1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018 |
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- /*
- * Copyright(c) 2007 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Maintained at www.Open-FCoE.org
- */
- #ifndef _LIBFC_H_
- #define _LIBFC_H_
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/if.h>
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
- #include <linux/refcount.h>
- #include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
- #include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
- #include <scsi/scsi_bsg_fc.h>
- #include <scsi/fc/fc_fcp.h>
- #include <scsi/fc/fc_ns.h>
- #include <scsi/fc/fc_ms.h>
- #include <scsi/fc/fc_els.h>
- #include <scsi/fc/fc_gs.h>
- #include <scsi/fc_frame.h>
- #define FC_FC4_PROV_SIZE (FC_TYPE_FCP + 1) /* size of tables */
- /*
- * libfc error codes
- */
- #define FC_NO_ERR 0 /* no error */
- #define FC_EX_TIMEOUT 1 /* Exchange timeout */
- #define FC_EX_CLOSED 2 /* Exchange closed */
- #define FC_EX_ALLOC_ERR 3 /* Exchange allocation failed */
- #define FC_EX_XMIT_ERR 4 /* Exchange transmit failed */
- #define FC_EX_ELS_RJT 5 /* ELS rejected */
- #define FC_EX_INV_LOGIN 6 /* Login not completed */
- #define FC_EX_SEQ_ERR 6 /* Exchange sequence error */
- /**
- * enum fc_lport_state - Local port states
- * @LPORT_ST_DISABLED: Disabled
- * @LPORT_ST_FLOGI: Fabric login (FLOGI) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_DNS: Waiting for name server remote port to become ready
- * @LPORT_ST_RPN_ID: Register port name by ID (RPN_ID) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_RFT_ID: Register Fibre Channel types by ID (RFT_ID) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_RFF_ID: Register FC-4 Features by ID (RFF_ID) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_FDMI: Waiting for mgmt server rport to become ready
- * @LPORT_ST_SCR: State Change Register (SCR) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_READY: Ready for use
- * @LPORT_ST_LOGO: Local port logout (LOGO) sent
- * @LPORT_ST_RESET: Local port reset
- */
- enum fc_lport_state {
- };
- enum fc_disc_event {
- };
- /**
- * enum fc_rport_state - Remote port states
- * @RPORT_ST_INIT: Initialized
- * @RPORT_ST_FLOGI: Waiting for FLOGI completion for point-to-multipoint
- * @RPORT_ST_PLOGI_WAIT: Waiting for peer to login for point-to-multipoint
- * @RPORT_ST_PLOGI: Waiting for PLOGI completion
- * @RPORT_ST_PRLI: Waiting for PRLI completion
- * @RPORT_ST_RTV: Waiting for RTV completion
- * @RPORT_ST_READY: Ready for use
- * @RPORT_ST_ADISC: Discover Address sent
- * @RPORT_ST_DELETE: Remote port being deleted
- */
- enum fc_rport_state {
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_disc_port - temporary discovery port to hold rport identifiers
- * @lp: Fibre Channel host port instance
- * @peers: Node for list management during discovery and RSCN processing
- * @rport_work: Work struct for starting the rport state machine
- * @port_id: Port ID of the discovered port
- */
- struct fc_disc_port {
- struct fc_lport *lp;
- struct list_head peers;
- struct work_struct rport_work;
- u32 port_id;
- };
- /**
- * enum fc_rport_event - Remote port events
- * @RPORT_EV_NONE: No event
- * @RPORT_EV_READY: Remote port is ready for use
- * @RPORT_EV_FAILED: State machine failed, remote port is not ready
- * @RPORT_EV_STOP: Remote port has been stopped
- * @RPORT_EV_LOGO: Remote port logout (LOGO) sent
- */
- enum fc_rport_event {
- };
- struct fc_rport_priv;
- /**
- * struct fc_rport_operations - Operations for a remote port
- * @event_callback: Function to be called for remote port events
- */
- struct fc_rport_operations {
- void (*event_callback)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_rport_priv *,
- enum fc_rport_event);
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_rport_libfc_priv - libfc internal information about a remote port
- * @local_port: The associated local port
- * @rp_state: Indicates READY for I/O or DELETE when blocked
- * @flags: REC and RETRY supported flags
