wavefront.h 18 KB

  1. /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
  2. #ifndef __SOUND_WAVEFRONT_H__
  3. #define __SOUND_WAVEFRONT_H__
  4. /*
  5. * Driver for Turtle Beach Wavefront cards (Maui,Tropez,Tropez+)
  6. *
  7. * Copyright (c) by Paul Barton-Davis <[email protected]>
  8. */
  9. #if (!defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__GNUG__))
  10. You will not be able to compile this file correctly without gcc, because
  11. it is necessary to pack the "wavefront_alias" structure to a size
  12. of 22 bytes, corresponding to 16-bit alignment (as would have been
  13. the case on the original platform, MS-DOS). If this is not done,
  14. then WavePatch-format files cannot be read/written correctly.
  15. The method used to do this here ("__attribute__((packed)") is
  16. completely compiler dependent.
  17. All other wavefront_* types end up aligned to 32 bit values and
  18. still have the same (correct) size.
  19. #else
  20. /* However, note that as of G++, g++ was unable to
  21. correctly parse *type* __attribute__ tags. It will do the
  22. right thing if we use the "packed" attribute on each struct
  23. member, which has the same semantics anyway.
  24. */
  25. #endif /* __GNUC__ */
  26. /***************************** WARNING ********************************
  29. **********************************************************************/
  30. #ifndef NUM_MIDIKEYS
  31. #define NUM_MIDIKEYS 128
  32. #endif /* NUM_MIDIKEYS */
  33. #ifndef NUM_MIDICHANNELS
  34. #define NUM_MIDICHANNELS 16
  35. #endif /* NUM_MIDICHANNELS */
  36. /* These are very useful/important. the original wavefront interface
  37. was developed on a 16 bit system, where sizeof(int) = 2
  38. bytes. Defining things like this makes the code much more portable, and
  39. easier to understand without having to toggle back and forth
  40. between a 16-bit view of the world and a 32-bit one.
  41. */
  42. #ifndef __KERNEL__
  43. /* keep them for compatibility */
  44. typedef short s16;
  45. typedef unsigned short u16;
  46. typedef int s32;
  47. typedef unsigned int u32;
  48. typedef char s8;
  49. typedef unsigned char u8;
  50. typedef s16 INT16;
  51. typedef u16 UINT16;
  52. typedef s32 INT32;
  53. typedef u32 UINT32;
  54. typedef s8 CHAR8;
  55. typedef u8 UCHAR8;
  56. #endif
  57. /* Pseudo-commands not part of the WaveFront command set.
  58. These are used for various driver controls and direct
  59. hardware control.
  60. */
  61. #define WFC_DEBUG_DRIVER 0
  62. #define WFC_FX_IOCTL 1
  63. #define WFC_PATCH_STATUS 2
  64. #define WFC_PROGRAM_STATUS 3
  65. #define WFC_SAMPLE_STATUS 4
  68. #define WFC_INTERRUPT_STATUS 7
  70. #define WFC_IDENTIFY_SLOT_TYPE 9
  71. /* Wavefront synth commands
  72. */
  73. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_SAMPLE 0x80
  74. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK 0x81
  76. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_SAMPLE_ALIAS 0x83
  77. #define WFC_DELETE_SAMPLE 0x84
  78. #define WFC_REPORT_FREE_MEMORY 0x85
  79. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_PATCH 0x86
