123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360 |
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- # include <linux/rbtree.h>
- # include <linux/types.h>
- #else
- # include "crush_compat.h"
- #endif
- /*
- * CRUSH is a pseudo-random data distribution algorithm that
- * efficiently distributes input values (typically, data objects)
- * across a heterogeneous, structured storage cluster.
- *
- * The algorithm was originally described in detail in this paper
- * (although the algorithm has evolved somewhat since then):
- *
- * https://www.ssrc.ucsc.edu/Papers/weil-sc06.pdf
- *
- * LGPL2
- */
- #define CRUSH_MAGIC 0x00010000ul /* for detecting algorithm revisions */
- #define CRUSH_MAX_DEPTH 10 /* max crush hierarchy depth */
- #define CRUSH_MAX_RULESET (1<<8) /* max crush ruleset number */
- #define CRUSH_MAX_RULES CRUSH_MAX_RULESET /* should be the same as max rulesets */
- #define CRUSH_MAX_DEVICE_WEIGHT (100u * 0x10000u)
- #define CRUSH_MAX_BUCKET_WEIGHT (65535u * 0x10000u)
- #define CRUSH_ITEM_UNDEF 0x7ffffffe /* undefined result (internal use only) */
- #define CRUSH_ITEM_NONE 0x7fffffff /* no result */
- /*
- * CRUSH uses user-defined "rules" to describe how inputs should be
- * mapped to devices. A rule consists of sequence of steps to perform
- * to generate the set of output devices.
- */
- struct crush_rule_step {
- __u32 op;
- __s32 arg1;
- __s32 arg2;
- };
- /* step op codes */
- enum {
- CRUSH_RULE_TAKE = 1, /* arg1 = value to start with */
- CRUSH_RULE_CHOOSE_FIRSTN = 2, /* arg1 = num items to pick */
- /* arg2 = type */
- CRUSH_RULE_CHOOSE_INDEP = 3, /* same */
- CRUSH_RULE_EMIT = 4, /* no args */
- CRUSH_RULE_SET_CHOOSE_TRIES = 8, /* override choose_total_tries */
- CRUSH_RULE_SET_CHOOSELEAF_TRIES = 9, /* override chooseleaf_descend_once */
- };
- /*
- * for specifying choose num (arg1) relative to the max parameter
- * passed to do_rule
- */
- #define CRUSH_CHOOSE_N 0
- #define CRUSH_CHOOSE_N_MINUS(x) (-(x))
- /*
- * The rule mask is used to describe what the rule is intended for.
- * Given a ruleset and size of output set, we search through the
- * rule list for a matching rule_mask.
- */
- struct crush_rule_mask {
- __u8 ruleset;
- __u8 type;
- __u8 min_size;
- __u8 max_size;
- };
- struct crush_rule {
- __u32 len;
- struct crush_rule_mask mask;
- struct crush_rule_step steps[];
- };
- #define crush_rule_size(len) (sizeof(struct crush_rule) + \
- (len)*sizeof(struct crush_rule_step))
- /*
- * A bucket is a named container of other items (either devices or
- * other buckets). Items within a bucket are chosen using one of a
- * few different algorithms. The table summarizes how the speed of
- * each option measures up against mapping stability when items are
- * added or removed.
- *
- * Bucket Alg Speed Additions Removals
- * ------------------------------------------------
- * uniform O(1) poor poor
- * list O(n) optimal poor
- * tree O(log n) good good
- * straw O(n) better better
- * straw2 O(n) optimal optimal
- */
- enum {
- };
- extern const char *crush_bucket_alg_name(int alg);
- /*
- * although tree was a legacy algorithm, it has been buggy, so
- * exclude it.
- */
- (1 << CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST) | \
- struct crush_bucket {
- __s32 id; /* this'll be negative */
- __u16 type; /* non-zero; type=0 is reserved for devices */
- __u8 alg; /* one of CRUSH_BUCKET_* */
- __u8 hash; /* which hash function to use, CRUSH_HASH_* */
- __u32 weight; /* 16-bit fixed point */
- __u32 size; /* num items */
- __s32 *items;
- };
- /** @ingroup API
- *
- * Replacement weights for each item in a bucket. The size of the
- * array must be exactly the size of the straw2 bucket, just as the
- * item_weights array.
- *
- */
- struct crush_weight_set {
- __u32 *weights; /*!< 16.16 fixed point weights
- in the same order as items */
- __u32 size; /*!< size of the __weights__ array */
- };
- /** @ingroup API
- *
- * Replacement weights and ids for a given straw2 bucket, for
- * placement purposes.
- *
- * When crush_do_rule() chooses the Nth item from a straw2 bucket, the
- * replacement weights found at __weight_set[N]__ are used instead of
- * the weights from __item_weights__. If __N__ is greater than
- * __weight_set_size__, the weights found at __weight_set_size-1__ are
- * used instead. For instance if __weight_set__ is:
- *
- * [ [ 0x10000, 0x20000 ], // position 0
- * [ 0x20000, 0x40000 ] ] // position 1
- *
- * choosing the 0th item will use position 0 weights [ 0x10000, 0x20000 ]
- * choosing the 1th item will use position 1 weights [ 0x20000, 0x40000 ]
- * choosing the 2th item will use position 1 weights [ 0x20000, 0x40000 ]
- * etc.
- *
- */
- struct crush_choose_arg {
- __s32 *ids; /*!< values to use instead of items */
- __u32 ids_size; /*!< size of the __ids__ array */
- struct crush_weight_set *weight_set; /*!< weight replacements for
- a given position */
- __u32 weight_set_size; /*!< size of the __weight_set__ array */
- };
- /** @ingroup API
- *
- * Replacement weights and ids for each bucket in the crushmap. The
- * __size__ of the __args__ array must be exactly the same as the
- * __map->max_buckets__.