- * @e_d_tov: Error detect timeout value (in msec)
- * @r_a_tov: Resource allocation timeout value (in msec)
- */
- struct fc_rport_libfc_priv {
- struct fc_lport *local_port;
- enum fc_rport_state rp_state;
- u16 flags;
- #define FC_RP_FLAGS_REC_SUPPORTED (1 << 0)
- #define FC_RP_FLAGS_RETRY (1 << 1)
- #define FC_RP_STARTED (1 << 2)
- #define FC_RP_FLAGS_CONF_REQ (1 << 3)
- unsigned int e_d_tov;
- unsigned int r_a_tov;
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_rport_priv - libfc remote port and discovery info
- * @local_port: The associated local port
- * @rport: The FC transport remote port
- * @kref: Reference counter
- * @rp_state: Enumeration that tracks progress of PLOGI, PRLI,
- * and RTV exchanges
- * @ids: The remote port identifiers and roles
- * @flags: STARTED, REC and RETRY_SUPPORTED flags
- * @max_seq: Maximum number of concurrent sequences
- * @disc_id: The discovery identifier
- * @maxframe_size: The maximum frame size
- * @retries: The retry count for the current state
- * @major_retries: The retry count for the entire PLOGI/PRLI state machine
- * @e_d_tov: Error detect timeout value (in msec)
- * @r_a_tov: Resource allocation timeout value (in msec)
- * @rp_mutex: The mutex that protects the remote port
- * @retry_work: Handle for retries
- * @event_callback: Callback when READY, FAILED or LOGO states complete
- * @prli_count: Count of open PRLI sessions in providers
- * @rcu: Structure used for freeing in an RCU-safe manner
- */
- struct fc_rport_priv {
- struct fc_lport *local_port;
- struct fc_rport *rport;
- struct kref kref;
- enum fc_rport_state rp_state;
- struct fc_rport_identifiers ids;
- u16 flags;
- u16 max_seq;
- u16 disc_id;
- u16 maxframe_size;
- unsigned int retries;
- unsigned int major_retries;
- unsigned int e_d_tov;
- unsigned int r_a_tov;
- struct mutex rp_mutex;
- struct delayed_work retry_work;
- enum fc_rport_event event;
- struct fc_rport_operations *ops;
- struct list_head peers;
- struct work_struct event_work;
- u32 supported_classes;
- u16 prli_count;
- struct rcu_head rcu;
- u16 sp_features;
- u8 spp_type;
- void (*lld_event_callback)(struct fc_lport *,
- struct fc_rport_priv *,
- enum fc_rport_event);
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_stats - fc stats structure
- * @SecondsSinceLastReset: Seconds since the last reset
- * @TxFrames: Number of transmitted frames
- * @TxWords: Number of transmitted words
- * @RxFrames: Number of received frames
- * @RxWords: Number of received words
- * @ErrorFrames: Number of received error frames
- * @DumpedFrames: Number of dumped frames
- * @FcpPktAllocFails: Number of fcp packet allocation failures
- * @FcpPktAborts: Number of fcp packet aborts
- * @FcpFrameAllocFails: Number of fcp frame allocation failures
- * @LinkFailureCount: Number of link failures
- * @LossOfSignalCount: Number for signal losses
- * @InvalidTxWordCount: Number of invalid transmitted words
- * @InvalidCRCCount: Number of invalid CRCs
- * @InputRequests: Number of input requests
- * @OutputRequests: Number of output requests
- * @ControlRequests: Number of control requests
- * @InputBytes: Number of received bytes
- * @OutputBytes: Number of transmitted bytes
- * @VLinkFailureCount: Number of virtual link failures
- * @MissDiscAdvCount: Number of missing FIP discovery advertisement
- */
- struct fc_stats {
- u64 SecondsSinceLastReset;
- u64 TxFrames;
- u64 TxWords;
- u64 RxFrames;
- u64 RxWords;
- u64 ErrorFrames;
- u64 DumpedFrames;
- u64 FcpPktAllocFails;
- u64 FcpPktAborts;
- u64 FcpFrameAllocFails;
- u64 LinkFailureCount;
- u64 LossOfSignalCount;
- u64 InvalidTxWordCount;
- u64 InvalidCRCCount;
- u64 InputRequests;
- u64 OutputRequests;
- u64 ControlRequests;
- u64 InputBytes;
- u64 OutputBytes;
- u64 VLinkFailureCount;
- u64 MissDiscAdvCount;
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_seq_els_data - ELS data used for passing ELS specific responses
- * @reason: The reason for rejection
- * @explan: The explanation of the rejection
- *
- * Mainly used by the exchange manager layer.
