au8830.h 8.4 KB

  1. /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
  2. /*
  3. Aureal Vortex Soundcard driver.
  4. IO addr collected from asp4core.vxd:
  5. function address
  6. 0005D5A0 13004
  7. 00080674 14004
  8. 00080AFF 12818
  9. */
  10. #define CHIP_AU8830
  11. #define CARD_NAME "Aureal Vortex 2"
  12. #define CARD_NAME_SHORT "au8830"
  13. #define NR_ADB 0x20
  14. #define NR_SRC 0x10
  15. #define NR_A3D 0x10
  16. #define NR_MIXIN 0x20
  17. #define NR_MIXOUT 0x10
  18. #define NR_WT 0x40
  19. /* ADBDMA */
  20. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_STAT 0x27e00 /* read only, subbuffer, DMA pos */
  21. #define POS_MASK 0x00000fff
  22. #define POS_SHIFT 0x0
  23. #define ADB_SUBBUF_MASK 0x00003000 /* ADB only. */
  24. #define ADB_SUBBUF_SHIFT 0xc /* ADB only. */
  25. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_CTRL 0x27a00 /* write only; format, flags, DMA pos */
  26. #define OFFSET_MASK 0x00000fff
  27. #define OFFSET_SHIFT 0x0
  28. #define IE_MASK 0x00001000 /* interrupt enable. */
  29. #define IE_SHIFT 0xc
  30. #define DIR_MASK 0x00002000 /* Direction. */
  31. #define DIR_SHIFT 0xd
  32. #define FMT_MASK 0x0003c000
  33. #define FMT_SHIFT 0xe
  34. #define ADB_FIFO_EN_SHIFT 0x15
  35. #define ADB_FIFO_EN (1 << 0x15)
  36. // The ADB masks and shift also are valid for the wtdma, except if specified otherwise.
  37. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_BUFCFG0 0x27800
  38. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_BUFCFG1 0x27804
  39. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_BUFBASE 0x27400
  40. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_START 0x27c00 /* Which subbuffer starts */
  41. #define VORTEX_ADBDMA_STATUS 0x27A90 /* stored at AdbDma->this_10 / 2 DWORD in size. */
  42. /* Starting at the MSB, each pair of bits seem to be the current DMA page. */
  43. /* This current page bits are consistent (same value) with VORTEX_ADBDMA_STAT) */
  44. /* DMA */
  45. #define VORTEX_ENGINE_CTRL 0x27ae8
  46. #define ENGINE_INIT 0x1380000
  47. /* WTDMA */
  48. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_CTRL 0x27900 /* format, DMA pos */
  49. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_STAT 0x27d00 /* DMA subbuf, DMA pos */
  50. #define WT_SUBBUF_MASK 0x3
  51. #define WT_SUBBUF_SHIFT 0xc
  52. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_BUFBASE 0x27000
  53. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_BUFCFG0 0x27600
  54. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_BUFCFG1 0x27604
  55. #define VORTEX_WTDMA_START 0x27b00 /* which subbuffer is first */
  56. /* ADB */
  57. #define VORTEX_ADB_SR 0x28400 /* Samplerates enable/disable */
  58. #define VORTEX_ADB_RTBASE 0x28000
  59. #define VORTEX_ADB_RTBASE_COUNT 173
  60. #define VORTEX_ADB_CHNBASE 0x282b4
  62. #define ROUTE_MASK 0xffff
  63. #define SOURCE_MASK 0xff00
  64. #define ADB_MASK 0xff
  65. #define ADB_SHIFT 0x8
  66. /* ADB address */
  67. #define OFFSET_ADBDMA 0x00
  68. #define OFFSET_ADBDMAB 0x20
  69. #define OFFSET_SRCIN 0x40
  70. #define OFFSET_SRCOUT 0x20 /* ch 0x11 */
  71. #define OFFSET_MIXIN 0x50 /* ch 0x11 */
  72. #define OFFSET_MIXOUT 0x30 /* ch 0x11 */
  73. #define OFFSET_CODECIN 0x70 /* ch 0x11 */ /* adb source */
  74. #define OFFSET_CODECOUT 0x88 /* ch 0x11 */ /* adb target */
  75. #define OFFSET_SPORTIN 0x78 /* ch 0x13 ADB source. 2 routes. */