  80. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM 0x87
  81. #define WFC_SET_SYNTHVOL 0x89
  82. #define WFC_SET_NVOICES 0x8B
  83. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_DRUM 0x90
  84. #define WFC_GET_SYNTHVOL 0x92
  85. #define WFC_GET_NVOICES 0x94
  86. #define WFC_DISABLE_CHANNEL 0x9A
  87. #define WFC_ENABLE_CHANNEL 0x9B
  88. #define WFC_MISYNTH_OFF 0x9D
  89. #define WFC_MISYNTH_ON 0x9E
  90. #define WFC_FIRMWARE_VERSION 0x9F
  91. #define WFC_GET_NSAMPLES 0xA0
  93. #define WFC_UPLOAD_PATCH 0xA3
  94. #define WFC_UPLOAD_PROGRAM 0xA4
  95. #define WFC_SET_TUNING 0xA6
  96. #define WFC_GET_TUNING 0xA7
  97. #define WFC_VMIDI_ON 0xA8
  98. #define WFC_VMIDI_OFF 0xA9
  99. #define WFC_MIDI_STATUS 0xAA
  100. #define WFC_GET_CHANNEL_STATUS 0xAB
  105. #define WFC_IDENTIFY_SAMPLE_TYPE 0xB0
  107. #define WFC_UPLOAD_EDRUM_PROGRAM 0xB2
  108. #define WFC_SET_EDRUM_CHANNEL 0xB3
  109. #define WFC_INSTOUT_LEVELS 0xB4
  110. #define WFC_PEAKOUT_LEVELS 0xB5
  112. #define WFC_HARDWARE_VERSION 0xCF
  113. #define WFC_UPLOAD_SAMPLE_PARAMS 0xD7
  114. #define WFC_DOWNLOAD_OS 0xF1
  115. #define WFC_NOOP 0xFF
  116. #define WF_MAX_SAMPLE 512
  117. #define WF_MAX_PATCH 256
  118. #define WF_MAX_PROGRAM 128
  119. #define WF_SECTION_MAX 44 /* longest OS section length */
  120. /* # of bytes we send to the board when sending it various kinds of
  121. substantive data, such as samples, patches and programs.
  122. */
  123. #define WF_PROGRAM_BYTES 32
  124. #define WF_PATCH_BYTES 132
  125. #define WF_SAMPLE_BYTES 27
  126. #define WF_SAMPLE_HDR_BYTES 25
  127. #define WF_ALIAS_BYTES 25
  128. #define WF_DRUM_BYTES 9
  129. #define WF_MSAMPLE_BYTES 259 /* (MIDI_KEYS * 2) + 3 */
  130. #define WF_ACK 0x80
  131. #define WF_DMA_ACK 0x81
  132. /* OR-values for MIDI status bits */
  133. #define WF_MIDI_VIRTUAL_ENABLED 0x1
  134. #define WF_MIDI_VIRTUAL_IS_EXTERNAL 0x2
  135. #define WF_MIDI_IN_TO_SYNTH_DISABLED 0x4
  136. /* slot indexes for struct address_info: makes code a little more mnemonic */
  137. #define WF_SYNTH_SLOT 0
  138. #define WF_INTERNAL_MIDI_SLOT 1
  139. #define WF_EXTERNAL_MIDI_SLOT 2
  140. /* Magic MIDI bytes used to switch I/O streams on the ICS2115 MPU401
  141. emulation. Note these NEVER show up in output from the device and
  142. should NEVER be used in input unless Virtual MIDI mode has been
  143. disabled. If they do show up as input, the results are unpredictable.
  144. */
  145. #define WF_EXTERNAL_SWITCH 0xFD
  146. #define WF_INTERNAL_SWITCH 0xF9
  147. /* Debugging flags */
  148. #define WF_DEBUG_CMD 0x1
  149. #define WF_DEBUG_DATA 0x2
  150. #define WF_DEBUG_LOAD_PATCH 0x4
  151. #define WF_DEBUG_IO 0x8
  152. /* WavePatch file format stuff */
  153. #define WF_WAVEPATCH_VERSION 120; /* Current version number (1.2) */
  154. #define WF_MAX_COMMENT 64 /* Comment length */
  155. #define WF_NUM_LAYERS 4
  156. #define WF_NAME_LENGTH 32
  157. #define WF_SOURCE_LENGTH 260
  158. #define BankFileID "Bank"
  159. #define DrumkitFileID "DrumKit"
  160. #define ProgramFileID "Program"
