/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ /* * Copyright (c) 2016-2021, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef __LINUX_BLUETOOTH_POWER_H #define __LINUX_BLUETOOTH_POWER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * voltage regulator information required for configuring the * bluetooth chipset */ enum power_modes { POWER_DISABLE = 0, POWER_ENABLE, POWER_RETENTION, POWER_DISABLE_RETENTION, }; enum SubSystem { BLUETOOTH = 1, UWB, }; enum power_states { IDLE = 0, BT_ON, UWB_ON, ALL_CLIENTS_ON, }; enum retention_states { /* Default state */ RETENTION_IDLE = 0, /* When BT is only client and it is in retention_state */ BT_IN_RETENTION, /* BT is retention mode and UWB powered ON triggered */ BT_OUT_OF_RETENTION, /* When UWB is only client and it is in retention_state */ UWB_IN_RETENTION, /* UWB is retention mode and BT powered ON triggered */ UWB_OUT_OF_RETENTION, /* Both clients are voted for retention */ BOTH_CLIENTS_IN_RETENTION, }; enum grant_return_values { ACCESS_GRANTED = 0, ACCESS_DENIED = 1, ACCESS_RELEASED = 2, ACCESS_DISALLOWED = -1, }; enum grant_states { /* Default state */ NO_GRANT_FOR_ANY_SS = 0, NO_OTHER_CLIENT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT, BT_HAS_GRANT, UWB_HAS_GRANT, BT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT, UWB_WAITING_FOR_GRANT, }; enum cores { BT_CORE = 0, UWB_CORE, PLATFORM_CORE }; enum ssr_states { SUB_STATE_IDLE = 0, SSR_ON_BT, BT_SSR_COMPLETED, SSR_ON_UWB, UWB_SSR_COMPLETED, REG_BT_PID, REG_UWB_PID, }; enum plt_pwr_state { POWER_ON_BT = 0, POWER_OFF_BT, POWER_ON_UWB, POWER_OFF_UWB, POWER_ON_BT_RETENION, POWER_ON_UWB_RETENION, BT_ACCESS_REQ, UWB_ACCESS_REQ, BT_RELEASE_ACCESS, UWB_RELEASE_ACCESS, BT_MAX_PWR_STATE, }; enum { PWR_WAITING_RSP = -2, PWR_RSP_RECV = 0, PWR_FAIL_RSP_RECV = -1, PWR_CLIENT_KILLED, }; static inline char *ConvertGrantRetToString(enum grant_return_values state) { switch (state) { case ACCESS_GRANTED: return "ACCESS_GRANTED"; case ACCESS_DENIED: return "ACCESS_DENIED"; case ACCESS_RELEASED: return "ACCESS_RELEASED"; case ACCESS_DISALLOWED: return "ACCESS_DISALLOWED"; default: return "INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertGrantToString(enum grant_states state) { switch (state) { case NO_GRANT_FOR_ANY_SS: return "NO_GRANT_FOR_ANY_SS"; case NO_OTHER_CLIENT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT: return "NO_OTHER_CLIENT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT"; case BT_HAS_GRANT: return "BT_HAS_GRANT"; case UWB_HAS_GRANT: return "UWB_HAS_GRANT"; case BT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT: return "BT_WAITING_FOR_GRANT"; case UWB_WAITING_FOR_GRANT: return "UWB_WAITING_FOR_GRANT"; default: return "INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertRetentionModeToString(int state) { switch (state) { case IDLE: return "Both client not in Retention"; case BT_IN_RETENTION: return "BT in Retention"; case BT_OUT_OF_RETENTION: return "BT is out off Retention"; case UWB_IN_RETENTION: return "UWB in Retention"; case UWB_OUT_OF_RETENTION: return "UWB is out off Retention"; case BOTH_CLIENTS_IN_RETENTION: return "Both client in Retention"; default: return "Retention state = INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertClientReqToString(int arg) { switch (arg) { case POWER_DISABLE: return "Power OFF"; case POWER_ENABLE: return "Power ON"; case POWER_RETENTION: return "Power Retention"; default: return "INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertPowerStatusToString(int state) { switch (state) { case IDLE: return "Current state is ALL Client OFF"; case BT_ON: return "Current state is BT powered ON"; case UWB_ON: return "Current state is UWB powered ON"; case ALL_CLIENTS_ON: return "Current state is ALL Client ON"; default: return "Current state is = INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertSsrStatusToString(int state) { switch (state) { case SUB_STATE_IDLE: return "and No SSR"; case SSR_ON_BT: return "and SSR on BT"; case BT_SSR_COMPLETED: return "and BT SSR completed"; case SSR_ON_UWB: return "and SSR on