1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051105210531054105510561057 |
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause) */
- /* Copyright(c) 2015-17 Intel Corporation. */
- #ifndef __SOUNDWIRE_H
- #define __SOUNDWIRE_H
- #include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
- #include <linux/bitfield.h>
- struct sdw_bus;
- struct sdw_slave;
- /* SDW spec defines and enums, as defined by MIPI 1.1. Spec */
- /* SDW Broadcast Device Number */
- /* SDW Enumeration Device Number */
- #define SDW_ENUM_DEV_NUM 0
- /* SDW Group Device Numbers */
- #define SDW_GROUP12_DEV_NUM 12
- #define SDW_GROUP13_DEV_NUM 13
- /* SDW Master Device Number, not supported yet */
- #define SDW_MASTER_DEV_NUM 14
- /* frame shape defines */
- /*
- * Note: The maximum row define in SoundWire spec 1.1 is 23. In order to
- * fill hole with 0, one more dummy entry is added
- */
- #define SDW_FRAME_ROWS 24
- #define SDW_FRAME_COLS 8
- #define SDW_FRAME_CTRL_BITS 48
- #define SDW_MAX_DEVICES 11
- #define SDW_MAX_PORTS 15
- #define SDW_VALID_PORT_RANGE(n) ((n) < SDW_MAX_PORTS && (n) >= 1)
- enum {
- };
- /*
- * constants for flow control, ports and transport
- *
- * these are bit masks as devices can have multiple capabilities
- */
- /*
- * flow modes for SDW port. These can be isochronous, tx controlled,
- * rx controlled or async
- */
- /* sample packaging for block. It can be per port or per channel */
- /**
- * enum sdw_slave_status - Slave status
- * @SDW_SLAVE_UNATTACHED: Slave is not attached with the bus.
- * @SDW_SLAVE_ATTACHED: Slave is attached with bus.
- * @SDW_SLAVE_ALERT: Some alert condition on the Slave
- * @SDW_SLAVE_RESERVED: Reserved for future use
- */
- enum sdw_slave_status {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_clk_stop_type: clock stop operations
- *
- * @SDW_CLK_PRE_PREPARE: pre clock stop prepare
- * @SDW_CLK_POST_PREPARE: post clock stop prepare
- * @SDW_CLK_PRE_DEPREPARE: pre clock stop de-prepare
- * @SDW_CLK_POST_DEPREPARE: post clock stop de-prepare
- */
- enum sdw_clk_stop_type {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_command_response - Command response as defined by SDW spec
- * @SDW_CMD_OK: cmd was successful
- * @SDW_CMD_IGNORED: cmd was ignored
- * @SDW_CMD_FAIL: cmd was NACKed
- * @SDW_CMD_TIMEOUT: cmd timedout
- * @SDW_CMD_FAIL_OTHER: cmd failed due to other reason than above
- *
- * NOTE: The enum is different than actual Spec as response in the Spec is
- * combination of ACK/NAK bits
- *
- * SDW_CMD_TIMEOUT/FAIL_OTHER is defined for SW use, not in spec
- */
- enum sdw_command_response {
- SDW_CMD_OK = 0,
- };
- /* block group count enum */
- enum sdw_dpn_grouping {
- SDW_BLK_GRP_CNT_1 = 0,
- SDW_BLK_GRP_CNT_2 = 1,
- SDW_BLK_GRP_CNT_3 = 2,
- SDW_BLK_GRP_CNT_4 = 3,
- };
- /* block packing mode enum */
- enum sdw_dpn_pkg_mode {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_stream_type: data stream type
- *
- * @SDW_STREAM_PCM: PCM data stream
- * @SDW_STREAM_PDM: PDM data stream
- *
- * spec doesn't define this, but is used in implementation
- */
- enum sdw_stream_type {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_data_direction: Data direction
- *
- * @SDW_DATA_DIR_RX: Data into Port
- * @SDW_DATA_DIR_TX: Data out of Port
- */
- enum sdw_data_direction {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_port_data_mode: Data Port mode
- *
- * @SDW_PORT_DATA_MODE_NORMAL: Normal data mode where audio data is received
- * and transmitted.
