123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
- set -u
- set -e
- # This script currently only works for x86_64 and s390x, as
- # it is based on the VM image used by the BPF CI, which is
- # available only for these architectures.
- ARCH="$(uname -m)"
- case "${ARCH}" in
- s390x)
- QEMU_BINARY=qemu-system-s390x
- QEMU_FLAGS=(-smp 2)
- BZIMAGE="arch/s390/boot/compressed/vmlinux"
- ;;
- x86_64)
- QEMU_BINARY=qemu-system-x86_64
- QEMU_CONSOLE="ttyS0,115200"
- QEMU_FLAGS=(-cpu host -smp 8)
- BZIMAGE="arch/x86/boot/bzImage"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unsupported architecture"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- DEFAULT_COMMAND="./test_progs"
- MOUNT_DIR="mnt"
- ROOTFS_IMAGE="root.img"
- OUTPUT_DIR="$HOME/.bpf_selftests"
- KCONFIG_REL_PATHS=("tools/testing/selftests/bpf/config" "tools/testing/selftests/bpf/config.${ARCH}")
- INDEX_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libbpf/ci/master/INDEX"
- NUM_COMPILE_JOBS="$(nproc)"
- LOG_FILE_BASE="$(date +"bpf_selftests.%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")"
- usage()
- {
- cat <<EOF
- Usage: $0 [-i] [-s] [-d <output_dir>] -- [<command>]
- <command> is the command you would normally run when you are in
- tools/testing/selftests/bpf. e.g:
- $0 -- ./test_progs -t test_lsm
- If no command is specified and a debug shell (-s) is not requested,
- "${DEFAULT_COMMAND}" will be run by default.
- If you build your kernel using KBUILD_OUTPUT= or O= options, these
- can be passed as environment variables to the script:
- O=<kernel_build_path> $0 -- ./test_progs -t test_lsm
- or
- KBUILD_OUTPUT=<kernel_build_path> $0 -- ./test_progs -t test_lsm
- Options:
- -i) Update the rootfs image with a newer version.
- -d) Update the output directory (default: ${OUTPUT_DIR})
- -j) Number of jobs for compilation, similar to -j in make
- (default: ${NUM_COMPILE_JOBS})
- -s) Instead of powering off the VM, start an interactive
- shell. If <command> is specified, the shell runs after
- the command finishes executing
- }
- unset URLS
- populate_url_map()
- {
- if ! declare -p URLS &> /dev/null; then
- # URLS contain the mapping from file names to URLs where
- # those files can be downloaded from.
- declare -gA URLS
- while IFS=$'\t' read -r name url; do
- URLS["$name"]="$url"
- done < <(curl -Lsf ${INDEX_URL})
- fi
- }
- download()
- {
- local file="$1"
- if [[ ! -v URLS[$file] ]]; then
- echo "$file not found" >&2
- return 1
- fi
- echo "Downloading $file..." >&2
- curl -Lsf "${URLS[$file]}" "${@:2}"
- }
- newest_rootfs_version()
- {
- {
- for file in "${!URLS[@]}"; do
- if [[ $file =~ ^"${ARCH}"/libbpf-vmtest-rootfs-(.*)\.tar\.zst$ ]]; then
- echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- fi
- done
- } | sort -rV | head -1
- }
- download_rootfs()
- {
- local rootfsversion="$1"
- local dir="$2"
- if ! which zstd &> /dev/null; then
- echo 'Could not find "zstd" on the system, please install zstd'
- exit 1
- fi
- download "${ARCH}/libbpf-vmtest-rootfs-$rootfsversion.tar.zst" |
- zstd -d | sudo tar -C "$dir" -x
- }
- recompile_kernel()
- {
- local kernel_checkout="$1"
- local make_command="$2"
- cd "${kernel_checkout}"
- ${make_command} olddefconfig
- ${make_command}
- }
- mount_image()
- {
- local rootfs_img="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE}"
- local mount_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}"
- sudo mount -o loop "${rootfs_img}" "${mount_dir}"
- }
- unmount_image()
- {
- local mount_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}"
- sudo umount "${mount_dir}" &> /dev/null
- }
- update_selftests()
- {
- local kernel_checkout="$1"
- local selftests_dir="${kernel_checkout}/tools/testing/selftests/bpf"
- cd "${selftests_dir}"
- ${make_command}
- # Mount the image and copy the selftests to the image.