- */
- struct fc_seq_els_data {
- enum fc_els_rjt_reason reason;
- enum fc_els_rjt_explan explan;
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_fcp_pkt - FCP request structure (one for each scsi_cmnd request)
- * @lp: The associated local port
- * @state: The state of the I/O
- * @ref_cnt: Reference count
- * @scsi_pkt_lock: Lock to protect the SCSI packet (must be taken before the
- * host_lock if both are to be held at the same time)
- * @cmd: The SCSI command (set and clear with the host_lock held)
- * @list: Tracks queued commands (accessed with the host_lock held)
- * @timer: The command timer
- * @tm_done: Completion indicator
- * @wait_for_comp: Indicator to wait for completion of the I/O (in jiffies)
- * @data_len: The length of the data
- * @cdb_cmd: The CDB command
- * @xfer_len: The transfer length
- * @xfer_ddp: Indicates if this transfer used DDP (XID of the exchange
- * will be set here if DDP was setup)
- * @xfer_contig_end: The offset into the buffer if the buffer is contiguous
- * (Tx and Rx)
- * @max_payload: The maximum payload size (in bytes)
- * @io_status: SCSI result (upper 24 bits)
- * @cdb_status: CDB status
- * @status_code: FCP I/O status
- * @scsi_comp_flags: Completion flags (bit 3 Underrun bit 2: overrun)
- * @req_flags: Request flags (bit 0: read bit:1 write)
- * @scsi_resid: SCSI residule length
- * @rport: The remote port that the SCSI command is targeted at
- * @seq_ptr: The sequence that will carry the SCSI command
- * @recov_retry: Number of recovery retries
- * @recov_seq: The sequence for REC or SRR
- */
- struct fc_fcp_pkt {
- spinlock_t scsi_pkt_lock;
- refcount_t ref_cnt;
- /* SCSI command and data transfer information */
- u32 data_len;
- /* SCSI I/O related information */
- struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
- struct list_head list;
- /* Housekeeping information */
- struct fc_lport *lp;
- u8 state;
- /* SCSI/FCP return status */
- u8 cdb_status;
- u8 status_code;
- u8 scsi_comp_flags;
- u32 io_status;
- u32 req_flags;
- u32 scsi_resid;
- /* Transport related veriables */
- size_t xfer_len;
- struct fcp_cmnd cdb_cmd;
- u32 xfer_contig_end;
- u16 max_payload;
- u16 xfer_ddp;
- /* Associated structures */
- struct fc_rport *rport;
- struct fc_seq *seq_ptr;
- /* Timeout/error related information */
- struct timer_list timer;
- int wait_for_comp;
- int timer_delay;
- u32 recov_retry;
- struct fc_seq *recov_seq;
- struct completion tm_done;
- } ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
- /*
- * @fsp should be tested and set under the scsi_pkt_queue lock
- */
- struct libfc_cmd_priv {
- struct fc_fcp_pkt *fsp;
- u32 resid_len;
- u8 status;
- };
- /*
- * Structure and function definitions for managing Fibre Channel Exchanges
- * and Sequences
- *
- * fc_exch holds state for one exchange and links to its active sequence.
- *
- * fc_seq holds the state for an individual sequence.
