klconfig.h 30 KB

  1. /*
  2. * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
  3. * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
  4. * for more details.
  5. *
  6. * Derived from IRIX <sys/SN/klconfig.h>.
  7. *
  8. * Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997, 1999, 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  9. * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 by Ralf Baechle
  10. */
  11. #ifndef _ASM_SN_KLCONFIG_H
  12. #define _ASM_SN_KLCONFIG_H
  13. /*
  14. * The KLCONFIG structures store info about the various BOARDs found
  15. * during Hardware Discovery. In addition, it stores info about the
  16. * components found on the BOARDs.
  17. */
  18. /*
  19. * WARNING:
  20. * Certain assembly language routines (notably xxxxx.s) in the IP27PROM
  21. * will depend on the format of the data structures in this file. In
  22. * most cases, rearranging the fields can seriously break things.
  23. * Adding fields in the beginning or middle can also break things.
  24. * Add fields if necessary, to the end of a struct in such a way
  25. * that offsets of existing fields do not change.
  26. */
  27. #include <linux/types.h>
  28. #include <asm/sn/types.h>
  29. #if defined(CONFIG_SGI_IP27)
  30. #include <asm/sn/sn0/addrs.h>
  31. //#include <sys/SN/router.h>
  32. // XXX Stolen from <sys/SN/router.h>:
  33. #define MAX_ROUTER_PORTS (6) /* Max. number of ports on a router */
  34. #include <asm/sn/fru.h>
  35. //#include <sys/graph.h>
  36. //#include <sys/xtalk/xbow.h>
  37. #elif defined(CONFIG_SGI_IP35)
  38. #include <asm/sn/sn1/addrs.h>
  39. #include <sys/sn/router.h>
  40. #include <sys/graph.h>
  41. #include <asm/xtalk/xbow.h>
  42. #endif /* !CONFIG_SGI_IP27 && !CONFIG_SGI_IP35 */
  43. #if defined(CONFIG_SGI_IP27) || defined(CONFIG_SGI_IP35)
  44. #include <asm/sn/agent.h>
  45. #include <asm/fw/arc/types.h>
  46. #include <asm/fw/arc/hinv.h>
  47. #if defined(CONFIG_SGI_IP35)
  48. // The hack file has to be before vector and after sn0_fru....
  49. #include <asm/hack.h>
  50. #include <asm/sn/vector.h>
  51. #include <asm/xtalk/xtalk.h>
  52. #endif /* CONFIG_SGI_IP35 */
  53. #endif /* CONFIG_SGI_IP27 || CONFIG_SGI_IP35 */
  54. typedef u64 nic_t;
  55. #define KLCFGINFO_MAGIC 0xbeedbabe
  56. typedef s32 klconf_off_t;
  57. /*
  58. * Some IMPORTANT OFFSETS. These are the offsets on all NODES.
  59. */
  60. #define MAX_MODULE_ID 255
  61. #define SIZE_PAD 4096 /* 4k padding for structures */
  62. /*
  63. * 1 NODE brd, 2 Router brd (1 8p, 1 meta), 6 Widgets,
  64. * 2 Midplanes assuming no pci card cages
  65. */
  66. #define MAX_SLOTS_PER_NODE (1 + 2 + 6 + 2)
  67. /* XXX if each node is guaranteed to have some memory */
  68. #define MAX_PCI_DEVS 8
  69. /* lboard_t->brd_flags fields */
  70. /* All bits in this field are currently used. Try the pad fields if
  71. you need more flag bits */
  72. #define ENABLE_BOARD 0x01
  73. #define FAILED_BOARD 0x02
  74. #define DUPLICATE_BOARD 0x04 /* Boards like midplanes/routers which
  75. are discovered twice. Use one of them */
  76. #define VISITED_BOARD 0x08 /* Used for compact hub numbering. */
  77. #define LOCAL_MASTER_IO6 0x10 /* master io6 for that node */
  78. #define GLOBAL_MASTER_IO6 0x20
  79. #define THIRD_NIC_PRESENT 0x40 /* for future use */
  80. #define SECOND_NIC_PRESENT 0x80 /* addons like MIO are present */
  81. /* klinfo->flags fields */
  82. #define KLINFO_ENABLE 0x01 /* This component is enabled */
  83. #define KLINFO_FAILED 0x02 /* This component failed */
  84. #define KLINFO_DEVICE 0x04 /* This component is a device */
  85. #define KLINFO_VISITED 0x08 /* This component has been visited */
  86. #define KLINFO_CONTROLLER 0x10 /* This component is a device controller */
  87. #define KLINFO_INSTALL 0x20 /* Install a driver */
  88. #define KLINFO_HEADLESS 0x40 /* Headless (or hubless) component */
  89. #define IS_CONSOLE_IOC3(i) ((((klinfo_t *)i)->flags) & KLINFO_INSTALL)
  90. #define GB2 0x80000000
  91. #define MAX_RSV_PTRS 32
  92. /* Structures to manage various data storage areas */
  93. /* The numbers must be contiguous since the array index i
  94. is used in the code to allocate various areas.