- mount_image
- sudo rm -rf "${mount_dir}/root/bpf"
- sudo cp -r "${selftests_dir}" "${mount_dir}/root"
- unmount_image
- }
- update_init_script()
- {
- local init_script_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}/etc/rcS.d"
- local init_script="${init_script_dir}/S50-startup"
- local command="$1"
- local exit_command="$2"
- mount_image
- if [[ ! -d "${init_script_dir}" ]]; then
- cat <<EOF
- Could not find ${init_script_dir} in the mounted image.
- This likely indicates a bad rootfs image, Please download
- a new image by passing "-i" to the script
- exit 1
- fi
- sudo bash -c "echo '#!/bin/bash' > ${init_script}"
- if [[ "${command}" != "" ]]; then
- sudo bash -c "cat >>${init_script}" <<EOF
- # Have a default value in the exit status file
- # incase the VM is forcefully stopped.
- echo "130" > "/root/${EXIT_STATUS_FILE}"
- {
- cd /root/bpf
- echo ${command}
- stdbuf -oL -eL ${command}
- echo "\$?" > "/root/${EXIT_STATUS_FILE}"
- } 2>&1 | tee "/root/${LOG_FILE}"
- # Ensure that the logs are written to disk
- sync
- fi
- sudo bash -c "echo ${exit_command} >> ${init_script}"
- sudo chmod a+x "${init_script}"
- unmount_image
- }
- create_vm_image()
- {
- local rootfs_img="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE}"
- local mount_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}"
- rm -rf "${rootfs_img}"
- touch "${rootfs_img}"
- chattr +C "${rootfs_img}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- truncate -s 2G "${rootfs_img}"
- mkfs.ext4 -q "${rootfs_img}"
- mount_image
- download_rootfs "$(newest_rootfs_version)" "${mount_dir}"
- unmount_image
- }
- run_vm()
- {
- local kernel_bzimage="$1"
- local rootfs_img="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE}"
- if ! which "${QEMU_BINARY}" &> /dev/null; then
- cat <<EOF
- Could not find ${QEMU_BINARY}
- Please install qemu or set the QEMU_BINARY environment variable.
- exit 1
- fi
- -nodefaults \
- -display none \
- -serial mon:stdio \
- "${QEMU_FLAGS[@]}" \
- -enable-kvm \
- -m 4G \
- -drive file="${rootfs_img}",format=raw,index=1,media=disk,if=virtio,cache=none \
- -kernel "${kernel_bzimage}" \
- -append "root=/dev/vda rw console=${QEMU_CONSOLE}"
- }
- copy_logs()
- {
- local mount_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}"
- local log_file="${mount_dir}/root/${LOG_FILE}"
- local exit_status_file="${mount_dir}/root/${EXIT_STATUS_FILE}"
- mount_image
- sudo cp ${log_file} "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
- sudo cp ${exit_status_file} "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
- sudo rm -f ${log_file}
- unmount_image
- }
- is_rel_path()
- {
- local path="$1"
- [[ ${path:0:1} != "/" ]]
- }
- do_update_kconfig()
- {
- local kernel_checkout="$1"
- local kconfig_file="$2"
- rm -f "$kconfig_file" 2> /dev/null
- for config in "${KCONFIG_REL_PATHS[@]}"; do
- local kconfig_src="${kernel_checkout}/${config}"
- cat "$kconfig_src" >> "$kconfig_file"
- done
- }
- update_kconfig()
- {
- local kernel_checkout="$1"
- local kconfig_file="$2"
- if [[ -f "${kconfig_file}" ]]; then
- local local_modified="$(stat -c %Y "${kconfig_file}")"
- for config in "${KCONFIG_REL_PATHS[@]}"; do
- local kconfig_src="${kernel_checkout}/${config}"
- local src_modified="$(stat -c %Y "${kconfig_src}")"
- # Only update the config if it has been updated after the
- # previously cached config was created. This avoids
- # unnecessarily compiling the kernel and selftests.
