diag_mod)
- #define BFA_MEM_DIAG_DMA(__bfa) (&(BFA_DIAG_MOD(__bfa)->diag_dma))
- u32 bfa_diag_meminfo(void);
- void bfa_diag_memclaim(struct bfa_diag_s *diag, u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa);
- void bfa_diag_attach(struct bfa_diag_s *diag, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *dev,
- bfa_cb_diag_beacon_t cbfn_beacon,
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_reg_read(struct bfa_diag_s *diag, u32 offset,
- u32 len, u32 *buf, u32 force);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_reg_write(struct bfa_diag_s *diag, u32 offset,
- u32 len, u32 value, u32 force);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_tsensor_query(struct bfa_diag_s *diag,
- struct bfa_diag_results_tempsensor_s *result,
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_fwping(struct bfa_diag_s *diag, u32 cnt,
- u32 pattern, struct bfa_diag_results_fwping *result,
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_sfpshow(struct bfa_diag_s *diag,
- struct sfp_mem_s *sfpmem, u8 static_data,
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_memtest(struct bfa_diag_s *diag,
- struct bfa_diag_memtest_s *memtest, u32 pattern,
- struct bfa_diag_memtest_result *result,
- bfa_cb_diag_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_ledtest(struct bfa_diag_s *diag,
- struct bfa_diag_ledtest_s *ledtest);
- bfa_status_t bfa_diag_beacon_port(struct bfa_diag_s *diag,
- bfa_boolean_t beacon, bfa_boolean_t link_e2e_beacon,
- u32 sec);
- /*
- * PHY module specific
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_phy_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_status_t status);
- struct bfa_phy_s {
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc; /* back pointer to ioc */
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod; /* trace module */
- u8 instance; /* port instance */
- u8 op_busy; /* operation busy flag */
- u8 rsv[2];
- u32 residue; /* residual length */
- u32 offset; /* offset */
- bfa_status_t status; /* status */
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- struct bfa_reqq_wait_s reqq_wait; /* to wait for room in reqq */
- bfa_cb_phy_t cbfn; /* user callback function */
- void *cbarg; /* user callback arg */
- u8 *ubuf; /* user supplied buffer */
- struct bfa_cb_qe_s hcb_qe; /* comp: BFA callback qelem */
- u32 addr_off; /* phy address offset */
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mb; /* mailbox */
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify; /* ioc event notify */
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s phy_dma;
- };
- #define BFA_PHY(__bfa) (&(__bfa)->modules.phy)
- #define BFA_MEM_PHY_DMA(__bfa) (&(BFA_PHY(__bfa)->phy_dma))
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_phy_busy(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_status_t bfa_phy_get_attr(struct bfa_phy_s *phy, u8 instance,
- struct bfa_phy_attr_s *attr,
- bfa_cb_phy_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_phy_get_stats(struct bfa_phy_s *phy, u8 instance,
- struct bfa_phy_stats_s *stats,
- bfa_cb_phy_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_phy_update(struct bfa_phy_s *phy, u8 instance,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_phy_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_phy_read(struct bfa_phy_s *phy, u8 instance,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_phy_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- u32 bfa_phy_meminfo(bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_phy_attach(struct bfa_phy_s *phy, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- void *dev, struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_phy_memclaim(struct bfa_phy_s *phy,
- u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_phy_intr(void *phyarg, struct bfi_mbmsg_s *msg);
- /*
- * FRU module specific
- */
- typedef void (*bfa_cb_fru_t) (void *cbarg, bfa_status_t status);
- struct bfa_fru_s {
- struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc; /* back pointer to ioc */
- struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod; /* trace module */
- u8 op_busy; /* operation busy flag */
- u8 rsv[3];
- u32 residue; /* residual length */
- u32 offset; /* offset */
- bfa_status_t status; /* status */
- u8 *dbuf_kva; /* dma buf virtual address */
- u64 dbuf_pa; /* dma buf physical address */
- struct bfa_reqq_wait_s reqq_wait; /* to wait for room in reqq */
