Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Jiani Liu b458d07087 cnss2: Add wlan PCIe switch property il y a 9 mois
  Shashank Reddy Vulupala f69aced6b8 icnss2: Update ccflags in Makefile il y a 8 mois
  Anuj Khera acef017b76 cnss2: Add support to check if IPA and WLAN share common dma pool il y a 8 mois
  Nijun Gong bbf4e9cd00 cnss2: wait and cancel dms work before dms deinit il y a 8 mois
  Jayachandran Sreekumaran 92d5d3faf6 cnss2: dump_enabled need to be checked before invoking qcom_dump il y a 10 mois
  Nirav Shah 085c1c4748 cnss2: Add support for async data QMI indication il y a 11 mois
  Yu Ouyang e2eff914bc cnss2: Avoid to call NULL plat_env il y a 11 mois
  Yu Wang 6d219d7a90 cnss2: modify the checking for Secure HW feature disabled case il y a 11 mois
  Yeshwanth Sriram Guntuka e488d6bdfb cnss2: Add support to determine Audio shared IOMMU group il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar e38803e8a0 Revert "cnss2: loads different fw binary per running mode" il y a 1 an
  Karthik Kantamneni 0df07c1ee9 cnss2: Add API to get Audio dev direct link cap il y a 1 an
  Huashan Qu b718fd7127 cnss2: Print address range for minidump region il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar f140232c39 cnss2: Fix DEV SOL interrupt issue il y a 1 an
  Lin Bai 5a888e90a2 cnss2: Add segment CALDB support flag in FW Cap il y a 1 an
  Prateek Patil dc9f45faee cnss2: Send QMI message to download TME binaries il y a 1 an
  Yeshwanth Sriram Guntuka 42fc0fe2e5 cnss2: Add support to get LPASS-FW shared memory info il y a 1 an
  Meng Yuan 6bb3f633f3 cnss2: Add PCIe's link resume failed event il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar d897e63881 cnss2: Remove wlan-connection-roaming INI download il y a 1 an
  Yu Wang da6fe13a18 cnss2: free host ramdump device properly il y a 1 an
  Amit Mehta 600b1dfc1c cnss2: Add DP rings to host SSR dump il y a 1 an
  Mohammed Ahmed e1dd6c2585 cnss2: cnss changes for sun compilation il y a 1 an
  Alan Chen 696ac36d11 cnss2: Create new infrastructure for removing sysfs group il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar e9066ddd35 cnss2: Add SMEM based Secure Peripheral check il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar 6f7e807fb9 cnss2: Move repetitive logs to cnss-long IPC logs il y a 1 an
  Zhiwei Yang f0a7661f00 cnss2: Dump event desc history when SSR occurs il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar 3e85d50d6d cnss2: Correctly check for WCNSS_MEM_PRE_ALLOC macro il y a 1 an
  Lin Bai 02c2d4f750 cnss2: Provide platform name if it is required il y a 1 an
  Naman Padhiar bdd3c6bf67 cnss2: Send QMI message to download TME-L patch il y a 1 an
  Shailendra Singh 6ce40d5c60 cnss2: Update time sync period based on tsf sync start/stop il y a 1 an
  Chaoli Zhou 7cd9a66ccc cnss2: Change log level for non-critical cases il y a 1 an