@@ -0,0 +1,1766 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <linux/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/of_platform.h>
+#include <linux/of_address.h>
+#include "hw_fence_drv_priv.h"
+#include "hw_fence_drv_utils.h"
+#include "hw_fence_drv_ipc.h"
+#include "hw_fence_drv_debug.h"
+/* Global atomic lock */
+#define GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, lock, val) global_atomic_store(drv_data, lock, val)
+#define IS_HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE(queue_type) ((queue_type) == HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE - 1)
+ ((queue)->rd_wr_idx_factor && ((queue)->rd_wr_idx_start || (queue)->rd_wr_idx_factor > 1))
+#define IDX_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM_TO_DEFAULT(queue, idx) \
+ (((idx) - (queue)->rd_wr_idx_start) * (queue)->rd_wr_idx_factor)
+#define IDX_TRANSLATE_DEFAULT_TO_CUSTOM(queue, idx) \
+ (((idx) / (queue)->rd_wr_idx_factor) + (queue)->rd_wr_idx_start)
+inline u64 hw_fence_get_qtime(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ return readl_relaxed(drv_data->qtime_io_mem);
+#else /* USE QTIMER */
+ return arch_timer_read_counter();
+static int init_hw_fences_queues(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ enum hw_fence_mem_reserve mem_reserve_id,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr *mem_descriptor,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queues, int queues_num,
+ int client_id)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_table_header *hfi_table_header;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *hfi_queue_header;
+ struct hw_fence_client_type_desc *desc;
+ void *ptr, *qptr;
+ phys_addr_t phys, qphys;
+ u32 size, start_queue_offset, txq_idx_start = 0, txq_idx_factor = 1;
+ int headers_size, queue_size, payload_size;
+ int start_padding = 0, end_padding = 0;
+ int i, ret = 0;
+ bool skip_txq_wr_idx = false;
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("mem_reserve_id:%d client_id:%d\n", mem_reserve_id, client_id);
+ switch (mem_reserve_id) {
+ queue_size = drv_data->hw_fence_ctrl_queue_size;
+ break;
+ if (client_id >= drv_data->clients_num ||
+ !drv_data->hw_fence_client_queue_size[client_id].type) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid client_id:%d for clients_num:%lu\n", client_id,
+ drv_data->clients_num);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ desc = drv_data->hw_fence_client_queue_size[client_id].type;
+ start_padding = desc->start_padding;
+ end_padding = desc->end_padding;
+ headers_size = HW_FENCE_HFI_CLIENT_HEADERS_SIZE(queues_num) + start_padding +
+ end_padding;
+ queue_size = HW_FENCE_CLIENT_QUEUE_PAYLOAD * desc->queue_entries;
+ txq_idx_start = desc->txq_idx_start;
+ txq_idx_factor = desc->txq_idx_factor ? desc->txq_idx_factor : 1;
+ skip_txq_wr_idx = desc->skip_txq_wr_idx;
+ break;
+ default:
+ HWFNC_ERR("Unexpected mem reserve id: %d\n", mem_reserve_id);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Reserve Virtual and Physical memory for HFI headers */
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_reserve_mem(drv_data, mem_reserve_id, &phys, &ptr, &size, client_id);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failed to reserve id:%d client %d\n", mem_reserve_id, client_id);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("phys:0x%x ptr:0x%pK size:%d\n", phys, ptr, size);
+ /* Populate Memory descriptor with address */
+ mem_descriptor->virtual_addr = ptr;
+ mem_descriptor->device_addr = phys;
+ mem_descriptor->size = size; /* bytes */
+ mem_descriptor->mem_data = NULL; /* Currently we don't need any special info */
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("Initialize headers: headers_size:%d start_padding:%d end_padding:%d\n",
+ headers_size, start_padding, end_padding);
+ /* Initialize headers info within hfi memory */
+ hfi_table_header = (struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_table_header *)ptr;
+ hfi_table_header->version = 0;
+ hfi_table_header->size = size; /* bytes */
+ /* Offset, from the Base Address, where the first queue header starts */
+ hfi_table_header->qhdr0_offset = HW_FENCE_HFI_TABLE_HEADER_SIZE + start_padding;
+ hfi_table_header->qhdr_size = HW_FENCE_HFI_QUEUE_HEADER_SIZE;
+ hfi_table_header->num_q = queues_num; /* number of queues */
+ hfi_table_header->num_active_q = queues_num;
+ /* Initialize Queues Info within HFI memory */
+ /*