- bfa_cb_fru_t cbfn; /* user callback function */
- void *cbarg; /* user callback arg */
- u8 *ubuf; /* user supplied buffer */
- struct bfa_cb_qe_s hcb_qe; /* comp: BFA callback qelem */
- u32 addr_off; /* fru address offset */
- struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s mb; /* mailbox */
- struct bfa_ioc_notify_s ioc_notify; /* ioc event notify */
- struct bfa_mem_dma_s fru_dma;
- u8 trfr_cmpl;
- };
- #define BFA_FRU(__bfa) (&(__bfa)->modules.fru)
- #define BFA_MEM_FRU_DMA(__bfa) (&(BFA_FRU(__bfa)->fru_dma))
- bfa_status_t bfa_fruvpd_update(struct bfa_fru_s *fru,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_fru_t cbfn, void *cbarg, u8 trfr_cmpl);
- bfa_status_t bfa_fruvpd_read(struct bfa_fru_s *fru,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_fru_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_fruvpd_get_max_size(struct bfa_fru_s *fru, u32 *max_size);
- bfa_status_t bfa_tfru_write(struct bfa_fru_s *fru,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_fru_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_tfru_read(struct bfa_fru_s *fru,
- void *buf, u32 len, u32 offset,
- bfa_cb_fru_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- u32 bfa_fru_meminfo(bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_fru_attach(struct bfa_fru_s *fru, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- void *dev, struct bfa_trc_mod_s *trcmod, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_fru_memclaim(struct bfa_fru_s *fru,
- u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa, bfa_boolean_t mincfg);
- void bfa_fru_intr(void *fruarg, struct bfi_mbmsg_s *msg);
- /*
- * Driver Config( dconf) specific
- */
- #define BFI_DCONF_SIGNATURE 0xabcdabcd
- #pragma pack(1)
- struct bfa_dconf_hdr_s {
- u32 signature;
- u32 version;
- };
- struct bfa_dconf_s {
- struct bfa_dconf_hdr_s hdr;
- struct bfa_lunmask_cfg_s lun_mask;
- struct bfa_throttle_cfg_s throttle_cfg;
- };
- #pragma pack()
- struct bfa_dconf_mod_s {
- bfa_sm_t sm;
- u8 instance;
- bfa_boolean_t read_data_valid;
- bfa_boolean_t min_cfg;
- struct bfa_timer_s timer;
- struct bfa_s *bfa;
- void *bfad;
- void *trcmod;
- struct bfa_dconf_s *dconf;
- struct bfa_mem_kva_s kva_seg;
- };
- #define BFA_DCONF_MOD(__bfa) \
- (&(__bfa)->modules.dconf_mod)
- #define BFA_MEM_DCONF_KVA(__bfa) (&(BFA_DCONF_MOD(__bfa)->kva_seg))
- #define bfa_dconf_read_data_valid(__bfa) \
- (BFA_DCONF_MOD(__bfa)->read_data_valid)
- #define BFA_DCONF_UPDATE_TOV 5000 /* memtest timeout in msec */
- #define bfa_dconf_get_min_cfg(__bfa) \
- (BFA_DCONF_MOD(__bfa)->min_cfg)
- void bfa_dconf_modinit(struct bfa_s *bfa);
- void bfa_dconf_modexit(struct bfa_s *bfa);
- bfa_status_t bfa_dconf_update(struct bfa_s *bfa);
- /*
- * IOC specfic macros
- */
- #define bfa_ioc_pcifn(__ioc) ((__ioc)->pcidev.pci_func)
- #define bfa_ioc_devid(__ioc) ((__ioc)->pcidev.device_id)
- #define bfa_ioc_bar0(__ioc) ((__ioc)->pcidev.pci_bar_kva)
- #define bfa_ioc_portid(__ioc) ((__ioc)->port_id)
- #define bfa_ioc_asic_gen(__ioc) ((__ioc)->asic_gen)
- #define bfa_ioc_is_cna(__ioc) \
- ((bfa_ioc_get_type(__ioc) == BFA_IOC_TYPE_FCoE) || \
- (bfa_ioc_get_type(__ioc) == BFA_IOC_TYPE_LL))
- #define bfa_ioc_fetch_stats(__ioc, __stats) \
- (((__stats)->drv_stats) = (__ioc)->stats)
- #define bfa_ioc_clr_stats(__ioc) \
- memset(&(__ioc)->stats, 0, sizeof((__ioc)->stats))
- #define bfa_ioc_maxfrsize(__ioc) ((__ioc)->attr->maxfrsize)
- #define bfa_ioc_rx_bbcredit(__ioc) ((__ioc)->attr->rx_bbcredit)
- #define bfa_ioc_speed_sup(__ioc) \
- ((bfa_ioc_is_cna(__ioc)) ? BFA_PORT_SPEED_10GBPS : \
- BFI_ADAPTER_GETP(SPEED, (__ioc)->attr->adapter_prop))
- #define bfa_ioc_get_nports(__ioc) \
- BFI_ADAPTER_GETP(NPORTS, (__ioc)->attr->adapter_prop)
- #define bfa_ioc_stats(_ioc, _stats) ((_ioc)->stats._stats++)
- #define BFA_IOC_FWIMG_MINSZ (16 * 1024)
- #define BFA_IOC_FW_SMEM_SIZE(__ioc) \
- ((bfa_ioc_asic_gen(__ioc) == BFI_ASIC_GEN_CB) \
- #define BFA_IOC_FLASH_CHUNK_ADDR(chunkno) (chunkno * BFI_FLASH_CHUNK_SZ_WORDS)
- /*
- * IOC mailbox interface
- */
- void bfa_ioc_mbox_queue(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, struct bfa_mbox_cmd_s *cmd);
- void bfa_ioc_mbox_register(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- bfa_ioc_mbox_mcfunc_t *mcfuncs);