- * @SDW_PORT_DATA_MODE_PRBS: Test mode which uses a PRBS generator to produce
- * a pseudo random data pattern that is transferred
- * @SDW_PORT_DATA_MODE_STATIC_0: Simple test mode which uses static value of
- * logic 0. The encoding will result in no signal transitions
- * @SDW_PORT_DATA_MODE_STATIC_1: Simple test mode which uses static value of
- * logic 1. The encoding will result in signal transitions at every bitslot
- * owned by this Port
- */
- enum sdw_port_data_mode {
- };
- /*
- * SDW properties, defined in MIPI DisCo spec v1.0
- */
- enum sdw_clk_stop_reset_behave {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_p15_behave - Slave Port 15 behaviour when the Master attempts a
- * read
- * @SDW_P15_READ_IGNORED: Read is ignored
- * @SDW_P15_CMD_OK: Command is ok
- */
- enum sdw_p15_behave {
- SDW_P15_CMD_OK = 1,
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_dpn_type - Data port types
- * @SDW_DPN_FULL: Full Data Port is supported
- * @SDW_DPN_SIMPLE: Simplified Data Port as defined in spec.
- * DPN_SampleCtrl2, DPN_OffsetCtrl2, DPN_HCtrl and DPN_BlockCtrl3
- * are not implemented.
- * @SDW_DPN_REDUCED: Reduced Data Port as defined in spec.
- * DPN_SampleCtrl2, DPN_HCtrl are not implemented.
- */
- enum sdw_dpn_type {
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_clk_stop_mode - Clock Stop modes
- * @SDW_CLK_STOP_MODE0: Slave can continue operation seamlessly on clock
- * restart
- * @SDW_CLK_STOP_MODE1: Slave may have entered a deeper power-saving mode,
- * not capable of continuing operation seamlessly when the clock restarts
- */
- enum sdw_clk_stop_mode {
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_dp0_prop - DP0 properties
- * @max_word: Maximum number of bits in a Payload Channel Sample, 1 to 64
- * (inclusive)
- * @min_word: Minimum number of bits in a Payload Channel Sample, 1 to 64
- * (inclusive)
- * @num_words: number of wordlengths supported
- * @words: wordlengths supported
- * @BRA_flow_controlled: Slave implementation results in an OK_NotReady
- * response
- * @simple_ch_prep_sm: If channel prepare sequence is required
- * @imp_def_interrupts: If set, each bit corresponds to support for
- * implementation-defined interrupts
- *
- * The wordlengths are specified by Spec as max, min AND number of
- * discrete values, implementation can define based on the wordlengths they
- * support
- */
- struct sdw_dp0_prop {
- u32 max_word;
- u32 min_word;
- u32 num_words;
- u32 *words;
- bool BRA_flow_controlled;
- bool simple_ch_prep_sm;
- bool imp_def_interrupts;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_dpn_audio_mode - Audio mode properties for DPn
- * @bus_min_freq: Minimum bus frequency, in Hz
- * @bus_max_freq: Maximum bus frequency, in Hz
- * @bus_num_freq: Number of discrete frequencies supported
- * @bus_freq: Discrete bus frequencies, in Hz
- * @min_freq: Minimum sampling frequency, in Hz
- * @max_freq: Maximum sampling bus frequency, in Hz
- * @num_freq: Number of discrete sampling frequency supported
- * @freq: Discrete sampling frequencies, in Hz
- * @prep_ch_behave: Specifies the dependencies between Channel Prepare
- * sequence and bus clock configuration
- * If 0, Channel Prepare can happen at any Bus clock rate
- * If 1, Channel Prepare sequence shall happen only after Bus clock is
- * changed to a frequency supported by this mode or compatible modes
- * described by the next field
- * @glitchless: Bitmap describing possible glitchless transitions from this
- * Audio Mode to other Audio Modes
- */
- struct sdw_dpn_audio_mode {
- u32 bus_min_freq;
- u32 bus_max_freq;
- u32 bus_num_freq;
- u32 *bus_freq;
- u32 max_freq;
- u32 min_freq;
- u32 num_freq;
- u32 *freq;
- u32 prep_ch_behave;
- u32 glitchless;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_dpn_prop - Data Port DPn properties
- * @num: port number
- * @max_word: Maximum number of bits in a Payload Channel Sample, 1 to 64
- * (inclusive)
- * @min_word: Minimum number of bits in a Payload Channel Sample, 1 to 64
- * (inclusive)
- * @num_words: Number of discrete supported wordlengths
- * @words: Discrete supported wordlength
- * @type: Data port type. Full, Simplified or Reduced
- * @max_grouping: Maximum number of samples that can be grouped together for
- * a full data port
- * @simple_ch_prep_sm: If the port supports simplified channel prepare state