  95. */
  96. #define BOARD_STRUCT 0
  97. #define COMPONENT_STRUCT 1
  98. #define ERRINFO_STRUCT 2
  100. #define DEVICE_STRUCT 3
  101. typedef struct console_s {
  102. unsigned long uart_base;
  103. unsigned long config_base;
  104. unsigned long memory_base;
  105. short baud;
  106. short flag;
  107. int type;
  108. nasid_t nasid;
  109. char wid;
  110. char npci;
  111. nic_t baseio_nic;
  112. } console_t;
  113. typedef struct klc_malloc_hdr {
  114. klconf_off_t km_base;
  115. klconf_off_t km_limit;
  116. klconf_off_t km_current;
  117. } klc_malloc_hdr_t;
  118. /* Functions/macros needed to use this structure */
  119. typedef struct kl_config_hdr {
  120. u64 ch_magic; /* set this to KLCFGINFO_MAGIC */
  121. u32 ch_version; /* structure version number */
  122. klconf_off_t ch_malloc_hdr_off; /* offset of ch_malloc_hdr */
  123. klconf_off_t ch_cons_off; /* offset of ch_cons */
  124. klconf_off_t ch_board_info; /* the link list of boards */
  125. console_t ch_cons_info; /* address info of the console */
  126. klc_malloc_hdr_t ch_malloc_hdr[KLMALLOC_TYPE_MAX];
  127. confidence_t ch_sw_belief; /* confidence that software is bad*/
  128. confidence_t ch_sn0net_belief; /* confidence that sn0net is bad */
  129. } kl_config_hdr_t;
  130. #define KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid) ((kl_config_hdr_t *)(KLCONFIG_ADDR(_nasid)))
  131. #define KL_CONFIG_INFO_OFFSET(_nasid) \
  132. (KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_board_info)
  133. #define KL_CONFIG_INFO_SET_OFFSET(_nasid, _off) \
  134. (KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_board_info = (_off))
  135. #define KL_CONFIG_INFO(_nasid) \
  136. (lboard_t *)((KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_board_info) ? \
  137. NODE_OFFSET_TO_K1((_nasid), KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_board_info) : \
  138. 0)
  139. #define KL_CONFIG_MAGIC(_nasid) (KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_magic)
  140. #define KL_CONFIG_CHECK_MAGIC(_nasid) \
  141. (KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_magic == KLCFGINFO_MAGIC)
  142. #define KL_CONFIG_HDR_INIT_MAGIC(_nasid) \
  143. (KL_CONFIG_HDR(_nasid)->ch_magic = KLCFGINFO_MAGIC)
  144. /* --- New Macros for the changed kl_config_hdr_t structure --- */
  145. #define PTR_CH_MALLOC_HDR(_k) ((klc_malloc_hdr_t *)\
  146. ((unsigned long)_k + (_k->ch_malloc_hdr_off)))
  148. #define PTR_CH_CONS_INFO(_k) ((console_t *)\
  149. ((unsigned long)_k + (_k->ch_cons_off)))
  151. /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
  152. #define KL_CONFIG_INFO_START(_nasid) \
  153. (klconf_off_t)(KLCONFIG_OFFSET(_nasid) + sizeof(kl_config_hdr_t))
  154. #define KL_CONFIG_BOARD_NASID(_brd) ((_brd)->brd_nasid)
  155. #define KL_CONFIG_BOARD_SET_NEXT(_brd, _off) ((_brd)->brd_next = (_off))
  156. #define KL_CONFIG_DUPLICATE_BOARD(_brd) ((_brd)->brd_flags & DUPLICATE_BOARD)
  157. #define XBOW_PORT_TYPE_HUB(_xbowp, _link) \
  158. ((_xbowp)->xbow_port_info[(_link) - BASE_XBOW_PORT].port_flag & XBOW_PORT_HUB)
  159. #define XBOW_PORT_TYPE_IO(_xbowp, _link) \
  160. ((_xbowp)->xbow_port_info[(_link) - BASE_XBOW_PORT].port_flag & XBOW_PORT_IO)
  161. #define XBOW_PORT_IS_ENABLED(_xbowp, _link) \
  162. ((_xbowp)->xbow_port_info[(_link) - BASE_XBOW_PORT].port_flag & XBOW_PORT_ENABLE)
  163. #define XBOW_PORT_NASID(_xbowp, _link) \
  164. ((_xbowp)->xbow_port_info[(_link) - BASE_XBOW_PORT].port_nasid)
  165. #define XBOW_PORT_IO 0x1
  166. #define XBOW_PORT_HUB 0x2
  167. #define XBOW_PORT_ENABLE 0x4
  168. #define SN0_PORT_FENCE_SHFT 0
  169. #define SN0_PORT_FENCE_MASK (1 << SN0_PORT_FENCE_SHFT)
  170. /*
  171. * The KLCONFIG area is organized as a LINKED LIST of BOARDs. A BOARD
  172. * can be either 'LOCAL' or 'REMOTE'. LOCAL means it is attached to
  173. * the LOCAL/current NODE. REMOTE means it is attached to a different
  174. * node.(TBD - Need a way to treat ROUTER boards.)
  175. *
  176. * There are 2 different structures to represent these boards -
  177. * lboard - Local board, rboard - remote board. These 2 structures
  178. * can be arbitrarily mixed in the LINKED LIST of BOARDs. (Refer
  179. * Figure below). The first byte of the rboard or lboard structure
  180. * is used to find out its type - no unions are used.
