w1_ds2438.rst 3.0 KB

  1. Kernel driver w1_ds2438
  2. =======================
  3. Supported chips:
  4. * Maxim DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor
  5. supported family codes:
  6. ================ ====
  7. W1_FAMILY_DS2438 0x26
  8. ================ ====
  9. Author: Mariusz Bialonczyk <[email protected]>
  10. Description
  11. -----------
  12. The DS2438 chip provides several functions that are desirable to carry in
  13. a battery pack. It also has a 40 bytes of nonvolatile EEPROM.
  14. Because the ability of temperature, current and voltage measurement, the chip
  15. is also often used in weather stations and applications such as: rain gauge,
  16. wind speed/direction measuring, humidity sensing, etc.
  17. Current support is provided through the following sysfs files (all files
  18. except "iad" and "offset" are readonly):
  19. "iad"
  20. -----
  21. This file controls the 'Current A/D Control Bit' (IAD) in the
  22. Status/Configuration Register.
  23. Writing a zero value will clear the IAD bit and disables the current
  24. measurements.
  25. Writing value "1" is setting the IAD bit (enables the measurements).
  26. The IAD bit is enabled by default in the DS2438.
  27. When writing to sysfs file bits 2-7 are ignored, so it's safe to write ASCII.
  28. An I/O error is returned when there is a problem setting the new value.
  29. "page0"
  30. -------
  31. This file provides full 8 bytes of the chip Page 0 (00h).
  32. This page contains the most frequently accessed information of the DS2438.
  33. Internally when this file is read, the additional CRC byte is also obtained
  34. from the slave device. If it is correct, the 8 bytes page data are passed
  35. to userspace, otherwise an I/O error is returned.
  36. "page1"
  37. -------
  38. This file provides full 8 bytes of the chip Page 1 (01h).
  39. This page contains the ICA, elapsed time meter and current offset data of the DS2438.
  40. Internally when this file is read, the additional CRC byte is also obtained
  41. from the slave device. If it is correct, the 8 bytes page data are passed
  42. to userspace, otherwise an I/O error is returned.
  43. "offset"
  44. --------
  45. This file controls the 2-byte Offset Register of the chip.
  46. Writing a 2-byte value will change the Offset Register, which changes the
  47. current measurement done by the chip. Changing this register to the two's complement
  48. of the current register while forcing zero current through the load will calibrate
  49. the chip, canceling offset errors in the current ADC.
  50. "temperature"
  51. -------------
  52. Opening and reading this file initiates the CONVERT_T (temperature conversion)
  53. command of the chip, afterwards the temperature is read from the device
  54. registers and provided as an ASCII decimal value.
  55. Important: The returned value has to be divided by 256 to get a real
  56. temperature in degrees Celsius.
  57. "vad", "vdd"
  58. ------------
  59. Opening and reading this file initiates the CONVERT_V (voltage conversion)
  60. command of the chip.
  61. Depending on a sysfs filename a different input for the A/D will be selected:
  62. vad:
  63. general purpose A/D input (VAD)
  64. vdd:
  65. battery input (VDD)
  66. After the voltage conversion the value is returned as decimal ASCII.
  67. Note: To get a volts the value has to be divided by 100.