- * machine
- * @ch_prep_timeout: Port-specific timeout value, in milliseconds
- * @imp_def_interrupts: If set, each bit corresponds to support for
- * implementation-defined interrupts
- * @max_ch: Maximum channels supported
- * @min_ch: Minimum channels supported
- * @num_channels: Number of discrete channels supported
- * @channels: Discrete channels supported
- * @num_ch_combinations: Number of channel combinations supported
- * @ch_combinations: Channel combinations supported
- * @modes: SDW mode supported
- * @max_async_buffer: Number of samples that this port can buffer in
- * asynchronous modes
- * @block_pack_mode: Type of block port mode supported
- * @read_only_wordlength: Read Only wordlength field in DPN_BlockCtrl1 register
- * @port_encoding: Payload Channel Sample encoding schemes supported
- * @audio_modes: Audio modes supported
- */
- struct sdw_dpn_prop {
- u32 num;
- u32 max_word;
- u32 min_word;
- u32 num_words;
- u32 *words;
- enum sdw_dpn_type type;
- u32 max_grouping;
- bool simple_ch_prep_sm;
- u32 ch_prep_timeout;
- u32 imp_def_interrupts;
- u32 max_ch;
- u32 min_ch;
- u32 num_channels;
- u32 *channels;
- u32 num_ch_combinations;
- u32 *ch_combinations;
- u32 modes;
- u32 max_async_buffer;
- bool block_pack_mode;
- bool read_only_wordlength;
- u32 port_encoding;
- struct sdw_dpn_audio_mode *audio_modes;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_slave_prop - SoundWire Slave properties
- * @mipi_revision: Spec version of the implementation
- * @wake_capable: Wake-up events are supported
- * @test_mode_capable: If test mode is supported
- * @clk_stop_mode1: Clock-Stop Mode 1 is supported
- * @simple_clk_stop_capable: Simple clock mode is supported
- * @clk_stop_timeout: Worst-case latency of the Clock Stop Prepare State
- * Machine transitions, in milliseconds
- * @ch_prep_timeout: Worst-case latency of the Channel Prepare State Machine
- * transitions, in milliseconds
- * @reset_behave: Slave keeps the status of the SlaveStopClockPrepare
- * state machine (P=1 SCSP_SM) after exit from clock-stop mode1
- * @high_PHY_capable: Slave is HighPHY capable
- * @paging_support: Slave implements paging registers SCP_AddrPage1 and
- * SCP_AddrPage2
- * @bank_delay_support: Slave implements bank delay/bridge support registers
- * SCP_BankDelay and SCP_NextFrame
- * @p15_behave: Slave behavior when the Master attempts a read to the Port15
- * alias
- * @lane_control_support: Slave supports lane control
- * @master_count: Number of Masters present on this Slave
- * @source_ports: Bitmap identifying source ports
- * @sink_ports: Bitmap identifying sink ports
- * @dp0_prop: Data Port 0 properties
- * @src_dpn_prop: Source Data Port N properties
- * @sink_dpn_prop: Sink Data Port N properties
- * @scp_int1_mask: SCP_INT1_MASK desired settings
- * @quirks: bitmask identifying deltas from the MIPI specification
- * @is_sdca: the Slave supports the SDCA specification
- */
- struct sdw_slave_prop {
- u32 mipi_revision;
- bool wake_capable;
- bool test_mode_capable;
- bool clk_stop_mode1;
- bool simple_clk_stop_capable;
- u32 clk_stop_timeout;
- u32 ch_prep_timeout;
- enum sdw_clk_stop_reset_behave reset_behave;
- bool high_PHY_capable;
- bool paging_support;
- bool bank_delay_support;
- enum sdw_p15_behave p15_behave;
- bool lane_control_support;
- u32 master_count;
- u32 source_ports;
- u32 sink_ports;
- struct sdw_dp0_prop *dp0_prop;
- struct sdw_dpn_prop *src_dpn_prop;
- struct sdw_dpn_prop *sink_dpn_prop;
- u8 scp_int1_mask;
- u32 quirks;
- bool is_sdca;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_master_prop - Master properties
- * @revision: MIPI spec version of the implementation
- * @clk_stop_modes: Bitmap, bit N set when clock-stop-modeN supported
- * @max_clk_freq: Maximum Bus clock frequency, in Hz
- * @num_clk_gears: Number of clock gears supported
- * @clk_gears: Clock gears supported
- * @num_clk_freq: Number of clock frequencies supported, in Hz
- * @clk_freq: Clock frequencies supported, in Hz
- * @default_frame_rate: Controller default Frame rate, in Hz
- * @default_row: Number of rows
- * @default_col: Number of columns
- * @dynamic_frame: Dynamic frame shape supported
- * @err_threshold: Number of times that software may retry sending a single
- * command
- * @mclk_freq: clock reference passed to SoundWire Master, in Hz.
