sysfs-driver-mlxreg-io 23 KB

  1. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/asic_health
  2. Date: June 2018
  3. KernelVersion: 4.19
  4. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  5. Description: This file shows ASIC health status. The possible values are:
  6. 0 - health failed, 2 - health OK, 3 - ASIC in booting state.
  7. The files are read only.
  8. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version
  9. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_version
  10. Date: June 2018
  11. KernelVersion: 4.19
  12. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  13. Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
  14. on carrier and switch boards.
  15. The files are read only.
  16. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/fan_dir
  17. Date: December 2018
  18. KernelVersion: 5.0
  19. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  20. Description: This file shows the system fans direction:
  21. forward direction - relevant bit is set 0;
  22. reversed direction - relevant bit is set 1.
  23. The files are read only.
  24. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_version
  25. Date: November 2018
  26. KernelVersion: 5.0
  27. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  28. Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
  29. on LED or Gearbox board.
  30. The files are read only.
  31. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/jtag_enable
  32. Date: November 2018
  33. KernelVersion: 5.0
  34. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  35. Description: These files enable and disable the access to the JTAG domain.
  36. By default access to the JTAG domain is disabled.
  37. The file is read/write.
  38. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/select_iio
  39. Date: June 2018
  40. KernelVersion: 4.19
  41. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  42. Description: This file allows iio devices selection.
  43. Attribute select_iio can be written with 0 or with 1. It
  44. selects which one of iio devices can be accessed.
  45. The file is read/write.
  46. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/psu1_on
  47. /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/psu2_on
  48. /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/pwr_cycle
  49. /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/pwr_down
  50. Date: June 2018
  51. KernelVersion: 4.19
  52. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  53. Description: These files allow asserting system power cycling, switching
  54. power supply units on and off and system's main power domain
  55. shutdown.
  56. Expected behavior:
  57. When pwr_cycle is written 1: auxiliary power domain will go
  58. down and after short period (about 1 second) up.
  59. When psu1_on or psu2_on is written 1, related unit will be
  60. disconnected from the power source, when written 0 - connected.
  61. If both are written 1 - power supplies main power domain will
  62. go down.
  63. When pwr_down is written 1, system's main power domain will go
  64. down.
  65. The files are write only.
  66. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_aux_pwr_or_ref
  67. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_asic_thermal
  68. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_hotswap_or_halt
  69. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_hotswap_or_wd
  70. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_fw_reset
  71. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_long_pb
  72. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_main_pwr_fail
  73. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_short_pb
  74. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sw_reset
  75. Date: June 2018
  76. KernelVersion: 4.19
  77. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  78. Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following: power
  79. auxiliary outage or power refresh, ASIC thermal shutdown, halt,
  80. hotswap, watchdog, firmware reset, long press power button,
  81. short press power button, software reset. Value 1 in file means
  82. this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise. Only one of the above
  83. causes could be 1 at the same time, representing only last
  84. reset cause.
  85. The files are read only.
  86. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_pwr_fail
  87. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_from_comex
  88. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_system
  89. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_voltmon_upgrade_fail
  90. Date: November 2018
  91. KernelVersion: 5.0
  92. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  93. Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following: ComEx
  94. power fail, reset from ComEx, system platform reset, reset
  95. due to voltage monitor devices upgrade failure,
  96. Value 1 in file means this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise.
  97. Only one bit could be 1 at the same time, representing only
  98. the last reset cause.
  99. The files are read only.
  100. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_version
  101. Date: November 2018
  102. KernelVersion: 5.0
  103. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  104. Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
  105. on LED board.
  106. The files are read only.
  107. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_thermal
  108. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_wd
  109. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_from_asic
  110. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_reload_bios
  111. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sff_wd
  112. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_swb_wd
  113. Date: June 2019
  114. KernelVersion: 5.3
  115. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  116. Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following:
  117. COMEX thermal shutdown; wathchdog power off or reset was derived
  118. by one of the next components: COMEX, switch board or by Small Form
  119. Factor mezzanine, reset requested from ASIC, reset caused by BIOS
  120. reload. Value 1 in file means this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise.
  121. Only one of the above causes could be 1 at the same time, representing
  122. only last reset cause.