UWB"; case UWB_SSR_COMPLETED: return "and UWB SSR completed"; default: return "SSR STATE = INVALID STATE"; } } static inline char *ConvertPowerReqToString(int arg) { switch (arg) { case POWER_ON_BT: return "POWER_ON_BT"; case POWER_OFF_BT: return "POWER_OFF_BT"; case POWER_ON_UWB: return "POWER_ON_UWB"; case POWER_OFF_UWB: return "POWER_OFF_UWB"; case POWER_ON_BT_RETENION: return "POWER_ON_BT_RETENION"; case POWER_ON_UWB_RETENION: return "POWER_ON_UWB_RETENION"; case BT_ACCESS_REQ: return "BT_ACCESS_REQ"; case UWB_ACCESS_REQ: return "UWB_ACCESS_REQ"; case BT_RELEASE_ACCESS: return "BT_RELEASE_ACCESS"; case UWB_RELEASE_ACCESS: return "UWB_RELEASE_ACCESS"; case BT_MAX_PWR_STATE: return "BT_MAX_PWR_STATE"; default: return "INVALID STATE"; } }; static inline char *ConvertRegisterModeToString(int reg_mode) { switch (reg_mode) { case POWER_DISABLE: return "vote off"; case POWER_ENABLE: return "vote on"; case POWER_RETENTION: return "vote for retention"; case POWER_DISABLE_RETENTION: return "vote offretention"; default: return "INVALID STATE"; } } enum UwbPrimaryReasonCode{ UWB_HOST_REASON_DEFAULT_NONE = 0x00, //INVALID REASON UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_SOC_CRASHED = 0x01, //PERI SOC WAS CRASHED UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR = 0x02, //PERI SOC CRASHED DIAG INITIATED SSR UWB_HOST_REASON_INIT_FAILED = 0x03, //HOST INITIALIZATION FAILED UWB_HOST_REASON_CLOSE_RCVD_DURING_INIT = 0x04, //CLOSE RECEIVED FROM STACK DURING SOC INIT UWB_HOST_REASON_ERROR_READING_DATA_FROM_Q2SPI = 0x05, //ERROR READING DATA FROM Q2SPI UWB_HOST_REASON_WRITE_FAIL_SPCL_BUFF_CRASH_SOC = 0x06, //FAILED TO WRITE SPECIAL BYTES TO CRASH SOC UWB_HOST_REASON_RX_THREAD_STUCK = 0x07, //RX THREAD STUCK UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_CMD_TIMEDOUT = 0x08, //SSR DUE TO CMD TIMED OUT UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_INVALID_BYTES_RCVD = 0x0A, //INVALID HCI CMD TYPE RECEIVED UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_RCVD_LARGE_PKT_FROM_SOC = 0x0B, //SSR DUE TO LARGE PKT RECVIVED FROM SOC UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_UNABLE_TO_WAKEUP_SOC = 0x0C, //UNABLE TO WAKE UP SOC UWB_HOST_REASON_CMD_TIMEDOUT_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x0D, //COMMAND TIMEOUT AND SOC CRASH WAIT TIMEOUT UWB_HOST_REASON_INV_BYTES_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x0F, //INVALID BYTES AND SOC CRASH WAIT TIMEOUT UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_WAKEUP_FAILED_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x10, //SOC WAKEUP FAILURE AND SOC CRASH WAIT TIMEOUT UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x11, //SOC CRASHED DIAG INITIATED SSR CRASH WAIT TIMEOUT UWB_HOST_REASON_NONE_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x12, //INVALID FAILURE AND SOC CRASH WAIT TIMEOUT UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_DEINIT_STUCK = 0x13, //SOC DEINIT STUCK UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_INTERNAL_CMD_TIMEDOUT = 0x14, //SSR DUE TO CMD INTERNAL TIMED OUT UWB_HOST_REASON_FAILED_TO_SEND_INTERNAL_CMD = 0x15, //FAILED TO SEND INTERNAL CMD UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_SLEEP_IND_NOT_RCVD = 0x16, //SOC DID NOT RCVD SLEEP IND DURING CLOSE UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_SOC_CRASHED = 0xC1, //UWB SOC WAS CRASHED UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR = 0xC2, //UWB SOC CRASHED DIAG INITIATED SSR UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAG_LOG_API_STUCK = 0x39, //DIAG log API stuck. UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_CRASH_ON_OTHER_SS = 0x3A, //Peripheral core crash detected in BT SS UWB_HOST_REASON_CRASH_EVT_INDUCED = 0x60, //Packet Type from SoC for inducing crash }; enum UwbSecondaryReasonCode{ UWB_SOC_REASON_DEFAULT = 0x00, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT = 0x40, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT_LENE = 0x41, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_OVERFLOW_BUFF = 