- * @hw_disabled: if true, the Master is not functional, typically due to pin-mux
- * @quirks: bitmask identifying optional behavior beyond the scope of the MIPI specification
- */
- struct sdw_master_prop {
- u32 revision;
- u32 clk_stop_modes;
- u32 max_clk_freq;
- u32 num_clk_gears;
- u32 *clk_gears;
- u32 num_clk_freq;
- u32 *clk_freq;
- u32 default_frame_rate;
- u32 default_row;
- u32 default_col;
- bool dynamic_frame;
- u32 err_threshold;
- u32 mclk_freq;
- bool hw_disabled;
- u64 quirks;
- };
- /* Definitions for Master quirks */
- /*
- * In a number of platforms bus clashes are reported after a hardware
- * reset but without any explanations or evidence of a real problem.
- * The following quirk will discard all initial bus clash interrupts
- * but will leave the detection on should real bus clashes happen
- */
- /*
- * Some Slave devices have known issues with incorrect parity errors
- * reported after a hardware reset. However during integration unexplained
- * parity errors can be reported by Slave devices, possibly due to electrical
- * issues at the Master level.
- * The following quirk will discard all initial parity errors but will leave
- * the detection on should real parity errors happen.
- */
- int sdw_master_read_prop(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- int sdw_slave_read_prop(struct sdw_slave *slave);
- /*
- * SDW Slave Structures and APIs
- */
- /**
- * struct sdw_slave_id - Slave ID
- * @mfg_id: MIPI Manufacturer ID
- * @part_id: Device Part ID
- * @class_id: MIPI Class ID (defined starting with SoundWire 1.2 spec)
- * @unique_id: Device unique ID
- * @sdw_version: SDW version implemented
- *
- * The order of the IDs here does not follow the DisCo spec definitions
- */
- struct sdw_slave_id {
- __u16 mfg_id;
- __u16 part_id;
- __u8 class_id;
- __u8 unique_id;
- __u8 sdw_version:4;
- };
- /*
- * Helper macros to extract the MIPI-defined IDs
- *
- * Spec definition
- * Register Bit Contents
- * DevId_0 [7:4] 47:44 sdw_version
- * DevId_0 [3:0] 43:40 unique_id
- * DevId_1 39:32 mfg_id [15:8]
- * DevId_2 31:24 mfg_id [7:0]
- * DevId_3 23:16 part_id [15:8]
- * DevId_4 15:08 part_id [7:0]
- * DevId_5 07:00 class_id
- *
- * The MIPI DisCo for SoundWire defines in addition the link_id as bits 51:48
- */
- #define SDW_MFG_ID_MASK GENMASK_ULL(39, 24)
- #define SDW_MFG_ID(addr) FIELD_GET(SDW_MFG_ID_MASK, addr)
- #define SDW_PART_ID(addr) FIELD_GET(SDW_PART_ID_MASK, addr)
- /**
- * struct sdw_slave_intr_status - Slave interrupt status
- * @sdca_cascade: set if the Slave device reports an SDCA interrupt
- * @control_port: control port status
- * @port: data port status
- */
- struct sdw_slave_intr_status {
- bool sdca_cascade;
- u8 control_port;
- u8 port[15];
- };
- /**
- * sdw_reg_bank - SoundWire register banks
- * @SDW_BANK0: Soundwire register bank 0
- * @SDW_BANK1: Soundwire register bank 1
- */
- enum sdw_reg_bank {
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_bus_conf: Bus configuration
- *
- * @clk_freq: Clock frequency, in Hz
- * @num_rows: Number of rows in frame
- * @num_cols: Number of columns in frame
- * @bank: Next register bank
- */
- struct sdw_bus_conf {
- unsigned int clk_freq;
- unsigned int num_rows;
- unsigned int num_cols;
- unsigned int bank;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_prepare_ch: Prepare/De-prepare Data Port channel
- *
- * @num: Port number
- * @ch_mask: Active channel mask
- * @prepare: Prepare (true) /de-prepare (false) channel
- * @bank: Register bank, which bank Slave/Master driver should program for
- * implementation defined registers. This is always updated to next_bank
- * value read from bus params.