+ * Calculate offset where hfi queue header starts, which it is at the
+ * end of the hfi table header
+ */
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("Initialize queues\n");
+ hfi_queue_header = (struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *)
+ ((char *)ptr + hfi_table_header->qhdr0_offset);
+ for (i = 0; i < queues_num; i++) {
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("init queue[%d]\n", i);
+ /* Calculate the offset where the Queue starts */
+ start_queue_offset = headers_size + (i * queue_size); /* Bytes */
+ qphys = phys + start_queue_offset; /* start of the PA for the queue elems */
+ qptr = (char *)ptr + start_queue_offset; /* start of the va for queue elems */
+ /* Set the physical start address in the HFI queue header */
+ hfi_queue_header->start_addr = qphys;
+ /* Set the queue type (i.e. RX or TX queue) */
+ hfi_queue_header->type = IS_HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE(i) ? HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE :
+ /* Set the size of this header */
+ hfi_queue_header->queue_size = queue_size;
+ /* Set the payload size */
+ hfi_queue_header->pkt_size = payload_size;
+ /* Set write index for clients' tx queues that index from nonzero value */
+ if (txq_idx_start && IS_HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE(i) && !hfi_queue_header->write_index) {
+ if (skip_txq_wr_idx)
+ hfi_queue_header->tx_wm = txq_idx_start;
+ hfi_queue_header->read_index = txq_idx_start;
+ hfi_queue_header->write_index = txq_idx_start;
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("init:TX_QUEUE client:%d rd_idx=%s=%lu\n", client_id,
+ skip_txq_wr_idx ? "wr_idx=tx_wm" : "wr_idx",
+ txq_idx_start);
+ }
+ /* Update memory for hfi_queue_header */
+ wmb();
+ /* Store Memory info in the Client data */
+ queues[i].va_queue = qptr;
+ queues[i].pa_queue = qphys;
+ queues[i].va_header = hfi_queue_header;
+ queues[i].q_size_bytes = queue_size;
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("init:%s client:%d q[%d] va=0x%pK pa=0x%x hd:0x%pK sz:%u pkt:%d\n",
+ hfi_queue_header->type == HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE ? "TX_QUEUE" : "RX_QUEUE",
+ client_id, i, queues[i].va_queue, queues[i].pa_queue, queues[i].va_header,
+ queues[i].q_size_bytes, payload_size);
+ /* Store additional tx queue rd_wr_idx properties */
+ if (IS_HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE(i)) {
+ queues[i].rd_wr_idx_start = txq_idx_start;
+ queues[i].rd_wr_idx_factor = txq_idx_factor;
+ queues[i].skip_wr_idx = skip_txq_wr_idx;
+ } else {
+ queues[i].rd_wr_idx_factor = 1;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("rd_wr_idx_start:%lu rd_wr_idx_factor:%lu skip_wr_idx:%s\n",
+ queues[i].rd_wr_idx_start, queues[i].rd_wr_idx_factor,
+ queues[i].skip_wr_idx ? "true" : "false");
+ /* Next header */
+ hfi_queue_header++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static inline bool _lock_client_queue(int queue_type)
+ /* Only lock Rx Queue */
+ return (queue_type == (HW_FENCE_RX_QUEUE - 1)) ? true : false;
+char *_get_queue_type(int queue_type)
+ return (queue_type == (HW_FENCE_RX_QUEUE - 1)) ? "RXQ" : "TXQ";
+static void _translate_queue_indexes_custom_to_default(struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue,
+ u32 *read_idx, u32 *write_idx)
+ *read_idx = IDX_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM_TO_DEFAULT(queue, *read_idx);
+ *write_idx = IDX_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM_TO_DEFAULT(queue, *write_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("rd_idx_u32:%lu wr_idx_u32:%lu rd_wr_idx start:%lu factor:%lu\n",
+ *read_idx, *write_idx, queue->rd_wr_idx_start, queue->rd_wr_idx_factor);
+ }
+int hw_fence_read_queue(struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *payload, int queue_type)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue;
+ if (queue_type >= HW_FENCE_CLIENT_QUEUES || !hw_fence_client || !payload) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid queue type:%s hw_fence_client:0x%pK payload:0x%pK\n", queue_type,
+ hw_fence_client, payload);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ queue = &hw_fence_client->queues[queue_type];
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("read client:%lu queue:0x%pK\n", hw_fence_client->client_id, queue);
+ return hw_fence_read_queue_helper(queue, payload);