- */
- struct fc_exch_mgr;
- struct fc_exch_mgr_anchor;
- extern u16 fc_cpu_mask; /* cpu mask for possible cpus */
- /**
- * struct fc_seq - FC sequence
- * @id: The sequence ID
- * @ssb_stat: Status flags for the sequence status block (SSB)
- * @cnt: Number of frames sent so far
- * @rec_data: FC-4 value for REC
- */
- struct fc_seq {
- u8 id;
- u16 ssb_stat;
- u16 cnt;
- u32 rec_data;
- };
- #define FC_EX_DONE (1 << 0) /* ep is completed */
- #define FC_EX_RST_CLEANUP (1 << 1) /* reset is forcing completion */
- #define FC_EX_QUARANTINE (1 << 2) /* exch is quarantined */
- /**
- * struct fc_exch - Fibre Channel Exchange
- * @em: Exchange manager
- * @pool: Exchange pool
- * @state: The exchange's state
- * @xid: The exchange ID
- * @ex_list: Handle used by the EM to track free exchanges
- * @ex_lock: Lock that protects the exchange
- * @ex_refcnt: Reference count
- * @timeout_work: Handle for timeout handler
- * @lp: The local port that this exchange is on
- * @oxid: Originator's exchange ID
- * @rxid: Responder's exchange ID
- * @oid: Originator's FCID
- * @sid: Source FCID
- * @did: Destination FCID
- * @esb_stat: ESB exchange status
- * @r_a_tov: Resource allocation time out value (in msecs)
- * @seq_id: The next sequence ID to use
- * @encaps: encapsulation information for lower-level driver
- * @f_ctl: F_CTL flags for the sequence
- * @fh_type: The frame type
- * @class: The class of service
- * @seq: The sequence in use on this exchange
- * @resp_active: Number of tasks that are concurrently executing @resp().
- * @resp_task: If @resp_active > 0, either the task executing @resp(), the
- * task that has been interrupted to execute the soft-IRQ
- * executing @resp() or NULL if more than one task is executing
- * @resp concurrently.
- * @resp_wq: Waitqueue for the tasks waiting on @resp_active.
- * @resp: Callback for responses on this exchange
- * @destructor: Called when destroying the exchange
- * @arg: Passed as a void pointer to the resp() callback
- *
- * Locking notes: The ex_lock protects following items:
- * state, esb_stat, f_ctl, seq.ssb_stat
- * seq_id
- * sequence allocation
- */
- struct fc_exch {
- spinlock_t ex_lock;
- atomic_t ex_refcnt;
- enum fc_class class;
- struct fc_exch_mgr *em;
- struct fc_exch_pool *pool;
- struct list_head ex_list;
- struct fc_lport *lp;
- u32 esb_stat;
- u8 state;
- u8 fh_type;
- u8 seq_id;
- u8 encaps;
- u16 xid;
- u16 oxid;
- u16 rxid;
- u32 oid;
- u32 sid;
- u32 did;
- u32 r_a_tov;
- u32 f_ctl;
- struct fc_seq seq;
- int resp_active;
- struct task_struct *resp_task;
- wait_queue_head_t resp_wq;
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *, struct fc_frame *, void *);
- void *arg;
- void (*destructor)(struct fc_seq *, void *);
- struct delayed_work timeout_work;
- } ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
- #define fc_seq_exch(sp) container_of(sp, struct fc_exch, seq)
- struct libfc_function_template {
- /*
- * Interface to send a FC frame
- *
- */
- int (*frame_send)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_frame *);
- /*
- * Interface to send ELS/CT frames
- *
- */
- struct fc_seq *(*elsct_send)(struct fc_lport *, u32 did,
- struct fc_frame *, unsigned int op,
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *,
- struct fc_frame *, void *arg),
- void *arg, u32 timer_msec);
- /*
- * Sets up the DDP context for a given exchange id on the given
- * scatterlist if LLD supports DDP for large receive.
- *
- */
- int (*ddp_setup)(struct fc_lport *, u16, struct scatterlist *,
- unsigned int);
- /*
- * Completes the DDP transfer and returns the length of data DDPed
- * for the given exchange id.
- *
- */
- int (*ddp_done)(struct fc_lport *, u16);
- /*
- * Sets up the DDP context for a given exchange id on the given
- * scatterlist if LLD supports DDP for target.
- *
- */
- int (*ddp_target)(struct fc_lport *, u16, struct scatterlist *,
- unsigned int);
- /*
- * Allow LLD to fill its own Link Error Status Block
- *
- */
- void (*get_lesb)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_els_lesb *lesb);
- /*
- * Reset an exchange manager, completing all sequences and exchanges.
