/* * Copyright (c) 2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "TestsUtils.h" #include "RoutingDriverWrapper.h" #include "HeaderInsertion.h" #include "Filtering.h" #include "IPAFilteringTable.h" #include using namespace IPA; class IPAExceptionTestFixture: public TestBase { public: IPAExceptionTestFixture() : m_uBufferSize(0) { memset(m_aBuffer, 0, sizeof(m_aBuffer)); m_testSuiteName.push_back("Exception"); } virtual bool AddRules() = 0; virtual bool ModifyPackets() = 0; virtual bool TestLogic() = 0; bool Setup() { ConfigureScenario(PHASE_SEVEN_TEST_CONFIGURATION); m_producer.Open(INTERFACE0_TO_IPA_DATA_PATH, INTERFACE0_FROM_IPA_DATA_PATH); m_Consumer1.Open(INTERFACE1_TO_IPA_DATA_PATH, INTERFACE1_FROM_IPA_DATA_PATH); m_Consumer2.Open(INTERFACE2_TO_IPA_DATA_PATH, INTERFACE2_FROM_IPA_DATA_PATH); m_Consumer3.Open(INTERFACE3_TO_IPA_DATA_PATH, INTERFACE3_FROM_IPA_DATA_PATH); m_Exceptions.Open(INTERFACE_TO_IPA_EXCEPTION_PATH, INTERFACE_FROM_IPA_EXCEPTION_PATH); if (!m_Routing.DeviceNodeIsOpened()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR( "Routing block is not ready for immediate commands!\n"); return false; } if (!m_Filtering.DeviceNodeIsOpened()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR( "Filtering block is not ready for immediate commands!\n"); return false; } if (!m_HeaderInsertion.DeviceNodeIsOpened()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Header Insertion block is not ready for immediate commands!\n"); return false; } m_HeaderInsertion.Reset(); return true; } // Setup() bool Run() { m_uBufferSize = BUFF_MAX_SIZE; LOG_MSG_STACK("Entering Function"); // Configure the system by adding Routing / Filtering / HDR if (!AddRules()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed adding Routing / Filtering / HDR."); return false; } // Load input data (IP packet) from file if (!LoadDefaultPacket(m_eIP, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed default Packet"); return false; } if (!ModifyPackets()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to modify packets."); return false; } if (!TestLogic()) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Test failed, Input and expected output mismatch."); return false; } LOG_MSG_STACK("Leaving Function (Returning True)"); return true; } // Run() bool Teardown() { m_producer.Close(); m_Consumer1.Close(); m_Consumer2.Close(); m_Consumer3.Close(); m_Exceptions.Close(); return true; } // Teardown() ~IPAExceptionTestFixture() { } static RoutingDriverWrapper m_Routing; static Filtering m_Filtering; static HeaderInsertion m_HeaderInsertion; InterfaceAbstraction m_producer; InterfaceAbstraction m_Consumer1; InterfaceAbstraction m_Consumer2; InterfaceAbstraction m_Consumer3; InterfaceAbstraction m_Exceptions; protected: static const size_t BUFF_MAX_SIZE = 1024; static const uint8_t MAX_HEADER_SIZE = 64; // 64Bytes - Max Header Length enum ipa_ip_type m_eIP; uint8_t m_aBuffer[BUFF_MAX_SIZE]; // Input file \ IP packet size_t m_uBufferSize; }; RoutingDriverWrapper IPAExceptionTestFixture::m_Routing; Filtering IPAExceptionTestFixture::m_Filtering; HeaderInsertion IPAExceptionTestFixture::m_HeaderInsertion; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // Test001: Test that when a packet with (IPVer != 4) && (IPVer Ver != 6) , an exception packet is created and received & exception_pipe / //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ class IPAExceptionPacketTest001: public IPAExceptionTestFixture { public: IPAExceptionPacketTest001() { m_name = "IPAExceptionPacketTest001"; m_description = "\ IPA Exception Test 001 - Test that when a packet with (IPVer != 4) && (IPVer Ver != 6) , an exception packet is created and received & exception_pipe \ Test Generates send NUM_OF_EXCEPTION_PKTS packets with IP Version changing from 0 to 9.