- *
- */
- struct sdw_prepare_ch {
- unsigned int num;
- unsigned int ch_mask;
- bool prepare;
- unsigned int bank;
- };
- /**
- * enum sdw_port_prep_ops: Prepare operations for Data Port
- *
- * @SDW_OPS_PORT_PRE_PREP: Pre prepare operation for the Port
- * @SDW_OPS_PORT_PREP: Prepare operation for the Port
- * @SDW_OPS_PORT_POST_PREP: Post prepare operation for the Port
- */
- enum sdw_port_prep_ops {
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_bus_params: Structure holding bus configuration
- *
- * @curr_bank: Current bank in use (BANK0/BANK1)
- * @next_bank: Next bank to use (BANK0/BANK1). next_bank will always be
- * set to !curr_bank
- * @max_dr_freq: Maximum double rate clock frequency supported, in Hz
- * @curr_dr_freq: Current double rate clock frequency, in Hz
- * @bandwidth: Current bandwidth
- * @col: Active columns
- * @row: Active rows
- * @s_data_mode: NORMAL, STATIC or PRBS mode for all Slave ports
- * @m_data_mode: NORMAL, STATIC or PRBS mode for all Master ports. The value
- * should be the same to detect transmission issues, but can be different to
- * test the interrupt reports
- */
- struct sdw_bus_params {
- enum sdw_reg_bank curr_bank;
- enum sdw_reg_bank next_bank;
- unsigned int max_dr_freq;
- unsigned int curr_dr_freq;
- unsigned int bandwidth;
- unsigned int col;
- unsigned int row;
- int s_data_mode;
- int m_data_mode;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_slave_ops: Slave driver callback ops
- *
- * @read_prop: Read Slave properties
- * @interrupt_callback: Device interrupt notification (invoked in thread
- * context)
- * @update_status: Update Slave status
- * @bus_config: Update the bus config for Slave
- * @port_prep: Prepare the port with parameters
- * @clk_stop: handle imp-def sequences before and after prepare and de-prepare
- */
- struct sdw_slave_ops {
- int (*read_prop)(struct sdw_slave *sdw);
- int (*interrupt_callback)(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- struct sdw_slave_intr_status *status);
- int (*update_status)(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- enum sdw_slave_status status);
- int (*bus_config)(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- struct sdw_bus_params *params);
- int (*port_prep)(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- struct sdw_prepare_ch *prepare_ch,
- enum sdw_port_prep_ops pre_ops);
- int (*clk_stop)(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- enum sdw_clk_stop_mode mode,
- enum sdw_clk_stop_type type);
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_slave - SoundWire Slave
- * @id: MIPI device ID
- * @dev: Linux device
- * @status: Status reported by the Slave
- * @bus: Bus handle
- * @prop: Slave properties
- * @debugfs: Slave debugfs
- * @node: node for bus list
- * @port_ready: Port ready completion flag for each Slave port
- * @m_port_map: static Master port map for each Slave port
- * @dev_num: Current Device Number, values can be 0 or dev_num_sticky
- * @dev_num_sticky: one-time static Device Number assigned by Bus
- * @probed: boolean tracking driver state
- * @enumeration_complete: completion utility to control potential races
- * on startup between device enumeration and read/write access to the
- * Slave device
- * @initialization_complete: completion utility to control potential races
- * on startup between device enumeration and settings being restored
- * @unattach_request: mask field to keep track why the Slave re-attached and
- * was re-initialized. This is useful to deal with potential race conditions
- * between the Master suspending and the codec resuming, and make sure that
- * when the Master triggered a reset the Slave is properly enumerated and
- * initialized
- * @first_interrupt_done: status flag tracking if the interrupt handling
- * for a Slave happens for the first time after enumeration
- * @is_mockup_device: status flag used to squelch errors in the command/control
- * protocol for SoundWire mockup devices
- * @sdw_dev_lock: mutex used to protect callbacks/remove races
- */