  161. struct wf_envelope
  162. {
  163. u8 attack_time:7;
  164. u8 Unused1:1;
  165. u8 decay1_time:7;
  166. u8 Unused2:1;
  167. u8 decay2_time:7;
  168. u8 Unused3:1;
  169. u8 sustain_time:7;
  170. u8 Unused4:1;
  171. u8 release_time:7;
  172. u8 Unused5:1;
  173. u8 release2_time:7;
  174. u8 Unused6:1;
  175. s8 attack_level;
  176. s8 decay1_level;
  177. s8 decay2_level;
  178. s8 sustain_level;
  179. s8 release_level;
  180. u8 attack_velocity:7;
  181. u8 Unused7:1;
  182. u8 volume_velocity:7;
  183. u8 Unused8:1;
  184. u8 keyboard_scaling:7;
  185. u8 Unused9:1;
  186. };
  187. typedef struct wf_envelope wavefront_envelope;
  188. struct wf_lfo
  189. {
  190. u8 sample_number;
  191. u8 frequency:7;
  192. u8 Unused1:1;
  193. u8 am_src:4;
  194. u8 fm_src:4;
  195. s8 fm_amount;
  196. s8 am_amount;
  197. s8 start_level;
  198. s8 end_level;
  199. u8 ramp_delay:7;
  200. u8 wave_restart:1; /* for LFO2 only */
  201. u8 ramp_time:7;
  202. u8 Unused2:1;
  203. };
  204. typedef struct wf_lfo wavefront_lfo;
  205. struct wf_patch
  206. {
  207. s16 frequency_bias; /* ** THIS IS IN MOTOROLA FORMAT!! ** */
  208. u8 amplitude_bias:7;
  209. u8 Unused1:1;
  210. u8 portamento:7;
  211. u8 Unused2:1;
  212. u8 sample_number;
  213. u8 pitch_bend:4;
  214. u8 sample_msb:1;
  215. u8 Unused3:3;
  216. u8 mono:1;
  217. u8 retrigger:1;
  218. u8 nohold:1;
  219. u8 restart:1;
  220. u8 filterconfig:2; /* SDK says "not used" */
  221. u8 reuse:1;
  222. u8 reset_lfo:1;
  223. u8 fm_src2:4;
  224. u8 fm_src1:4;
  225. s8 fm_amount1;
  226. s8 fm_amount2;
  227. u8 am_src:4;
  228. u8 Unused4:4;
  229. s8 am_amount;
  230. u8 fc1_mode:4;
  231. u8 fc2_mode:4;
  232. s8 fc1_mod_amount;
  233. s8 fc1_keyboard_scaling;
  234. s8 fc1_bias;
  235. s8 fc2_mod_amount;
  236. s8 fc2_keyboard_scaling;
  237. s8 fc2_bias;
  238. u8 randomizer:7;
  239. u8 Unused5:1;
  240. struct wf_envelope envelope1;
  241. struct wf_envelope envelope2;
  242. struct wf_lfo lfo1;
  243. struct wf_lfo lfo2;
  244. };
  245. typedef struct wf_patch wavefront_patch;
  246. struct wf_layer
  247. {
  248. u8 patch_number;
  249. u8 mix_level:7;
  250. u8 mute:1;
  251. u8 split_point:7;
  252. u8 play_below:1;
  253. u8 pan_mod_src:2;
  254. u8 pan_or_mod:1;
  255. u8 pan:4;
  256. u8 split_type:1;
  257. };
  258. typedef struct wf_layer wavefront_layer;
  259. struct wf_program
  260. {
  261. struct wf_layer layer[WF_NUM_LAYERS];
  262. };
  263. typedef struct wf_program wavefront_program;
  264. struct wf_sample_offset
  265. {
  266. s32 Fraction:4;
  267. s32 Integer:20;
  268. s32 Unused:8;
  269. };
  270. typedef struct wf_sample_offset wavefront_sample_offset;
  271. /* Sample slot types */
  272. #define WF_ST_SAMPLE 0
  273. #define WF_ST_MULTISAMPLE 1
  274. #define WF_ST_ALIAS 2
  275. #define WF_ST_EMPTY 3
  276. /* pseudo's */
  277. #define WF_ST_DRUM 4
  278. #define WF_ST_PROGRAM 5
  279. #define WF_ST_PATCH 6
  280. #define WF_ST_SAMPLEHDR 7
  281. #define WF_ST_MASK 0xf
  282. /* Flags for slot status. These occupy the upper bits of the same byte
  283. as a sample type.
