/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018,2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include // std::find #include // std::vector #include #include #include #include #include "TestManager.h" #include "TestsUtils.h" #include #include #include "ipa_test_module.h" #include using namespace std; /* Global static pointer used to ensure a single instance of the class. */ TestManager* TestManager::m_instance = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML TestsXMLResult::TestsXMLResult() { xmlNodePtr node; // initialize xml report document and add a root to node it m_XML_doc_ptr = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); if (m_XML_doc_ptr == NULL){ printf("error on allocation xml doc\n"); exit(-1); } node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "testsuites"); if (!node) { printf("failed to allocate XML node\n"); exit (-1); } xmlDocSetRootElement(m_XML_doc_ptr, node); } TestsXMLResult::~TestsXMLResult() { if (m_XML_doc_ptr) xmlFreeDoc(m_XML_doc_ptr); xmlCleanupParser(); } /* * Returns xmlPtr to testsuite element node, if doesn't exist * creates one by that name */ xmlNodePtr TestsXMLResult::GetSuiteElement(const string& suite_name) { xmlNodePtr root_node, suite_node, new_child_node; if (!m_XML_doc_ptr) { printf("no xml document\n"); return NULL; } root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(m_XML_doc_ptr); suite_node = xmlFirstElementChild(root_node); while (suite_node) { /* get suite name */ xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp(suite_node, BAD_CAST "name"); /* change xmlCHar* to string */ string node_suite_name(reinterpret_cast(val)); xmlFree(val); //free val allocated memory if (node_suite_name == suite_name) return suite_node; else suite_node = suite_node->next; } /* If we got here no suitable suite name was found, * so we create a new suite element and return it */ new_child_node = xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "testsuite", BAD_CAST ""); if (!new_child_node) { printf("failed creating new XML node\n"); return NULL; } xmlSetProp(new_child_node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST suite_name.c_str()); return xmlGetLastChild(root_node); } /* * Creates new testcase element */ void TestsXMLResult::AddTestcase(const string &suite_nm, const string &test_nm, double runtime, bool pass) { xmlNodePtr suite_node, new_testcase, fail_node; ostringstream runtime_str; if (!suite_nm.size() || !test_nm.size()) { printf("Input error: suite_nm size %d , test_nm size %d", suite_nm.size(), test_nm.size()); exit(-1); } suite_node = GetSuiteElement(suite_nm); if (!suite_node) { printf("failed getting suite element\n"); exit(-1); } /* Create new testcase element as son to suite element */ new_testcase = xmlNewChild(suite_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "testcase", NULL); if (!new_testcase) { printf("failed creating XML new child for testcase\n"); exit(-1); } xmlSetProp(new_testcase, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST test_nm.c_str()); runtime_str << runtime; xmlSetProp(new_testcase, BAD_CAST "time", BAD_CAST runtime_str.str().c_str()); if (!pass) { fail_node = xmlNewChild(new_testcase, NULL, BAD_CAST "failure", NULL); if (!fail_node) { printf("failed creating fail node\n"); exit(-1); } } } /* * Prints the XML tree to file */ void TestsXMLResult::GenerateXMLReport(void) { if (!m_XML_doc_ptr) { printf("no xml document\n"); return; } xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(XUNIT_REPORT_PATH_AND_NAME, m_XML_doc_ptr, "UTF-8", 1); } #else /* HAVE_LIBXML */ TestsXMLResult::TestsXMLResult() {} TestsXMLResult::~TestsXMLResult() {} void TestsXMLResult::AddTestcase(const string &suite_nm, const string &test_nm, double runtime, bool pass) {} void TestsXMLResult::GenerateXMLReport(void) { printf("No XML support\n"); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML */ TestManager::TestManager( const char* nat_mem_type_ptr) { m_testList.clear(); m_failedTestsNames.clear(); m_numTestsFailed = 0; m_numTestsRun = 0; FetchIPAHwType(); m_nat_mem_type_ptr = nat_mem_type_ptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestManager::~TestManager() { m_testList.clear(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestManager* TestManager::GetInstance( const char* nat_mem_type_ptr) { if (!m_instance) // Only allow one instance of class to be generated. m_instance = new TestManager(nat_mem_type_ptr); return m_instance; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestManager::Register(TestBase &test) { m_testList.push_back(&test); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TestManager::Run(vector testSuiteList, vector testNameList) { TestBase *test = NULL; bool pass = true; vector::iterator testIter; vector::iterator testSuiteIter; bool runTest = false; clock_t begin_test_clk, end_test_clk; double test_runtime_sec = 0, total_time_sec = 0; TestsXMLResult xml_res; if (m_testList.size() == 0) return false; /* PrintRegisteredTests(); */ for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_testList.size() ; i++ , runTest = false) { pass = true; test = m_testList[i]; // Run only tests from the list of test suites which is stated in the command // line. In case the list is empty, run all tests. if (testSuiteList.size() > 0) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < test->m_testSuiteName.size(); j++) { testSuiteIter = find(testSuiteList.begin(), testSuiteList.end(), test->m_testSuiteName[j]); if (testSuiteIter != testSuiteList.end()) { runTest = true; } } } // We also support test by name if (testNameList.size() > 0) { testIter = find(testNameList.begin(), testNameList.end(), test->m_name); if (testIter != testNameList.end()) runTest = true; } // Run the test only if it's applicable to the current IPA HW type / version if (runTest) { if (!(m_IPAHwType >= test->m_minIPAHwType && m_IPAHwType <= test->m_maxIPAHwType)) runTest = false; } if (!runTest) continue; printf("\n\nExecuting test %s\n", test->m_name.c_str()); printf("Description: %s\n", test->m_description.c_str()); printf("Setup()\n"); begin_test_clk = clock(); test->SetMemType(GetMemType()); pass &= test->Setup(); //In case the test's setup did not go well it will be a bad idea to try and run it. if (true == pass) { printf("Run()\n"); pass &= test->Run(); } printf("Teardown()\n"); pass &= test->Teardown(); end_test_clk = clock(); test_runtime_sec = double(end_test_clk - begin_test_clk) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; total_time_sec += test_runtime_sec; if (pass) { m_numTestsRun++; PrintSeparator(test->m_name.size()); printf("Test %s PASSED ! time:%g\n", test->m_name.c_str(), test_runtime_sec); PrintSeparator(test->m_name.size()); } else { m_numTestsRun++; m_numTestsFailed++; m_failedTestsNames.push_back(test->m_name); PrintSeparator(test->m_name.size()); printf("Test %s FAILED ! time:%g\n", test->m_name.c_str(), test_runtime_sec); PrintSeparator(test->m_name.size()); } xml_res.AddTestcase(test->m_testSuiteName[0], test->m_name, test_runtime_sec, pass); } // for // Print summary printf("\n\n"); printf("==================== RESULTS SUMMARY ========================\n"); printf("%zu tests were run, %zu failed, total time:%g.\n", m_numTestsRun, m_numTestsFailed, total_time_sec); if (0 != m_numTestsFailed) { printf("Failed tests list:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numTestsFailed; i++) { printf(" %s\n", m_failedTestsNames[i].c_str()); m_failedTestsNames.pop_back(); } } printf("=============================================================\n"); xml_res.GenerateXMLReport(); return pass; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestManager::PrintSeparator(size_t len) { string separator; for (size_t i = 0; i < len + 15; i++) { separator += "-"; } printf("%s\n", separator.c_str()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestManager::TestManager(TestManager const&) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestManager& TestManager::operator=(TestManager const&) { return *m_instance; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestManager::PrintRegisteredTests() { printf("Test list: (%zu registered)\n", m_testList.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_testList.size(); i++) { printf("%d) name = %s, suite name = %s, regression = %d\n", i, m_testList[i]->m_name.c_str(), m_testList[i]->m_testSuiteName[0].c_str(), m_testList[i]->m_runInRegression); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestManager::FetchIPAHwType() { int fd; // Open ipa_test device node fd = open("/dev/ipa_test" , O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed opening %s. errno %d: %s\n", "/dev/ipa_test", errno, strerror(errno)); m_IPAHwType = IPA_HW_None; return; } printf("%s(), fd is %d\n", __FUNCTION__, fd); m_IPAHwType = (enum ipa_hw_type)ioctl(fd, IPA_TEST_IOC_GET_HW_TYPE); if (-1 == m_IPAHwType) { printf("%s(), IPA_TEST_IOC_GET_HW_TYPE ioctl failed\n", __FUNCTION__); m_IPAHwType = IPA_HW_None; } printf("%s(), IPA HW type (version) = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, m_IPAHwType); close(fd); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////