+int hw_fence_read_queue_helper(struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *payload)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *hfi_header;
+ u32 read_idx, write_idx, to_read_idx;
+ u32 *read_ptr;
+ u32 payload_size_u32, q_size_u32;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *read_ptr_payload;
+ hfi_header = queue->va_header;
+ q_size_u32 = (queue->q_size_bytes / sizeof(u32));
+ payload_size_u32 = (sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload) / sizeof(u32));
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("sizeof payload:%d\n", sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload));
+ if (!hfi_header || !payload) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid queue\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Make sure data is ready before read */
+ mb();
+ /* Get read and write index */
+ read_idx = readl_relaxed(&hfi_header->read_index);
+ write_idx = readl_relaxed(&hfi_header->write_index);
+ /* translate read and write indexes from custom indexing to dwords with no offset */
+ _translate_queue_indexes_custom_to_default(queue, &read_idx, &write_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("read rd_ptr:0x%pK wr_ptr:0x%pK rd_idx:%d wr_idx:%d queue:0x%pK\n",
+ &hfi_header->read_index, &hfi_header->write_index, read_idx, write_idx, queue);
+ if (read_idx == write_idx) {
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("Nothing to read!\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Move the pointer where we need to read and cast it */
+ read_ptr = ((u32 *)queue->va_queue + read_idx);
+ read_ptr_payload = (struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *)read_ptr;
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("read_ptr:0x%pK queue: va=0x%pK pa=0x%pK read_ptr_payload:0x%pK\n", read_ptr,
+ queue->va_queue, queue->pa_queue, read_ptr_payload);
+ /* Calculate the index after the read */
+ to_read_idx = read_idx + payload_size_u32;
+ /*
+ * wrap-around case, here we are reading the last element of the queue, therefore set
+ * to_read_idx, which is the index after the read, to the beginning of the
+ * queue
+ */
+ if (to_read_idx >= q_size_u32)
+ to_read_idx = 0;
+ /* translate to_read_idx to custom indexing with offset */
+ to_read_idx = IDX_TRANSLATE_DEFAULT_TO_CUSTOM(queue, to_read_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("translated to_read_idx:%lu rd_wr_idx start:%lu factor:%lu\n",
+ to_read_idx, queue->rd_wr_idx_start, queue->rd_wr_idx_factor);
+ }
+ /* Read the Client Queue */
+ *payload = *read_ptr_payload;
+ /* update the read index */
+ writel_relaxed(to_read_idx, &hfi_header->read_index);
+ /* update memory for the index */
+ wmb();
+ /* Return one if queue still has contents after read */
+ return to_read_idx == write_idx ? 0 : 1;
+static int _get_update_queue_params(struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header **hfi_header, u32 *q_size_u32, u32 *payload_size,
+ u32 *payload_size_u32, u32 **wr_ptr)
+ if (!queue) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("invalid queue\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *hfi_header = queue->va_header;
+ if (!*hfi_header) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid queue hfi_header\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *q_size_u32 = (queue->q_size_bytes / sizeof(u32));
+ *payload_size = sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload);
+ *payload_size_u32 = (*payload_size / sizeof(u32));
+ /* if skipping update wr_index, then use hfi_header->tx_wm instead */
+ if (queue->skip_wr_idx)
+ *wr_ptr = &((*hfi_header)->tx_wm);
+ else
+ *wr_ptr = &((*hfi_header)->write_index);
+ return 0;
+ * This function writes to the queue of the client. The 'queue_type' determines
+ * if this function is writing to the rx or tx queue
+ */
+int hw_fence_update_queue(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, u64 ctxt_id, u64 seqno, u64 hash,
+ u64 flags, u64 client_data, u32 error, int queue_type)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *hfi_header;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue;
+ u32 read_idx;
+ u32 write_idx;
+ u32 to_write_idx;
+ u32 q_size_u32;
+ u32 q_free_u32;
+ u32 *q_payload_write_ptr;
+ u32 payload_size, payload_size_u32;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *write_ptr_payload;
+ bool lock_client = false;
+ u32 lock_idx;
+ u64 timestamp;