0x42, UWB_SOC_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0x81, UWB_SOC_REASON_SW_REQUESTED = 0x82, UWB_SOC_REASON_STACK_OVERFLOW = 0x83, UWB_SOC_REASON_EXCEPTION = 0x84, UWB_SOC_REASON_ASSERT = 0x85, UWB_SOC_REASON_TRAP = 0x86, UWB_SOC_REASON_OS_FATAL = 0x87, UWB_SOC_REASON_HCI_RESET = 0x88, UWB_SOC_REASON_PATCH_RESET = 0x89, UWB_SOC_REASON_ABT = 0x8A, UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK = 0x8B, UWB_SOC_REASON_PREBARK = 0x8C, UWB_SOC_REASON_BUSERROR = 0x8D, UWB_SOC_REASON_IO_FATAL = 0x8E, UWB_SOC_REASON_SSR_CMD = 0x8F, UWB_SOC_REASON_POWERON = 0x90, UWB_SOC_REASON_WATCHDOG = 0x91, UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK_RGN1 = 0x92, UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK_RGN0 = 0x93, UWB_SOC_REASON_Q6_WATCHDOG = 0x94, UWB_SOC_REASON_ZEALIS_RAM_MASK_RGN0 = 0x95, UWB_SOC_REASON_ZEALIS_RAM_MASK_RGN1 = 0x96, UWB_SOC_REASON_APSS_RESET = 0x97, UWB_SOC_REASON_TIME_RESET = 0x98, UWB_SOC_REASON_AUDIOSS_RESET = 0x99, UWB_SOC_REASON_HOST_WARMRESET = 0x9A, UWB_SOC_REASON_HOST_NMI_INIT = 0x9B, UWB_SOC_REASON_PANIC_FAULT = 0x9C, UWB_SOC_REASON_EARLY_TRAP = 0x9D, UWB_SOC_REASON_INSTR_ADDR_MISALGIN = 0x9E, UWB_SOC_REASON_INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT = 0x9F, UWB_SOC_REASON_ILLEGAL_INSTR = 0xA0, UWB_SOC_REASON_BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION = 0xA1, UWB_SOC_REASON_LOAD_ADDR_MISALIGN = 0xA2, UWB_SOC_REASON_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT = 0xA3, UWB_SOC_REASON_STORE_ADDR_MISALGN = 0xA4, UWB_SOC_REASON_STORE_ACCESS_FAULT = 0xA5, UWB_SOC_REASON_ECALL_UMODE = 0xA6, UWB_SOC_REASON_ECALL_MMODE = 0xA7, UWB_SOC_REASON_STACK_UNDERFLOW = 0xA8, UWB_SOC_REASON_MACHINE_EXIT_INT = 0xA9, UWB_SOC_REASON_PERF_MONITOR_OVERFLOW = 0xAA, UWB_SOC_REASON_EXT_SUBSYS_RESET = 0xAB, UWB_SOC_REASON_IPC_STALL = 0xAC, UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU0_NMI = 0xAD, UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU1_NMI = 0xAE, UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU2_NMI = 0xAF, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT_FATAL = 0xC0, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_LEN_FATAL = 0xC1, UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_OVERFLOW_FATAL = 0xC2, UWB_SOC_REASON_INVALID_STACK = 0xF0, UWB_SOC_REASON_INVALID_MCI_MSG_RCVD = 0xF1, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETVER_SEND_STUCK = 0x18, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD = 0x19, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK = 0x1B, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBOARDID_CMD_STUCK = 0x1C, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_NVM_DNLD_STUCK = 0x1D, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_STUCK = 0x1E, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK = 0x1F, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ENHLOG_CMD_STUCK = 0x21, UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAGINIT_STUCK = 0x22, UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAGDEINIT_STUCK = 0x23, UWB_HOST_REASON_SECURE_BRIDGE_CMD_STUCK = 0x26, UWB_HOST_REASON_FAILED_TO_SEND_CMD = 0x27, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_CC_NOT_RCVD = 0x28, UWB_HOST_REASON_HCI_PRE_SHUTDOWN_CC_NOT_RCVD = 0x29, UWB_HOST_REASON_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_SLEEP_IND = 0x2B, UWB_HOST_REASON_POWER_ON_REGS_STUCK = 0x2C, UWB_HOST_REASON_RX_THREAD_START_STUCK = 0x2D, UWB_HOST_REASON_GET_LOCALADDR_STUCK = 0x2E, UWB_HOST_REASON_OTP_INFO_GET_CMD_STUCK = 0x2F, UWB_HOST_REASON_FILE_SYSTEM_CALL_STUCK = 0x30, UWB_HOST_REASON_PROPERTY_GET_STUCK = 0x31, UWB_HOST_REASON_PROPERTY_SET_STUCK = 0x32, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RAM_PATCH_READ_STUCK = 0x33, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_NVM_PATCH_READ_STUCK = 0x34, UWB_HOST_REASON_POWER_IOCTL_STUCK = 0x36, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_STUCK = 0x37, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_CONFIG_FAILED = 0x38, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETVER_SEND_STUCK = 0x39, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD = 0x3A, UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_NAME_UNKOWN = 0x3B, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETVER_CMD_FAILED = 0x3C, UWB_HOST_REASON_BAUDRATE_CHANGE_FAILED = 0x3D, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_TLV_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 0x3E, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBLDINFO_CMD_FAILED = 0x3F, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_CMD_FAILED = 0x40, UWB_HOST_REASON_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED = 0x42, UWB_HOST_REASON_READ_THREAD_START_FAILED = 0x43, UWB_HOST_REASON_HW_FLOW_ON_FAILED = 0x44, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_NVM_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x45, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RAM_PATCH_READ_STUCK = 0x48, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_NVM_PATCH_READ_STUCK = 0x49, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_NVM_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x4A, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETBLDINFO_CMD_FAILED = 0x4B, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK = 0x4C, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_NVM_DNLD_STUCK = 0x4D, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK = 0x4E, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ACTIVATE_CMD_STUCK = 0x4F, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ARBITRATION_CMD_STUCK = 0x50, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ARBITRATION_NTF_STUCK = 0x51, UWB_HOST_REASON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED = 0x52, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RESET_CC_NOT_RCVD = 0x53, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_ACTIVATE_CC_NOT_RCVD = 0x54, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_ACTIVATE_CC_NOT_RCVD = 0x55, UWB_HOST_REASON_Q2SPI_INIT_STUCK = 0x56, UWB_HOST_REASON_Q2SPI_INIT_FAILED = 0x57, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_TLV_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 0x58, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_ENHLOG_CMD_STUCK = 0x59, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETVER_CMD_FAILED = 0x5A, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_STUCK = 0x5B, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_FAILED = 0x5C, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RESET_STUCK = 0x5D, UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ACTIVATE_NTF_STUCK = 0x5E, UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_CORE_RESET_CMD_FAILED = 0x5F, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_ARBITRATION_CMD_STUCK = 0x60, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_ARBITRATION_NTF_STUCK = 0x61, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETVER_SEND_STUCK = 0x62, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD = 0x63, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETVER_CMD_FAILED = 0x64, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK = 0x65, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_RESET_STUCK = 0x66, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK = 0x67, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETBLDINFO_CMD_FAILED = 0x68, UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_RAM_PATCH_READ_STUCK = 0x69, Q2SPI_REASON_DEFAULT = 0xFF }; typedef struct { enum UwbSecondaryReasonCode reason; char reasonstr[50]; } UwbSecondaryReasonMap; typedef struct { enum UwbPrimaryReasonCode reason; char reasonstr[100]; } UwbPrimaryReasonMap; static UwbPrimaryReasonMap uwbPriReasonMap[] = { {UWB_HOST_REASON_DEFAULT_NONE, "Invalid reason"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_SOC_CRASHED, "Peri SOC crashed"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_SOC_CRASHED, "UWB SOC crashed"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR, "Peri SOC crashed with diag initiated SSR"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR, "UWB SOC crashed with diag initiated SSR"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_INIT_FAILED, "Init