/* Copyright (c) 2022, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_H_ #define _OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #include "mlo_sta_id_details.h" #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS 22 #define NUM_OF_QWORDS_OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS 11 struct ofdma_trigger_details { #ifndef WIFI_BIT_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN uint32_t ax_trigger_source : 1, // [0:0] rx_trigger_frame_user_source : 2, // [2:1] received_bandwidth : 3, // [5:3] txop_duration_all_ones : 1, // [6:6] eht_trigger_response : 1, // [7:7] pre_rssi_comb : 8, // [15:8] rssi_comb : 8, // [23:16] rxpcu_pcie_l0_req_duration : 8; // [31:24] uint32_t he_trigger_ul_ppdu_length : 5, // [4:0] he_trigger_ru_allocation : 8, // [12:5] he_trigger_dl_tx_power : 5, // [17:13] he_trigger_ul_target_rssi : 5, // [22:18] he_trigger_ul_mcs : 2, // [24:23] he_trigger_reserved : 1, // [25:25] bss_color : 6; // [31:26] uint32_t trigger_type : 4, // [3:0] lsig_response_length : 12, // [15:4] cascade_indication : 1, // [16:16] carrier_sense : 1, // [17:17] bandwidth : 2, // [19:18] cp_ltf_size : 2, // [21:20] mu_mimo_ltf_mode : 1, // [22:22] number_of_ltfs : 3, // [25:23] stbc : 1, // [26:26] ldpc_extra_symbol : 1, // [27:27] ap_tx_power_lsb_part : 4; // [31:28] uint32_t ap_tx_power_msb_part : 2, // [1:0] packet_extension_a_factor : 2, // [3:2] packet_extension_pe_disambiguity : 1, // [4:4] spatial_reuse : 16, // [20:5] doppler : 1, // [21:21] he_siga_reserved : 9, // [30:22] reserved_3b : 1; // [31:31] uint32_t aid12 : 12, // [11:0] ru_allocation : 9, // [20:12] mcs : 4, // [24:21] dcm : 1, // [25:25] start_spatial_stream : 3, // [28:26] number_of_spatial_stream : 3; // [31:29] uint32_t target_rssi : 7, // [6:0] coding_type : 1, // [7:7] mpdu_mu_spacing_factor : 2, // [9:8] tid_aggregation_limit : 3, // [12:10] reserved_5b : 1, // [13:13] prefered_ac : 2, // [15:14] bar_control_ack_policy : 1, // [16:16] bar_control_multi_tid : 1, // [17:17] bar_control_compressed_bitmap : 1, // [18:18] bar_control_reserved : 9, // [27:19] bar_control_tid_info : 4; // [31:28] uint32_t nr0_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr0_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr0_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr0_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr1_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr1_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr1_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr1_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr2_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr2_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr2_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr2_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr3_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr3_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr3_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr3_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr4_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr4_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr4_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr4_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr5_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr5_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr5_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr5_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr6_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr6_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr6_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr6_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t nr7_per_tid_info_reserved : 12, // [11:0] nr7_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr7_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr7_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12; // [31:20] uint32_t fb_segment_retransmission_bitmap : 8, // [7:0] reserved_14a : 2, // [9:8] u_sig_puncture_pattern_encoding : 6, // [15:10] dot11be_puncture_bitmap : 16; // [31:16] uint32_t rx_chain_mask : 8, // [7:0] rx_duration_field : 16, // [23:8] scrambler_seed : 7, // [30:24] rx_chain_mask_type : 1; // [31:31] struct mlo_sta_id_details mlo_sta_id_details_rx; uint16_t normalized_pre_rssi_comb : 8, // [23:16] normalized_rssi_comb : 8; // [31:24] uint32_t sw_peer_id : 16, // [15:0] response_tx_duration : 16; // [31:16] uint32_t ranging_trigger_subtype : 4, // [3:0] tbr_trigger_common_info_79_68 : 12, // [15:4] tbr_trigger_sound_reserved_20_12 : 9, // [24:16] i2r_rep : 3, // [27:25] tbr_trigger_sound_reserved_25_24 : 2, // [29:28] reserved_18a : 1, // [30:30] qos_null_only_response_tx : 1; // [31:31] uint32_t tbr_trigger_sound_sac : 16, // [15:0] reserved_19a : 8, // [23:16] u_sig_reserved2 : 5, // [28:24] reserved_19b : 3; // [31:29] uint32_t eht_special_aid12 : 12, // [11:0] phy_version : 3, // [14:12] bandwidth_ext : 2, // [16:15] eht_spatial_reuse : 8, // [24:17] u_sig_reserved1 : 7; // [31:25] uint32_t eht_trigger_special_user_info_71_40 : 32; // [31:0] #else uint32_t rxpcu_pcie_l0_req_duration : 8, // [31:24] rssi_comb : 8, // [23:16] pre_rssi_comb : 8, // [15:8] eht_trigger_response : 1, // [7:7] txop_duration_all_ones : 1, // [6:6] received_bandwidth : 3, // [5:3] rx_trigger_frame_user_source : 2, // [2:1] ax_trigger_source : 1; // [0:0] uint32_t bss_color : 6, // [31:26] he_trigger_reserved : 1, // [25:25] he_trigger_ul_mcs : 2, // [24:23] he_trigger_ul_target_rssi : 5, // [22:18] he_trigger_dl_tx_power : 5, // [17:13] he_trigger_ru_allocation : 8, // [12:5] he_trigger_ul_ppdu_length : 5; // [4:0] uint32_t ap_tx_power_lsb_part : 4, // [31:28] ldpc_extra_symbol : 1, // [27:27] stbc : 1, // [26:26] number_of_ltfs : 3, // [25:23] mu_mimo_ltf_mode : 1, // [22:22] cp_ltf_size : 2, // [21:20] bandwidth : 2, // [19:18] carrier_sense : 1, // [17:17] cascade_indication : 1, // [16:16] lsig_response_length : 12, // [15:4] trigger_type : 4; // [3:0] uint32_t reserved_3b : 1, // [31:31] he_siga_reserved : 9, // [30:22] doppler : 1, // [21:21] spatial_reuse : 16, // [20:5] packet_extension_pe_disambiguity : 1, // [4:4] packet_extension_a_factor : 2, // [3:2] ap_tx_power_msb_part : 2; // [1:0] uint32_t number_of_spatial_stream : 3, // [31:29] start_spatial_stream : 3, // [28:26] dcm : 1, // [25:25] mcs : 4, // [24:21] ru_allocation : 9, // [20:12] aid12 : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t bar_control_tid_info : 4, // [31:28] bar_control_reserved : 9, // [27:19] bar_control_compressed_bitmap : 1, // [18:18] bar_control_multi_tid : 1, // [17:17] bar_control_ack_policy : 1, // [16:16] prefered_ac : 2, // [15:14] reserved_5b : 1, // [13:13] tid_aggregation_limit : 3, // [12:10] mpdu_mu_spacing_factor : 2, // [9:8] coding_type : 1, // [7:7] target_rssi : 7; // [6:0] uint32_t nr0_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr0_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr0_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr0_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr1_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr1_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr1_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr1_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr2_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr2_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr2_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr2_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr3_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr3_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr3_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr3_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr4_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr4_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr4_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr4_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr5_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr5_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr5_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr5_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr6_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr6_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr6_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr6_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t