config SPECTRA_ISP bool "enable camera ISP module" help This is enabling camera ISP module. IFE camera driver file be included. This will enable camera ISP driver to handle IFE driver. Core camera driver to handle VFE HW. config SPECTRA_TFE bool "enable camera tfe modele" help This is enabling camera tfe module. tfe module files will be included to enable tfe based driver, files. config SPECTRA_ICP bool "enable camera ICP module" help This is enabling camera ICP module. Camera ICP driver file be included. This will enable camera ICP driver to interact with, ICP FW. Which can control IPE and BPS HW. config SPECTRA_JPEG bool "enable camera jpeg module" help This is enabling camera JPEG module. camera jpeg module will be functional. This module interact with jpeg HW for snapshot processing. config SPECTRA_CRE bool "enable camera jpeg module" help This is enabling camera CRE module. camera cre module will be functional. This module interact with cre HW for format conversion. config SPECTRA_SENSOR bool "enable camera sensor module" help This is enabling camera sensor module. sensor module files will be included to enable the driver. eeprom, flash, csiphy all other module will be included to make the sensor functional. config SPECTRA_USE_CLK_CRM_API bool "enable camera cesta clk feature" help This is enabling camera cesta feature. kernel clk driver api will cache the clk value send by camera hw and apply to CRM hw. CRM hw will consolidate and apply the clk to camera HW. config SPECTRA_USE_RPMH_DRV_API bool "enable camera new ICC BW api" help This is helping to set BW through kernel icc driver. Kernel icc driver do caching the bw information. icc driver will update the bw information RPMH, to apply proper bw voting for camera to mmnoc config SPECTRA_LLCC_STALING bool "enable camera new LLCC staling feature" help This will enable to call LLCC driver cache notification API and increment count API. Which will enable LLCC staling feature,based on counter invalidate the cache slice. config TARGET_SYNX_ENABLE bool "enable HW synx" help This is enabling HW syx feature. synx hw signaling external to camera, like EVA and other. This is to avoid sw signaling latency. config MSM_MMRM bool "enable MSM MMRM" help This is enabling mmrm api access. mmrm to cahce the clk voting. mmrm knows about all clients' clock rates. MMRM can decide whether new peak power usage is within allowed value config INTERCONNECT_QCOM bool "enabling icc bus driver" help This is to access icc driver api. To cache AB and IB vote will use ICC kernel driver API. So that ICC driver can consolidate the vote config DOMAIN_ID_SECURE_CAMERA bool "enable domain ID based secure camera flow" help This is to enable domain ID based secure camera flow on the hardware platforms with domain ID based security architecture. VC based security can be achieved with this. config CSF_2_5_SECURE_CAMERA bool "enable CSF2.5 feature flow" help This is to enable Call flow for CSF2.5 enabled platforms. this config differentiates between csf2.0 and csf 2.5 compliant scm calls. config DYNAMIC_FD_PORT_CONFIG bool "enable dynamic FD port config feature" help This config enables dynamic FD port config feature that allows the userspace to configure the FD port to secure or non-secure based on the FD solution in use in secure camera use cases. config SAMSUNG_OIS_MCU_STM32 bool "enable camera mcu stm32 module" help This is enabling camera mcu stm32 module. camera mcu module will be functional. This module interact with mcu HW to control ois and actuator. config CAMERA_SYSFS_V2 bool "enable camera sysfs v2 module" help This is enabling camera sysfs v2 module. camera sysfs v2 module will be functional. This module provide sysfs node for factory test. config CAMERA_FRAME_CNT_DBG bool "enable camera frame count debug" help This is enabling frame count debug feature. camera frame count will be functional. config CAMERA_FRAME_CNT_CHECK bool "enable frame count check feature" help This is enabling frame count check to ensure that sensor streams at least one frame before stream off. config SAMSUNG_FRONT_EEPROM bool "enable front eeprom" help This is enabling front eeprom feature. config SAMSUNG_REAR_DUAL bool "enable rear dual" help This is enabling samsung rear dual feature. device has at least two cameras facing rear. config SAMSUNG_REAR_TRIPLE bool "enable rear triple" help This is enabling samsung rear triple feature. device has at least three cameras facing rear. config SAMSUNG_REAR_QUADRA bool "enable rear quadra" help This is enabling samsung rear quadra feature. device has at least four cameras facing rear. config SAMSUNG_CAMERA bool "enable samsung camera" help This is enabling samsung camera feature. samsung specialized functions will be functional. config SENSOR_RETENTION bool "enable sensor retention" help This is enabling sensor retention feature. sensor retention will be functional. config CAMERA_ADAPTIVE_MIPI bool "enable adaptive mipi module" help This is enabling adaptive mipi module. adaptive mipi module will be functional. MIPI data rate of sensor will be adjusted depends on RF. config CAMERA_RF_MIPI bool "enable RF mipi" help This is enabling RF mipi feature. config SAMSUNG_ACTUATOR_READ_HALL_VALUE bool "enable read hall value of actuator" help This is enabling actuator read hall value feature. actuator will provide api to read hall value. config SAMSUNG_DEBUG_SENSOR_I2C bool "enable sensor i2c debug" help This is enabling sensor i2c debug feature. sensor will provide api to debug i2c. config SAMSUNG_DEBUG_SENSOR_TIMING bool "enable sensor timing debug" help This is enabling sensor timing debug feature. sensor will provide api to debug timing. config SAMSUNG_DEBUG_HW_INFO bool "enable sensor hw info debug" help This is enabling feature to debug sensor hw information. sensor will provide api to debug hardware information. config USE_CAMERA_HW_BIG_DATA bool "enable hardware big data" help This is enabling feature to gather H/W big data. all sensor subdevices will provide error information related to H/W. config CAMERA_CDR_TEST bool "enable CDR test" help This is enabling CDR test feature. config CAMERA_HW_ERROR_DETECT bool "enable HW error detect" help This is enabling HW error detect. config SAMSUNG_ACTUATOR_PREVENT_SHAKING bool "enable actuator prevent shaking" help This is enabling actuator prevent shaking feature. config SAMSUNG_READ_BPC_FROM_OTP bool "enable read BPC from OTP" help This is enabling read BPC from OTP. config SEC_E1Q_PROJECT bool "enable E1" help This is enabling E1 feature. config SEC_E2Q_PROJECT bool "enable E2" help This is enabling E2 feature. config SEC_E3Q_PROJECT bool "enable E3" help This is enabling E1 feature.