failed"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_CLOSE_RCVD_DURING_INIT, "Close received from stack during SOC init"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_ERROR_READING_DATA_FROM_Q2SPI, "Error reading data from Q2SPI"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_WRITE_FAIL_SPCL_BUFF_CRASH_SOC, "Failed to write special bytes to crash SOC"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_RX_THREAD_STUCK, "Rx Thread Stuck"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_CMD_TIMEDOUT, "SSR due to command timed out"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_RCVD_LARGE_PKT_FROM_SOC, "Large packet received from SOC"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_UNABLE_TO_WAKEUP_SOC, "Unable to wake SOC"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_CMD_TIMEDOUT_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Command timedout and SOC crash wait timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_INV_BYTES_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Invalid bytes received and SOC crash wait timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_WAKEUP_FAILED_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "SOC Wakeup failed and SOC crash wait timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_CRASHED_DIAG_SSR_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "SOC crashed with diag initiated SSR and SOC wait timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_NONE_SOC_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Invalid Reason and SOC crash wait timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_DEINIT_STUCK, "SOC Deinit Stuck"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_INTERNAL_CMD_TIMEDOUT, "SSR due to internal Command timeout"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_FAILED_TO_SEND_INTERNAL_CMD, "Failed to send internal command"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_SSR_SLEEP_IND_NOT_RCVD, "Failed to receive SLEEP IND during close"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_CRASH_ON_OTHER_SS, "Peri SOC crashed detected on BT SS"}, {UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAG_LOG_API_STUCK, "DIAG log API stuck"} }; static UwbSecondaryReasonMap uwbSecReasonMap[] = { { UWB_SOC_REASON_DEFAULT, "Default"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT, "Tx/Rx Inavlid Packet"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT_LENE, "Tx/Rx Invalid Pkt Len"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_OVERFLOW_BUFF, "Tx/Rx Overflow Buffer"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_PKT_FATAL, "Tx/Rx invalid packet fatal error"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_INVALID_LEN_FATAL, "Tx/Rx invalid length fatal error"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TX_RX_OVERFLOW_BUFF, "Tx/Rx Overflow Buffer"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_SW_REQUESTED, "SW Requested"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_STACK_OVERFLOW, "Stack Overflow"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_EXCEPTION, "Exception"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ASSERT, "Assert"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TRAP, "Trap"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_OS_FATAL, "OS Fatal"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_HCI_RESET, "HCI Reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PATCH_RESET, "Patch Reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ABT, "SoC Abort"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK, "RAM MASK"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PREBARK, "PREBARK"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_BUSERROR, "Bus error"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_IO_FATAL, "IO fatal eror"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_SSR_CMD, "SSR CMD"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_POWERON, "Power ON"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_WATCHDOG, "Watchdog"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK_RGN1, "RAMMASK