- struct sdw_slave {
- struct sdw_slave_id id;
- struct device dev;
- enum sdw_slave_status status;
- struct sdw_bus *bus;
- struct sdw_slave_prop prop;
- struct dentry *debugfs;
- #endif
- struct list_head node;
- struct completion port_ready[SDW_MAX_PORTS];
- unsigned int m_port_map[SDW_MAX_PORTS];
- u16 dev_num;
- u16 dev_num_sticky;
- bool probed;
- struct completion enumeration_complete;
- struct completion initialization_complete;
- u32 unattach_request;
- bool first_interrupt_done;
- bool is_mockup_device;
- struct mutex sdw_dev_lock; /* protect callbacks/remove races */
- };
- #define dev_to_sdw_dev(_dev) container_of(_dev, struct sdw_slave, dev)
- /**
- * struct sdw_master_device - SoundWire 'Master Device' representation
- * @dev: Linux device for this Master
- * @bus: Bus handle shortcut
- */
- struct sdw_master_device {
- struct device dev;
- struct sdw_bus *bus;
- };
- #define dev_to_sdw_master_device(d) \
- container_of(d, struct sdw_master_device, dev)
- struct sdw_driver {
- const char *name;
- int (*probe)(struct sdw_slave *sdw,
- const struct sdw_device_id *id);
- int (*remove)(struct sdw_slave *sdw);
- void (*shutdown)(struct sdw_slave *sdw);
- const struct sdw_device_id *id_table;
- const struct sdw_slave_ops *ops;
- struct device_driver driver;
- };
- #define SDW_SLAVE_ENTRY_EXT(_mfg_id, _part_id, _version, _c_id, _drv_data) \
- { .mfg_id = (_mfg_id), .part_id = (_part_id), \
- .sdw_version = (_version), .class_id = (_c_id), \
- .driver_data = (unsigned long)(_drv_data) }
- #define SDW_SLAVE_ENTRY(_mfg_id, _part_id, _drv_data) \
- SDW_SLAVE_ENTRY_EXT((_mfg_id), (_part_id), 0, 0, (_drv_data))
- int sdw_handle_slave_status(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- enum sdw_slave_status status[]);
- /*
- * SDW master structures and APIs
- */
- /**
- * struct sdw_port_params: Data Port parameters
- *
- * @num: Port number
- * @bps: Word length of the Port
- * @flow_mode: Port Data flow mode
- * @data_mode: Test modes or normal mode
- *
- * This is used to program the Data Port based on Data Port stream
- * parameters.
- */
- struct sdw_port_params {
- unsigned int num;
- unsigned int bps;
- unsigned int flow_mode;
- unsigned int data_mode;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_transport_params: Data Port Transport Parameters
- *
- * @blk_grp_ctrl_valid: Port implements block group control
- * @num: Port number
- * @blk_grp_ctrl: Block group control value
- * @sample_interval: Sample interval
- * @offset1: Blockoffset of the payload data
- * @offset2: Blockoffset of the payload data
- * @hstart: Horizontal start of the payload data
- * @hstop: Horizontal stop of the payload data
- * @blk_pkg_mode: Block per channel or block per port
- * @lane_ctrl: Data lane Port uses for Data transfer. Currently only single
- * data lane is supported in bus
- *
- * This is used to program the Data Port based on Data Port transport
- * parameters. All these parameters are banked and can be modified
- * during a bank switch without any artifacts in audio stream.
- */
- struct sdw_transport_params {
- bool blk_grp_ctrl_valid;
- unsigned int port_num;
- unsigned int blk_grp_ctrl;
- unsigned int sample_interval;
- unsigned int offset1;
- unsigned int offset2;
- unsigned int hstart;
- unsigned int hstop;
- unsigned int blk_pkg_mode;
- unsigned int lane_ctrl;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_enable_ch: Enable/disable Data Port channel
- *
- * @num: Port number
- * @ch_mask: Active channel mask
- * @enable: Enable (true) /disable (false) channel
- */
- struct sdw_enable_ch {
- unsigned int port_num;
- unsigned int ch_mask;
- bool enable;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_master_port_ops: Callback functions from bus to Master
- * driver to set Master Data ports.
- *
- * @dpn_set_port_params: Set the Port parameters for the Master Port.
- * Mandatory callback
- * @dpn_set_port_transport_params: Set transport parameters for the Master
- * Port. Mandatory callback
- * @dpn_port_prep: Port prepare operations for the Master Data Port.