  76. #define OFFSET_SPORTOUT 0x90 /* ch 0x13 ADB sink. 2 routes. */
  77. #define OFFSET_SPDIFIN 0x7A /* ch 0x14 ADB source. */
  78. #define OFFSET_SPDIFOUT 0x92 /* ch 0x14 ADB sink. */
  79. #define OFFSET_AC98IN 0x7c /* ch 0x14 ADB source. */
  80. #define OFFSET_AC98OUT 0x94 /* ch 0x14 ADB sink. */
  81. #define OFFSET_EQIN 0xa0 /* ch 0x11 */
  82. #define OFFSET_EQOUT 0x7e /* ch 0x11 */ /* 2 routes on ch 0x11 */
  83. #define OFFSET_A3DIN 0x70 /* ADB sink. */
  84. #define OFFSET_A3DOUT 0xA6 /* ADB source. 2 routes per slice = 8 */
  85. #define OFFSET_WT0 0x40 /* WT bank 0 output. 0x40 - 0x65 */
  86. #define OFFSET_WT1 0x80 /* WT bank 1 output. 0x80 - 0xA5 */
  87. /* WT sources offset : 0x00-0x1f Direct stream. */
  88. /* WT sources offset : 0x20-0x25 Mixed Output. */
  89. #define OFFSET_XTALKOUT 0x66 /* crosstalk canceller (source) 2 routes */
  90. #define OFFSET_XTALKIN 0x96 /* crosstalk canceller (sink). 10 routes */
  91. #define OFFSET_EFXOUT 0x68 /* ADB source. 8 routes. */
  92. #define OFFSET_EFXIN 0x80 /* ADB sink. 8 routes. */
  93. /* ADB route translate helper */
  94. #define ADB_DMA(x) (x)
  95. #define ADB_SRCOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_SRCOUT)
  96. #define ADB_SRCIN(x) (x + OFFSET_SRCIN)
  97. #define ADB_MIXOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_MIXOUT)
  98. #define ADB_MIXIN(x) (x + OFFSET_MIXIN)
  99. #define ADB_CODECIN(x) (x + OFFSET_CODECIN)
  100. #define ADB_CODECOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_CODECOUT)
  101. #define ADB_SPORTIN(x) (x + OFFSET_SPORTIN)
  102. #define ADB_SPORTOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_SPORTOUT)
  103. #define ADB_SPDIFIN(x) (x + OFFSET_SPDIFIN)
  104. #define ADB_SPDIFOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_SPDIFOUT)
  105. #define ADB_EQIN(x) (x + OFFSET_EQIN)
  106. #define ADB_EQOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_EQOUT)
  107. #define ADB_A3DOUT(x) (x + OFFSET_A3DOUT) /* 0x10 A3D blocks */
  108. #define ADB_A3DIN(x) (x + OFFSET_A3DIN)
  109. //#define ADB_WTOUT(x) ((x<x20)?(x + OFFSET_WT0):(x + OFFSET_WT1))
  110. #define ADB_WTOUT(x,y) (((x)==0)?((y) + OFFSET_WT0):((y) + OFFSET_WT1))
  111. #define ADB_XTALKIN(x) ((x) + OFFSET_XTALKIN)
  112. #define ADB_XTALKOUT(x) ((x) + OFFSET_XTALKOUT)
  113. #define MIX_DEFIGAIN 0x08
  114. #define MIX_DEFOGAIN 0x08 /* 0x8->6dB (6dB = x4) 16 to 18 bit conversion? */
  115. /* MIXER */
  116. #define VORTEX_MIXER_SR 0x21f00
  117. #define VORTEX_MIXER_CLIP 0x21f80
  118. #define VORTEX_MIXER_CHNBASE 0x21e40
  119. #define VORTEX_MIXER_RTBASE 0x21e00
  120. #define MIXER_RTBASE_SIZE 0x38
  121. #define VORTEX_MIX_ENIN 0x21a00 /* Input enable bits. 4 bits wide. */
  122. #define VORTEX_MIX_SMP 0x21c00 /* wave data buffers. AU8820: 0x9c00 */
  123. /* MIX */
  124. #define VORTEX_MIX_INVOL_B 0x20000 /* Input volume current */
  125. #define VORTEX_MIX_VOL_B 0x20800 /* Output Volume current */
  126. #define VORTEX_MIX_INVOL_A 0x21000 /* Input Volume target */
  127. #define VORTEX_MIX_VOL_A 0x21800 /* Output Volume target */
  128. #define VOL_MIN 0x80 /* Input volume when muted. */
  129. #define VOL_MAX 0x7f /* FIXME: Not confirmed! Just guessed. */
  130. /* SRC */
  131. #define VORTEX_SRC_CHNBASE 0x26c40
  132. #define VORTEX_SRC_RTBASE 0x26c00
  133. #define VORTEX_SRCBLOCK_SR 0x26cc0
  134. #define VORTEX_SRC_SOURCE 0x26cc4
  135. #define VORTEX_SRC_SOURCESIZE 0x26cc8
  136. /* Params