- *
- * The __crush_choose_arg__ at index N will be used when choosing
- * an item from the bucket __map->buckets[N]__ bucket, provided it
- * is a straw2 bucket.
- *
- */
- struct crush_choose_arg_map {
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- struct rb_node node;
- s64 choose_args_index;
- #endif
- struct crush_choose_arg *args; /*!< replacement for each bucket
- in the crushmap */
- __u32 size; /*!< size of the __args__ array */
- };
- struct crush_bucket_uniform {
- struct crush_bucket h;
- __u32 item_weight; /* 16-bit fixed point; all items equally weighted */
- };
- struct crush_bucket_list {
- struct crush_bucket h;
- __u32 *item_weights; /* 16-bit fixed point */
- __u32 *sum_weights; /* 16-bit fixed point. element i is sum
- of weights 0..i, inclusive */
- };
- struct crush_bucket_tree {
- struct crush_bucket h; /* note: h.size is _tree_ size, not number of
- actual items */
- __u8 num_nodes;
- __u32 *node_weights;
- };
- struct crush_bucket_straw {
- struct crush_bucket h;
- __u32 *item_weights; /* 16-bit fixed point */
- __u32 *straws; /* 16-bit fixed point */
- };
- struct crush_bucket_straw2 {
- struct crush_bucket h;
- __u32 *item_weights; /* 16-bit fixed point */
- };
- /*
- * CRUSH map includes all buckets, rules, etc.
- */
- struct crush_map {
- struct crush_bucket **buckets;
- struct crush_rule **rules;
- __s32 max_buckets;
- __u32 max_rules;
- __s32 max_devices;
- /* choose local retries before re-descent */
- __u32 choose_local_tries;
- /* choose local attempts using a fallback permutation before
- * re-descent */
- __u32 choose_local_fallback_tries;
- /* choose attempts before giving up */
- __u32 choose_total_tries;
- /* attempt chooseleaf inner descent once for firstn mode; on
- * reject retry outer descent. Note that this does *not*
- * apply to a collision: in that case we will retry as we used
- * to. */
- __u32 chooseleaf_descend_once;
- /* if non-zero, feed r into chooseleaf, bit-shifted right by (r-1)
- * bits. a value of 1 is best for new clusters. for legacy clusters
- * that want to limit reshuffling, a value of 3 or 4 will make the
- * mappings line up a bit better with previous mappings. */
- __u8 chooseleaf_vary_r;
- /* if true, it makes chooseleaf firstn to return stable results (if
- * no local retry) so that data migrations would be optimal when some
- * device fails. */
- __u8 chooseleaf_stable;
- /*
- * This value is calculated after decode or construction by
- * the builder. It is exposed here (rather than having a
- * 'build CRUSH working space' function) so that callers can
- * reserve a static buffer, allocate space on the stack, or
- * otherwise avoid calling into the heap allocator if they
- * want to. The size of the working space depends on the map,
- * while the size of the scratch vector passed to the mapper
- * depends on the size of the desired result set.
- *
- * Nothing stops the caller from allocating both in one swell
- * foop and passing in two points, though.
- */
- size_t working_size;
- #ifndef __KERNEL__
- /*
- * version 0 (original) of straw_calc has various flaws. version 1
- * fixes a few of them.
- */
- __u8 straw_calc_version;
- /*
- * allowed bucket algs is a bitmask, here the bit positions
- * are CRUSH_BUCKET_*. note that these are *bits* and
- * CRUSH_BUCKET_* values are not, so we need to or together (1
- * << CRUSH_BUCKET_WHATEVER). The 0th bit is not used to
- * minimize confusion (bucket type values start at 1).
- */
- __u32 allowed_bucket_algs;
- __u32 *choose_tries;
- #else
- /* device/bucket type id -> type name (CrushWrapper::type_map) */
- struct rb_root type_names;
- /* device/bucket id -> name (CrushWrapper::name_map) */
- struct rb_root names;
- /* CrushWrapper::choose_args */
- struct rb_root choose_args;
- #endif
- };
- /* crush.c */
- extern int crush_get_bucket_item_weight(const struct crush_bucket *b, int pos);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket_uniform(struct crush_bucket_uniform *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket_list(struct crush_bucket_list *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket_tree(struct crush_bucket_tree *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket_straw(struct crush_bucket_straw *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket_straw2(struct crush_bucket_straw2 *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_bucket(struct crush_bucket *b);
- extern void crush_destroy_rule(struct crush_rule *r);
- extern void crush_destroy(struct crush_map *map);
- static inline int crush_calc_tree_node(int i)
- {
- return ((i+1) << 1)-1;
- }
- /*
- * These data structures are private to the CRUSH implementation. They
- * are exposed in this header file because builder needs their
- * definitions to calculate the total working size.
- *
- * Moving this out of the crush map allow us to treat the CRUSH map as
- * immutable within the mapper and removes the requirement for a CRUSH
- * map lock.
- */
- struct crush_work_bucket {
- __u32 perm_x; /* @x for which *perm is defined */
- __u32 perm_n; /* num elements of *perm that are permuted/defined */
- __u32 *perm; /* Permutation of the bucket's items */
- };
- struct crush_work {
- struct crush_work_bucket **work; /* Per-bucket working store */
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- struct list_head item;
- #endif
- };
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- /* osdmap.c */
- void clear_crush_names(struct rb_root *root);
- void clear_choose_args(struct crush_map *c);
- #endif
- #endif