  284. */
  285. #define WF_SLOT_USED 0x80 /* XXX don't rely on this being accurate */
  286. #define WF_SLOT_FILLED 0x40
  287. #define WF_SLOT_ROM 0x20
  288. #define WF_SLOT_MASK 0xf0
  289. /* channel constants */
  290. #define WF_CH_MONO 0
  291. #define WF_CH_LEFT 1
  292. #define WF_CH_RIGHT 2
  293. /* Sample formats */
  294. #define LINEAR_16BIT 0
  295. #define WHITE_NOISE 1
  296. #define LINEAR_8BIT 2
  297. #define MULAW_8BIT 3
  298. #define WF_SAMPLE_IS_8BIT(smpl) ((smpl)->SampleResolution&2)
  299. /*
  300. Because most/all of the sample data we pass in via pointers has
  301. never been copied (just mmap-ed into user space straight from the
  302. disk), it would be nice to allow handling of multi-channel sample
  303. data without forcing user-level extraction of the relevant bytes.
  304. So, we need a way of specifying which channel to use (the WaveFront
  305. only handles mono samples in a given slot), and the only way to do
  306. this without using some struct other than wavefront_sample as the
  307. interface is the awful hack of using the unused bits in a
  308. wavefront_sample:
  309. Val Meaning
  310. --- -------
  311. 0 no channel selection (use channel 1, sample is MONO)
  312. 1 use first channel, and skip one
  313. 2 use second channel, and skip one
  314. 3 use third channel, and skip two
  315. 4 use fourth channel, skip three
  316. 5 use fifth channel, skip four
  317. 6 use six channel, skip five
  318. This can handle up to 4 channels, and anyone downloading >4 channels
  319. of sample data just to select one of them needs to find some tools
  320. like sox ...
  321. NOTE: values 0, 1 and 2 correspond to WF_CH_* above. This is
  322. important.
  323. */
  324. #define WF_SET_CHANNEL(samp,chn) \
  325. (samp)->Unused1 = chn & 0x1; \
  326. (samp)->Unused2 = chn & 0x2; \
  327. (samp)->Unused3 = chn & 0x4
  328. #define WF_GET_CHANNEL(samp) \
  329. (((samp)->Unused3 << 2)|((samp)->Unused2<<1)|(samp)->Unused1)
  330. typedef struct wf_sample {
  331. struct wf_sample_offset sampleStartOffset;
  332. struct wf_sample_offset loopStartOffset;
  333. struct wf_sample_offset loopEndOffset;
  334. struct wf_sample_offset sampleEndOffset;
  335. s16 FrequencyBias;
  336. u8 SampleResolution:2; /* sample_format */
  337. u8 Unused1:1;
  338. u8 Loop:1;
  339. u8 Bidirectional:1;
  340. u8 Unused2:1;
  341. u8 Reverse:1;
  342. u8 Unused3:1;
  343. } wavefront_sample;
  344. typedef struct wf_multisample {
  345. s16 NumberOfSamples; /* log2 of the number of samples */
  346. s16 SampleNumber[NUM_MIDIKEYS];
  347. } wavefront_multisample;
  348. typedef struct wf_alias {
  349. s16 OriginalSample;
  350. struct wf_sample_offset sampleStartOffset;
  351. struct wf_sample_offset loopStartOffset;
  352. struct wf_sample_offset sampleEndOffset;
  353. struct wf_sample_offset loopEndOffset;
  354. s16 FrequencyBias;
  355. u8 SampleResolution:2;
  356. u8 Unused1:1;
  357. u8 Loop:1;
  358. u8 Bidirectional:1;
  359. u8 Unused2:1;
  360. u8 Reverse:1;
  361. u8 Unused3:1;
  362. /* This structure is meant to be padded only to 16 bits on their
  363. original. Of course, whoever wrote their documentation didn't
  364. realize that sizeof(struct) can be >=
  365. sum(sizeof(struct-fields)) and so thought that giving a C level
  366. description of the structs used in WavePatch files was
  367. sufficient. I suppose it was, as long as you remember the
  368. standard 16->32 bit issues.
