bno055.rst 2.1 KB

  1. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2. ==============================
  3. BNO055 driver
  4. ==============================
  5. 1. Overview
  6. ===========
  7. This driver supports Bosch BNO055 IMUs (on both serial and I2C busses).
  8. Accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope measures are always provided.
  9. When "fusion_enable" sysfs attribute is set to 1, orientation (both Euler
  10. angles and quaternion), linear velocity and gravity vector are also
  11. provided, but some sensor settings (e.g. low pass filtering and range)
  12. became locked (the IMU firmware controls them).
  13. This driver supports also IIO buffers.
  14. 2. Calibration
  15. ==============
  16. The IMU continuously performs an autocalibration procedure if (and only if)
  17. operating in fusion mode. The magnetometer autocalibration can however be
  18. disabled writing 0 in the sysfs in_magn_calibration_fast_enable attribute.
  19. The driver provides access to autocalibration flags (i.e. you can known if
  20. the IMU has successfully autocalibrated) and to the calibration data blob.
  21. The user can save this blob in a firmware file (i.e. in /lib/firmware) that
  22. the driver looks for at probe time. If found, then the IMU is initialized
  23. with this calibration data. This saves the user from performing the
  24. calibration procedure every time (which consist of moving the IMU in
  25. various way).
  26. The driver looks for calibration data file using two different names: first
  27. a file whose name is suffixed with the IMU unique ID (exposed in sysfs as
  28. serial_number) is searched for; this is useful when there is more than one
  29. IMU instance. If this file is not found, then a "generic" calibration file
  30. is searched for (which can be used when only one IMU is present, without
  31. struggling with fancy names, that change on each device).
  32. Valid calibration file names would be e.g.
  33. bno055-caldata-0e7c26a33541515120204a35342b04ff.dat
  34. bno055-caldata.dat
  35. In non-fusion mode the IIO 'offset' attributes provide access to the
  36. offsets from calibration data (if any), so that the user can apply them to
  37. the accel, angvel and magn IIO attributes. In fusion mode they are not
  38. needed (the IMU firmware internally applies those corrections) and they
  39. read as zero.