/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _DP_LI_RX_H_ #define _DP_LI_RX_H_ #include #include #include "dp_li.h" /** * dp_rx_process_li() - Brain of the Rx processing functionality * Called from the bottom half (tasklet/NET_RX_SOFTIRQ) * @int_ctx: per interrupt context * @hal_ring_hdl: opaque pointer to the HAL Rx Ring, which will be serviced * @reo_ring_num: ring number (0, 1, 2 or 3) of the reo ring. * @quota: No. of units (packets) that can be serviced in one shot. * * This function implements the core of Rx functionality. This is * expected to handle only non-error frames. * * Return: uint32_t: No. of elements processed */ uint32_t dp_rx_process_li(struct dp_intr *int_ctx, hal_ring_handle_t hal_ring_hdl, uint8_t reo_ring_num, uint32_t quota); /** * dp_rx_chain_msdus_li() - Function to chain all msdus of a mpdu * to pdev invalid peer list * * @soc: core DP main context * @nbuf: Buffer pointer * @rx_tlv_hdr: start of rx tlv header * @mac_id: mac id * * Return: bool: true for last msdu of mpdu */ bool dp_rx_chain_msdus_li(struct dp_soc *soc, qdf_nbuf_t nbuf, uint8_t *rx_tlv_hdr, uint8_t mac_id); /** * dp_rx_desc_pool_init_li() - Initialize Rx Descriptor pool(s) * @soc: Handle to DP Soc structure * @rx_desc_pool: Rx descriptor pool handler * @pool_id: Rx descriptor pool ID * * Return: None */ QDF_STATUS dp_rx_desc_pool_init_li(struct dp_soc *soc, struct rx_desc_pool *rx_desc_pool, uint32_t pool_id); /** * dp_rx_desc_pool_deinit_li() - De-initialize Rx Descriptor pool(s) * @soc: Handle to DP Soc structure * @rx_desc_pool: Rx descriptor pool handler * @pool_id: Rx descriptor pool ID * * Return: None */ void dp_rx_desc_pool_deinit_li(struct dp_soc *soc, struct rx_desc_pool *rx_desc_pool, uint32_t pool_id); /** * dp_wbm_get_rx_desc_from_hal_desc_li() - Get corresponding Rx Desc * address from WBM ring Desc * @soc: Handle to DP Soc structure * @ring_desc: ring descriptor structure pointer * @r_rx_desc: pointer to a pointer of Rx Desc * * Return: QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS - succeeded, others - failed */ QDF_STATUS dp_wbm_get_rx_desc_from_hal_desc_li( struct dp_soc *soc, void *ring_desc, struct dp_rx_desc **r_rx_desc); /** * dp_rx_get_reo_qdesc_addr_li(): API to get qdesc address of reo * entrance ring desc * * @hal_soc: Handle to HAL Soc structure * @dst_ring_desc: reo dest ring descriptor (used for Lithium DP) * @buf: pointer to the start of RX PKT TLV headers * @txrx_peer: pointer to txrx_peer * @tid: tid value * * Return: qdesc address in reo destination ring buffer */ static inline uint64_t dp_rx_get_reo_qdesc_addr_li(hal_soc_handle_t hal_soc, uint8_t *dst_ring_desc, uint8_t *buf, struct dp_txrx_peer *txrx_peer, unsigned int tid) { return hal_rx_get_qdesc_addr(hal_soc, dst_ring_desc, buf); } /** * dp_rx_desc_cookie_2_va_li() - Convert RX Desc cookie ID to VA * @soc:Handle to DP Soc structure * @cookie: cookie used to lookup virtual address * * Return: Rx descriptor virtual address */ static inline struct dp_rx_desc *dp_rx_desc_cookie_2_va_li(struct dp_soc *soc, uint32_t cookie) { return dp_rx_cookie_2_va_rxdma_buf(soc, cookie); } #define DP_PEER_METADATA_VDEV_ID_MASK 0x003f0000 #define DP_PEER_METADATA_VDEV_ID_SHIFT 16 #define DP_PEER_METADATA_OFFLOAD_MASK 0x01000000 #define DP_PEER_METADATA_OFFLOAD_SHIFT 