xdpe152c4.rst 2.3 KB

  1. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2. Kernel driver xdpe152
  3. =====================
  4. Supported chips:
  5. * Infineon XDPE152C4
  6. Prefix: 'xdpe152c4'
  7. * Infineon XDPE15284
  8. Prefix: 'xdpe15284'
  9. Authors:
  10. Greg Schwendimann <[email protected]>
  11. Description
  12. -----------
  13. This driver implements support for Infineon Digital Multi-phase Controller
  14. XDPE152C4 and XDPE15284 dual loop voltage regulators.
  15. The devices are compliant with:
  16. - Intel VR13, VR13HC and VR14 rev 1.86
  17. converter specification.
  18. - Intel SVID rev 1.93. protocol.
  19. - PMBus rev 1.3.1 interface.
  20. Devices support linear format for reading input and output voltage, input
  21. and output current, input and output power and temperature.
  22. Devices support two pages for telemetry.
  23. The driver provides for current: input, maximum and critical thresholds
  24. and maximum and critical alarms. Low Critical thresholds and Low critical alarm are
  25. supported only for current output.
  26. The driver exports the following attributes for via the sysfs files, where
  27. indexes 1, 2 are for "iin" and 3, 4 for "iout":
  28. **curr[1-4]_crit**
  29. **curr[1-4]_crit_alarm**
  30. **curr[1-4]_input**
  31. **curr[1-4]_label**
  32. **curr[1-4]_max**
  33. **curr[1-4]_max_alarm**
  34. **curr[3-4]_lcrit**
  35. **curr[3-4]_lcrit_alarm**
  36. **curr[3-4]_rated_max**
  37. The driver provides for voltage: input, critical and low critical thresholds
  38. and critical and low critical alarms.
  39. The driver exports the following attributes for via the sysfs files, where
  40. indexes 1, 2 are for "vin" and 3, 4 for "vout":
  41. **in[1-4]_min**
  42. **in[1-4]_crit**
  43. **in[1-4_crit_alarm**
  44. **in[1-4]_input**
  45. **in[1-4]_label**
  46. **in[1-4]_max**
  47. **in[1-4]_max_alarm**
  48. **in[1-4]_min**
  49. **in[1-4]_min_alarm**
  50. **in[3-4]_lcrit**
  51. **in[3-4]_lcrit_alarm**
  52. **in[3-4]_rated_max**
  53. **in[3-4]_rated_min**
  54. The driver provides for power: input and alarms.
  55. The driver exports the following attributes for via the sysfs files, where
  56. indexes 1, 2 are for "pin" and 3, 4 for "pout":
  57. **power[1-2]_alarm**
  58. **power[1-4]_input**
  59. **power[1-4]_label**
  60. **power[1-4]_max**
  61. **power[1-4]_rated_max**
  62. The driver provides for temperature: input, maximum and critical thresholds
  63. and maximum and critical alarms.
  64. The driver exports the following attributes for via the sysfs files:
  65. **temp[1-2]_crit**
  66. **temp[1-2]_crit_alarm**
  67. **temp[1-2]_input**
  68. **temp[1-2]_max**
  69. **temp[1-2]_max_alarm**