/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _REO_DESTINATION_RING_H_ #define _REO_DESTINATION_RING_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #include "buffer_addr_info.h" #include "rx_mpdu_desc_info.h" #include "rx_msdu_desc_info.h" // ################ START SUMMARY ################# // // Dword Fields // 0-1 struct buffer_addr_info buf_or_link_desc_addr_info; // 2-3 struct rx_mpdu_desc_info rx_mpdu_desc_info_details; // 4-5 struct rx_msdu_desc_info rx_msdu_desc_info_details; // 6 rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_31_0[31:0] // 7 rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_39_32[7:0], reo_dest_buffer_type[8], reo_push_reason[10:9], reo_error_code[15:11], receive_queue_number[31:16] // 8 soft_reorder_info_valid[0], reorder_opcode[4:1], reorder_slot_index[12:5], reserved_8a[31:13] // 9 reserved_9a[31:0] // 10 reserved_10a[31:0] // 11 reserved_11a[31:0] // 12 reserved_12a[31:0] // 13 reserved_13a[31:0] // 14 reserved_14a[31:0] // 15 reserved_15[19:0], ring_id[27:20], looping_count[31:28] // // ################ END SUMMARY ################# #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_REO_DESTINATION_RING 16 struct reo_destination_ring { struct buffer_addr_info buf_or_link_desc_addr_info; struct rx_mpdu_desc_info rx_mpdu_desc_info_details; struct rx_msdu_desc_info rx_msdu_desc_info_details; uint32_t rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_31_0 : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_39_32 : 8, //[7:0] reo_dest_buffer_type : 1, //[8] reo_push_reason : 2, //[10:9] reo_error_code : 5, //[15:11] receive_queue_number : 16; //[31:16] uint32_t soft_reorder_info_valid : 1, //[0] reorder_opcode : 4, //[4:1] reorder_slot_index : 8, //[12:5] reserved_8a : 19; //[31:13] uint32_t reserved_9a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_10a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_11a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_12a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_13a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_14a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_15 : 20, //[19:0] ring_id : 8, //[27:20] looping_count : 4; //[31:28] }; /* struct buffer_addr_info buf_or_link_desc_addr_info Consumer: REO/SW/FW Producer: RXDMA Details of the physical address of the a buffer or MSDU link descriptor struct rx_mpdu_desc_info rx_mpdu_desc_info_details Consumer: REO/SW/FW Producer: RXDMA General information related to the MPDU that is passed on from REO entrance ring to the REO destination ring struct rx_msdu_desc_info rx_msdu_desc_info_details General information related to the MSDU that is passed on from RXDMA all the way to to the REO destination ring. rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_31_0 Consumer: REO Producer: RXDMA Address (lower 32 bits) of the REO queue descriptor. rx_reo_queue_desc_addr_39_32 Consumer: REO Producer: RXDMA Address (upper 8 bits) of the REO queue descriptor. reo_dest_buffer_type Indicates the type of address provided in the 'Buf_or_link_desc_addr_info' The address of an MSDU buffer The address of the MSDU link descriptor. reo_push_reason Indicates why REO pushed the frame to this exit ring Reo detected an error an pushed this frame to this queue Reo pushed the frame to this queue per received routing instructions. No error within REO was detected reo_error_code Field only valid when 'Reo_push_reason' set to 'reo_error_detected'. Reo queue descriptor provided in the REO_ENTRANCE ring is set to 0 Reo queue descriptor valid bit is NOT set AMPDU frame received without BA session having been setup. Non-BA session, SN equal to SSN, Retry bit set: duplicate frame BA session, duplicate frame A normal (management/data frame) received with 2K jump in SN A bar received with 2K jump in SSN A normal (management/data frame) received with SN falling within the OOR window A bar received with SSN falling within the OOR window A bar received without a BA session A bar received with SSN equal to SN PN Check Failed packet. Frame is forwarded as a result of the 'Seq_2k_error_detected_flag' been set in the REO Queue descriptor Frame is forwarded as a result of the 'pn_error_detected_flag' been set in the REO Queue descriptor Frame is forwarded as a result of the queue descriptor(address) being blocked as SW/FW seems to be currently in the process of making updates to this descriptor... receive_queue_number This field indicates the REO MPDU reorder queue ID from which this frame originated. This field is populated from a field with the same name in the RX_REO_QUEUE descriptor. soft_reorder_info_valid When set, REO has been instructed to not perform the actual re-ordering of frames for this queue, but just to insert the reorder opcodes reorder_opcode Field is valid when 'Soft_reorder_info_valid' is set. This field is always valid for debug purpose as well. Details are in the MLD. the error reason code is in reo_error_code field. reorder_slot_index Field only valid when 'Soft_reorder_info_valid' is set. TODO: add description reserved_8a reserved_9a reserved_10a reserved_11a reserved_12a reserved_13a reserved_14a reserved_15 ring_id The buffer pointer ring ID. 0 refers to the IDLE ring 1 - N refers to other rings Helps with debugging when dumping ring contents. looping_count A count value that indicates the number of times the producer of entries into this Ring has looped around the ring. At initialization time, this value is set to 0. On the first loop, this value is set to 1. After the max value is reached allowed by the number of bits for this field, the count value continues with 0 again. In case SW is the consumer of the ring entries, it can use this field to figure out up to where the producer of entries has created new entries. This eliminates the need to check where the head pointer' of the ring is located once the SW starts processing an interrupt indicating that new entries have been put into this ring... Also note that SW if it wants only needs to look at the LSB bit of this count value. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_0_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_0_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_0_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_MASK 0xffffffff #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_1_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_1_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_1_BUFFER_ADDR_INFO_BUF_OR_LINK_DESC_ADDR_INFO_MASK 0xffffffff #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_2_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_2_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_2_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_MASK 0xffffffff #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_3_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_OFFSET 0x0000000c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_3_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_3_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MPDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_MASK 0xffffffff #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_4_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_OFFSET 0x00000010 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_4_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_4_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_MASK 0xffffffff #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_5_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_OFFSET 0x00000014 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_5_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_5_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_RX_MSDU_DESC_INFO_DETAILS_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_6_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_31_0 Consumer: REO Producer: RXDMA Address (lower 32 bits) of the REO queue descriptor. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_6_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_31_0_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_6_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_31_0_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_6_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_31_0_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_39_32 Consumer: REO Producer: RXDMA Address (upper 8 bits) of the REO queue descriptor. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_39_32_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_39_32_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RX_REO_QUEUE_DESC_ADDR_39_32_MASK 0x000000ff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_DEST_BUFFER_TYPE Indicates the type of address provided in the 'Buf_or_link_desc_addr_info' The address of an MSDU buffer The address of the MSDU link descriptor. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_DEST_BUFFER_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_DEST_BUFFER_TYPE_LSB 8 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_DEST_BUFFER_TYPE_MASK 0x00000100 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_PUSH_REASON Indicates why REO pushed the frame to this exit ring Reo detected an error an pushed this frame to this queue Reo pushed the frame to this queue per received routing instructions. No error within REO was detected */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_PUSH_REASON_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_PUSH_REASON_LSB 9 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_PUSH_REASON_MASK 0x00000600 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_ERROR_CODE Field only valid when 'Reo_push_reason' set to 'reo_error_detected'. Reo queue descriptor provided in the REO_ENTRANCE ring is set to 0 Reo queue descriptor valid bit is NOT set AMPDU frame received without BA session having been setup. Non-BA session, SN equal to SSN, Retry bit set: duplicate frame BA session, duplicate frame A normal (management/data frame) received with 2K jump in SN A bar received with 2K jump in SSN A normal (management/data frame) received with SN falling within the OOR window A bar received with SSN falling within the OOR window A bar received without a BA session A bar received with SSN equal to SN PN Check Failed packet. Frame is forwarded as a result of the 'Seq_2k_error_detected_flag' been set in the REO Queue descriptor Frame is forwarded as a result of the 'pn_error_detected_flag' been set in the REO Queue descriptor Frame is forwarded as a result of the queue descriptor(address) being blocked as SW/FW seems to be currently in the process of making updates to this descriptor... */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_ERROR_CODE_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_ERROR_CODE_LSB 11 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_REO_ERROR_CODE_MASK 0x0000f800 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RECEIVE_QUEUE_NUMBER This field indicates the REO MPDU reorder queue ID from which this frame originated. This field is populated from a field with the same name in the RX_REO_QUEUE descriptor. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RECEIVE_QUEUE_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RECEIVE_QUEUE_NUMBER_LSB 16 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_7_RECEIVE_QUEUE_NUMBER_MASK 0xffff0000 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_SOFT_REORDER_INFO_VALID When set, REO has been instructed to not perform the actual re-ordering of frames for this queue, but just to insert the reorder opcodes */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_SOFT_REORDER_INFO_VALID_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_SOFT_REORDER_INFO_VALID_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_SOFT_REORDER_INFO_VALID_MASK 0x00000001 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_OPCODE Field is valid when 'Soft_reorder_info_valid' is set. This field is always valid for debug purpose as well. Details are in the MLD. the error reason code is in reo_error_code field. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_OPCODE_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_OPCODE_LSB 1 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_OPCODE_MASK 0x0000001e /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_SLOT_INDEX Field only valid when 'Soft_reorder_info_valid' is set. TODO: add description */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_SLOT_INDEX_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_SLOT_INDEX_LSB 5 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_REORDER_SLOT_INDEX_MASK 0x00001fe0 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_RESERVED_8A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_RESERVED_8A_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_RESERVED_8A_LSB 13 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_8_RESERVED_8A_MASK 0xffffe000 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_9_RESERVED_9A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_9_RESERVED_9A_OFFSET 0x00000024 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_9_RESERVED_9A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_9_RESERVED_9A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_10_RESERVED_10A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_10_RESERVED_10A_OFFSET 0x00000028 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_10_RESERVED_10A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_10_RESERVED_10A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_11_RESERVED_11A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_11_RESERVED_11A_OFFSET 0x0000002c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_11_RESERVED_11A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_11_RESERVED_11A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_12_RESERVED_12A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_12_RESERVED_12A_OFFSET 0x00000030 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_12_RESERVED_12A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_12_RESERVED_12A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_13_RESERVED_13A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_13_RESERVED_13A_OFFSET 0x00000034 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_13_RESERVED_13A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_13_RESERVED_13A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_14_RESERVED_14A */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_14_RESERVED_14A_OFFSET 0x00000038 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_14_RESERVED_14A_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_14_RESERVED_14A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RESERVED_15 */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RESERVED_15_OFFSET 0x0000003c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RESERVED_15_LSB 0 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RESERVED_15_MASK 0x000fffff /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RING_ID The buffer pointer ring ID. 0 refers to the IDLE ring 1 - N refers to other rings Helps with debugging when dumping ring contents. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RING_ID_OFFSET 0x0000003c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RING_ID_LSB 20 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_RING_ID_MASK 0x0ff00000 /* Description REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_LOOPING_COUNT A count value that indicates the number of times the producer of entries into this Ring has looped around the ring. At initialization time, this value is set to 0. On the first loop, this value is set to 1. After the max value is reached allowed by the number of bits for this field, the count value continues with 0 again. In case SW is the consumer of the ring entries, it can use this field to figure out up to where the producer of entries has created new entries. This eliminates the need to check where the head pointer' of the ring is located once the SW starts processing an interrupt indicating that new entries have been put into this ring... Also note that SW if it wants only needs to look at the LSB bit of this count value. */ #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_LOOPING_COUNT_OFFSET 0x0000003c #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_LOOPING_COUNT_LSB 28 #define REO_DESTINATION_RING_15_LOOPING_COUNT_MASK 0xf0000000 #endif // _REO_DESTINATION_RING_H_