nr7_start_seq_ctrl_start_seq_number : 12, // [31:20] nr7_start_seq_ctrl_frag_number : 4, // [19:16] nr7_per_tid_info_tid_value : 4, // [15:12] nr7_per_tid_info_reserved : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t dot11be_puncture_bitmap : 16, // [31:16] u_sig_puncture_pattern_encoding : 6, // [15:10] reserved_14a : 2, // [9:8] fb_segment_retransmission_bitmap : 8; // [7:0] uint32_t rx_chain_mask_type : 1, // [31:31] scrambler_seed : 7, // [30:24] rx_duration_field : 16, // [23:8] rx_chain_mask : 8; // [7:0] uint32_t normalized_rssi_comb : 8, // [31:24] normalized_pre_rssi_comb : 8; // [23:16] struct mlo_sta_id_details mlo_sta_id_details_rx; uint32_t response_tx_duration : 16, // [31:16] sw_peer_id : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t qos_null_only_response_tx : 1, // [31:31] reserved_18a : 1, // [30:30] tbr_trigger_sound_reserved_25_24 : 2, // [29:28] i2r_rep : 3, // [27:25] tbr_trigger_sound_reserved_20_12 : 9, // [24:16] tbr_trigger_common_info_79_68 : 12, // [15:4] ranging_trigger_subtype : 4; // [3:0] uint32_t reserved_19b : 3, // [31:29] u_sig_reserved2 : 5, // [28:24] reserved_19a : 8, // [23:16] tbr_trigger_sound_sac : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t u_sig_reserved1 : 7, // [31:25] eht_spatial_reuse : 8, // [24:17] bandwidth_ext : 2, // [16:15] phy_version : 3, // [14:12] eht_special_aid12 : 12; // [11:0] uint32_t eht_trigger_special_user_info_71_40 : 32; // [31:0] #endif }; /* Description AX_TRIGGER_SOURCE */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AX_TRIGGER_SOURCE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AX_TRIGGER_SOURCE_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AX_TRIGGER_SOURCE_MSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AX_TRIGGER_SOURCE_MASK 0x0000000000000001 /* Description RX_TRIGGER_FRAME_USER_SOURCE Field not really needed by PDG, but is there for debugging purposes to be put in event. wildcard trigger for associated STAs wildcard trigger for unassociated STAs */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_TRIGGER_FRAME_USER_SOURCE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_TRIGGER_FRAME_USER_SOURCE_LSB 1 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_TRIGGER_FRAME_USER_SOURCE_MSB 2 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_TRIGGER_FRAME_USER_SOURCE_MASK 0x0000000000000006 /* Description RECEIVED_BANDWIDTH Received Packet bandwidth of the trigger frame. Note that this is not the BW indicated within the trigger frame itself. 20 Mhz BW 40 Mhz BW 80 Mhz BW 160 Mhz BW 320 Mhz BW 240 Mhz BW */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RECEIVED_BANDWIDTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RECEIVED_BANDWIDTH_LSB 3 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RECEIVED_BANDWIDTH_MSB 5 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RECEIVED_BANDWIDTH_MASK 0x0000000000000038 /* Description TXOP_DURATION_ALL_ONES When set, TXOP_DURATION of the received frame was set to all 1s. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TXOP_DURATION_ALL_ONES_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TXOP_DURATION_ALL_ONES_LSB 6 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TXOP_DURATION_ALL_ONES_MSB 6 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TXOP_DURATION_ALL_ONES_MASK 0x0000000000000040 /* Description EHT_TRIGGER_RESPONSE 0: Trigger expects an HE TB PPDU Tx response. 1: Trigger expects an EHT TB PPDU Tx response. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_RESPONSE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_RESPONSE_LSB 7 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_RESPONSE_MSB 7 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_RESPONSE_MASK 0x0000000000000080 /* Description PRE_RSSI_COMB Combined pre_rssi of all chains. Based on primary channel RSSI. RSSI is reported as 8b signed values. Nominally value is in dB units above or below the noisefloor(minCCApwr). The resolution can be: 1dB or 0.5dB. This is statically configured within the PHY and MAC In case of 1dB, the Range is: -128dB to 127dB In case of 0.5dB, the Range is: -64dB to 63.5dB */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PRE_RSSI_COMB_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PRE_RSSI_COMB_LSB 8 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PRE_RSSI_COMB_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PRE_RSSI_COMB_MASK 0x000000000000ff00 /* Description RSSI_COMB Combined rssi of all chains. Based on primary channel RSSI. RSSI is reported as 8b signed values. Nominally value is in dB units above or below the noisefloor(minCCApwr). The resolution can be: 1dB or 0.5dB. This is statically configured within the PHY and MAC In case of 1dB, the Range is: -128dB to 127dB In case of 0.5dB, the Range is: -64dB to 63.5dB */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RSSI_COMB_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RSSI_COMB_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RSSI_COMB_MSB 23 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RSSI_COMB_MASK 0x0000000000ff0000 /* Description RXPCU_PCIE_L0_REQ_DURATION RXPCU fills the duration in µs for which it has asserted the 'L0 request' signal to PCIe when it generates this TLV. This may be capped by either the max. PCIe L1SS exit latency (~75 µs) or the max. value possible for this field. This is filled as zero if ILP is unsupported (e.g. in Maple and Spruce) or disabled. PDG uses this to fill Qos_null_only_response_tx. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RXPCU_PCIE_L0_REQ_DURATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RXPCU_PCIE_L0_REQ_DURATION_LSB 24 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RXPCU_PCIE_L0_REQ_DURATION_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RXPCU_PCIE_L0_REQ_DURATION_MASK 0x00000000ff000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_UL_PPDU_LENGTH Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. length of the HE trigger-based PPDU response. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_PPDU_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_PPDU_LENGTH_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_PPDU_LENGTH_MSB 36 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_PPDU_LENGTH_MASK 0x0000001f00000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_RU_ALLOCATION Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. RU allocation for HE based trigger */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RU_ALLOCATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RU_ALLOCATION_LSB 37 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RU_ALLOCATION_MSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RU_ALLOCATION_MASK 0x00001fe000000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_DL_TX_POWER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. Downlink TX power */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_DL_TX_POWER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_DL_TX_POWER_LSB 45 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_DL_TX_POWER_MSB 49 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_DL_TX_POWER_MASK 0x0003e00000000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_UL_TARGET_RSSI Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. Ul target RSSI */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_TARGET_RSSI_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_TARGET_RSSI_LSB 50 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_TARGET_RSSI_MSB 54 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_TARGET_RSSI_MASK 0x007c000000000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_UL_MCS Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. UL MCS */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_MCS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_MCS_LSB 55 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_MCS_MSB 56 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_UL_MCS_MASK 0x0180000000000000 /* Description HE_TRIGGER_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = he_control_based_trigger Field extracted from the HE control field. Reserved field */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RESERVED_LSB 57 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RESERVED_MSB 57 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_TRIGGER_RESERVED_MASK 0x0200000000000000 /* Description BSS_COLOR The BSS color of the AP */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BSS_COLOR_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BSS_COLOR_LSB 58 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BSS_COLOR_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BSS_COLOR_MASK 0xfc00000000000000 /* Description TRIGGER_TYPE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Indicates what kind of response is required to the received OFDMA trigger... Field not really needed by PDG, but is there for debugging purposes to be put in event. TXPCU sends back whatever SW has programmed...for the basic response.. TXPCU is only allowed to send CBF frame(s) back TXPCU shall first send BA info, and optionally followed with data. No info from SCH is expected TXPCU shall only send CTS back. No info from SCH is expected Also known as the BSRP trigger. TXPCU sends back whatever SW has programmed...for the basic response.. Bandwidth Query Report Poll NDP feedback report Poll ranging Trigger Frame of subvariant indicated by Ranging_Trigger_Subtype */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_TYPE_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_TYPE_MSB 3 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_TYPE_MASK 0x000000000000000f /* Description LSIG_RESPONSE_LENGTH Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Indicates the value of the L-SIG Length field of the HE trigger-based PPDU that is the response to the Trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LSIG_RESPONSE_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LSIG_RESPONSE_LENGTH_LSB 4 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LSIG_RESPONSE_LENGTH_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LSIG_RESPONSE_LENGTH_MASK 0x000000000000fff0 /* Description CASCADE_INDICATION Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info When set to 1, then a subsequent Trigger frame follows the current Trigger frame. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CASCADE_INDICATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CASCADE_INDICATION_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CASCADE_INDICATION_MSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CASCADE_INDICATION_MASK 0x0000000000010000 /* Description CARRIER_SENSE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Need to sense the energy before transmit when CS=1 if allocated channel is not available do not transmit . If CS=0 no need to check for idle channel. For region based restrict ignore this bit and always check channel before transmit. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CARRIER_SENSE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CARRIER_SENSE_LSB 17 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CARRIER_SENSE_MSB 17 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CARRIER_SENSE_MASK 0x0000000000020000 /* Description BANDWIDTH Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Indicates the bandwidth in the HE-SIG-A/U-SIG of the HE/EHT Trigger based PPDU Also see field Bandwidth_ext that determines 320 MHz bandwidth for EHT. 20 Mhz 40 Mhz 80 Mhz 160 MHz or 80+80 MHz */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_LSB 18 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_MSB 19 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_MASK 0x00000000000c0000 /* Description CP_LTF_SIZE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Indicates the CP and HE-LTF type 1xLTF + 1.6 us CP 2x LTF + 1.6 µs CP 4x LTF + 3.2 µs CP */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CP_LTF_SIZE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CP_LTF_SIZE_LSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CP_LTF_SIZE_MSB 21 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CP_LTF_SIZE_MASK 0x0000000000300000 /* Description MU_MIMO_LTF_MODE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info MU MIMO LTF mode field indicates the mode in which pilots are allocated Must be set to 0 for HE-Ranging NDPs (11az) or Short-NDP 0: Single-stream pilot 1: Mask LTF sequence of each spatial stream by a distinct orthogonal code */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MU_MIMO_LTF_MODE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MU_MIMO_LTF_MODE_LSB 22 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MU_MIMO_LTF_MODE_MSB 22 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MU_MIMO_LTF_MODE_MASK 0x0000000000400000 /* Description NUMBER_OF_LTFS Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info includes the total number of LTFs the STA must include in the response TRIG PPDU */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_LTFS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_LTFS_LSB 23 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_LTFS_MSB 25 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_LTFS_MASK 0x0000000003800000 /* Description STBC Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info indicates whether STBS is used (for all STAs) It is set to 1 if STBC encoding is used and set to 0 otherwise. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_STBC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_STBC_LSB 26 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_STBC_MSB 26 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_STBC_MASK 0x0000000004000000 /* Description LDPC_EXTRA_SYMBOL Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info indicates the status of LDPC Extra Symbol. It is set to 1 when LDPC extra symbol is present and set to 0 otherwise */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LDPC_EXTRA_SYMBOL_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LDPC_EXTRA_SYMBOL_LSB 27 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LDPC_EXTRA_SYMBOL_MSB 27 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_LDPC_EXTRA_SYMBOL_MASK 0x0000000008000000 /* Description AP_TX_POWER_LSB_PART Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Bits [3:0] of the ap_tx_power indicates the combined average power per 20 MHz bandwidth of all transmit antennas used to transmit the trigger frame at the HE AP. The resolution for the transmit power reported in the Common Info field is 1dB Values 0 to 61 maps to -20 dBm to 40 dBm Other values are reserved. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_LSB_PART_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_LSB_PART_LSB 28 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_LSB_PART_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_LSB_PART_MASK 0x00000000f0000000 /* Description AP_TX_POWER_MSB_PART Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Bits [5:4] of the ap_tx_power See description above */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_MSB_PART_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_MSB_PART_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_MSB_PART_MSB 33 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AP_TX_POWER_MSB_PART_MASK 0x0000000300000000 /* Description PACKET_EXTENSION_A_FACTOR Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info the packet extension duration of the trigger-based PPDU response with these two bits indicating the "a-factor" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_A_FACTOR_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_A_FACTOR_LSB 34 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_A_FACTOR_MSB 35 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_A_FACTOR_MASK 0x0000000c00000000 /* Description PACKET_EXTENSION_PE_DISAMBIGUITY Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info the packet extension duration of the trigger-based PPDU response with this bit indicating the PE-Disambiguity */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_PE_DISAMBIGUITY_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_PE_DISAMBIGUITY_LSB 36 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_PE_DISAMBIGUITY_MSB 36 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PACKET_EXTENSION_PE_DISAMBIGUITY_MASK 0x0000001000000000 /* Description SPATIAL_REUSE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info indicates the value of the Spatial Reuse in the HE-SIGA of the HE_TRIG PPDU transmitted as a response to the Trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SPATIAL_REUSE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SPATIAL_REUSE_LSB 37 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SPATIAL_REUSE_MSB 52 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SPATIAL_REUSE_MASK 0x001fffe000000000 /* Description DOPPLER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info TODO: add description */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOPPLER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOPPLER_LSB 53 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOPPLER_MSB 53 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOPPLER_MASK 0x0020000000000000 /* Description HE_SIGA_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info indicates the values of the reserved bits in the HE-SIGA of the HE_TRIG PPDU transmitted as a response to the Trigger frame In case of an EHT AP, bits [23:22] indicate the bits [55:54] of the Trigger 'Common Info' called 'Special User Info Field Present' and 'HE/EHT P160.' These are used along with Reserved_18a to determine the presence of the EHT 'Special User Info' field and EHT_trigger_response. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_SIGA_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_SIGA_RESERVED_LSB 54 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_SIGA_RESERVED_MSB 62 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_HE_SIGA_RESERVED_MASK 0x7fc0000000000000 /* Description RESERVED_3B Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Common trigger info Reserved bit 63 in the Trigger 'Common Info' */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_3B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_3B_LSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_3B_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_3B_MASK 0x8000000000000000 /* Description AID12 Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info The AID12 subfield of the Per User Info field indicates the LSB 12 bits of the AID of the STA allocated the RU to transmit the MPDU(s) in the HE trigger-based PPDU Note strictly needed, but added here for debugging purposes. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AID12_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AID12_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AID12_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_AID12_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description RU_ALLOCATION Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info trigger based RU definition If EHT_trigger_response = 0, only lower 8 bits are valid. If EHT_trigger_response = 1, all 9 bits re valid. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RU_ALLOCATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RU_ALLOCATION_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RU_ALLOCATION_MSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RU_ALLOCATION_MASK 0x00000000001ff000 /* Description MCS Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info indicates the MCS of the HE trigger-based PPDU response of the STA identified by User Identifier field */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MCS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MCS_LSB 21 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MCS_MSB 24 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MCS_MASK 0x0000000001e00000 /* Description DCM Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info indicates dual carrier modulation of the HE trigger-based PPDU response of the STA identified by User Identifier subfield. A value of 1 indicates that the HE trigger-based PPDU response shall use DCM. Set to 0 to indicate that DCM shall not be used */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DCM_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DCM_LSB 25 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DCM_MSB 25 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DCM_MASK 0x0000000002000000 /* Description START_SPATIAL_STREAM Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info Indicates the starting spatial stream, STARTING_SS_NUM, and is set to STARTING_SS_NUM - 1 of the HE trigger-based PPDU response of the STA identified by User Identifier field. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_START_SPATIAL_STREAM_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_START_SPATIAL_STREAM_LSB 26 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_START_SPATIAL_STREAM_MSB 28 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_START_SPATIAL_STREAM_MASK 0x000000001c000000 /* Description NUMBER_OF_SPATIAL_STREAM Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info indicates the number of spatial streams, NUM_SS and is set to NUM_SS - 1, of the HE trigger-based PPDU response of the STA identified by User Identifier field. In case of EHT_trigger_response=1, RXPCU fills the MSB of STARTING_SS_NUM in bit 31. If this is set, it will cause PDG to indicate to PHY > 4-stream transmission resulting in an abort in EHT R1 chips. TODO: Cleanup for EHT R2 chips */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_SPATIAL_STREAM_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_SPATIAL_STREAM_LSB 29 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_SPATIAL_STREAM_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NUMBER_OF_SPATIAL_STREAM_MASK 0x00000000e0000000 /* Description TARGET_RSSI Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info Indicates the target received signal power of the the HE trigger-based PPDU response. The resolution for the Target RSSI in the Per User Info field is 1dB Values 0 to 90 maps to -110 dBm to -20 dBm Other values are reserved. Value 127 indicates to the STA to transmit an HE triggerbased PPDU response at its maximum transmit power for the assigned MCS. If Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger and Ranging_Trigger_Subtype = TF_Sound or TF_Secure_Sound, value 127 indicates to the STA to transmit an HE TB-ranging NDP response at its maximum transmit power for MCS 0. Used for power control algorithm */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TARGET_RSSI_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TARGET_RSSI_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TARGET_RSSI_MSB 38 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TARGET_RSSI_MASK 0x0000007f00000000 /* Description CODING_TYPE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info indicates the code type of the HE trigger-based PPDU response of the STA identified by User Identifier subfield. 