- void bfa_ioc_mbox_isr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_mbox_send(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *ioc_msg, int len);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_msgget(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *mbmsg);
- void bfa_ioc_mbox_regisr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, enum bfi_mclass mc,
- bfa_ioc_mbox_mcfunc_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- /*
- * IOC interfaces
- */
- #define bfa_ioc_pll_init_asic(__ioc) \
- ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_pll_init((__ioc)->pcidev.pci_bar_kva, \
- (__ioc)->asic_mode))
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_pll_init(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_cb_pll_init(void __iomem *rb, enum bfi_asic_mode mode);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_ct_pll_init(void __iomem *rb, enum bfi_asic_mode mode);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_ct2_pll_init(void __iomem *rb, enum bfi_asic_mode mode);
- #define bfa_ioc_isr_mode_set(__ioc, __msix) do { \
- if ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_isr_mode_set) \
- ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_isr_mode_set(__ioc, __msix)); \
- } while (0)
- #define bfa_ioc_ownership_reset(__ioc) \
- ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_ownership_reset(__ioc))
- #define bfa_ioc_get_fcmode(__ioc) ((__ioc)->fcmode)
- #define bfa_ioc_lpu_read_stat(__ioc) do { \
- if ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_lpu_read_stat) \
- ((__ioc)->ioc_hwif->ioc_lpu_read_stat(__ioc)); \
- } while (0)
- void bfa_ioc_set_cb_hwif(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_set_ct_hwif(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_set_ct2_hwif(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_ct2_poweron(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_attach(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *bfa,
- struct bfa_ioc_cbfn_s *cbfn, struct bfa_timer_mod_s *timer_mod);
- void bfa_ioc_auto_recover(bfa_boolean_t auto_recover);
- void bfa_ioc_detach(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_suspend(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_pci_init(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, struct bfa_pcidev_s *pcidev,
- enum bfi_pcifn_class clscode);
- void bfa_ioc_mem_claim(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, u8 *dm_kva, u64 dm_pa);
- void bfa_ioc_enable(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_disable(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_intx_claim(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_boot(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, u32 boot_type,
- u32 boot_env);
- void bfa_ioc_isr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, struct bfi_mbmsg_s *msg);
- void bfa_ioc_error_isr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_is_operational(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_is_initialized(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_is_disabled(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_is_acq_addr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_fw_mismatch(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_adapter_is_disabled(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_reset_fwstate(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- enum bfa_ioc_type_e bfa_ioc_get_type(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_serial_num(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, char *serial_num);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_fw_ver(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, char *fw_ver);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_optrom_ver(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, char *optrom_ver);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_model(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, char *model);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_manufacturer(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- char *manufacturer);
- void bfa_ioc_get_pci_chip_rev(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, char *chip_rev);
- enum bfa_ioc_state bfa_ioc_get_state(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_get_attr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, struct bfa_ioc_attr_s *ioc_attr);
- void bfa_ioc_get_adapter_attr(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- struct bfa_adapter_attr_s *ad_attr);