+ u32 *wr_ptr;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (queue_type >= hw_fence_client->queues_num) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid queue type:%d client_id:%d q_num:%lu\n", queue_type,
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, hw_fence_client->queues_num);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ queue = &hw_fence_client->queues[queue_type];
+ if (_get_update_queue_params(queue, &hfi_header, &q_size_u32, &payload_size,
+ &payload_size_u32, &wr_ptr)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid client:%d q_type:%d queue\n", hw_fence_client->client_id,
+ queue_type);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We need to lock the client if there is an Rx Queue update, since that
+ * is the only time when HW Fence driver can have a race condition updating
+ * the Rx Queue, which also could be getting updated by the Fence CTL
+ */
+ lock_client = _lock_client_queue(queue_type);
+ if (lock_client) {
+ lock_idx = hw_fence_client->client_id - 1;
+ if (lock_idx >= drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("lock for client id:%d exceed max:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("Locking client id:%d: idx:%d\n", hw_fence_client->client_id, lock_idx);
+ /* lock the client rx queue to update */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &drv_data->client_lock_tbl[lock_idx], 1); /* lock */
+ }
+ /* Make sure data is ready before read */
+ mb();
+ /* Get read and write index */
+ read_idx = readl_relaxed(&hfi_header->read_index);
+ write_idx = readl_relaxed(wr_ptr);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("wr client:%d r_ptr:0x%pK w_ptr:0x%pK r_idx:%d w_idx:%d q:0x%pK type:%d s:%s\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, &hfi_header->read_index, wr_ptr,
+ read_idx, write_idx, queue, queue_type, queue->skip_wr_idx ? "true" : "false");
+ /* translate read and write indexes from custom indexing to dwords with no offset */
+ _translate_queue_indexes_custom_to_default(queue, &read_idx, &write_idx);
+ /* Check queue to make sure message will fit */
+ q_free_u32 = read_idx <= write_idx ? (q_size_u32 - (write_idx - read_idx)) :
+ (read_idx - write_idx);
+ if (q_free_u32 <= payload_size_u32) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("cannot fit the message size:%d\n", payload_size_u32);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("q_free_u32:%d payload_size_u32:%d\n", q_free_u32, payload_size_u32);
+ /* Move the pointer where we need to write and cast it */
+ q_payload_write_ptr = ((u32 *)queue->va_queue + write_idx);
+ write_ptr_payload = (struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *)q_payload_write_ptr;
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("q_payload_write_ptr:0x%pK queue: va=0x%pK pa=0x%pK write_ptr_payload:0x%pK\n",
+ q_payload_write_ptr, queue->va_queue, queue->pa_queue, write_ptr_payload);
+ /* calculate the index after the write */
+ to_write_idx = write_idx + payload_size_u32;
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("to_write_idx:%d write_idx:%d payload_size:%u\n", to_write_idx, write_idx,
+ payload_size_u32);
+ HWFNC_DBG_L("client_id:%d update %s hash:%llu ctx_id:%llu seqno:%llu flags:%llu error:%u\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, _get_queue_type(queue_type),
+ hash, ctxt_id, seqno, flags, error);
+ /*
+ * wrap-around case, here we are writing to the last element of the queue, therefore
+ * set to_write_idx, which is the index after the write, to the beginning of the
+ * queue
+ */
+ if (to_write_idx >= q_size_u32)
+ to_write_idx = 0;
+ /* translate to_write_idx to custom indexing with offset */
+ to_write_idx = IDX_TRANSLATE_DEFAULT_TO_CUSTOM(queue, to_write_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("translated to_write_idx:%lu rd_wr_idx start:%lu factor:%lu\n",
+ to_write_idx, queue->rd_wr_idx_start, queue->rd_wr_idx_factor);
+ }
+ /* Update Client Queue */
+ writeq_relaxed(payload_size, &write_ptr_payload->size);
+ writew_relaxed(HW_FENCE_PAYLOAD_TYPE_1, &write_ptr_payload->type);
+ writew_relaxed(HW_FENCE_PAYLOAD_REV(1, 0), &write_ptr_payload->version);
+ writeq_relaxed(ctxt_id, &write_ptr_payload->ctxt_id);
+ writeq_relaxed(seqno, &write_ptr_payload->seqno);
+ writeq_relaxed(hash, &write_ptr_payload->hash);
+ writeq_relaxed(flags, &write_ptr_payload->flags);
+ writeq_relaxed(client_data, &write_ptr_payload->client_data);
+ writel_relaxed(error, &write_ptr_payload->error);
+ timestamp = hw_fence_get_qtime(drv_data);
