The ipanattest allow its user to drive NAT testing. It is run thusly:
# ipanattest [-d -r N -i N -e N -m mt]
-d Each test is discrete (create table, add rules, destroy table)
If not specified, only one table create and destroy for all tests
-r N Where N is the number of times to run the inotify regression test
-i N Where N is the number of times (iterations) to run test
-e N Where N is the number of entries in the NAT
-m mt Where mt is the type of memory to use for the NAT
Legal mt's: DDR, SRAM, or HYBRID (ie. use SRAM and DDR)
-g M-N Run tests M through N only
More about each command line option:
-d Makes each test discrete; meaning that, each test will create a
table, add rules, then destory the table.
Conversely, when -d not specified, each test will not create
and destroy a table. Only one table create and destroy at the
start and end of the run...with all test being run in between.
-r N Will cause the inotify regression test to be run N times.
-i N Will cause each test to be run N times
-e N Will cause the creation of a table with N entries
-m mt Will cause the NAT to live in either SRAM, DDR, or both
(ie. HYBRID)
-g M-N Will cause test M to N to be run. This allows you to skip
or isolate tests
When run with no arguments (ie. defaults):
1) The tests will be non-discrete
2) With only one iteration of the tests
3) On a DDR based table with one hundred entries
4) No inotify regression will be run
To execute discrete tests (create, add rules, and delete table for
each test) one time on a table with one hundred entries:
# ipanattest -d -i 1 -e 100
To execute non-discrete (create and delete table only once) tests five
times on a table with thirty-two entries:
# ipanattest -i 5 -e 32
To execute inotify regression test 5 times
# ipanattest -r 5
In main.c, please see and embellish nt_array[] and use the following
file as a model: ipa_nat_testMODEL.c