- * @dpn_port_enable_ch: Enable the channels of Master Port.
- */
- struct sdw_master_port_ops {
- int (*dpn_set_port_params)(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_port_params *port_params,
- unsigned int bank);
- int (*dpn_set_port_transport_params)(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_transport_params *transport_params,
- enum sdw_reg_bank bank);
- int (*dpn_port_prep)(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_prepare_ch *prepare_ch);
- int (*dpn_port_enable_ch)(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_enable_ch *enable_ch, unsigned int bank);
- };
- struct sdw_msg;
- /**
- * struct sdw_defer - SDW deffered message
- * @length: message length
- * @complete: message completion
- * @msg: SDW message
- */
- struct sdw_defer {
- int length;
- struct completion complete;
- struct sdw_msg *msg;
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_master_ops - Master driver ops
- * @read_prop: Read Master properties
- * @override_adr: Override value read from firmware (quirk for buggy firmware)
- * @xfer_msg: Transfer message callback
- * @xfer_msg_defer: Defer version of transfer message callback
- * @reset_page_addr: Reset the SCP page address registers
- * @set_bus_conf: Set the bus configuration
- * @pre_bank_switch: Callback for pre bank switch
- * @post_bank_switch: Callback for post bank switch
- * @read_ping_status: Read status from PING frames, reported with two bits per Device.
- * Bits 31:24 are reserved.
- */
- struct sdw_master_ops {
- int (*read_prop)(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- u64 (*override_adr)
- (struct sdw_bus *bus, u64 addr);
- enum sdw_command_response (*xfer_msg)
- (struct sdw_bus *bus, struct sdw_msg *msg);
- enum sdw_command_response (*xfer_msg_defer)
- (struct sdw_bus *bus, struct sdw_msg *msg,
- struct sdw_defer *defer);
- enum sdw_command_response (*reset_page_addr)
- (struct sdw_bus *bus, unsigned int dev_num);
- int (*set_bus_conf)(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_bus_params *params);
- int (*pre_bank_switch)(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- int (*post_bank_switch)(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- u32 (*read_ping_status)(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- };
- /**
- * struct sdw_bus - SoundWire bus
- * @dev: Shortcut to &bus->md->dev to avoid changing the entire code.
- * @md: Master device
- * @link_id: Link id number, can be 0 to N, unique for each Master
- * @id: bus system-wide unique id
- * @slaves: list of Slaves on this bus
- * @assigned: Bitmap for Slave device numbers.
- * Bit set implies used number, bit clear implies unused number.
- * @bus_lock: bus lock
- * @msg_lock: message lock
- * @compute_params: points to Bus resource management implementation
- * @ops: Master callback ops
- * @port_ops: Master port callback ops
- * @params: Current bus parameters
- * @prop: Master properties
- * @m_rt_list: List of Master instance of all stream(s) running on Bus. This
- * is used to compute and program bus bandwidth, clock, frame shape,
- * transport and port parameters
- * @debugfs: Bus debugfs
- * @defer_msg: Defer message
- * @clk_stop_timeout: Clock stop timeout computed
- * @bank_switch_timeout: Bank switch timeout computed
- * @multi_link: Store bus property that indicates if multi links
- * are supported. This flag is populated by drivers after reading
- * appropriate firmware (ACPI/DT).
- * @hw_sync_min_links: Number of links used by a stream above which
- * hardware-based synchronization is required. This value is only
- * meaningful if multi_link is set. If set to 1, hardware-based
- * synchronization will be used even if a stream only uses a single
- * SoundWire segment.
- * @dev_num_ida_min: if set, defines the minimum values for the IDA
- * used to allocate system-unique device numbers. This value needs to be
- * identical across all SoundWire bus in the system.
