/* * * FocalTech TouchScreen driver. * * Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Focaltech Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ /***************************************************************************** * * File Name: focaltech_gestrue.c * * Author: Focaltech Driver Team * * Created: 2016-08-08 * * Abstract: * * Reference: * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * 1.Included header files *****************************************************************************/ #include "focaltech_core.h" /****************************************************************************** * Private constant and macro definitions using #define *****************************************************************************/ #define KEY_GESTURE_U KEY_U #define KEY_GESTURE_UP KEY_UP #define KEY_GESTURE_DOWN KEY_DOWN #define KEY_GESTURE_LEFT KEY_LEFT #define KEY_GESTURE_RIGHT KEY_RIGHT #define KEY_GESTURE_O KEY_O #define KEY_GESTURE_E KEY_E #define KEY_GESTURE_M KEY_M #define KEY_GESTURE_L KEY_L #define KEY_GESTURE_W KEY_W #define KEY_GESTURE_S KEY_S #define KEY_GESTURE_V KEY_V #define KEY_GESTURE_C KEY_C #define KEY_GESTURE_Z KEY_Z #define GESTURE_LEFT 0x20 #define GESTURE_RIGHT 0x21 #define GESTURE_UP 0x22 #define GESTURE_DOWN 0x23 #define GESTURE_DOUBLECLICK 0x24 #define GESTURE_O 0x30 #define GESTURE_W 0x31 #define GESTURE_M 0x32 #define GESTURE_E 0x33 #define GESTURE_L 0x44 #define GESTURE_S 0x46 #define GESTURE_V 0x54 #define GESTURE_Z 0x41 #define GESTURE_C 0x34 /***************************************************************************** * Private enumerations, structures and unions using typedef *****************************************************************************/ /* * gesture_id - mean which gesture is recognised * point_num - points number of this gesture * coordinate_x - All gesture point x coordinate * coordinate_y - All gesture point y coordinate * mode - gesture enable/disable, need enable by host * - 1:enable gesture function(default) 0:disable * active - gesture work flag, * always set 1 when suspend, set 0 when resume */ struct fts_gesture_st { u8 gesture_id; u8 point_num; u16 coordinate_x[FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX]; u16 coordinate_y[FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX]; }; /***************************************************************************** * Static variables *****************************************************************************/ static struct fts_gesture_st fts_gesture_data; /***************************************************************************** * Global variable or extern global variabls/functions *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Static function prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static ssize_t fts_gesture_show( struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { int count = 0; u8 val = 0; struct fts_ts_data *ts_data = fts_data; mutex_lock(&ts_data->input_dev->mutex); fts_read_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, &val); count = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Gesture Mode:%s\n", ts_data->gesture_mode ? "On" : "Off"); count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "Reg(0xD0)=%d\n", val); mutex_unlock(&ts_data->input_dev->mutex); return count; } static ssize_t fts_gesture_store( struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct fts_ts_data *ts_data = fts_data; mutex_lock(&ts_data->input_dev->mutex); if (FTS_SYSFS_ECHO_ON(buf)) { FTS_DEBUG("enable gesture"); ts_data->gesture_mode = ENABLE; } else if (FTS_SYSFS_ECHO_OFF(buf)) { FTS_DEBUG("disable gesture"); ts_data->gesture_mode = DISABLE; } mutex_unlock(&ts_data->input_dev->mutex); return count; } static ssize_t fts_gesture_buf_show( struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { int count = 0; int i = 0; struct input_dev *input_dev = fts_data->input_dev; struct fts_gesture_st *gesture = &fts_gesture_data; mutex_lock(&input_dev->mutex); count = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Gesture ID:%d\n", gesture->gesture_id); count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "Gesture PointNum:%d\n", gesture->point_num); count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "Gesture Points Buffer:\n"); /* save point data,max:6 */ for (i = 0; i < FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX; i++) { count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "%3d(%4d,%4d) ", i, gesture->coordinate_x[i], gesture->coordinate_y[i]); if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "\n"); } count += snprintf(buf + count, PAGE_SIZE, "\n"); mutex_unlock(&input_dev->mutex); return count; } static ssize_t fts_gesture_buf_store( struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { return -EPERM; } /* sysfs gesture node * read example: cat fts_gesture_mode ---read gesture mode * write example:echo 1 > fts_gesture_mode --- write gesture mode to 1 * */ static DEVICE_ATTR(fts_gesture_mode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, fts_gesture_show, fts_gesture_store); /* * read example: cat fts_gesture_buf --- read gesture buf */ static DEVICE_ATTR(fts_gesture_buf, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, fts_gesture_buf_show, fts_gesture_buf_store); static struct attribute *fts_gesture_mode_attrs[] = { &dev_attr_fts_gesture_mode.attr, &dev_attr_fts_gesture_buf.attr, NULL, }; static struct attribute_group fts_gesture_group = { .attrs = fts_gesture_mode_attrs, }; static int fts_create_gesture_sysfs(struct device *dev) { int ret = 0; ret = sysfs_create_group(&dev->kobj, &fts_gesture_group); if (ret) { FTS_ERROR("gesture sys node create fail"); sysfs_remove_group(&dev->kobj, &fts_gesture_group); return ret; } return 0; } static void fts_gesture_report(struct input_dev *input_dev, int gesture_id) { int gesture; FTS_DEBUG("gesture_id:0x%x", gesture_id); switch (gesture_id) { case GESTURE_LEFT: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_LEFT; break; case GESTURE_RIGHT: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_RIGHT; break; case GESTURE_UP: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_UP; break; case GESTURE_DOWN: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_DOWN; break; case GESTURE_DOUBLECLICK: gesture = KEY_POWER; break; case GESTURE_O: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_O; break; case GESTURE_W: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_W; break; case GESTURE_M: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_M; break; case GESTURE_E: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_E; break; case GESTURE_L: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_L; break; case GESTURE_S: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_S; break; case GESTURE_V: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_V; break; case