+ writel_relaxed(timestamp, &write_ptr_payload->timestamp_lo);
+ writel_relaxed(timestamp >> 32, &write_ptr_payload->timestamp_hi);
+ /* update memory for the message */
+ wmb();
+ /* update the write index */
+ writel_relaxed(to_write_idx, wr_ptr);
+ /* update memory for the index */
+ wmb();
+ if (lock_client)
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &drv_data->client_lock_tbl[lock_idx], 0); /* unlock */
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_update_existing_txq_payload(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, u64 hash, u32 error)
+ u32 q_size_u32, payload_size, payload_size_u32, read_idx, write_idx, second_idx, *wr_ptr;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload tmp, *first_payload, *second_payload;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *hfi_header;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue;
+ int ret = 0;
+ queue = &hw_fence_client->queues[HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE - 1];
+ if (_get_update_queue_params(queue, &hfi_header, &q_size_u32, &payload_size,
+ &payload_size_u32, &wr_ptr)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid client:%d tx queue\n", hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Make sure data is ready before read */
+ mb();
+ /* Get read and write index */
+ read_idx = hfi_header->read_index;
+ write_idx = *wr_ptr;
+ /* translate read and write indexes from custom indexing to dwords with no offset */
+ _translate_queue_indexes_custom_to_default(queue, &read_idx, &write_idx);
+ if (read_idx == write_idx) {
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("Empty queue, no entry matches with hash:%llu\n", hash);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ first_payload = (struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *)((u32 *)queue->va_queue + read_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("client:%d txq: va=0x%pK pa=0x%pK idx:%d ptr_payload:0x%pK\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, queue->va_queue, queue->pa_queue, read_idx,
+ first_payload);
+ if (first_payload->hash == hash) {
+ /* Swap not needed, update first payload in client queue with fence error */
+ first_payload->error = error;
+ } else {
+ /* Check whether second entry matches hash */
+ second_idx = read_idx + payload_size_u32;
+ /* wrap-around case */
+ if (second_idx >= q_size_u32)
+ second_idx = 0;
+ if (second_idx == write_idx) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failed to find matching entry with hash:%llu\n", hash);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ second_payload = (struct msm_hw_fence_queue_payload *)
+ ((u32 *)queue->va_queue + second_idx);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("client:%d txq: va=0x%pK pa=0x%pK idx:%d ptr_payload:0x%pK\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, queue->va_queue, queue->pa_queue, second_idx,
+ second_payload);
+ if (second_payload->hash != hash) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("hash:%llu not found in first two queue payloads:%u, %u\n", hash,
+ read_idx, second_idx);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* swap first and second payload, updating error field in new first payload */
+ tmp = *first_payload;
+ *first_payload = *second_payload;
+ first_payload->error = error;
+ *second_payload = tmp;
+ HWFNC_DBG_L("client_id:%d txq move from idx:%u to idx:%u hash:%llu c:%llu s:%llu\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, read_idx, second_idx, hash, tmp.ctxt_id,
+ tmp.seqno);
+ }
+ /* update memory for the messages */
+ wmb();
+ HWFNC_DBG_L("client_id:%d update tx queue index:%u hash:%llu error:%u\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, read_idx, hash, error);
+ return ret;
+static int init_global_locks(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr *mem_descriptor;
+ phys_addr_t phys;
+ void *ptr;
+ u32 size;
+ int ret;
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_reserve_mem(drv_data, HW_FENCE_MEM_RESERVE_LOCKS_REGION, &phys, &ptr,
+ &size, 0);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failed to reserve clients locks mem %d\n", ret);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("phys:0x%x ptr:0x%pK size:%d\n", phys, ptr, size);
+ /* Populate Memory descriptor with address */
+ mem_descriptor = &drv_data->clients_locks_mem_desc;
+ mem_descriptor->virtual_addr = ptr;
+ mem_descriptor->device_addr = phys;
