pmu-ebb.rst 5.3 KB

  1. ========================
  2. PMU Event Based Branches
  3. ========================
  4. Event Based Branches (EBBs) are a feature which allows the hardware to
  5. branch directly to a specified user space address when certain events occur.
  6. The full specification is available in Power ISA v2.07:
  8. One type of event for which EBBs can be configured is PMU exceptions. This
  9. document describes the API for configuring the Power PMU to generate EBBs,
  10. using the Linux perf_events API.
  11. Terminology
  12. -----------
  13. Throughout this document we will refer to an "EBB event" or "EBB events". This
  14. just refers to a struct perf_event which has set the "EBB" flag in its
  15. attr.config. All events which can be configured on the hardware PMU are
  16. possible "EBB events".
  17. Background
  18. ----------
  19. When a PMU EBB occurs it is delivered to the currently running process. As such
  20. EBBs can only sensibly be used by programs for self-monitoring.
  21. It is a feature of the perf_events API that events can be created on other
  22. processes, subject to standard permission checks. This is also true of EBB
  23. events, however unless the target process enables EBBs (via mtspr(BESCR)) no
  24. EBBs will ever be delivered.
  25. This makes it possible for a process to enable EBBs for itself, but not
  26. actually configure any events. At a later time another process can come along
  27. and attach an EBB event to the process, which will then cause EBBs to be
  28. delivered to the first process. It's not clear if this is actually useful.
  29. When the PMU is configured for EBBs, all PMU interrupts are delivered to the
  30. user process. This means once an EBB event is scheduled on the PMU, no non-EBB
  31. events can be configured. This means that EBB events can not be run
  32. concurrently with regular 'perf' commands, or any other perf events.
  33. It is however safe to run 'perf' commands on a process which is using EBBs. The
  34. kernel will in general schedule the EBB event, and perf will be notified that
  35. its events could not run.
  36. The exclusion between EBB events and regular events is implemented using the
  37. existing "pinned" and "exclusive" attributes of perf_events. This means EBB
  38. events will be given priority over other events, unless they are also pinned.
  39. If an EBB event and a regular event are both pinned, then whichever is enabled
  40. first will be scheduled and the other will be put in error state. See the
  41. section below titled "Enabling an EBB event" for more information.
  42. Creating an EBB event
  43. ---------------------
  44. To request that an event is counted using EBB, the event code should have bit
  45. 63 set.
  46. EBB events must be created with a particular, and restrictive, set of
  47. attributes - this is so that they interoperate correctly with the rest of the
  48. perf_events subsystem.
  49. An EBB event must be created with the "pinned" and "exclusive" attributes set.
  50. Note that if you are creating a group of EBB events, only the leader can have
  51. these attributes set.
  52. An EBB event must NOT set any of the "inherit", "sample_period", "freq" or
  53. "enable_on_exec" attributes.
  54. An EBB event must be attached to a task. This is specified to perf_event_open()
  55. by passing a pid value, typically 0 indicating the current task.
  56. All events in a group must agree on whether they want EBB. That is all events
  57. must request EBB, or none may request EBB.
  58. EBB events must specify the PMC they are to be counted on. This ensures
  59. userspace is able to reliably determine which PMC the event is scheduled on.
  60. Enabling an EBB event
  61. ---------------------
  62. Once an EBB event has been successfully opened, it must be enabled with the
  63. perf_events API. This can be achieved either via the ioctl() interface, or the
  64. prctl() interface.
  65. However, due to the design of the perf_events API, enabling an event does not
  66. guarantee that it has been scheduled on the PMU. To ensure that the EBB event
  67. has been scheduled on the PMU, you must perform a read() on the event. If the
  68. read() returns EOF, then the event has not been scheduled and EBBs are not
  69. enabled.
  70. This behaviour occurs because the EBB event is pinned and exclusive. When the
  71. EBB event is enabled it will force all other non-pinned events off the PMU. In
  72. this case the enable will be successful. However if there is already an event
  73. pinned on the PMU then the enable will not be successful.
  74. Reading an EBB event
  75. --------------------
  76. It is possible to read() from an EBB event. However the results are
  77. meaningless. Because interrupts are being delivered to the user process the
  78. kernel is not able to count the event, and so will return a junk value.
  79. Closing an EBB event
  80. --------------------
  81. When an EBB event is finished with, you can close it using close() as for any
  82. regular event. If this is the last EBB event the PMU will be deconfigured and
  83. no further PMU EBBs will be delivered.
  84. EBB Handler
  85. -----------
  86. The EBB handler is just regular userspace code, however it must be written in
  87. the style of an interrupt handler. When the handler is entered all registers
  88. are live (possibly) and so must be saved somehow before the handler can invoke
  89. other code.
  90. It's up to the program how to handle this. For C programs a relatively simple
  91. option is to create an interrupt frame on the stack and save registers there.
  92. Fork
  93. ----
  94. EBB events are not inherited across fork. If the child process wishes to use
  95. EBBs it should open a new event for itself. Similarly the EBB state in
  96. BESCR/EBBHR/EBBRR is cleared across fork().