  123. The files are read only.
  124. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/config1
  125. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/config2
  126. Date: January 2020
  127. KernelVersion: 5.6
  128. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  129. Description: These files show system static topology identification
  130. like system's static I2C topology, number and type of FPGA
  131. devices within the system and so on.
  132. The files are read only.
  133. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_ac_pwr_fail
  134. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_platform
  135. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_soc
  136. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sw_pwr_off
  137. Date: January 2020
  138. KernelVersion: 5.6
  139. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  140. Description: These files show the system reset causes, as following: reset
  141. due to AC power failure, reset invoked from software by
  142. assertion reset signal through CPLD. reset caused by signal
  143. asserted by SOC through ACPI register, reset invoked from
  144. software by assertion power off signal through CPLD.
  145. The files are read only.
  146. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/pcie_asic_reset_dis
  147. Date: January 2020
  148. KernelVersion: 5.6
  149. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  150. Description: This file allows to retain ASIC up during PCIe root complex
  151. reset, when attribute is set 1.
  152. The file is read/write.
  153. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/vpd_wp
  154. Date: January 2020
  155. KernelVersion: 5.6
  156. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  157. Description: This file allows to overwrite system VPD hardware write
  158. protection when attribute is set 1.
  159. The file is read/write.
  160. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/voltreg_update_status
  161. Date: January 2020
  162. KernelVersion: 5.6
  163. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  164. Description: This file exposes the configuration update status of burnable
  165. voltage regulator devices. The status values are as following:
  166. 0 - OK; 1 - CRC failure; 2 = I2C failure; 3 - in progress.
  167. The file is read only.
  168. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/ufm_version
  169. Date: January 2020
  170. KernelVersion: 5.6
  171. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  172. Description: This file exposes the firmware version of burnable voltage
  173. regulator devices.
  174. The file is read only.
  175. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_pn
  176. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_pn
  177. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_pn
  178. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_pn
  179. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version_min
  180. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_version_min
  181. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_version_min
  182. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_version_min
  183. Date: July 2020
  184. KernelVersion: 5.9
  185. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  186. Description: These files show with which CPLD part numbers and minor
  187. versions have been burned CPLD devices equipped on a
  188. system.
  189. The files are read only.
  190. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/bios_active_image
  191. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/bios_auth_fail
  192. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/bios_upgrade_fail
  193. Date: October 2021
  194. KernelVersion: 5.16
  195. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  196. Description: The files represent BIOS statuses:
  197. bios_active_image: location of current active BIOS image:
  198. 0: Top, 1: Bottom.
  199. The reported value should correspond to value expected by OS
  200. in case of BIOS safe mode is 0. This bit is related to Intel
  201. top-swap feature of DualBios on the same flash.
  202. bios_auth_fail: BIOS upgrade is failed because provided BIOS
  203. image is not signed correctly.
  204. bios_upgrade_fail: BIOS upgrade is failed by some other
  205. reason not because authentication. For example due to
  206. physical SPI flash problem.
  207. The files are read only.
  208. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc1_enable
  209. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc2_enable
  210. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc3_enable
  211. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc4_enable
  212. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc5_enable
  213. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc6_enable
  214. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc7_enable
  215. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc8_enable
  216. Date: October 2021
  217. KernelVersion: 5.16
  218. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  219. Description: These files allow line cards enable state control.
  220. Expected behavior:
  221. When lc{n}_enable is written 1, related line card is released
  222. from the reset state, when 0 - is hold in reset state.
  223. The files are read/write.
  224. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc1_pwr
  225. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc2_pwr
  226. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc3_pwr
  227. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc4_pwr
  228. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc5_pwr
  229. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc6_pwr
  230. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc7_pwr
  231. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc8_pwr
  232. Date: October 2021
  233. KernelVersion: 5.16
  234. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  235. Description: These files switching line cards power on and off.
  236. Expected behavior:
  237. When lc{n}_pwr is written 1, related line card is powered
  238. on, when written 0 - powered off.