24 #define DP_PEER_METADATA_VDEV_ID_GET_LI(_peer_metadata) \ (((_peer_metadata) & DP_PEER_METADATA_VDEV_ID_MASK) \ >> DP_PEER_METADATA_VDEV_ID_SHIFT) #define DP_PEER_METADATA_OFFLOAD_GET_LI(_peer_metadata) \ (((_peer_metadata) & DP_PEER_METADATA_OFFLOAD_MASK) \ >> DP_PEER_METADATA_OFFLOAD_SHIFT) static inline uint16_t dp_rx_peer_metadata_peer_id_get_li(struct dp_soc *soc, uint32_t peer_metadata) { struct htt_rx_peer_metadata_v0 *metadata = (struct htt_rx_peer_metadata_v0 *)&peer_metadata; return metadata->peer_id; } bool dp_rx_intrabss_handle_nawds_li(struct dp_soc *soc, struct dp_txrx_peer *ta_peer, qdf_nbuf_t nbuf_copy, struct cdp_tid_rx_stats *tid_stats, uint8_t link_id); #ifdef QCA_DP_RX_NBUF_AND_NBUF_DATA_PREFETCH static inline void dp_rx_prefetch_nbuf_data(qdf_nbuf_t nbuf, qdf_nbuf_t next) { struct rx_pkt_tlvs *pkt_tlvs; if (next) { /* prefetch skb->next and first few bytes of skb->cb */ qdf_prefetch(next); /* skb->cb spread across 2 cache lines hence below prefetch */ qdf_prefetch(&next->_skb_refdst); qdf_prefetch(&next->len); qdf_prefetch(&next->protocol); pkt_tlvs = (struct rx_pkt_tlvs *)next->data; /* sa_idx, da_idx, l3_pad in RX msdu_end TLV */ qdf_prefetch(pkt_tlvs); /* msdu_done in RX attention TLV */ qdf_prefetch(&pkt_tlvs->attn_tlv); /* fr_ds & to_ds in RX MPDU start TLV */ if (qdf_nbuf_is_rx_chfrag_end(nbuf)) qdf_prefetch(&pkt_tlvs->mpdu_start_tlv); } } #else static inline void dp_rx_prefetch_nbuf_data(qdf_nbuf_t nbuf, qdf_nbuf_t next) { } #endif #ifdef QCA_DP_RX_HW_SW_NBUF_DESC_PREFETCH /** * dp_rx_cookie_2_va_rxdma_buf_prefetch() - function to prefetch the SW desc * @soc: Handle to DP Soc structure * @cookie: cookie used to lookup virtual address * * Return: prefetched Rx descriptor virtual address */ static inline void *dp_rx_cookie_2_va_rxdma_buf_prefetch(struct dp_soc *soc, uint32_t cookie) { uint8_t pool_id = DP_RX_DESC_COOKIE_POOL_ID_GET(cookie); uint16_t index = DP_RX_DESC_COOKIE_INDEX_GET(cookie); struct rx_desc_pool *rx_desc_pool; void *prefetch_desc; if (qdf_unlikely(pool_id >= MAX_RXDESC_POOLS)) return NULL; rx_desc_pool = &soc->rx_desc_buf[pool_id]; if (qdf_unlikely(index >= rx_desc_pool->pool_size)) return NULL; prefetch_desc = &soc->rx_desc_buf[pool_id].array[index].rx_desc; qdf_prefetch(prefetch_desc); return prefetch_desc; } /** * dp_rx_prefetch_hw_sw_nbuf_desc() - function to prefetch HW and SW desc * @soc: Handle to DP Soc structure * @hal_soc: Handle to HAL Soc structure * @num_entries: valid number of HW descriptors * @hal_ring_hdl: Destination ring pointer * @last_prefetched_hw_desc: pointer to the last prefetched HW descriptor * @last_prefetched_sw_desc: input & output param of last prefetch SW desc * * Return: None */ static inline void dp_rx_prefetch_hw_sw_nbuf_desc(struct dp_soc *soc, hal_soc_handle_t hal_soc, uint32_t num_entries, hal_ring_handle_t hal_ring_hdl, hal_ring_desc_t *last_prefetched_hw_desc, struct dp_rx_desc **last_prefetched_sw_desc) { if (*last_prefetched_sw_desc) { qdf_prefetch((uint8_t *)(*last_prefetched_sw_desc)->nbuf); qdf_prefetch((uint8_t *)(*last_prefetched_sw_desc)->nbuf + 64); } if (num_entries) { *last_prefetched_sw_desc = dp_rx_cookie_2_va_rxdma_buf_prefetch(soc, HAL_RX_REO_BUF_COOKIE_GET(*last_prefetched_hw_desc)); *last_prefetched_hw_desc = hal_srng_dst_prefetch_next_cached_desc(hal_soc, hal_ring_hdl, (uint8_t *)*last_prefetched_hw_desc); } } #else static inline void dp_rx_prefetch_hw_sw_nbuf_desc(struct dp_soc *soc, hal_soc_handle_t hal_soc, uint32_t quota, hal_ring_handle_t hal_ring_hdl, hal_ring_desc_t *last_prefetched_hw_desc, struct dp_rx_desc **last_prefetched_sw_desc) { } #endif static inline QDF_STATUS dp_peer_rx_reorder_queue_setup_li(struct dp_soc *soc, struct dp_peer *peer, uint32_t tid_bitmap, uint32_t ba_window_size) { int tid; struct dp_rx_tid *rx_tid; if (!soc->cdp_soc.ol_ops->peer_rx_reorder_queue_setup) { dp_peer_debug("peer_rx_reorder_queue_setup NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } for (tid = 0; tid < DP_MAX_TIDS; tid++) { if (!(BIT(tid) & tid_bitmap)) continue; rx_tid = &peer->rx_tid[tid]; if (!rx_tid->hw_qdesc_paddr) { tid_bitmap &= ~BIT(tid); continue; } if (soc->cdp_soc.ol_ops->peer_rx_reorder_queue_setup( soc->ctrl_psoc, peer->vdev->pdev->pdev_id, peer->vdev->vdev_id, peer->mac_addr.raw, rx_tid->hw_qdesc_paddr, tid, tid, 1, ba_window_size)) { dp_peer_err("%pK: Fail to send reo q setup. tid %d", soc, tid); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } if (!tid_bitmap) { dp_peer_err("tid_bitmap=0. All tids setup fail"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * dp_rx_wbm_err_reap_desc_li() - Function to reap and replenish * WBM RX Error descriptors * * @int_ctx: pointer to DP interrupt context * @soc: core DP main context * @hal_ring_hdl: opaque pointer to the HAL Rx Error Ring, to be serviced * @quota: No. of units (packets) that can be serviced in one shot. * @rx_bufs_used: No. of descriptors reaped * * This function implements the core Rx functionality like reap and * replenish the RX error ring Descriptors, and create a nbuf list * out of it. It also reads wbm error information from descriptors * and update the nbuf tlv area. * * Return: qdf_nbuf_t: head pointer to the nbuf list created */ qdf_nbuf_t dp_rx_wbm_err_reap_desc_li(struct dp_intr *int_ctx, struct dp_soc *soc, hal_ring_handle_t hal_ring_hdl, uint32_t quota, uint32_t *rx_bufs_used); /** * dp_rx_null_q_desc_handle_li() - Function to handle NULL Queue * descriptor violation on either a * REO or WBM ring * * @soc: core DP main context * @nbuf: buffer pointer * @rx_tlv_hdr: start of rx tlv header * @pool_id: mac id * @txrx_peer: txrx peer handle * @is_reo_exception: flag to check if the error is from REO or WBM * @link_id: link Id on which packet is received * * This function handles NULL queue descriptor violations arising out * a missing REO queue for a given peer or a given TID. This typically * may happen if a packet is received on a QOS enabled TID before the * ADDBA negotiation for that TID, when the TID queue is setup. Or * it may also happen for MC/BC frames if they are not routed to the * non-QOS TID queue, in the absence of any other default TID queue. * This error can show up both in a REO destination or WBM release ring. * * Return: QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS, if nbuf handled successfully. QDF status code * if nbuf could not be handled or dropped. */ QDF_STATUS dp_rx_null_q_desc_handle_li(struct dp_soc *soc, qdf_nbuf_t nbuf, uint8_t *rx_tlv_hdr, uint8_t pool_id, struct dp_txrx_peer *txrx_peer, bool is_reo_exception, uint8_t link_id); #endif