  181. * If it is a lboard, then the config info of this board will be found
  182. * on the local node. (LOCAL NODE BASE + offset value gives pointer to
  183. * the structure.
  184. * If it is a rboard, the local structure contains the node number
  185. * and the offset of the beginning of the LINKED LIST on the remote node.
  186. * The details of the hardware on a remote node can be built locally,
  187. * if required, by reading the LINKED LIST on the remote node and
  188. * ignoring all the rboards on that node.
  189. *
  190. * The local node uses the REMOTE NODE NUMBER + OFFSET to point to the
  191. * First board info on the remote node. The remote node list is
  192. * traversed as the local list, using the REMOTE BASE ADDRESS and not
  193. * the local base address and ignoring all rboard values.
  194. *
  195. *
  197. +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+
  198. | lboard | +-->| lboard | +-->| rboard | +-->| lboard |
  199. +------------+ | +------------+ | +------------+ | +------------+
  200. | board info | | | board info | | |errinfo,bptr| | | board info |
  201. +------------+ | +------------+ | +------------+ | +------------+
  202. | offset |--+ | offset |--+ | offset |--+ |offset=NULL |
  203. +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+
  204. +------------+
  205. | board info |
  206. +------------+ +--------------------------------+
  207. | compt 1 |------>| type, rev, diaginfo, size ... | (CPU)
  208. +------------+ +--------------------------------+
  209. | compt 2 |--+
  210. +------------+ | +--------------------------------+
  211. | ... | +--->| type, rev, diaginfo, size ... | (MEM_BANK)
  212. +------------+ +--------------------------------+
  213. | errinfo |--+
  214. +------------+ | +--------------------------------+
  215. +--->|r/l brd errinfo,compt err flags |
  216. +--------------------------------+
  217. *
  218. * Each BOARD consists of COMPONENTs and the BOARD structure has
  219. * pointers (offsets) to its COMPONENT structure.
  220. * The COMPONENT structure has version info, size and speed info, revision,
  221. * error info and the NIC info. This structure can accommodate any
  222. * BOARD with arbitrary COMPONENT composition.
  223. *
  224. * The ERRORINFO part of each BOARD has error information
  225. * that describes errors about the BOARD itself. It also has flags to
  226. * indicate the COMPONENT(s) on the board that have errors. The error
  227. * information specific to the COMPONENT is present in the respective
  228. * COMPONENT structure.
  229. *
  230. * The ERRORINFO structure is also treated like a COMPONENT, ie. the
  231. * BOARD has pointers(offset) to the ERRORINFO structure. The rboard
  232. * structure also has a pointer to the ERRORINFO structure. This is
  233. * the place to store ERRORINFO about a REMOTE NODE, if the HUB on
  234. * that NODE is not working or if the REMOTE MEMORY is BAD. In cases where
  235. * only the CPU of the REMOTE NODE is disabled, the ERRORINFO pointer can
  236. * be a NODE NUMBER, REMOTE OFFSET combination, pointing to error info
  237. * which is present on the REMOTE NODE.(TBD)
  238. * REMOTE ERRINFO can be stored on any of the nearest nodes
  239. * or on all the nearest nodes.(TBD)
  240. * Like BOARD structures, REMOTE ERRINFO structures can be built locally
  241. * using the rboard errinfo pointer.
  242. *
  243. * In order to get useful information from this Data organization, a set of
  244. * interface routines are provided (TBD). The important thing to remember while
  245. * manipulating the structures, is that, the NODE number information should
  246. * be used. If the NODE is non-zero (remote) then each offset should
  247. * be added to the REMOTE BASE ADDR else it should be added to the LOCAL BASE ADDR.
  248. * This includes offsets for BOARDS, COMPONENTS and ERRORINFO.
  249. *
  250. * Note that these structures do not provide much info about connectivity.
  251. * That info will be part of HWGRAPH, which is an extension of the cfg_t
  252. * data structure. (ref IP27prom/cfg.h) It has to be extended to include
  253. * the IO part of the Network(TBD).
  254. *
  255. * The data structures below define the above concepts.