- * If s_id is non-zero, reset only exchanges originating from that FID.
- * If d_id is non-zero, reset only exchanges sending to that FID.
- *
- */
- void (*exch_mgr_reset)(struct fc_lport *, u32 s_id, u32 d_id);
- /*
- * Set the local port FC_ID.
- *
- * This may be provided by the LLD to allow it to be
- * notified when the local port is assigned a FC-ID.
- *
- * The frame, if non-NULL, is the incoming frame with the
- * FLOGI LS_ACC or FLOGI, and may contain the granted MAC
- * address for the LLD. The frame pointer may be NULL if
- * no MAC is associated with this assignment (LOGO or PLOGI).
- *
- * If FC_ID is non-zero, r_a_tov and e_d_tov must be valid.
- *
- * Note: this is called with the local port mutex held.
- *
- */
- void (*lport_set_port_id)(struct fc_lport *, u32 port_id,
- struct fc_frame *);
- /*
- * Callback routine after the remote port is logged in
- *
- */
- void (*rport_event_callback)(struct fc_lport *,
- struct fc_rport_priv *,
- enum fc_rport_event);
- /*
- * Send a fcp cmd from fsp pkt.
- * Called with the SCSI host lock unlocked and irqs disabled.
- *
- * The resp handler is called when FCP_RSP received.
- *
- */
- int (*fcp_cmd_send)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_fcp_pkt *,
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *, struct fc_frame *,
- void *));
- /*
- * Cleanup the FCP layer, used during link down and reset
- *
- */
- void (*fcp_cleanup)(struct fc_lport *);
- /*
- * Abort all I/O on a local port
- *
- */
- void (*fcp_abort_io)(struct fc_lport *);
- /*
- * Receive a request for the discovery layer.
- *
- */
- void (*disc_recv_req)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_frame *);
- /*
- * Start discovery for a local port.
- *
- */
- void (*disc_start)(void (*disc_callback)(struct fc_lport *,
- enum fc_disc_event),
- struct fc_lport *);
- /*
- * Stop discovery for a given lport. This will remove
- * all discovered rports
- *
- */
- void (*disc_stop) (struct fc_lport *);
- /*
- * Stop discovery for a given lport. This will block
- * until all discovered rports are deleted from the
- * FC transport class
- *
- */
- void (*disc_stop_final) (struct fc_lport *);
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_disc - Discovery context
- * @retry_count: Number of retries
- * @pending: 1 if discovery is pending, 0 if not
- * @requested: 1 if discovery has been requested, 0 if not
- * @seq_count: Number of sequences used for discovery
- * @buf_len: Length of the discovery buffer
- * @disc_id: Discovery ID
- * @rports: List of discovered remote ports
- * @priv: Private pointer for use by discovery code
- * @disc_mutex: Mutex that protects the discovery context
- * @partial_buf: Partial name buffer (if names are returned
- * in multiple frames)
- * @disc_work: handle for delayed work context
- * @disc_callback: Callback routine called when discovery completes
- */
- struct fc_disc {
- unsigned char retry_count;
- unsigned char pending;
- unsigned char requested;
- unsigned short seq_count;
- unsigned char buf_len;
- u16 disc_id;
- struct list_head rports;
- void *priv;
- struct mutex disc_mutex;
- struct fc_gpn_ft_resp partial_buf;
- struct delayed_work disc_work;
- void (*disc_callback)(struct fc_lport *,
- enum fc_disc_event);
- };
- /*
- * Local port notifier and events.