  239. The files are read/write.
  240. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc1_rst_mask
  241. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc2_rst_mask
  242. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc3_rst_mask
  243. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc4_rst_mask
  244. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc5_rst_mask
  245. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc6_rst_mask
  246. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc7_rst_mask
  247. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/lc8_rst_mask
  248. Date: October 2021
  249. KernelVersion: 5.16
  250. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  251. Description: These files clear line card reset bit enforced by ASIC, when it
  252. sets it due to some abnormal ASIC behavior.
  253. Expected behavior:
  254. When lc{n}_rst_mask is written 1, related line card reset bit
  255. is cleared, when written 0 - no effect.
  256. The files are write only.
  257. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/os_started
  258. Date: October 2021
  259. KernelVersion: 5.16
  260. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  261. Description: This file, when written 1, indicates to programmable devices
  262. that OS is taking control over it.
  263. The file is read/write.
  264. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/pm_mgmt_en
  265. Date: October 2021
  266. KernelVersion: 5.16
  267. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  268. Description: This file assigns power management control ownership.
  269. When power management control is provided by hardware, hardware
  270. will automatically power off one or more line previously
  271. powered line cards in case system power budget is getting
  272. insufficient. It could be in case when some of power units lost
  273. power good state.
  274. When pm_mgmt_en is written 1, power management control by
  275. software is enabled, 0 - power management control by hardware.
  276. Note that for any setting of pm_mgmt_en attribute hardware will
  277. not allow to power on any new line card in case system power
  278. budget is insufficient.
  279. Same in case software will try to power on several line cards
  280. at once - hardware will power line cards while system has
  281. enough power budget.
  282. Default is 0.
  283. The file is read/write.
  284. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/psu3_on
  285. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/psu4_on
  286. Date: October 2021
  287. KernelVersion: 5.16
  288. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  289. Description: These files switching power supply units on and off.
  290. Expected behavior:
  291. When psu3_on or psu4_on is written 1, related unit will be
  292. disconnected from the power source, when written 0 - connected.
  293. The files are write only.
  294. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/shutdown_unlock
  295. Date: October 2021
  296. KernelVersion: 5.16
  297. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  298. Description: This file allows to unlock ASIC after thermal shutdown event.
  299. When system thermal shutdown is enforced by ASIC, ASIC is
  300. getting locked and after system boot it will not be available.
  301. Software can decide to unlock it by setting this attribute to
  302. 1 and then perform system power cycle by setting pwr_cycle
  303. attribute to 1 (power cycle of main power domain).
  304. Before setting shutdown_unlock to 1 it is recommended to
  305. validate that system reboot cause is reset_asic_thermal or
  306. reset_thermal_spc_or_pciesw.
  307. In case shutdown_unlock is not set 1, the only way to release
  308. ASIC from locking - is full system power cycle through the
  309. external power distribution unit.
  310. Default is 1.
  311. The file is read/write.
  312. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_pn
  313. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version
  314. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version_min
  315. Date: October 2021
  316. KernelVersion: 5.16
  317. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  318. Description: These files show with which CPLD major and minor versions
  319. and part number has been burned CPLD device on line card.
  320. The files are read only.
  321. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/fpga1_pn
  322. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/fpga1_version
  323. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/fpga1_version_min
  324. Date: October 2021
  325. KernelVersion: 5.16
  326. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  327. Description: These files show with which FPGA major and minor versions
  328. and part number has been burned FPGA device on line card.
  329. The files are read only.
  330. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/vpd_wp
  331. Date: October 2021
  332. KernelVersion: 5.16
  333. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  334. Description: This file allow to overwrite line card VPD hardware write
  335. protection mode. When attribute is set 1 - write protection is
  336. disabled, when 0 - enabled.
  337. Default is 0.
  338. If the system is in locked-down mode writing this file will not
  339. be allowed.
  340. The purpose if this file is to allow line card VPD burning
  341. during production flow.
  342. The file is read/write.
  343. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_aux_pwr_or_ref
  344. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_dc_dc_pwr_fail
  345. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_fpga_not_done
  346. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_from_chassis
  347. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_line_card
  348. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_pwr_off_from_chassis
  349. Date: October 2021
  350. KernelVersion: 5.16
  351. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  352. Description: These files show the line reset cause, as following: power
  353. auxiliary outage or power refresh, DC-to-DC power failure, FPGA reset
  354. failed, line card reset failed, power off from chassis.