  256. */
  257. /*
  258. * Values for CPU types
  259. */
  260. #define KL_CPU_R4000 0x1 /* Standard R4000 */
  261. #define KL_CPU_TFP 0x2 /* TFP processor */
  262. #define KL_CPU_R10000 0x3 /* R10000 (T5) */
  263. #define KL_CPU_NONE (-1) /* no cpu present in slot */
  264. /*
  265. * IP27 BOARD classes
  266. */
  267. #define KLCLASS_MASK 0xf0
  268. #define KLCLASS_NONE 0x00
  269. #define KLCLASS_NODE 0x10 /* CPU, Memory and HUB board */
  271. #define KLCLASS_IO 0x20 /* BaseIO, 4 ch SCSI, ethernet, FDDI
  272. and the non-graphics widget boards */
  273. #define KLCLASS_ROUTER 0x30 /* Router board */
  274. #define KLCLASS_MIDPLANE 0x40 /* We need to treat this as a board
  275. so that we can record error info */
  276. #define KLCLASS_GFX 0x50 /* graphics boards */
  277. #define KLCLASS_PSEUDO_GFX 0x60 /* HDTV type cards that use a gfx
  278. * hw ifc to xtalk and are not gfx
  279. * class for sw purposes */
  280. #define KLCLASS_MAX 7 /* Bump this if a new CLASS is added */
  281. #define KLTYPE_MAX 10 /* Bump this if a new CLASS is added */
  282. #define KLCLASS_UNKNOWN 0xf0
  283. #define KLCLASS(_x) ((_x) & KLCLASS_MASK)
  284. /*
  285. * IP27 board types
  286. */
  287. #define KLTYPE_MASK 0x0f
  288. #define KLTYPE_NONE 0x00
  289. #define KLTYPE_EMPTY 0x00
  290. #define KLTYPE_WEIRDCPU (KLCLASS_CPU | 0x0)
  291. #define KLTYPE_IP27 (KLCLASS_CPU | 0x1) /* 2 CPUs(R10K) per board */
  292. #define KLTYPE_WEIRDIO (KLCLASS_IO | 0x0)
  293. #define KLTYPE_BASEIO (KLCLASS_IO | 0x1) /* IOC3, SuperIO, Bridge, SCSI */
  294. #define KLTYPE_IO6 KLTYPE_BASEIO /* Additional name */
  295. #define KLTYPE_4CHSCSI (KLCLASS_IO | 0x2)
  296. #define KLTYPE_MSCSI KLTYPE_4CHSCSI /* Additional name */
  297. #define KLTYPE_ETHERNET (KLCLASS_IO | 0x3)
  298. #define KLTYPE_MENET KLTYPE_ETHERNET /* Additional name */
  299. #define KLTYPE_FDDI (KLCLASS_IO | 0x4)
  300. #define KLTYPE_UNUSED (KLCLASS_IO | 0x5) /* XXX UNUSED */
  301. #define KLTYPE_HAROLD (KLCLASS_IO | 0x6) /* PCI SHOE BOX */
  303. #define KLTYPE_VME (KLCLASS_IO | 0x7) /* Any 3rd party VME card */
  304. #define KLTYPE_MIO (KLCLASS_IO | 0x8)
  305. #define KLTYPE_FC (KLCLASS_IO | 0x9)
  306. #define KLTYPE_LINC (KLCLASS_IO | 0xA)
  307. #define KLTYPE_TPU (KLCLASS_IO | 0xB) /* Tensor Processing Unit */
  308. #define KLTYPE_GSN_A (KLCLASS_IO | 0xC) /* Main GSN board */
  309. #define KLTYPE_GSN_B (KLCLASS_IO | 0xD) /* Auxiliary GSN board */
  310. #define KLTYPE_GFX (KLCLASS_GFX | 0x0) /* unknown graphics type */
  311. #define KLTYPE_GFX_KONA (KLCLASS_GFX | 0x1) /* KONA graphics on IP27 */
  312. #define KLTYPE_GFX_MGRA (KLCLASS_GFX | 0x3) /* MGRAS graphics on IP27 */
  314. #define KLTYPE_ROUTER (KLCLASS_ROUTER | 0x1)
  315. #define KLTYPE_ROUTER2 KLTYPE_ROUTER /* Obsolete! */
  319. #define KLTYPE_MIDPLANE8 (KLCLASS_MIDPLANE | 0x1) /* 8 slot backplane */
  323. #define KLTYPE_IBRICK (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x1)
  324. #define KLTYPE_PBRICK (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x2)
  325. #define KLTYPE_XBRICK (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x3)
  327. /* The value of type should be more than 8 so that hinv prints
  328. * out the board name from the NIC string. For values less than
  329. * 8 the name of the board needs to be hard coded in a few places.
  330. * When bringup started nic names had not standardized and so we
  331. * had to hard code. (For people interested in history.)
  332. */
  333. #define KLTYPE_XTHD (KLCLASS_PSEUDO_GFX | 0x9)
  335. #define KLTYPE(_x) ((_x) & KLTYPE_MASK)
  336. #define IS_MIO_PRESENT(l) ((l->brd_type == KLTYPE_BASEIO) && \
  337. (l->brd_flags & SECOND_NIC_PRESENT))
  338. #define IS_MIO_IOC3(l, n) (IS_MIO_PRESENT(l) && (n > 2))
  339. /*
  340. * board structures
  341. */
  342. #define MAX_COMPTS_PER_BRD 24
  343. #define LOCAL_BOARD 1
  344. #define REMOTE_BOARD 2
  345. #define LBOARD_STRUCT_VERSION 2
  346. typedef struct lboard_s {
  347. klconf_off_t brd_next; /* Next BOARD */
  348. unsigned char struct_type; /* type of structure, local or remote */
  349. unsigned char brd_type; /* type+class */
  350. unsigned char brd_sversion; /* version of this structure */
  351. unsigned char brd_brevision; /* board revision */
  352. unsigned char brd_promver; /* board prom version, if any */
  353. unsigned char brd_flags; /* Enabled, Disabled etc */
  354. unsigned char brd_slot; /* slot number */
  355. unsigned short brd_debugsw; /* Debug switches */
  356. moduleid_t brd_module; /* module to which it belongs */
  357. partid_t brd_partition; /* Partition number */
  358. unsigned short brd_diagval; /* diagnostic value */
  359. unsigned short brd_diagparm; /* diagnostic parameter */
  360. unsigned char brd_inventory; /* inventory history */
  361. unsigned char brd_numcompts; /* Number of components */
  362. nic_t brd_nic; /* Number in CAN */
  363. nasid_t brd_nasid; /* passed parameter */
  364. klconf_off_t brd_compts[MAX_COMPTS_PER_BRD]; /* pointers to COMPONENTS */
  365. klconf_off_t brd_errinfo; /* Board's error information */
  366. struct lboard_s *brd_parent; /* Logical parent for this brd */
  367. vertex_hdl_t brd_graph_link; /* vertex hdl to connect extern compts */
  368. confidence_t brd_confidence; /* confidence that the board is bad */
  369. nasid_t brd_owner; /* who owns this board */
  370. unsigned char brd_nic_flags; /* To handle 8 more NICs */
  371. char brd_name[32];
  372. } lboard_t;
  373. /*
  374. * Make sure we pass back the calias space address for local boards.