0: BCC 1: LDPC */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CODING_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CODING_TYPE_LSB 39 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CODING_TYPE_MSB 39 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_CODING_TYPE_MASK 0x0000008000000000 /* Description MPDU_MU_SPACING_FACTOR Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Basic trigger variant user info */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MPDU_MU_SPACING_FACTOR_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MPDU_MU_SPACING_FACTOR_LSB 40 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MPDU_MU_SPACING_FACTOR_MSB 41 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MPDU_MU_SPACING_FACTOR_MASK 0x0000030000000000 /* Description TID_AGGREGATION_LIMIT Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Basic trigger variant user info indicates the of the number of TIDs that can be aggregated by a STA in a multi-TID A-MPDU carried in the responding Trigger-based PPDU Napier AX and Hastings: TXPCU will also evaluate this field, when trigger type is Basic trigger. In that case, when this field is 0, TXPCU will not send any data from user 0, but will immediately go to user 1, which has the QoSNULL data frames... TODO: change for Hawkeye 2.0 */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TID_AGGREGATION_LIMIT_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TID_AGGREGATION_LIMIT_LSB 42 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TID_AGGREGATION_LIMIT_MSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TID_AGGREGATION_LIMIT_MASK 0x00001c0000000000 /* Description RESERVED_5B */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_5B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_5B_LSB 45 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_5B_MSB 45 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_5B_MASK 0x0000200000000000 /* Description PREFERED_AC Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Basic trigger variant user info */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PREFERED_AC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PREFERED_AC_LSB 46 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PREFERED_AC_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PREFERED_AC_MASK 0x0000c00000000000 /* Description BAR_CONTROL_ACK_POLICY Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Bar control field ack policy extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_ACK_POLICY_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_ACK_POLICY_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_ACK_POLICY_MSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_ACK_POLICY_MASK 0x0001000000000000 /* Description BAR_CONTROL_MULTI_TID Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Bar control field multi_tid extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_MULTI_TID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_MULTI_TID_LSB 49 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_MULTI_TID_MSB 49 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_MULTI_TID_MASK 0x0002000000000000 /* Description BAR_CONTROL_COMPRESSED_BITMAP Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Bar control field compressed bitmap extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_LSB 50 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_MSB 50 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_MASK 0x0004000000000000 /* Description BAR_CONTROL_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Bar control field reserved part extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_RESERVED_LSB 51 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_RESERVED_MSB 59 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_RESERVED_MASK 0x0ff8000000000000 /* Description BAR_CONTROL_TID_INFO Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Bar control field tid info extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_TID_INFO_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_TID_INFO_LSB 60 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_TID_INFO_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BAR_CONTROL_TID_INFO_MASK 0xf000000000000000 /* Description NR0_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=0 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description NR0_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=0 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x000000000000f000 /* Description NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=0 OR Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Basic Block ACK request Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 19 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000000f0000 /* Description NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=0 OR Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Basic Block ACK request Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR0_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000fff00000 /* Description NR1_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=1 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 43 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x00000fff00000000 /* Description NR1_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=1 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x0000f00000000000 /* Description NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=1 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 51 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x000f000000000000 /* Description NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=1 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 52 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR1_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0xfff0000000000000 /* Description NR2_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=2 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description NR2_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=2 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x000000000000f000 /* Description NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=2 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 19 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000000f0000 /* Description NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=2 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR2_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000fff00000 /* Description