  369. */
  370. u8 sixteen_bit_padding;
  371. } __attribute__((packed)) wavefront_alias;
  372. typedef struct wf_drum {
  373. u8 PatchNumber;
  374. u8 MixLevel:7;
  375. u8 Unmute:1;
  376. u8 Group:4;
  377. u8 Unused1:4;
  378. u8 PanModSource:2;
  379. u8 PanModulated:1;
  380. u8 PanAmount:4;
  381. u8 Unused2:1;
  382. } wavefront_drum;
  383. typedef struct wf_drumkit {
  384. struct wf_drum drum[NUM_MIDIKEYS];
  385. } wavefront_drumkit;
  386. typedef struct wf_channel_programs {
  387. u8 Program[NUM_MIDICHANNELS];
  388. } wavefront_channel_programs;
  389. /* How to get MIDI channel status from the data returned by
  390. a WFC_GET_CHANNEL_STATUS command (a struct wf_channel_programs)
  391. */
  392. #define WF_CHANNEL_STATUS(ch,wcp) (wcp)[(ch/7)] & (1<<((ch)%7))
  393. typedef union wf_any {
  394. wavefront_sample s;
  395. wavefront_multisample ms;
  396. wavefront_alias a;
  397. wavefront_program pr;
  398. wavefront_patch p;
  399. wavefront_drum d;
  400. } wavefront_any;
  401. /* Hannu Solvainen hoped that his "patch_info" struct in soundcard.h
  402. might work for other wave-table based patch loading situations.
  403. Alas, his fears were correct. The WaveFront doesn't even come with
  404. just "patches", but several different kind of structures that
  405. control the sound generation process.
  406. */
  407. typedef struct wf_patch_info {
  408. /* the first two fields are used by the OSS "patch loading" interface
  409. only, and are unused by the current user-level library.
  410. */
  411. s16 key; /* Use WAVEFRONT_PATCH here */
  412. u16 devno; /* fill in when sending */
  413. u8 subkey; /* WF_ST_{SAMPLE,ALIAS,etc.} */
  415. u16 number; /* patch/sample/prog number */
  416. u32 size; /* size of any data included in
  417. one of the fields in `hdrptr', or
  418. as `dataptr'.
  419. NOTE: for actual samples, this is
  420. the size of the *SELECTED CHANNEL*
  421. even if more data is actually available.
  422. So, a stereo sample (2 channels) of
  423. 6000 bytes total has `size' = 3000.
  424. See the macros and comments for
  425. WF_{GET,SET}_CHANNEL above.
  426. */
  427. wavefront_any __user *hdrptr; /* user-space ptr to hdr bytes */
  428. u16 __user *dataptr; /* actual sample data */
  429. wavefront_any hdr; /* kernel-space copy of hdr bytes */
  430. } wavefront_patch_info;
  431. /* The maximum number of bytes we will ever move to or from user space
  432. in response to a WFC_* command. This obviously doesn't cover
  433. actual sample data.
  434. */
  435. #define WF_MAX_READ sizeof(wavefront_multisample)
  436. #define WF_MAX_WRITE sizeof(wavefront_multisample)
  437. /*
  438. This allows us to execute any WF command except the download/upload
  439. ones, which are handled differently due to copyin/copyout issues as
  440. well as data-nybbling to/from the card.
  441. */
  442. typedef struct wavefront_control {
  443. int cmd; /* WFC_* */
  444. char status; /* return status to user-space */
  445. unsigned char rbuf[WF_MAX_READ]; /* bytes read from card */
  446. unsigned char wbuf[WF_MAX_WRITE]; /* bytes written to card */
  447. } wavefront_control;
  448. #define WFCTL_WFCMD 0x1
  449. #define WFCTL_LOAD_SPP 0x2
  450. /* Modulator table */
  451. #define WF_MOD_LFO1 0
  452. #define WF_MOD_LFO2 1
  453. #define WF_MOD_ENV1 2
  454. #define WF_MOD_ENV2 3
  455. #define WF_MOD_KEYBOARD 4
  456. #define WF_MOD_LOGKEY 5
  457. #define WF_MOD_VELOCITY 6
  458. #define WF_MOD_LOGVEL 7
  459. #define WF_MOD_RANDOM 8
  460. #define WF_MOD_PRESSURE 9
  461. #define WF_MOD_MOD_WHEEL 10
  462. #define WF_MOD_1 WF_MOD_MOD_WHEEL
  463. #define WF_MOD_BREATH 11
  464. #define WF_MOD_2 WF_MOD_BREATH
  465. #define WF_MOD_FOOT 12
  466. #define WF_MOD_4 WF_MOD_FOOT
  467. #define WF_MOD_VOLUME 13
  468. #define WF_MOD_7 WF_MOD_VOLUME
  469. #define WF_MOD_PAN 14
  470. #define WF_MOD_10 WF_MOD_PAN
  471. #define WF_MOD_EXPR 15
  472. #define WF_MOD_11 WF_MOD_EXPR
  473. /* FX-related material */
  474. typedef struct wf_fx_info {
  475. int request; /* see list below */
  476. long data[4]; /* we don't need much */
  477. } wavefront_fx_info;
  478. /* support for each of these will be forthcoming once I or someone
  479. else has figured out which of the addresses on page 6 and page 7 of
  480. the YSS225 control each parameter. Incidentally, these come from
  481. the Windows driver interface, but again, Turtle Beach didn't
  482. document the API to use them.