- */
- extern struct blocking_notifier_head fc_lport_notifier_head;
- enum fc_lport_event {
- };
- /**
- * struct fc_lport - Local port
- * @host: The SCSI host associated with a local port
- * @ema_list: Exchange manager anchor list
- * @dns_rdata: The directory server remote port
- * @ms_rdata: The management server remote port
- * @ptp_rdata: Point to point remote port
- * @scsi_priv: FCP layer internal data
- * @disc: Discovery context
- * @vports: Child vports if N_Port
- * @vport: Parent vport if VN_Port
- * @tt: Libfc function template
- * @link_up: Link state (1 = link up, 0 = link down)
- * @qfull: Queue state (1 queue is full, 0 queue is not full)
- * @state: Identifies the state
- * @boot_time: Timestamp indicating when the local port came online
- * @host_stats: SCSI host statistics
- * @stats: FC local port stats (TODO separate libfc LLD stats)
- * @retry_count: Number of retries in the current state
- * @port_id: FC Port ID
- * @wwpn: World Wide Port Name
- * @wwnn: World Wide Node Name
- * @service_params: Common service parameters
- * @e_d_tov: Error detection timeout value
- * @r_a_tov: Resource allocation timeout value
- * @rnid_gen: RNID information
- * @sg_supp: Indicates if scatter gather is supported
- * @seq_offload: Indicates if sequence offload is supported
- * @crc_offload: Indicates if CRC offload is supported
- * @lro_enabled: Indicates if large receive offload is supported
- * @does_npiv: Supports multiple vports
- * @npiv_enabled: Switch/fabric allows NPIV
- * @mfs: The maximum Fibre Channel payload size
- * @max_retry_count: The maximum retry attempts
- * @max_rport_retry_count: The maximum remote port retry attempts
- * @rport_priv_size: Size needed by driver after struct fc_rport_priv
- * @lro_xid: The maximum XID for LRO
- * @lso_max: The maximum large offload send size
- * @fcts: FC-4 type mask
- * @lp_mutex: Mutex to protect the local port
- * @list: Linkage on list of vport peers
- * @retry_work: Handle to local port for delayed retry context
- * @prov: Pointers available for use by passive FC-4 providers
- * @lport_list: Linkage on module-wide list of local ports
- */
- struct fc_lport {
- /* Associations */
- struct Scsi_Host *host;
- struct list_head ema_list;
- struct fc_rport_priv *dns_rdata;
- struct fc_rport_priv *ms_rdata;
- struct fc_rport_priv *ptp_rdata;
- void *scsi_priv;
- struct fc_disc disc;
- /* Virtual port information */
- struct list_head vports;
- struct fc_vport *vport;
- /* Operational Information */
- struct libfc_function_template tt;
- u8 link_up;
- u8 qfull;
- u16 vlan;
- enum fc_lport_state state;
- unsigned long boot_time;
- struct fc_host_statistics host_stats;
- struct fc_stats __percpu *stats;
- u8 retry_count;
- /* Fabric information */
- u32 port_id;
- u64 wwpn;
- u64 wwnn;
- unsigned int service_params;
- unsigned int e_d_tov;
- unsigned int r_a_tov;
- struct fc_els_rnid_gen rnid_gen;
- /* Capabilities */
- u32 sg_supp:1;
- u32 seq_offload:1;
- u32 crc_offload:1;
- u32 lro_enabled:1;
- u32 does_npiv:1;
- u32 npiv_enabled:1;
- u32 point_to_multipoint:1;
- u32 fdmi_enabled:1;
- u32 mfs;
- u8 max_retry_count;
- u8 max_rport_retry_count;
- u16 rport_priv_size;
- u16 link_speed;
- u16 link_supported_speeds;
- u16 lro_xid;
- unsigned int lso_max;
- struct fc_ns_fts fcts;
- /* Miscellaneous */
- struct mutex lp_mutex;
- struct list_head list;
- struct delayed_work retry_work;
- void *prov[FC_FC4_PROV_SIZE];
- struct list_head lport_list;
- };
- /**
- * struct fc4_prov - FC-4 provider registration
- * @prli: Handler for incoming PRLI
- * @prlo: Handler for session reset
- * @recv: Handler for incoming request
- * @module: Pointer to module. May be NULL.
- */
- struct fc4_prov {
- int (*prli)(struct fc_rport_priv *, u32 spp_len,
- const struct fc_els_spp *spp_in,
- struct fc_els_spp *spp_out);
- void (*prlo)(struct fc_rport_priv *);
- void (*recv)(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_frame *);
- struct module *module;
- };
- /*
- * Register FC-4 provider with libfc.