NR3_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=3 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 43 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x00000fff00000000 /* Description NR3_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=3 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x0000f00000000000 /* Description NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=3 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 51 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x000f000000000000 /* Description NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=3 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000020 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 52 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR3_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0xfff0000000000000 /* Description NR4_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=4 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description NR4_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=4 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x000000000000f000 /* Description NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=4 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 19 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000000f0000 /* Description NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=4 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR4_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000fff00000 /* Description NR5_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=5 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 43 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x00000fff00000000 /* Description NR5_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=5 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x0000f00000000000 /* Description NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=5 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 51 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x000f000000000000 /* Description NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=5 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000028 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 52 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR5_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0xfff0000000000000 /* Description NR6_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=6 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description NR6_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=6 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x000000000000f000 /* Description NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=6 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 19 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000000f0000 /* Description NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=6 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 20 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR6_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0x00000000fff00000 /* Description NR7_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=7 Per TID info, field "Reserved Field" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MSB 43 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_RESERVED_MASK 0x00000fff00000000 /* Description NR7_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=7 Per TID info, field "TID value" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_LSB 44 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_PER_TID_INFO_TID_VALUE_MASK 0x0000f00000000000 /* Description NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field only valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=7 Start Sequence control, subfield fragment */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MSB 51 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_FRAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x000f000000000000 /* Description NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame MU-BAR trigger variant user info Field valid if the BAR control type indicates Multi-TID and BAR_control_TID_info >=7 Start Sequence control, subfield Start sequence number */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000030 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 52 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NR7_START_SEQ_CTRL_START_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0xfff0000000000000 /* Description FB_SEGMENT_RETRANSMISSION_BITMAP Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame Beamforming_report_poll trigger variant user info Segment information field extracted from the trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_FB_SEGMENT_RETRANSMISSION_BITMAP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_FB_SEGMENT_RETRANSMISSION_BITMAP_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_FB_SEGMENT_RETRANSMISSION_BITMAP_MSB 7 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_FB_SEGMENT_RETRANSMISSION_BITMAP_MASK 0x00000000000000ff /* Description RESERVED_14A */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_14A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_14A_LSB 8 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_14A_MSB 9 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_14A_MASK 0x0000000000000300 /* Description U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING This field is only valid if the trigger was received in an EHT PPDU. The 6-bit value used in U-SIG and/or EHT-SIG Common field for the puncture pattern */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_LSB 10 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_MASK 0x000000000000fc00 /* Description DOT11BE_PUNCTURE_BITMAP This field is only valid if the trigger was received in an EHT PPDU. The bitmap of 20 MHz sub-bands valid in the EHT PPDU reception RXPCU gets this from the received U-SIG and/or EHT-SIG via PHY microcode. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOT11BE_PUNCTURE_BITMAP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOT11BE_PUNCTURE_BITMAP_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOT11BE_PUNCTURE_BITMAP_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_DOT11BE_PUNCTURE_BITMAP_MASK 0x00000000ffff0000 /* Description RX_CHAIN_MASK Description dependent on the setting of field Rx_chain_mask_type. The chain mask at the start of the reception of this frame when Rx_chain_mask_type is set to 1'b0. In this mode used in 11ax TPC calculations for UL OFDMA/MIMO and has to be in sync with the rssi_comb value as this is also used by the MAC for the TPC calculations. The final rx chain mask used for the frame reception when Rx_chain_mask_type is set to 1'b1 each bit is one antenna 0: the chain is NOT used 1: the chain is used Supports up to 8 chains */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_MSB 39 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_MASK 0x000000ff00000000 /* Description RX_DURATION_FIELD The duration field embedded in the received trigger frame. PDG uses this field to calculate what the duration field value should be in the response frame. This is returned to the TX PCU */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_DURATION_FIELD_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_DURATION_FIELD_LSB 40 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_DURATION_FIELD_MSB 55 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_DURATION_FIELD_MASK 0x00ffff0000000000 /* Description SCRAMBLER_SEED This field provides the 7-bit seed for the data scrambler. Used in response generation