- */
- struct sdw_bus {
- struct device *dev;
- struct sdw_master_device *md;
- unsigned int link_id;
- int id;
- struct list_head slaves;
- struct mutex bus_lock;
- struct mutex msg_lock;
- int (*compute_params)(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- const struct sdw_master_ops *ops;
- const struct sdw_master_port_ops *port_ops;
- struct sdw_bus_params params;
- struct sdw_master_prop prop;
- struct list_head m_rt_list;
- struct dentry *debugfs;
- #endif
- struct sdw_defer defer_msg;
- unsigned int clk_stop_timeout;
- u32 bank_switch_timeout;
- bool multi_link;
- int hw_sync_min_links;
- int dev_num_ida_min;
- };
- int sdw_bus_master_add(struct sdw_bus *bus, struct device *parent,
- struct fwnode_handle *fwnode);
- void sdw_bus_master_delete(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- void sdw_show_ping_status(struct sdw_bus *bus, bool sync_delay);
- /**
- * sdw_port_config: Master or Slave Port configuration
- *
- * @num: Port number
- * @ch_mask: channels mask for port
- */
- struct sdw_port_config {
- unsigned int num;
- unsigned int ch_mask;
- };
- /**
- * sdw_stream_config: Master or Slave stream configuration
- *
- * @frame_rate: Audio frame rate of the stream, in Hz
- * @ch_count: Channel count of the stream
- * @bps: Number of bits per audio sample
- * @direction: Data direction
- * @type: Stream type PCM or PDM
- */
- struct sdw_stream_config {
- unsigned int frame_rate;
- unsigned int ch_count;
- unsigned int bps;
- enum sdw_data_direction direction;
- enum sdw_stream_type type;
- };
- /**
- * sdw_stream_state: Stream states
- *
- * @SDW_STREAM_ALLOCATED: New stream allocated.
- * @SDW_STREAM_CONFIGURED: Stream configured
- * @SDW_STREAM_PREPARED: Stream prepared
- * @SDW_STREAM_ENABLED: Stream enabled
- * @SDW_STREAM_DISABLED: Stream disabled
- * @SDW_STREAM_DEPREPARED: Stream de-prepared
- * @SDW_STREAM_RELEASED: Stream released
- */
- enum sdw_stream_state {
- };
- /**
- * sdw_stream_params: Stream parameters
- *
- * @rate: Sampling frequency, in Hz
- * @ch_count: Number of channels
- * @bps: bits per channel sample
- */
- struct sdw_stream_params {
- unsigned int rate;
- unsigned int ch_count;
- unsigned int bps;
- };
- /**
- * sdw_stream_runtime: Runtime stream parameters
- *
- * @name: SoundWire stream name
- * @params: Stream parameters
- * @state: Current state of the stream
- * @type: Stream type PCM or PDM
- * @master_list: List of Master runtime(s) in this stream.
- * master_list can contain only one m_rt per Master instance
- * for a stream
- * @m_rt_count: Count of Master runtime(s) in this stream
- */
- struct sdw_stream_runtime {
- const char *name;
- struct sdw_stream_params params;
- enum sdw_stream_state state;
- enum sdw_stream_type type;
- struct list_head master_list;
- int m_rt_count;
- };
- struct sdw_stream_runtime *sdw_alloc_stream(const char *stream_name);
- void sdw_release_stream(struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_compute_params(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- int sdw_stream_add_master(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_stream_config *stream_config,
- struct sdw_port_config *port_config,
- unsigned int num_ports,
- struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_stream_add_slave(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- struct sdw_stream_config *stream_config,
- struct sdw_port_config *port_config,
- unsigned int num_ports,
- struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_stream_remove_master(struct sdw_bus *bus,
- struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_stream_remove_slave(struct sdw_slave *slave,
- struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_startup_stream(void *sdw_substream);
- int sdw_prepare_stream(struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_enable_stream(struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_disable_stream(struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- int sdw_deprepare_stream(struct sdw_stream_runtime *stream);
- void sdw_shutdown_stream(void *sdw_substream);
- int sdw_bus_prep_clk_stop(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- int sdw_bus_clk_stop(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- int sdw_bus_exit_clk_stop(struct sdw_bus *bus);
- /* messaging and data APIs */
- int sdw_read(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr);
- int sdw_write(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, u8 value);
- int sdw_write_no_pm(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, u8 value);
- int sdw_read_no_pm(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr);
- int sdw_nread(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, size_t count, u8 *val);
- int sdw_nwrite(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, size_t count, const u8 *val);
- int sdw_update(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, u8 mask, u8 val);
- int sdw_update_no_pm(struct sdw_slave *slave, u32 addr, u8 mask, u8 val);
- int sdw_compare_devid(struct sdw_slave *slave, struct sdw_slave_id id);
- void sdw_extract_slave_id(struct sdw_bus *bus, u64 addr, struct sdw_slave_id *id);
- #endif /* __SOUNDWIRE_H */