RGN1"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_RAMMASK_RGN0, "RAMMASK RGN0"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_Q6_WATCHDOG, "Q6 Watchdog"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ZEALIS_RAM_MASK_RGN0, "ZEALIS RAM MASK RGN0"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ZEALIS_RAM_MASK_RGN1, "ZEALIS RAM MASK RGN1"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_APSS_RESET, "APSS reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_TIME_RESET, "Time reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_AUDIOSS_RESET, "Audioss reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_HOST_WARMRESET, "Host warm reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_HOST_NMI_INIT, "Host NMI init"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PANIC_FAULT, "Panic Fault"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_EARLY_TRAP, "Early Trap"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_INSTR_ADDR_MISALGIN, "Instruction Address Misalign"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT, "Instruction Access Fault"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ILLEGAL_INSTR, "Illegal Instruction"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION, "Breakpoint Exception"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_LOAD_ADDR_MISALIGN, "Load Address Misalign"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT, "Load Access Fault"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_STORE_ADDR_MISALGN, "Store Address Misalign"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_STORE_ACCESS_FAULT, "Store Access Fault"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ECALL_UMODE, "Ecall Umode"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_ECALL_MMODE, "Ecall Mmode"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_STACK_UNDERFLOW, "Stack Underflow"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_MACHINE_EXIT_INT, "Machine Exit Int"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PERF_MONITOR_OVERFLOW, "Perf Monitor Overflow"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_EXT_SUBSYS_RESET, "Ext Subsystem Reset"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_IPC_STALL, "IPC Stall"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU0_NMI, "Crash in Peri CPU"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU1_NMI, "Crash in BT CPU"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_PEER_CPU2_NMI, "Crash in UWB CPU"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_INVALID_STACK, "Invalid Stack"}, { UWB_SOC_REASON_INVALID_MCI_MSG_RCVD, "Invalid MCI message received"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETVER_SEND_STUCK, "PeriGetVerSendStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETVER_SEND_STUCK, "UwbGetVerSendStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETVER_SEND_STUCK, "TmeGetVerSendStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD, "PeriGetVerNoRspRcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD, "UwbGetVerNoRspRcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETVER_NO_RSP_RCVD, "TmeGetVerNoRspRcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK, "PeriPatchDnldStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK, "UwbPatchDnldStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_PATCH_DNLD_STUCK, "TmePatchDnldStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBOARDID_CMD_STUCK, "PeriGetBoardIdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_NVM_DNLD_STUCK, "PeriNvmDnldStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_NVM_DNLD_STUCK, "UwbNvmDnldStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_STUCK, "PeriResetStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RESET_STUCK, "UwbResetStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_RESET_STUCK, "TmeResetStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK, "PeriGetBldInfoCmdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK, "UwbGetBldInfoCmdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_GETBLDINFO_CMD_STUCK, "TmeGetBldInfoCmdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ENHLOG_CMD_STUCK, "Peri EnhLogCmdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_ENHLOG_CMD_STUCK, "Uwb EnhLogCmdStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAGINIT_STUCK, "DiagInitStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_DIAGDEINIT_STUCK, "DiagDeinitStuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_FAILED_TO_SEND_CMD, "Failed to send internal cmd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_CC_NOT_RCVD, "Peri Reset Cmd CC Not Rcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RESET_CC_NOT_RCVD, "UWB Reset Cmd CC Not Rcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_ACTIVATE_CC_NOT_RCVD, "UWB Activate Cmd CC Not Rcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_TME_ACTIVATE_CC_NOT_RCVD, "TME DeActivate Cmd CC Not Rcvd"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_POWER_ON_REGS_STUCK, "SoC Power ON Sequence stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_POWER_IOCTL_STUCK, "Power driver IOCTL stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_RX_THREAD_START_STUCK, "RX thread start stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_OTP_INFO_GET_CMD_STUCK, "Get OTP info. cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_FILE_SYSTEM_CALL_STUCK, "FILE system call stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PROPERTY_GET_STUCK, "Property get call stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PROPERTY_SET_STUCK, "Property set call stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RAM_PATCH_READ_STUCK, "Peri RAM patch open/read stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_RAM_PATCH_READ_STUCK, "UWB RAM patch open/read stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_NVM_PATCH_READ_STUCK, "Peri NVM file open/read stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_NVM_PATCH_READ_STUCK, "UWB NVM file open/read stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_STUCK, "Peri Patch config cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_PATCH_CONFIG_FAILED, "Peri Patch config cmd failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_STUCK, "Uwb Patch config cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_PATCH_CONFIG_CMD_FAILED, "Uwb Patch config cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_SOC_NAME_UNKOWN, "SoC name unkown"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_TLV_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Peri TLV/NVM download failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_GETBLDINFO_CMD_FAILED, "Peri FW build info. cmd failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_GETBLDINFO_CMD_FAILED, "UWB build info. cmd failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_RESET_CMD_FAILED, "HCI Peri RESET cmd failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_CORE_RESET_CMD_FAILED, "UWB Core RESET cmd failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, "Memory allocation failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_READ_THREAD_START_FAILED, "Read thread start failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_HW_FLOW_ON_FAILED, "HW Flow ON failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ACTIVATE_CMD_STUCK, "Peri actvate cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ACTIVATE_NTF_STUCK, "Peri activate ntf stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ARBITRATION_CMD_STUCK, "Peri arbitration cmd stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_PERI_ARBITRATION_NTF_STUCK, "Peri arbitration ntf stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "Initialization Failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_Q2SPI_INIT_STUCK, "Q2SPI Init stuck"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_Q2SPI_INIT_FAILED, "Q2SPI Init Failed"}, { UWB_HOST_REASON_UWB_TLV_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Uwb TLV/NVM download failed"}, { Q2SPI_REASON_DEFAULT, "Q2SPI reason Default"}, }; struct log_index { int init; int crash; }; struct