  375. * klconfig board traversal and error structure extraction defines.
  376. */
  377. #define BOARD_SLOT(_brd) ((_brd)->brd_slot)
  378. #define KLCF_CLASS(_brd) KLCLASS((_brd)->brd_type)
  379. #define KLCF_TYPE(_brd) KLTYPE((_brd)->brd_type)
  380. #define KLCF_REMOTE(_brd) (((_brd)->struct_type & LOCAL_BOARD) ? 0 : 1)
  381. #define KLCF_NUM_COMPS(_brd) ((_brd)->brd_numcompts)
  382. #define KLCF_MODULE_ID(_brd) ((_brd)->brd_module)
  383. #define KLCF_NEXT(_brd) \
  384. ((_brd)->brd_next ? \
  385. (lboard_t *)(NODE_OFFSET_TO_K1(NASID_GET(_brd), (_brd)->brd_next)):\
  386. NULL)
  387. #define KLCF_COMP(_brd, _ndx) \
  388. (klinfo_t *)(NODE_OFFSET_TO_K1(NASID_GET(_brd), \
  389. (_brd)->brd_compts[(_ndx)]))
  390. #define KLCF_COMP_ERROR(_brd, _comp) \
  391. (NODE_OFFSET_TO_K1(NASID_GET(_brd), (_comp)->errinfo))
  392. #define KLCF_COMP_TYPE(_comp) ((_comp)->struct_type)
  393. #define KLCF_BRIDGE_W_ID(_comp) ((_comp)->physid) /* Widget ID */
  394. /*
  395. * Generic info structure. This stores common info about a
  396. * component.
  397. */
  398. typedef struct klinfo_s { /* Generic info */
  399. unsigned char struct_type; /* type of this structure */
  400. unsigned char struct_version; /* version of this structure */
  401. unsigned char flags; /* Enabled, disabled etc */
  402. unsigned char revision; /* component revision */
  403. unsigned short diagval; /* result of diagnostics */
  404. unsigned short diagparm; /* diagnostic parameter */
  405. unsigned char inventory; /* previous inventory status */
  406. nic_t nic; /* MUst be aligned properly */
  407. unsigned char physid; /* physical id of component */
  408. unsigned int virtid; /* virtual id as seen by system */
  409. unsigned char widid; /* Widget id - if applicable */
  410. nasid_t nasid; /* node number - from parent */
  411. char pad1; /* pad out structure. */
  412. char pad2; /* pad out structure. */
  413. COMPONENT *arcs_compt; /* ptr to the arcs struct for ease*/
  414. klconf_off_t errinfo; /* component specific errors */
  415. unsigned short pad3; /* pci fields have moved over to */
  416. unsigned short pad4; /* klbri_t */
  417. } klinfo_t ;
  418. #define KLCONFIG_INFO_ENABLED(_i) ((_i)->flags & KLINFO_ENABLE)
  419. /*
  420. * Component structures.
  421. * Following are the currently identified components:
  422. * CPU, HUB, MEM_BANK,
  423. * XBOW(consists of 16 WIDGETs, each of which can be HUB or GRAPHICS or BRIDGE)
  424. * BRIDGE, IOC3, SuperIO, SCSI, FDDI
  425. * ROUTER
  426. * GRAPHICS
  427. */
  428. #define KLSTRUCT_UNKNOWN 0
  429. #define KLSTRUCT_CPU 1
  430. #define KLSTRUCT_HUB 2
  431. #define KLSTRUCT_MEMBNK 3
  432. #define KLSTRUCT_XBOW 4
  433. #define KLSTRUCT_BRI 5
  434. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3 6
  435. #define KLSTRUCT_PCI 7
  436. #define KLSTRUCT_VME 8
  437. #define KLSTRUCT_ROU 9
  438. #define KLSTRUCT_GFX 10
  439. #define KLSTRUCT_SCSI 11
  440. #define KLSTRUCT_FDDI 12
  441. #define KLSTRUCT_MIO 13
  442. #define KLSTRUCT_DISK 14
  443. #define KLSTRUCT_TAPE 15
  444. #define KLSTRUCT_CDROM 16
  445. #define KLSTRUCT_HUB_UART 17
  446. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3ENET 18
  447. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3UART 19
  448. #define KLSTRUCT_UNUSED 20 /* XXX UNUSED */
  449. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3PCKM 21
  450. #define KLSTRUCT_RAD 22
  451. #define KLSTRUCT_HUB_TTY 23
  452. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3_TTY 24
  453. /* Early Access IO proms are compatible
  454. only with KLSTRUCT values up to 24. */
  456. #define KLSTRUCT_MOD_SERIAL_NUM 26
  457. #define KLSTRUCT_IOC3MS 27
  458. #define KLSTRUCT_TPU 28
  459. #define KLSTRUCT_GSN_A 29
  460. #define KLSTRUCT_GSN_B 30
  461. #define KLSTRUCT_XTHD 31
  462. /*
  463. * These are the indices of various components within a lboard structure.