\ First IP Version == 4, hence it is not considered as exception (same goes for IP Ver == 6) \ "; m_eIP = IPA_IP_v4; Register(*this); } virtual bool AddRules() { // Clear All Rules bool bRetVal = true; LOG_MSG_STACK("Entering Function"); const char bypass0[20] = "Bypass0"; struct ipa_ioc_get_rt_tbl sRoutingTable; IPAFilteringTable cFilterTable; struct ipa_flt_rule_add sFilterRuleEntry; uint32_t nRTTableHdl=0; memset(&sRoutingTable, 0, sizeof(sRoutingTable)); LOG_MSG_STACK("Entering Function"); if (!CreateBypassRoutingTable(&m_Routing, m_eIP, bypass0, IPA_CLIENT_TEST2_CONS, 0,&nRTTableHdl)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("CreateBypassRoutingTable Failed\n"); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } LOG_MSG_INFO("CreateBypassRoutingTable completed successfully"); sRoutingTable.ip = m_eIP; strlcpy(sRoutingTable.name, bypass0, sizeof(sRoutingTable.name)); if (!m_Routing.GetRoutingTable(&sRoutingTable)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR( "m_routing.GetRoutingTable(&sRoutingTable=0x%p) Failed.", &sRoutingTable); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } // Creating Filtering Rules cFilterTable.Init(m_eIP,IPA_CLIENT_TEST_PROD,true,1); LOG_MSG_INFO("Creation of filtering table completed successfully"); // Configuring Filtering Rule No.1 cFilterTable.GeneratePresetRule(0,sFilterRuleEntry); sFilterRuleEntry.at_rear = true; sFilterRuleEntry.flt_rule_hdl = -1; // return Value sFilterRuleEntry.status = -1; // return value sFilterRuleEntry.rule.action = IPA_PASS_TO_ROUTING; sFilterRuleEntry.rule.rt_tbl_hdl = nRTTableHdl; if ( ((uint8_t)-1 == cFilterTable.AddRuleToTable(sFilterRuleEntry)) || !m_Filtering.AddFilteringRule(cFilterTable.GetFilteringTable()) ) { LOG_MSG_ERROR ("Adding Rule (0) to Filtering block Failed."); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } else { LOG_MSG_DEBUG("flt rule hdl0=0x%x, status=0x%x\n", cFilterTable.ReadRuleFromTable(0)->flt_rule_hdl,cFilterTable.ReadRuleFromTable(0)->status); } bail: LOG_MSG_STACK( "Leaving Function (Returning %s)", bRetVal?"True":"False"); return bRetVal; } // AddRules() virtual bool ModifyPackets() { m_eIP = IPA_IP_v6; AddRules(); // Need to add Routing / Filtering rules for IPv6 as well. return true; } // ModifyPacktes () virtual bool TestLogic() { int i = 0, nIPVer = 0;; memset(m_aExpectedBuffer, 0, sizeof(m_aExpectedBuffer)); m_aExpectedBuffer[2] = 0x0b; m_aExpectedBuffer[3] = 0x80; memcpy(m_aExpectedBuffer+8, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize); m_aExpectedBufSize = m_uBufferSize+8; for (i=0;iflt_rule_hdl,cFilterTable.ReadRuleFromTable(0)->status); } bail: LOG_MSG_STACK( "Leaving Function (Returning %s)", bRetVal?"True":"False"); return bRetVal; } // AddRules() virtual bool ModifyPackets() { return true; } // ModifyPacktes () virtual bool TestLogic() { memset(m_aExpectedBuffer, 0, sizeof(m_aExpectedBuffer)); m_aExpectedBuffer[2] = 0x0b; m_aExpectedBuffer[3] = 0x20; memcpy(m_aExpectedBuffer+8, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize); m_aExpectedBufSize = m_uBufferSize+8; if (!SendReceiveAndCompare(&m_producer, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize, &m_Exceptions, m_aExpectedBuffer, m_aExpectedBufSize)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("SendReceiveAndCompare failed."); return false; } return true; } private: uint8_t m_aExpectedBuffer[BUFF_MAX_SIZE]; size_t