  137. 0x26e00 : 1 U0
  138. 0x26e40 : 2 CR
  139. 0x26e80 : 3 U3
  140. 0x26ec0 : 4 DRIFT1
  141. 0x26f00 : 5 U1
  142. 0x26f40 : 6 DRIFT2
  143. 0x26f80 : 7 U2 : Target rate, direction
  144. */
  145. #define VORTEX_SRC_CONVRATIO 0x26e40
  146. #define VORTEX_SRC_DRIFT0 0x26e80
  147. #define VORTEX_SRC_DRIFT1 0x26ec0
  148. #define VORTEX_SRC_DRIFT2 0x26f40
  149. #define VORTEX_SRC_U0 0x26e00
  150. #define U0_SLOWLOCK 0x200
  151. #define VORTEX_SRC_U1 0x26f00
  152. #define VORTEX_SRC_U2 0x26f80
  153. #define VORTEX_SRC_DATA 0x26800 /* 0xc800 */
  154. #define VORTEX_SRC_DATA0 0x26000
  155. /* FIFO */
  156. #define VORTEX_FIFO_ADBCTRL 0x16100 /* Control bits. */
  157. #define VORTEX_FIFO_WTCTRL 0x16000
  158. #define FIFO_RDONLY 0x00000001
  159. #define FIFO_CTRL 0x00000002 /* Allow ctrl. ? */
  160. #define FIFO_VALID 0x00000010
  161. #define FIFO_EMPTY 0x00000020
  162. #define FIFO_U0 0x00002000 /* Unknown. */
  163. #define FIFO_U1 0x00040000
  164. #define FIFO_SIZE_BITS 6
  165. #define FIFO_SIZE (1<<(FIFO_SIZE_BITS)) // 0x40
  166. #define FIFO_MASK (FIFO_SIZE-1) //0x3f /* at shift left 0xc */
  167. #define FIFO_BITS 0x1c400000
  168. #define VORTEX_FIFO_ADBDATA 0x14000
  169. #define VORTEX_FIFO_WTDATA 0x10000
  170. #define VORTEX_FIFO_GIRT 0x17000 /* wt0, wt1, adb */
  171. #define GIRT_COUNT 3
  172. /* CODEC */
  173. #define VORTEX_CODEC_CHN 0x29080 /* The name "CHN" is wrong. */
  174. #define VORTEX_CODEC_CTRL 0x29184
  175. #define VORTEX_CODEC_IO 0x29188
  176. #define VORTEX_CODEC_SPORTCTRL 0x2918c
  177. #define VORTEX_CODEC_EN 0x29190
  178. #define EN_AUDIO0 0x00000300
  179. #define EN_MODEM 0x00000c00
  180. #define EN_AUDIO1 0x00003000
  181. #define EN_SPORT 0x00030000
  182. #define EN_SPDIF 0x000c0000
  183. #define EN_CODEC (EN_AUDIO1 | EN_AUDIO0)
  184. #define VORTEX_SPDIF_SMPRATE 0x29194
  185. #define VORTEX_SPDIF_FLAGS 0x2205c
  186. #define VORTEX_SPDIF_CFG0 0x291D0 /* status data */
  187. #define VORTEX_SPDIF_CFG1 0x291D4
  188. #define VORTEX_SMP_TIME 0x29198 /* Sample counter/timer */
  189. #define VORTEX_SMP_TIMER 0x2919c
  190. #define VORTEX_CODEC2_CTRL 0x291a0
  191. #define VORTEX_MODEM_CTRL 0x291ac
  192. /* IRQ */
  193. #define VORTEX_IRQ_SOURCE 0x2a000 /* Interrupt source flags. */
  194. #define VORTEX_IRQ_CTRL 0x2a004 /* Interrupt source mask. */
  195. //#define VORTEX_IRQ_U0 0x2a008 /* ?? */
  196. #define VORTEX_STAT 0x2a008 /* Some sort of status */
  197. #define STAT_IRQ 0x00000001 /* This bitis set if the IRQ is valid. */
  198. #define VORTEX_CTRL 0x2a00c
  199. #define CTRL_MIDI_EN 0x00000001
  200. #define CTRL_MIDI_PORT 0x00000060
  201. #define CTRL_GAME_EN 0x00000008
  202. #define CTRL_GAME_PORT 0x00000e00
  203. #define CTRL_IRQ_ENABLE 0x00004000
  204. #define CTRL_SPDIF 0x00000000 /* unknown. Please find this value */
  205. #define CTRL_SPORT 0x00200000
  206. #define CTRL_RST 0x00800000
  207. #define CTRL_UNKNOWN 0x01000000
  208. /* write: Timer period config / read: TIMER IRQ ack. */
  209. #define VORTEX_IRQ_STAT 0x2919c
  210. /* MIDI *//* GAME. */
  211. #define VORTEX_MIDI_DATA 0x28800
  212. #define VORTEX_MIDI_CMD 0x28804 /* Write command / Read status */
  213. #define VORTEX_GAME_LEGACY 0x28808
  214. #define VORTEX_CTRL2 0x2880c
  215. #define CTRL2_GAME_ADCMODE 0x40
  216. #define VORTEX_GAME_AXIS 0x28810 /* Axis base register. 4 axis's */
  217. #define AXIS_SIZE 4
  218. #define AXIS_RANGE 0x1fff