- if [[ "${src_modified}" -gt "${local_modified}" ]]; then
- do_update_kconfig "$kernel_checkout" "$kconfig_file"
- # Once we have found one outdated configuration
- # there is no need to check other ones.
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- do_update_kconfig "$kernel_checkout" "$kconfig_file"
- fi
- }
- catch()
- {
- local exit_code=$1
- local exit_status_file="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${EXIT_STATUS_FILE}"
- # This is just a cleanup and the directory may
- # have already been unmounted. So, don't let this
- # clobber the error code we intend to return.
- unmount_image || true
- if [[ -f "${exit_status_file}" ]]; then
- exit_code="$(cat ${exit_status_file})"
- fi
- exit ${exit_code}
- }
- main()
- {
- local script_dir="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)"
- local kernel_checkout=$(realpath "${script_dir}"/../../../../)
- # By default the script searches for the kernel in the checkout directory but
- # it also obeys environment variables O= and KBUILD_OUTPUT=
- local kernel_bzimage="${kernel_checkout}/${BZIMAGE}"
- local command="${DEFAULT_COMMAND}"
- local update_image="no"
- local exit_command="poweroff -f"
- local debug_shell="no"
- while getopts ':hskid:j:' opt; do
- case ${opt} in
- i)
- update_image="yes"
- ;;
- d)
- ;;
- j)
- ;;
- s)
- command=""
- debug_shell="yes"
- exit_command="bash"
- ;;
- h)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- \? )
- echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG"
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- : )
- echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG requires an argument"
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $((OPTIND -1))
- trap 'catch "$?"' EXIT
- if [[ $# -eq 0 && "${debug_shell}" == "no" ]]; then
- echo "No command specified, will run ${DEFAULT_COMMAND} in the vm"
- else
- command="$@"
- fi
- local kconfig_file="${OUTPUT_DIR}/latest.config"
- local make_command="make -j ${NUM_COMPILE_JOBS} KCONFIG_CONFIG=${kconfig_file}"
- # Figure out where the kernel is being built.
- # O takes precedence over KBUILD_OUTPUT.
- if [[ "${O:=""}" != "" ]]; then
- if is_rel_path "${O}"; then
- O="$(realpath "${PWD}/${O}")"
- fi
- kernel_bzimage="${O}/${BZIMAGE}"
- make_command="${make_command} O=${O}"
- elif [[ "${KBUILD_OUTPUT:=""}" != "" ]]; then
- if is_rel_path "${KBUILD_OUTPUT}"; then
- KBUILD_OUTPUT="$(realpath "${PWD}/${KBUILD_OUTPUT}")"
- fi
- kernel_bzimage="${KBUILD_OUTPUT}/${BZIMAGE}"
- make_command="${make_command} KBUILD_OUTPUT=${KBUILD_OUTPUT}"
- fi
- populate_url_map
- local rootfs_img="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE}"
- local mount_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MOUNT_DIR}"
- echo "Output directory: ${OUTPUT_DIR}"
- mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
- mkdir -p "${mount_dir}"
- update_kconfig "${kernel_checkout}" "${kconfig_file}"
- recompile_kernel "${kernel_checkout}" "${make_command}"
- if [[ "${update_image}" == "no" && ! -f "${rootfs_img}" ]]; then
- echo "rootfs image not found in ${rootfs_img}"
- update_image="yes"
- fi
- if [[ "${update_image}" == "yes" ]]; then
- create_vm_image
- fi
- update_selftests "${kernel_checkout}" "${make_command}"
- update_init_script "${command}" "${exit_command}"
- run_vm "${kernel_bzimage}"
- if [[ "${command}" != "" ]]; then
- copy_logs
- echo "Logs saved in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${LOG_FILE}"
- fi
- }
- main "$@"