  464. */
  465. #define IP27_CPU0_INDEX 0
  466. #define IP27_CPU1_INDEX 1
  467. #define IP27_HUB_INDEX 2
  468. #define IP27_MEM_INDEX 3
  469. #define BASEIO_BRIDGE_INDEX 0
  470. #define BASEIO_IOC3_INDEX 1
  471. #define BASEIO_SCSI1_INDEX 2
  472. #define BASEIO_SCSI2_INDEX 3
  473. #define MIDPLANE_XBOW_INDEX 0
  475. #define CH4SCSI_BRIDGE_INDEX 0
  476. /* Info holders for various hardware components */
  477. typedef u64 *pci_t;
  478. typedef u64 *vmeb_t;
  479. typedef u64 *vmed_t;
  480. typedef u64 *fddi_t;
  481. typedef u64 *scsi_t;
  482. typedef u64 *mio_t;
  483. typedef u64 *graphics_t;
  484. typedef u64 *router_t;
  485. /*
  486. * The port info in ip27_cfg area translates to a lboart_t in the
  487. * KLCONFIG area. But since KLCONFIG does not use pointers, lboart_t
  488. * is stored in terms of a nasid and a offset from start of KLCONFIG
  489. * area on that nasid.
  490. */
  491. typedef struct klport_s {
  492. nasid_t port_nasid;
  493. unsigned char port_flag;
  494. klconf_off_t port_offset;
  495. } klport_t;
  496. typedef struct klcpu_s { /* CPU */
  497. klinfo_t cpu_info;
  498. unsigned short cpu_prid; /* Processor PRID value */
  499. unsigned short cpu_fpirr; /* FPU IRR value */
  500. unsigned short cpu_speed; /* Speed in MHZ */
  501. unsigned short cpu_scachesz; /* secondary cache size in MB */
  502. unsigned short cpu_scachespeed;/* secondary cache speed in MHz */
  503. } klcpu_t ;
  504. #define CPU_STRUCT_VERSION 2
  505. typedef struct klhub_s { /* HUB */
  506. klinfo_t hub_info;
  507. unsigned int hub_flags; /* PCFG_HUB_xxx flags */
  508. klport_t hub_port; /* hub is connected to this */
  509. nic_t hub_box_nic; /* nic of containing box */
  510. klconf_off_t hub_mfg_nic; /* MFG NIC string */
  511. u64 hub_speed; /* Speed of hub in HZ */
  512. } klhub_t ;
  513. typedef struct klhub_uart_s { /* HUB */
  514. klinfo_t hubuart_info;
  515. unsigned int hubuart_flags; /* PCFG_HUB_xxx flags */
  516. nic_t hubuart_box_nic; /* nic of containing box */
  517. } klhub_uart_t ;
  518. #define MEMORY_STRUCT_VERSION 2
  519. typedef struct klmembnk_s { /* MEMORY BANK */
  520. klinfo_t membnk_info;
  521. short membnk_memsz; /* Total memory in megabytes */
  522. short membnk_dimm_select; /* bank to physical addr mapping*/
  523. short membnk_bnksz[MD_MEM_BANKS]; /* Memory bank sizes */
  524. short membnk_attr;
  525. } klmembnk_t ;
  526. #define KLCONFIG_MEMBNK_SIZE(_info, _bank) \
  527. ((_info)->membnk_bnksz[(_bank)])
  528. #define MEMBNK_PREMIUM 1
  529. #define KLCONFIG_MEMBNK_PREMIUM(_info, _bank) \
  530. ((_info)->membnk_attr & (MEMBNK_PREMIUM << (_bank)))
  531. #define MAX_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE 10
  532. typedef struct klmod_serial_num_s {
  533. klinfo_t snum_info;
  534. union {
  535. char snum_str[MAX_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE];
  536. unsigned long long snum_int;
  537. } snum;
  538. } klmod_serial_num_t;
  539. /* Macros needed to access serial number structure in lboard_t.