m_aExpectedBufSize; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // Test006: Test that when a packet with Internet Header Length < 5 Arrives, an exception packet is created and received & exception_pipe / //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ class IPAExceptionPacketTest006: public IPAExceptionTestFixture { public: IPAExceptionPacketTest006() { m_name = "IPAExceptionPacketTest006" m_description = "\ IPA Exception Test 006 - Test that when a packet with Internet Header Length < 5 Arrives, an exception packet is created and received & exception_pipe \ Test Generates a Packet with Internet Header Length (IHL == 4). \ and verifies that the packet is recieved @ the Exception Pipe. \ "; m_eIP = IPA_IP_v4; Register(*this); } virtual bool AddRules() { // Clear All Rules bool bRetVal = true; LOG_MSG_STACK("Entering Function"); const char bypass0[20] = "Bypass0"; struct ipa_ioc_get_rt_tbl sRoutingTable; IPAFilteringTable cFilterTable; struct ipa_flt_rule_add sFilterRuleEntry; uint32_t nRTTableHdl=0; memset(&sRoutingTable, 0, sizeof(sRoutingTable)); LOG_MSG_STACK("Entering Function"); if (!CreateBypassRoutingTable(&m_Routing, m_eIP, bypass0, IPA_CLIENT_TEST2_CONS, 0,&nRTTableHdl)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("CreateBypassRoutingTable Failed\n"); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } LOG_MSG_INFO("CreateBypassRoutingTable completed successfully"); sRoutingTable.ip = m_eIP; strlcpy(sRoutingTable.name, bypass0, sizeof(sRoutingTable.name)); if (!m_Routing.GetRoutingTable(&sRoutingTable)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR( "m_routing.GetRoutingTable(&sRoutingTable=0x%p) Failed.", &sRoutingTable); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } // Creating Filtering Rules cFilterTable.Init(m_eIP,IPA_CLIENT_TEST_PROD,true,1); LOG_MSG_INFO("Creation of filtering table completed successfully"); // Configuring Filtering Rule No.1 cFilterTable.GeneratePresetRule(0,sFilterRuleEntry); sFilterRuleEntry.at_rear = true; sFilterRuleEntry.flt_rule_hdl = -1; // return Value sFilterRuleEntry.status = -1; // return value sFilterRuleEntry.rule.action = IPA_PASS_TO_ROUTING; sFilterRuleEntry.rule.rt_tbl_hdl = nRTTableHdl; if ( ((uint8_t)-1 == cFilterTable.AddRuleToTable(sFilterRuleEntry)) || !m_Filtering.AddFilteringRule(cFilterTable.GetFilteringTable()) ) { LOG_MSG_ERROR ("Adding Rule (0) to Filtering block Failed."); bRetVal = false; goto bail; } else { LOG_MSG_DEBUG("flt rule hdl0=0x%x, status=0x%x\n", cFilterTable.ReadRuleFromTable(0)->flt_rule_hdl,cFilterTable.ReadRuleFromTable(0)->status); } bail: LOG_MSG_STACK( "Leaving Function (Returning %s)", bRetVal?"True":"False"); return bRetVal; } // AddRules() virtual bool ModifyPackets() { m_aBuffer[0] =(m_aBuffer[0] & 0xF0)+0x04;// Change the IHL to 4 return true; } // ModifyPacktes () virtual bool TestLogic() { memset(m_aExpectedBuffer, 0, sizeof(m_aExpectedBuffer)); m_aExpectedBuffer[2] = 0x0b; m_aExpectedBuffer[3] = 0x04; memcpy(m_aExpectedBuffer+8, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize); m_aExpectedBufSize = m_uBufferSize+8; if (!SendReceiveAndCompare(&m_producer, m_aBuffer, m_uBufferSize, &m_Exceptions, m_aExpectedBuffer, m_aExpectedBufSize)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("SendReceiveAndCompare failed."); return false; } return true; } private: uint8_t m_aExpectedBuffer[BUFF_MAX_SIZE]; size_t m_aExpectedBufSize; }; static IPAExceptionPacketTest001 ipaExceptionPacketTest001; static IPAExceptionPacketTest002 ipaExceptionPacketTest002; static IPAExceptionPacketTest003 ipaExceptionPacketTest003; static IPAExceptionPacketTest006 ipaExceptionPacketTest006;