- */
- int fc_fc4_register_provider(enum fc_fh_type type, struct fc4_prov *);
- void fc_fc4_deregister_provider(enum fc_fh_type type, struct fc4_prov *);
- /*
- *****************************/
- /**
- * fc_lport_test_ready() - Determine if a local port is in the READY state
- * @lport: The local port to test
- */
- static inline int fc_lport_test_ready(struct fc_lport *lport)
- {
- return lport->state == LPORT_ST_READY;
- }
- /**
- * fc_set_wwnn() - Set the World Wide Node Name of a local port
- * @lport: The local port whose WWNN is to be set
- * @wwnn: The new WWNN
- */
- static inline void fc_set_wwnn(struct fc_lport *lport, u64 wwnn)
- {
- lport->wwnn = wwnn;
- }
- /**
- * fc_set_wwpn() - Set the World Wide Port Name of a local port
- * @lport: The local port whose WWPN is to be set
- * @wwpn: The new WWPN
- */
- static inline void fc_set_wwpn(struct fc_lport *lport, u64 wwpn)
- {
- lport->wwpn = wwpn;
- }
- /**
- * fc_lport_state_enter() - Change a local port's state
- * @lport: The local port whose state is to change
- * @state: The new state
- */
- static inline void fc_lport_state_enter(struct fc_lport *lport,
- enum fc_lport_state state)
- {
- if (state != lport->state)
- lport->retry_count = 0;
- lport->state = state;
- }
- /**
- * fc_lport_init_stats() - Allocate per-CPU statistics for a local port
- * @lport: The local port whose statistics are to be initialized
- */
- static inline int fc_lport_init_stats(struct fc_lport *lport)
- {
- lport->stats = alloc_percpu(struct fc_stats);
- if (!lport->stats)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * fc_lport_free_stats() - Free memory for a local port's statistics
- * @lport: The local port whose statistics are to be freed
- */
- static inline void fc_lport_free_stats(struct fc_lport *lport)
- {
- free_percpu(lport->stats);
- }
- /**
- * lport_priv() - Return the private data from a local port
- * @lport: The local port whose private data is to be retrieved
- */
- static inline void *lport_priv(const struct fc_lport *lport)
- {
- return (void *)(lport + 1);
- }
- /**
- * libfc_host_alloc() - Allocate a Scsi_Host with room for a local port and
- * LLD private data
- * @sht: The SCSI host template
- * @priv_size: Size of private data
- *
- * Returns: libfc lport
- */
- static inline struct fc_lport *
- libfc_host_alloc(struct scsi_host_template *sht, int priv_size)
- {
- struct fc_lport *lport;
- struct Scsi_Host *shost;
- shost = scsi_host_alloc(sht, sizeof(*lport) + priv_size);
- if (!shost)
- return NULL;
- lport = shost_priv(shost);
- lport->host = shost;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lport->ema_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lport->vports);
- return lport;
- }
- /*
- *****************************/
- static inline bool fc_fcp_is_read(const struct fc_fcp_pkt *fsp)
- {
- if (fsp && fsp->cmd)
- return fsp->cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *****************************/
- int fc_lport_init(struct fc_lport *);
- int fc_lport_destroy(struct fc_lport *);
- int fc_fabric_logoff(struct fc_lport *);
- int fc_fabric_login(struct fc_lport *);
- void __fc_linkup(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_linkup(struct fc_lport *);
- void __fc_linkdown(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_linkdown(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_vport_setlink(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_vports_linkchange(struct fc_lport *);
- int fc_lport_config(struct fc_lport *);
- int fc_lport_reset(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_lport_recv(struct fc_lport *lport, struct fc_frame *fp);
- int fc_set_mfs(struct fc_lport *, u32 mfs);
- struct fc_lport *libfc_vport_create(struct fc_vport *, int privsize);
- struct fc_lport *fc_vport_id_lookup(struct fc_lport *, u32 port_id);
- int fc_lport_bsg_request(struct bsg_job *);
- void fc_lport_set_local_id(struct fc_lport *, u32 port_id);