vreg_data { struct regulator *reg; /* voltage regulator handle */ const char *name; /* regulator name */ u32 min_vol; /* min voltage level */ u32 max_vol; /* max voltage level */ u32 load_curr; /* current */ bool is_enabled; /* is this regulator enabled? */ bool is_retention_supp; /* does this regulator support retention mode */ struct log_index indx; /* Index for reg. w.r.t init & crash */ }; struct pwr_data { char compatible[32]; struct vreg_data *bt_vregs; int bt_num_vregs; struct vreg_data *uwb_vregs; int uwb_num_vregs; struct vreg_data *platform_vregs; int platform_num_vregs; }; struct bt_power_clk_data { struct clk *clk; /* clock regulator handle */ const char *name; /* clock name */ bool is_enabled; /* is this clock enabled? */ }; struct btpower_state_machine { struct mutex state_machine_lock; enum power_states power_state; enum retention_states retention_mode; enum grant_states grant_state; enum grant_states grant_pending; }; #define BTPWR_MAX_REQ BT_MAX_PWR_STATE /* * Platform data for the bluetooth power driver. */ struct platform_pwr_data { struct platform_device *pdev; int bt_gpio_sys_rst; /* Bluetooth reset gpio */ int wl_gpio_sys_rst; /* Wlan reset gpio */ int bt_gpio_sw_ctrl; /* Bluetooth sw_ctrl gpio */ int bt_gpio_debug; /* Bluetooth debug gpio */ unsigned int wlan_sw_ctrl_gpio; /* Wlan switch control gpio*/ #ifdef CONFIG_MSM_BT_OOBS int bt_gpio_dev_wake; /* Bluetooth bt_wake */ int bt_gpio_host_wake; /* Bluetooth bt_host_wake */ int irq; /* Bluetooth host_wake IRQ */ #endif int sw_cntrl_gpio; int xo_gpio_clk; /* XO clock gpio*/ struct device *slim_dev; struct vreg_data *bt_vregs; struct vreg_data *uwb_vregs; struct vreg_data *platform_vregs; struct bt_power_clk_data *bt_chip_clk; /* bluetooth reference clock */ int (*power_setup)(int core, int id); /* Bluetooth power setup function */ char compatible[32]; /*Bluetooth SoC name */ int bt_num_vregs; int uwb_num_vregs; int platform_num_vregs; struct mbox_client mbox_client_data; struct mbox_chan *mbox_chan; const char *vreg_ipa; bool is_ganges_dt; int pdc_init_table_len; const char **pdc_init_table; int bt_device_type; bool sec_peri_feature_disable; int bt_sec_hw_disable; #ifdef CONFIG_MSM_BT_OOBS struct file *reffilp_obs; struct task_struct *reftask_obs; #endif struct task_struct *reftask; struct task_struct *reftask_bt; struct task_struct *reftask_uwb; struct btpower_state_machine btpower_state; enum ssr_states sub_state; enum ssr_states wrkq_signal_state; struct workqueue_struct *workq; struct device_node *bt_of_node; struct device_node *uwb_of_node; struct work_struct bt_wq; struct work_struct uwb_wq; wait_queue_head_t rsp_wait_q[BTPWR_MAX_REQ]; int wait_status[BTPWR_MAX_REQ]; struct work_struct wq_pwr_voting; struct sk_buff_head rxq; struct mutex pwr_mtx; }; int btpower_register_slimdev(struct device *dev); int btpower_get_chipset_version(void); int btpower_aop_mbox_init(struct platform_pwr_data *pdata); int bt_aop_pdc_reconfig(struct platform_pwr_data *pdata); #define WLAN_SW_CTRL_GPIO "qcom,wlan-sw-ctrl-gpio" #define BT_CMD_SLIM_TEST 0xbfac #define BT_CMD_PWR_CTRL 0xbfad #define BT_CMD_CHIPSET_VERS 0xbfae #define BT_CMD_GET_CHIPSET_ID 0xbfaf #define BT_CMD_CHECK_SW_CTRL 0xbfb0 #define BT_CMD_GETVAL_POWER_SRCS 0xbfb1 #define BT_CMD_SET_IPA_TCS_INFO 0xbfc0 #define BT_CMD_KERNEL_PANIC 0xbfc1 #define UWB_CMD_KERNEL_PANIC 0xbfc2 #define UWB_CMD_PWR_CTRL 0xbfe1 #define BT_CMD_REGISTRATION 0xbfe2 #define UWB_CMD_REGISTRATION 0xbfe3 #define BT_CMD_ACCESS_CTRL 0xbfe4 #define UWB_CMD_ACCESS_CTRL 0xbfe5 #ifdef CONFIG_MSM_BT_OOBS #define BT_CMD_OBS_VOTE_CLOCK 0xbfd1 /** * enum btpower_obs_param: OOBS low power param * @BTPOWER_OBS_CLK_OFF: Transport bus is no longer acquired * @BTPOWER_OBS_CLK_ON: Acquire transport bus for either transmitting or receiving * @BTPOWER_OBS_DEV_OFF: Bluetooth is released because of no more transmission * @BTPOWER_OBS_DEV_ON: Wake up the Bluetooth controller for transmission */ enum btpower_obs_param { BTPOWER_OBS_CLK_OFF = 0, BTPOWER_OBS_CLK_ON, BTPOWER_OBS_DEV_OFF, BTPOWER_OBS_DEV_ON, }; #endif #endif /* __LINUX_BLUETOOTH_POWER_H */