- void bfa_ioc_debug_memclaim(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *dbg_fwsave);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_debug_fwsave(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *trcdata,
- int *trclen);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_debug_fwtrc(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *trcdata,
- int *trclen);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_debug_fwcore(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *buf,
- u32 *offset, int *buflen);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_fwsig_invalidate(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_sem_get(void __iomem *sem_reg);
- void bfa_ioc_fwver_get(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- struct bfi_ioc_image_hdr_s *fwhdr);
- bfa_boolean_t bfa_ioc_fwver_cmp(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc,
- struct bfi_ioc_image_hdr_s *fwhdr);
- void bfa_ioc_aen_post(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, enum bfa_ioc_aen_event event);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_fw_stats_get(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, void *stats);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_fw_stats_clear(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- void bfa_ioc_debug_save_ftrc(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- /*
- * asic block configuration related APIs
- */
- u32 bfa_ablk_meminfo(void);
- void bfa_ablk_memclaim(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, u8 *dma_kva, u64 dma_pa);
- void bfa_ablk_attach(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_query(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk,
- struct bfa_ablk_cfg_s *ablk_cfg,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_adapter_config(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk,
- enum bfa_mode_s mode, int max_pf, int max_vf,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_port_config(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, int port,
- enum bfa_mode_s mode, int max_pf, int max_vf,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_pf_create(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, u16 *pcifn,
- u8 port, enum bfi_pcifn_class personality,
- u16 bw_min, u16 bw_max, bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_pf_delete(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, int pcifn,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_pf_update(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk, int pcifn,
- u16 bw_min, u16 bw_max, bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_optrom_en(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ablk_optrom_dis(struct bfa_ablk_s *ablk,
- bfa_ablk_cbfn_t cbfn, void *cbarg);
- bfa_status_t bfa_ioc_flash_img_get_chnk(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc, u32 off,
- u32 *fwimg);
- /*
- * bfa mfg wwn API functions
- */
- mac_t bfa_ioc_get_mac(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- mac_t bfa_ioc_get_mfg_mac(struct bfa_ioc_s *ioc);
- /*
- * F/W Image Size & Chunk
- */
- extern u32 bfi_image_cb_size;
- extern u32 bfi_image_ct_size;
- extern u32 bfi_image_ct2_size;
- extern u32 *bfi_image_cb;
- extern u32 *bfi_image_ct;
- extern u32 *bfi_image_ct2;
- static inline u32 *
- bfi_image_cb_get_chunk(u32 off)
- {
- return (u32 *)(bfi_image_cb + off);
- }
- static inline u32 *
- bfi_image_ct_get_chunk(u32 off)
- {
- return (u32 *)(bfi_image_ct + off);
- }
- static inline u32 *
- bfi_image_ct2_get_chunk(u32 off)
- {
- return (u32 *)(bfi_image_ct2 + off);
- }
- static inline u32*
- bfa_cb_image_get_chunk(enum bfi_asic_gen asic_gen, u32 off)
- {
- switch (asic_gen) {
- return bfi_image_cb_get_chunk(off);
- break;
- return bfi_image_ct_get_chunk(off);
- break;
- case BFI_ASIC_GEN_CT2:
- return bfi_image_ct2_get_chunk(off);
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- static inline u32
- bfa_cb_image_get_size(enum bfi_asic_gen asic_gen)
- {
- switch (asic_gen) {
- return bfi_image_cb_size;
- break;
- return bfi_image_ct_size;
- break;
- case BFI_ASIC_GEN_CT2:
- return bfi_image_ct2_size;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * CNA TRCMOD declaration
- */
- /*
- * !!! Only append to the enums defined here to avoid any versioning
- * !!! needed between trace utility and driver version
- */
- enum {
- };
- #endif /* __BFA_IOC_H__ */