  540. Hard coded values are necessary since we cannot treat
  541. serial number struct as a component without losing compatibility
  542. between prom versions. */
  543. #define GET_SNUM_COMP(_l) ((klmod_serial_num_t *)\
  544. KLCF_COMP(_l, _l->brd_numcompts))
  545. #define MAX_XBOW_LINKS 16
  546. typedef struct klxbow_s { /* XBOW */
  547. klinfo_t xbow_info ;
  548. klport_t xbow_port_info[MAX_XBOW_LINKS] ; /* Module number */
  549. int xbow_master_hub_link;
  550. /* type of brd connected+component struct ptr+flags */
  551. } klxbow_t ;
  552. #define MAX_PCI_SLOTS 8
  553. typedef struct klpci_device_s {
  554. s32 pci_device_id; /* 32 bits of vendor/device ID. */
  555. s32 pci_device_pad; /* 32 bits of padding. */
  556. } klpci_device_t;
  557. #define BRIDGE_STRUCT_VERSION 2
  558. typedef struct klbri_s { /* BRIDGE */
  559. klinfo_t bri_info ;
  560. unsigned char bri_eprominfo ; /* IO6prom connected to bridge */
  561. unsigned char bri_bustype ; /* PCI/VME BUS bridge/GIO */
  562. pci_t pci_specific ; /* PCI Board config info */
  563. klpci_device_t bri_devices[MAX_PCI_DEVS] ; /* PCI IDs */
  564. klconf_off_t bri_mfg_nic ;
  565. } klbri_t ;
  566. #define MAX_IOC3_TTY 2
  567. typedef struct klioc3_s { /* IOC3 */
  568. klinfo_t ioc3_info ;
  569. unsigned char ioc3_ssram ; /* Info about ssram */
  570. unsigned char ioc3_nvram ; /* Info about nvram */
  571. klinfo_t ioc3_superio ; /* Info about superio */
  572. klconf_off_t ioc3_tty_off ;
  573. klinfo_t ioc3_enet ;
  574. klconf_off_t ioc3_enet_off ;
  575. klconf_off_t ioc3_kbd_off ;
  576. } klioc3_t ;
  577. #define MAX_VME_SLOTS 8
  578. typedef struct klvmeb_s { /* VME BRIDGE - PCI CTLR */
  579. klinfo_t vmeb_info ;
  580. vmeb_t vmeb_specific ;
  581. klconf_off_t vmeb_brdinfo[MAX_VME_SLOTS] ; /* VME Board config info */
  582. } klvmeb_t ;
  583. typedef struct klvmed_s { /* VME DEVICE - VME BOARD */
  584. klinfo_t vmed_info ;
  585. vmed_t vmed_specific ;
  586. klconf_off_t vmed_brdinfo[MAX_VME_SLOTS] ; /* VME Board config info */
  587. } klvmed_t ;
  588. #define ROUTER_VECTOR_VERS 2
  589. /* XXX - Don't we need the number of ports here?!? */
  590. typedef struct klrou_s { /* ROUTER */
  591. klinfo_t rou_info ;
  592. unsigned int rou_flags ; /* PCFG_ROUTER_xxx flags */
  593. nic_t rou_box_nic ; /* nic of the containing module */
  594. klport_t rou_port[MAX_ROUTER_PORTS + 1] ; /* array index 1 to 6 */
  595. klconf_off_t rou_mfg_nic ; /* MFG NIC string */
  596. u64 rou_vector; /* vector from master node */
  597. } klrou_t ;
  598. /*
  599. * Graphics Controller/Device
  600. *
  601. * (IP27/IO6) Prom versions 6.13 (and 6.5.1 kernels) and earlier
  602. * used a couple different structures to store graphics information.
  603. * For compatibility reasons, the newer data structure preserves some
  604. * of the layout so that fields that are used in the old versions remain
  605. * in the same place (with the same info). Determination of what version
  606. * of this structure we have is done by checking the cookie field.
  607. */
  608. #define KLGFX_COOKIE 0x0c0de000
  609. typedef struct klgfx_s { /* GRAPHICS Device */
  610. klinfo_t gfx_info;
  611. klconf_off_t old_gndevs; /* for compatibility with older proms */
  612. klconf_off_t old_gdoff0; /* for compatibility with older proms */
  613. unsigned int cookie; /* for compatibility with older proms */
  614. unsigned int moduleslot;
  615. struct klgfx_s *gfx_next_pipe;
  616. graphics_t gfx_specific;
  617. klconf_off_t pad0; /* for compatibility with older proms */
  618. klconf_off_t gfx_mfg_nic;
  619. } klgfx_t;
  620. typedef struct klxthd_s {
  621. klinfo_t xthd_info ;
  622. klconf_off_t xthd_mfg_nic ; /* MFG NIC string */
  623. } klxthd_t ;
  624. typedef struct kltpu_s { /* TPU board */
  625. klinfo_t tpu_info ;
  626. klconf_off_t tpu_mfg_nic ; /* MFG NIC string */
  627. } kltpu_t ;
  628. typedef struct klgsn_s { /* GSN board */
  629. klinfo_t gsn_info ;
  630. klconf_off_t gsn_mfg_nic ; /* MFG NIC string */
  631. } klgsn_t ;
  632. #define MAX_SCSI_DEVS 16
  633. /*
  634. * NOTE: THis is the max sized kl* structure and is used in klmalloc.c
  635. * to allocate space of type COMPONENT. Make sure that if the size of
  636. * any other component struct becomes more than this, then redefine
  637. * that as the size to be klmalloced.