to MU-RTS trigger, where CTS needs to have the same scrambler seed as the RTS */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SCRAMBLER_SEED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SCRAMBLER_SEED_LSB 56 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SCRAMBLER_SEED_MSB 62 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SCRAMBLER_SEED_MASK 0x7f00000000000000 /* Description RX_CHAIN_MASK_TYPE Indicates if the field rx_chain_mask represents the mask at start of reception (on which the Rssi_comb value is based), or the setting used during the remainder of the reception 1'b0: rxtd.listen_pri80_mask 1'b1: Final receive mask */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000038 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_TYPE_LSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_TYPE_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RX_CHAIN_MASK_TYPE_MASK 0x8000000000000000 /* Description MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX Bits 10 and 11 are not valid, bits [9:0] reflect 'NSTR_MLO_STA_ID' from address search. See definition of mlo_sta_id_details. Hamilton v1 filled 'Bss_color' in bits [5:0] and 'Qos_null_only_response_tx' in bit [6] here. */ /* Description NSTR_MLO_STA_ID ID of peer participating in non-STR MLO */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_MSB 9 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_MASK 0x00000000000003ff /* Description BLOCK_SELF_ML_SYNC Only valid for TX When set, this provides an indication to block the peer for self-link. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_SELF_ML_SYNC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_SELF_ML_SYNC_LSB 10 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_SELF_ML_SYNC_MSB 10 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_SELF_ML_SYNC_MASK 0x0000000000000400 /* Description BLOCK_PARTNER_ML_SYNC Only valid for TX When set, this provides an indication to block the peer for partner links. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_PARTNER_ML_SYNC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_PARTNER_ML_SYNC_LSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_PARTNER_ML_SYNC_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_BLOCK_PARTNER_ML_SYNC_MASK 0x0000000000000800 /* Description NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_VALID All the fields in this TLV are valid only if this bit is set. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_VALID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_VALID_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_VALID_MSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_NSTR_MLO_STA_ID_VALID_MASK 0x0000000000001000 /* Description RESERVED_0A */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_RESERVED_0A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_RESERVED_0A_LSB 13 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_RESERVED_0A_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_MLO_STA_ID_DETAILS_RX_RESERVED_0A_MASK 0x000000000000e000 /* Description NORMALIZED_PRE_RSSI_COMB Combined pre_rssi of all chains, but "normalized" back to a single chain. This avoids PDG from having to evaluate this in combination with receive chain mask and perform all kinds of pre-processing algorithms. Based on primary channel RSSI. RSSI is reported as 8b signed values. Nominally value is in dB units above or below the noisefloor(minCCApwr). The resolution can be: 1dB or 0.5dB. This is statically configured within the PHY and MAC In case of 1dB, the Range is: -128dB to 127dB In case of 0.5dB, the Range is: -64dB to 63.5dB */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_PRE_RSSI_COMB_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_PRE_RSSI_COMB_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_PRE_RSSI_COMB_MSB 23 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_PRE_RSSI_COMB_MASK 0x0000000000ff0000 /* Description NORMALIZED_RSSI_COMB Combined rssi of all chains, but "normalized" back to a single chain. This avoids PDG from having to evaluate this in combination with receive chain mask and perform all kinds of pre-processing algorithms. Based on primary channel RSSI. RSSI is reported as 8b signed values. Nominally value is in dB units above or below the noisefloor(minCCApwr). The resolution can be: 1dB or 0.5dB. This is statically configured within the PHY and MAC In case of 1dB, the Range is: -128dB to 127dB In case of 0.5dB, the Range is: -64dB to 63.5dB */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_RSSI_COMB_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_RSSI_COMB_LSB 24 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_RSSI_COMB_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_NORMALIZED_RSSI_COMB_MASK 0x00000000ff000000 /* Description SW_PEER_ID Used by the PHY to correlated received trigger frames with an AP and calculate long term statistics for this AP */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SW_PEER_ID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SW_PEER_ID_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SW_PEER_ID_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_SW_PEER_ID_MASK 0x0000ffff00000000 /* Description RESPONSE_TX_DURATION Field filled in by PDG based on the value that is given in field response_Length in the RECEIVED_TRIGGER_INFO TLV The amount of time the transmission of the HW response shall take (in us) */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESPONSE_TX_DURATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000040 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESPONSE_TX_DURATION_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESPONSE_TX_DURATION_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESPONSE_TX_DURATION_MASK 0xffff000000000000 /* Description RANGING_TRIGGER_SUBTYPE Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger Indicates the Trigger subtype for the current ranging TF Hamilton v1 did not include this (and any subsequent) word. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RANGING_TRIGGER_SUBTYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RANGING_TRIGGER_SUBTYPE_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RANGING_TRIGGER_SUBTYPE_MSB 3 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RANGING_TRIGGER_SUBTYPE_MASK 0x000000000000000f /* Description TBR_TRIGGER_COMMON_INFO_79_68 Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger Ranging trigger variant common info Includes fields "Reserved," "Token," "Sounding Dialog Token Number" If the Trigger Dependent Common Info sub-field is less than 16 bits, the upper bits are set to 0. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_COMMON_INFO_79_68_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_COMMON_INFO_79_68_LSB 4 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_COMMON_INFO_79_68_MSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_COMMON_INFO_79_68_MASK 0x000000000000fff0 /* Description TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_20_12 Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger and Ranging_Trigger_Subtype = TF_Sound or TF_Secure_Sound Ranging trigger variant sounding/secure sounding sub-variant user info bits [20:12] */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_20_12_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_20_12_LSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_20_12_MSB 24 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_20_12_MASK 0x0000000001ff0000 /* Description I2R_REP Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger and Ranging_Trigger_Subtype = TF_Sound or TF_Secure_Sound Ranging trigger variant sounding/secure sounding sub-variant user info field "I2R Rep" PDG uses this to to populate Nrep in 'MACTX_11AZ_USER_DESC_PER_USER.' */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_I2R_REP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_I2R_REP_LSB 25 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_I2R_REP_MSB 27 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_I2R_REP_MASK 0x000000000e000000 /* Description TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_25_24 Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger and Ranging_Trigger_Subtype = TF_Sound or TF_Secure_Sound Ranging trigger variant sounding/secure sounding sub-variant user info bits [25:24] */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_25_24_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_25_24_LSB 28 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_25_24_MSB 29 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_RESERVED_25_24_MASK 0x0000000030000000 /* Description RESERVED_18A Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame User trigger info Reserved bit 39 in the Trigger 'User Info' In case of an EHT AP, the bit 39 of the Trigger 'User Info' called 'PS160' is used along with HE_SIGA_Reserved to determine EHT_trigger_response. In case of EHT, 'PS160' is also included in the MSB of field RU_allocation. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_18A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_18A_LSB 30 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_18A_MSB 30 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_18A_MASK 0x0000000040000000 /* Description QOS_NULL_ONLY_RESPONSE_TX Field filled in by PDG based on Rxpcu_PCIe_L0_req_duration If based on the duration for which RXPCU has asserted the 'L0 request' signal to PCIe and the PCIe L1SS exit + MAC + PHY Tx latencies, PDG determines that null delimiters + a programmable minimum MPDU size cannot fit the trigger response, PDG sets this bit. HWSCH uses this bit to determine whether to select only the 'SCHEDULER_CMD' with Trig_resp_qos_null_only set, i.e. which transmit only QoS Nulls. This is filled as zero if ILP is unsupported (e.g. in Maple and Spruce) or disabled. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_QOS_NULL_ONLY_RESPONSE_TX_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_QOS_NULL_ONLY_RESPONSE_TX_LSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_QOS_NULL_ONLY_RESPONSE_TX_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_QOS_NULL_ONLY_RESPONSE_TX_MASK 0x0000000080000000 /* Description TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_SAC Field only valid if Trigger_type = ax_tb_ranging_trigger and Ranging_Trigger_Subtype = TF_Secure_Sound Ranging trigger variant secure sounding sub-variant user info field "SAC" */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_SAC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_SAC_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_SAC_MSB 47 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TBR_TRIGGER_SOUND_SAC_MASK 0x0000ffff00000000 /* Description RESERVED_19A */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19A_LSB 48 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19A_MSB 55 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19A_MASK 0x00ff000000000000 /* Description U_SIG_RESERVED2 Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info Indicates the values of the 5 'disregard' bits [41:37] in the U-SIG of the EHT_TRIG PPDU transmitted as a response to the Trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED2_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED2_LSB 56 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED2_MSB 60 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED2_MASK 0x1f00000000000000 /* Description RESERVED_19B Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info Reserved bits in the Trigger */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000048 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19B_LSB 61 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19B_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_RESERVED_19B_MASK 0xe000000000000000 /* Description EHT_SPECIAL_AID12 Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info The AID12 subfield of the Special User Info field should be '2007' for EHT R1 triggers. Note strictly needed, but added here for debugging purposes. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPECIAL_AID12_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPECIAL_AID12_LSB 0 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPECIAL_AID12_MSB 11 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPECIAL_AID12_MASK 0x0000000000000fff /* Description PHY_VERSION Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info The PHY version should be '0' for EHT R1 triggers. Note strictly needed, but added here for debugging purposes. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PHY_VERSION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PHY_VERSION_LSB 12 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PHY_VERSION_MSB 14 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_PHY_VERSION_MASK 0x0000000000007000 /* Description BANDWIDTH_EXT Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info This along with the field Bandwidth determines the HE-SIG-A/U-SIG BW value for the HE/EHT Trigger-based PPDU. Bandwidth/Bandwidth_ext: 0/0: 20 MHz 1/0: 40 MHz 2/0: 80 MHz 3/1: 160 MHz 3/2: 320 MHz channelization 1 3/3: 320 MHz channelization 2 All other cominations are reserved. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_EXT_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_EXT_LSB 15 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_EXT_MSB 16 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_BANDWIDTH_EXT_MASK 0x0000000000018000 /* Description EHT_SPATIAL_REUSE Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info Indicates the value of the Spatial Reuse in the U-SIG of the EHT_TRIG PPDU transmitted as a response to the Trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPATIAL_REUSE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPATIAL_REUSE_LSB 17 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPATIAL_REUSE_MSB 24 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_SPATIAL_REUSE_MASK 0x0000000001fe0000 /* Description U_SIG_RESERVED1 Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Special User Info Indicates the values of the 6 'disregard' bits [25:20] and 1 'validate' bit [28] in the U-SIG of the EHT_TRIG PPDU transmitted as a response to the Trigger frame */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED1_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED1_LSB 25 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED1_MSB 31 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_U_SIG_RESERVED1_MASK 0x00000000fe000000 /* Description EHT_TRIGGER_SPECIAL_USER_INFO_71_40 Field only valid when ax_trigger_source = 11ax_trigger_frame EHT Trigger Dependent field in Special User Info If the Trigger Dependent User Info sub-field is less than 32 bits, the upper bits are set to 0. */ #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_SPECIAL_USER_INFO_71_40_OFFSET 0x0000000000000050 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_SPECIAL_USER_INFO_71_40_LSB 32 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_SPECIAL_USER_INFO_71_40_MSB 63 #define OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS_EHT_TRIGGER_SPECIAL_USER_INFO_71_40_MASK 0xffffffff00000000 #endif // OFDMA_TRIGGER_DETAILS