- void fc_lport_iterate(void (*func)(struct fc_lport *, void *), void *);
- /*
- *****************************/
- void fc_rport_terminate_io(struct fc_rport *);
- struct fc_rport_priv *fc_rport_lookup(const struct fc_lport *lport,
- u32 port_id);
- struct fc_rport_priv *fc_rport_create(struct fc_lport *, u32);
- void fc_rport_destroy(struct kref *kref);
- int fc_rport_login(struct fc_rport_priv *rdata);
- int fc_rport_logoff(struct fc_rport_priv *rdata);
- void fc_rport_recv_req(struct fc_lport *lport, struct fc_frame *fp);
- void fc_rport_flush_queue(void);
- /*
- *****************************/
- void fc_disc_init(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_disc_config(struct fc_lport *, void *);
- static inline struct fc_lport *fc_disc_lport(struct fc_disc *disc)
- {
- return container_of(disc, struct fc_lport, disc);
- }
- /*
- *****************************/
- int fc_fcp_init(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_fcp_destroy(struct fc_lport *);
- /*
- *****************************/
- int fc_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *, struct scsi_cmnd *);
- int fc_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *);
- int fc_eh_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *);
- int fc_eh_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *);
- int fc_slave_alloc(struct scsi_device *);
- /*
- * ELS/CT interface
- *****************************/
- int fc_elsct_init(struct fc_lport *);
- struct fc_seq *fc_elsct_send(struct fc_lport *, u32 did,
- struct fc_frame *,
- unsigned int op,
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *,
- struct fc_frame *,
- void *arg),
- void *arg, u32 timer_msec);
- void fc_lport_flogi_resp(struct fc_seq *, struct fc_frame *, void *);
- void fc_lport_logo_resp(struct fc_seq *, struct fc_frame *, void *);
- void fc_fill_reply_hdr(struct fc_frame *, const struct fc_frame *,
- enum fc_rctl, u32 parm_offset);
- void fc_fill_hdr(struct fc_frame *, const struct fc_frame *,
- enum fc_rctl, u32 f_ctl, u16 seq_cnt, u32 parm_offset);
- /*
- *****************************/
- int fc_exch_init(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_exch_update_stats(struct fc_lport *lport);
- struct fc_seq *fc_exch_seq_send(struct fc_lport *lport,
- struct fc_frame *fp,
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *,
- struct fc_frame *fp,
- void *arg),
- void (*destructor)(struct fc_seq *, void *),
- void *arg, u32 timer_msec);
- void fc_seq_els_rsp_send(struct fc_frame *, enum fc_els_cmd,
- struct fc_seq_els_data *);
- struct fc_seq *fc_seq_start_next(struct fc_seq *sp);
- void fc_seq_set_resp(struct fc_seq *sp,
- void (*resp)(struct fc_seq *, struct fc_frame *, void *),
- void *arg);
- struct fc_seq *fc_seq_assign(struct fc_lport *lport, struct fc_frame *fp);
- void fc_seq_release(struct fc_seq *sp);
- struct fc_exch_mgr_anchor *fc_exch_mgr_add(struct fc_lport *,
- struct fc_exch_mgr *,
- bool (*match)(struct fc_frame *));
- void fc_exch_mgr_del(struct fc_exch_mgr_anchor *);
- int fc_exch_mgr_list_clone(struct fc_lport *src, struct fc_lport *dst);
- struct fc_exch_mgr *fc_exch_mgr_alloc(struct fc_lport *, enum fc_class class,
- u16 min_xid, u16 max_xid,
- bool (*match)(struct fc_frame *));
- void fc_exch_mgr_free(struct fc_lport *);
- void fc_exch_recv(struct fc_lport *, struct fc_frame *);
- void fc_exch_mgr_reset(struct fc_lport *, u32 s_id, u32 d_id);
- int fc_seq_send(struct fc_lport *lport, struct fc_seq *sp, struct fc_frame *fp);
- int fc_seq_exch_abort(const struct fc_seq *, unsigned int timer_msec);
- void fc_exch_done(struct fc_seq *sp);
- /*
- * Functions for fc_functions_template
- */
- void fc_get_host_speed(struct Scsi_Host *);
- void fc_get_host_port_state(struct Scsi_Host *);
- void fc_set_rport_loss_tmo(struct fc_rport *, u32 timeout);
- struct fc_host_statistics *fc_get_host_stats(struct Scsi_Host *);
- #endif /* _LIBFC_H_ */