  483. */
  484. #define WFFX_SETOUTGAIN 0
  486. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN1GAIN 2
  487. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN2GAIN 3
  488. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN3GAIN 4
  490. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN1PORT 6
  491. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN2PORT 7
  492. #define WFFX_SETREVERBIN3PORT 8
  493. #define WFFX_SETEFFECTPORT 9
  494. #define WFFX_SETAUXPORT 10
  495. #define WFFX_SETREVERBTYPE 11
  496. #define WFFX_SETREVERBDELAY 12
  497. #define WFFX_SETCHORUSLFO 13
  498. #define WFFX_SETCHORUSPMD 14
  499. #define WFFX_SETCHORUSAMD 15
  500. #define WFFX_SETEFFECT 16
  501. #define WFFX_SETBASEALL 17
  502. #define WFFX_SETREVERBALL 18
  503. #define WFFX_SETCHORUSALL 20
  504. #define WFFX_SETREVERBDEF 22
  505. #define WFFX_SETCHORUSDEF 23
  506. #define WFFX_DELAYSETINGAIN 24
  507. #define WFFX_DELAYSETFBGAIN 25
  508. #define WFFX_DELAYSETFBLPF 26
  509. #define WFFX_DELAYSETGAIN 27
  510. #define WFFX_DELAYSETTIME 28
  511. #define WFFX_DELAYSETFBTIME 29
  512. #define WFFX_DELAYSETALL 30
  513. #define WFFX_DELAYSETDEF 32
  514. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETINGAIN 33
  515. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETFBGAIN 34
  516. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETFBLPF 35
  517. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETGAIN 36
  518. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETTIME 37
  519. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETFBTIME 38
  520. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETALL 39
  521. #define WFFX_SDELAYSETDEF 41
  522. #define WFFX_DEQSETINGAIN 42
  523. #define WFFX_DEQSETFILTER 43
  524. #define WFFX_DEQSETALL 44
  525. #define WFFX_DEQSETDEF 46
  526. #define WFFX_MUTE 47
  528. #define WFFX_FLANGESETDELAY 49
  529. #define WFFX_FLANGESETDWFFX_TH 50
  530. #define WFFX_FLANGESETFBGAIN 51
  531. #define WFFX_FLANGESETINGAIN 52
  532. #define WFFX_FLANGESETLFO 53
  533. #define WFFX_FLANGESETALL 54
  534. #define WFFX_FLANGESETDEF 56
  535. #define WFFX_PITCHSETSHIFT 57
  536. #define WFFX_PITCHSETBALANCE 58
  537. #define WFFX_PITCHSETALL 59
  538. #define WFFX_PITCHSETDEF 61
  539. #define WFFX_SRSSETINGAIN 62
  540. #define WFFX_SRSSETSPACE 63
  541. #define WFFX_SRSSETCENTER 64
  542. #define WFFX_SRSSETGAIN 65
  543. #define WFFX_SRSSETMODE 66
  544. #define WFFX_SRSSETDEF 68
  545. /* Allow direct user-space control over FX memory/coefficient data.
  546. In theory this could be used to download the FX microprogram,
  547. but it would be a little slower, and involve some weird code.
  548. */
  549. #define WFFX_MEMSET 69
  550. #endif /* __SOUND_WAVEFRONT_H__ */