  638. */
  639. typedef struct klscsi_s { /* SCSI Controller */
  640. klinfo_t scsi_info ;
  641. scsi_t scsi_specific ;
  642. unsigned char scsi_numdevs ;
  643. klconf_off_t scsi_devinfo[MAX_SCSI_DEVS] ;
  644. } klscsi_t ;
  645. typedef struct klscdev_s { /* SCSI device */
  646. klinfo_t scdev_info ;
  647. struct scsidisk_data *scdev_cfg ; /* driver fills up this */
  648. } klscdev_t ;
  649. typedef struct klttydev_s { /* TTY device */
  650. klinfo_t ttydev_info ;
  651. struct terminal_data *ttydev_cfg ; /* driver fills up this */
  652. } klttydev_t ;
  653. typedef struct klenetdev_s { /* ENET device */
  654. klinfo_t enetdev_info ;
  655. struct net_data *enetdev_cfg ; /* driver fills up this */
  656. } klenetdev_t ;
  657. typedef struct klkbddev_s { /* KBD device */
  658. klinfo_t kbddev_info ;
  659. struct keyboard_data *kbddev_cfg ; /* driver fills up this */
  660. } klkbddev_t ;
  661. typedef struct klmsdev_s { /* mouse device */
  662. klinfo_t msdev_info ;
  663. void *msdev_cfg ;
  664. } klmsdev_t ;
  665. #define MAX_FDDI_DEVS 10 /* XXX Is this true */
  666. typedef struct klfddi_s { /* FDDI */
  667. klinfo_t fddi_info ;
  668. fddi_t fddi_specific ;
  669. klconf_off_t fddi_devinfo[MAX_FDDI_DEVS] ;
  670. } klfddi_t ;
  671. typedef struct klmio_s { /* MIO */
  672. klinfo_t mio_info ;
  673. mio_t mio_specific ;
  674. } klmio_t ;
  675. typedef union klcomp_s {
  676. klcpu_t kc_cpu;
  677. klhub_t kc_hub;
  678. klmembnk_t kc_mem;
  679. klxbow_t kc_xbow;
  680. klbri_t kc_bri;
  681. klioc3_t kc_ioc3;
  682. klvmeb_t kc_vmeb;
  683. klvmed_t kc_vmed;
  684. klrou_t kc_rou;
  685. klgfx_t kc_gfx;
  686. klscsi_t kc_scsi;
  687. klscdev_t kc_scsi_dev;
  688. klfddi_t kc_fddi;
  689. klmio_t kc_mio;
  690. klmod_serial_num_t kc_snum ;
  691. } klcomp_t;
  692. typedef union kldev_s { /* for device structure allocation */
  693. klscdev_t kc_scsi_dev ;
  694. klttydev_t kc_tty_dev ;
  695. klenetdev_t kc_enet_dev ;
  696. klkbddev_t kc_kbd_dev ;
  697. } kldev_t ;
  698. /* Data structure interface routines. TBD */
  699. /* Include launch info in this file itself? TBD */
  700. /*
  701. * TBD - Can the ARCS and device driver related info also be included in the
  702. * KLCONFIG area. On the IO4PROM, prom device driver info is part of cfgnode_t
  703. * structure, viz private to the IO4prom.
  704. */
  705. /*
  706. * TBD - Allocation issues.
  707. *
  708. * Do we need to Mark off sepatate heaps for lboard_t, rboard_t, component,
  709. * errinfo and allocate from them, or have a single heap and allocate all
  710. * structures from it. Debug is easier in the former method since we can
  711. * dump all similar structs in one command, but there will be lots of holes,
  712. * in memory and max limits are needed for number of structures.
  713. * Another way to make it organized, is to have a union of all components
  714. * and allocate a aligned chunk of memory greater than the biggest
  715. * component.
  716. */
  717. typedef union {
  718. lboard_t *lbinfo ;
  719. } biptr_t ;
  720. #define BRI_PER_XBOW 6
  721. #define PCI_PER_BRI 8
  722. #define DEV_PER_PCI 16
  723. /* Virtual dipswitch values (starting from switch "7"): */
  724. #define VDS_NOGFX 0x8000 /* Don't enable gfx and autoboot */
  725. #define VDS_NOMP 0x100 /* Don't start slave processors */
  726. #define VDS_MANUMODE 0x80 /* Manufacturing mode */
  727. #define VDS_NOARB 0x40 /* No bootmaster arbitration */
  728. #define VDS_PODMODE 0x20 /* Go straight to POD mode */
  729. #define VDS_NO_DIAGS 0x10 /* Don't run any diags after BM arb */
  730. #define VDS_DEFAULTS 0x08 /* Use default environment values */
  731. #define VDS_NOMEMCLEAR 0x04 /* Don't run mem cfg code */
  732. #define VDS_2ND_IO4 0x02 /* Boot from the second IO4 */
  733. #define VDS_DEBUG_PROM 0x01 /* Print PROM debugging messages */
  734. /* external declarations of Linux kernel functions. */
  735. extern lboard_t *find_lboard(lboard_t *start, unsigned char type);
  736. extern klinfo_t *find_component(lboard_t *brd, klinfo_t *kli, unsigned char type);
  737. extern klinfo_t *find_first_component(lboard_t *brd, unsigned char type);
  738. extern lboard_t *find_lboard_class(lboard_t *start, unsigned char brd_class);
  739. #endif /* _ASM_SN_KLCONFIG_H */