GESTURE_Z: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_Z; break; case GESTURE_C: gesture = KEY_GESTURE_C; break; default: gesture = -1; break; } /* report event key */ if (gesture != -1) { FTS_DEBUG("Gesture Code=%d", gesture); input_report_key(input_dev, gesture, 1); input_sync(input_dev); input_report_key(input_dev, gesture, 0); input_sync(input_dev); } } /***************************************************************************** * Name: fts_gesture_readdata * Brief: Read information about gesture: enable flag/gesture points..., if ges- * ture enable, save gesture points' information, and report to OS. * It will be called this function every intrrupt when FTS_GESTURE_EN = 1 * * gesture data length: 1(enable) + 1(reserve) + 2(header) + 6 * 4 * Input: ts_data - global struct data * data - gesture data buffer if non-flash, else NULL * Output: * Return: 0 - read gesture data successfully, the report data is gesture data * 1 - tp not in suspend/gesture not enable in TP FW * -Exx - error *****************************************************************************/ int fts_gesture_readdata(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data, u8 *data) { int ret = 0; int i = 0; int index = 0; u8 buf[FTS_GESTURE_DATA_LEN] = { 0 }; struct input_dev *input_dev = ts_data->input_dev; struct fts_gesture_st *gesture = &fts_gesture_data; if (!ts_data->suspended || !ts_data->gesture_mode) { return 1; } ret = fts_read_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, &buf[0]); if ((ret < 0) || (buf[0] != ENABLE)) { FTS_DEBUG("gesture not enable in fw, don't process gesture"); return 1; } buf[2] = FTS_REG_GESTURE_OUTPUT_ADDRESS; ret = fts_read(&buf[2], 1, &buf[2], FTS_GESTURE_DATA_LEN - 2); if (ret < 0) { FTS_ERROR("read gesture header data fail"); return ret; } /* init variable before read gesture point */ memset(gesture->coordinate_x, 0, FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX * sizeof(u16)); memset(gesture->coordinate_y, 0, FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX * sizeof(u16)); gesture->gesture_id = buf[2]; gesture->point_num = buf[3]; FTS_DEBUG("gesture_id=%d, point_num=%d", gesture->gesture_id, gesture->point_num); /* save point data,max:6 */ for (i = 0; i < FTS_GESTURE_POINTS_MAX; i++) { index = 4 * i + 4; gesture->coordinate_x[i] = (u16)(((buf[0 + index] & 0x0F) << 8) + buf[1 + index]); gesture->coordinate_y[i] = (u16)(((buf[2 + index] & 0x0F) << 8) + buf[3 + index]); } /* report gesture to OS */ fts_gesture_report(input_dev, gesture->gesture_id); return 0; } void fts_gesture_recovery(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data) { if (ts_data->gesture_mode && ts_data->suspended) { FTS_DEBUG("gesture recovery..."); fts_write_reg(0xD1, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD2, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD5, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD6, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD7, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD8, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, ENABLE); } } int fts_gesture_suspend(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data) { int i = 0; u8 state = 0xFF; FTS_FUNC_ENTER(); if (enable_irq_wake(ts_data->irq)) { FTS_DEBUG("enable_irq_wake(irq:%d) fail", ts_data->irq); } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { fts_write_reg(0xD1, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD2, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD5, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD6, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD7, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(0xD8, 0xFF); fts_write_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, ENABLE); msleep(1); fts_read_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, &state); if (state == ENABLE) break; } if (i >= 5) FTS_ERROR("make IC enter into gesture(suspend) fail,state:%x", state); else FTS_INFO("Enter into gesture(suspend) successfully"); FTS_FUNC_EXIT(); return 0; } int fts_gesture_resume(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data) { int i = 0; u8 state = 0xFF; FTS_FUNC_ENTER(); if (disable_irq_wake(ts_data->irq)) { FTS_DEBUG("disable_irq_wake(irq:%d) fail", ts_data->irq); } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { fts_write_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, DISABLE); msleep(1); fts_read_reg(FTS_REG_GESTURE_EN, &state); if (state == DISABLE) break; } if (i >= 5) FTS_ERROR("make IC exit gesture(resume) fail,state:%x", state); else FTS_INFO("resume from gesture successfully"); FTS_FUNC_EXIT(); return 0; } int fts_gesture_init(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data) { struct input_dev *input_dev = ts_data->input_dev; FTS_FUNC_ENTER(); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_POWER); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_U); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_UP); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_DOWN); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_LEFT); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_RIGHT); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_O); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_E); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_M); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_L); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_W); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_S); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_V); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_Z); input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_KEY, KEY_GESTURE_C); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_RIGHT, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_LEFT, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_UP, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_DOWN, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_U, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_O, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_E, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_M, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_W, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_L, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_S, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_V, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_C, input_dev->keybit); __set_bit(KEY_GESTURE_Z, input_dev->keybit); fts_create_gesture_sysfs(ts_data->dev); memset(&fts_gesture_data, 0, sizeof(struct fts_gesture_st)); ts_data->gesture_mode = FTS_GESTURE_EN; FTS_FUNC_EXIT(); return 0; } int fts_gesture_exit(struct fts_ts_data *ts_data) { FTS_FUNC_ENTER(); sysfs_remove_group(&ts_data->dev->kobj, &fts_gesture_group); FTS_FUNC_EXIT(); return 0; }