  355. Value 1 in file means this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise. Only one of
  356. the above causes could be 1 at the same time, representing only last
  357. reset cause.
  358. The files are read only.
  359. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld_upgrade_en
  360. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/fpga_upgrade_en
  361. Date: October 2021
  362. KernelVersion: 5.16
  363. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  364. Description: These files allow CPLD and FPGA burning. Value 1 in file means burning
  365. is enabled, 0 - otherwise.
  366. If the system is in locked-down mode writing these files will
  367. not be allowed.
  368. The purpose of these files to allow line card CPLD and FPGA
  369. upgrade through the JTAG daisy-chain.
  370. The files are read/write.
  371. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/qsfp_pwr_en
  372. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/pwr_en
  373. Date: October 2021
  374. KernelVersion: 5.16
  375. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  376. Description: These files allow to power on/off all QSFP ports and whole line card.
  377. The attributes are set 1 for power on, 0 - for power off.
  378. The files are read/write.
  379. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/agb_spi_burn_en
  380. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/fpga_spi_burn_en
  381. Date: October 2021
  382. KernelVersion: 5.16
  383. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  384. Description: These files allow gearboxes and FPGA SPI flash burning.
  385. The attributes are set 1 to enable burning, 0 - to disable.
  386. If the system is in locked-down mode writing these files will
  387. not be allowed.
  388. The purpose of these files to allow line card Gearboxes and FPGA
  389. burning during production flow.
  390. The file is read/write.
  391. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/max_power
  392. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/i2c_mlxcpld.*/i2c-*/i2c-*/i2c-*/*-0032/mlxreg-io.*/hwmon/hwmon*/config
  393. Date: October 2021
  394. KernelVersion: 5.16
  395. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  396. Description: These files provide the maximum powered required for line card
  397. feeding and line card configuration Id.
  398. The files are read only.
  399. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/phy_reset
  400. Date: May 2022
  401. KernelVersion: 5.19
  402. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  403. Description: This file allows to reset PHY 88E1548 when attribute is set 0
  404. due to some abnormal PHY behavior.
  405. Expected behavior:
  406. When phy_reset is written 1, all PHY 88E1548 are released
  407. from the reset state, when 0 - are hold in reset state.
  408. The files are read/write.
  409. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/mac_reset
  410. Date: May 2022
  411. KernelVersion: 5.19
  412. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  413. Description: This file allows to reset ASIC MT52132 when attribute is set 0
  414. due to some abnormal ASIC behavior.
  415. Expected behavior:
  416. When mac_reset is written 1, the ASIC MT52132 is released
  417. from the reset state, when 0 - is hold in reset state.
  418. The files are read/write.
  419. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/qsfp_pwr_good
  420. Date: May 2022
  421. KernelVersion: 5.19
  422. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  423. Description: This file shows QSFP ports power status. The value is set to 0
  424. when one of any QSFP ports is plugged. The value is set to 1 when
  425. there are no any QSFP ports are plugged.
  426. The possible values are:
  427. 0 - Power good, 1 - Not power good.
  428. The files are read only.
  429. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/asic2_health
  430. Date: July 2022
  431. KernelVersion: 5.20
  432. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  433. Description: This file shows 2-nd ASIC health status. The possible values are:
  434. 0 - health failed, 2 - health OK, 3 - ASIC in booting state.
  435. The file is read only.
  436. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/asic_reset
  437. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/asic2_reset
  438. Date: July 2022
  439. KernelVersion: 5.20
  440. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  441. Description: These files allow to each of ASICs by writing 1.
  442. The files are write only.
  443. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/comm_chnl_ready
  444. Date: July 2022
  445. KernelVersion: 5.20
  446. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  447. Description: This file is used to indicate remote end (for example BMC) that system
  448. host CPU is ready for sending telemetry data to remote end.
  449. For indication the file should be written 1.
  450. The file is write only.
  451. What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/config3
  452. Date: January 2020
  453. KernelVersion: 5.6
  454. Contact: Vadim Pasternak <[email protected]>
  455. Description: The file indicates COME module hardware configuration.
  456. The value is pushed by hardware through GPIO pins.
  457. The purpose is to expose some minor BOM changes for the same system SKU.
  458. The file is read only.