+ mem_descriptor->size = size;
+ mem_descriptor->mem_data = NULL; /* not storing special info for now */
+ /* Initialize internal pointers for managing the tables */
+ drv_data->client_lock_tbl = (u64 *)drv_data->clients_locks_mem_desc.virtual_addr;
+ drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt = drv_data->clients_locks_mem_desc.size / sizeof(u64);
+ return 0;
+static int init_hw_fences_table(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr *mem_descriptor;
+ phys_addr_t phys;
+ void *ptr;
+ u32 size;
+ int ret;
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_reserve_mem(drv_data, HW_FENCE_MEM_RESERVE_TABLE, &phys, &ptr,
+ &size, 0);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failed to reserve table mem %d\n", ret);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("phys:0x%x ptr:0x%pK size:%d\n", phys, ptr, size);
+ /* Populate Memory descriptor with address */
+ mem_descriptor = &drv_data->hw_fences_mem_desc;
+ mem_descriptor->virtual_addr = ptr;
+ mem_descriptor->device_addr = phys;
+ mem_descriptor->size = size;
+ mem_descriptor->mem_data = NULL; /* not storing special info for now */
+ /* Initialize internal pointers for managing the tables */
+ drv_data->hw_fences_tbl = (struct msm_hw_fence *)drv_data->hw_fences_mem_desc.virtual_addr;
+ drv_data->hw_fences_tbl_cnt = drv_data->hw_fences_mem_desc.size /
+ sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence);
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("hw_fences_table:0x%pK cnt:%u\n", drv_data->hw_fences_tbl,
+ drv_data->hw_fences_tbl_cnt);
+ return 0;
+static int init_hw_fences_events(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ phys_addr_t phys;
+ void *ptr;
+ u32 size;
+ int ret;
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_reserve_mem(drv_data, HW_FENCE_MEM_RESERVE_EVENTS_BUFF, &phys, &ptr,
+ &size, 0);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_DBG_INFO("Failed to reserve events buffer %d\n", ret);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ drv_data->events = (struct msm_hw_fence_event *)ptr;
+ drv_data->total_events = size / sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_event);
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("events:0x%pK total_events:%u event_sz:%u total_size:%u\n", drv_data->events,
+ drv_data->total_events, sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_event), size);
+ return 0;
+static int init_ctrl_queue(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr *mem_descriptor;
+ int ret;
+ mem_descriptor = &drv_data->ctrl_queue_mem_desc;
+ /* Init ctrl queue */
+ ret = init_hw_fences_queues(drv_data, HW_FENCE_MEM_RESERVE_CTRL_QUEUE,
+ mem_descriptor, drv_data->ctrl_queues,
+ if (ret)
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failure to init ctrl queue\n");
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_init(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data)
+ int ret;
+ __le32 *mem;
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_parse_dt_props(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("failed to set dt properties\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Allocate hw fence driver mem pool and share it with HYP */
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_alloc_mem(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("failed to alloc base memory\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Initialize ctrl queue */
+ ret = init_ctrl_queue(drv_data);
+ if (ret)
+ goto exit;
+ ret = init_global_locks(drv_data);
+ if (ret)
+ goto exit;
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("Locks allocated at 0x%pK total locks:%d\n", drv_data->client_lock_tbl,
+ drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt);
+ /* Initialize hw fences table */
+ ret = init_hw_fences_table(drv_data);
+ if (ret)
+ goto exit;
+ /* Initialize event log */
+ ret = init_hw_fences_events(drv_data);
+ if (ret)
+ HWFNC_DBG_INFO("Unable to init events\n");
+ /* Map ipcc registers */
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_map_ipcc(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("ipcc regs mapping failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Map time register */
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_map_qtime(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("qtime reg mapping failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Init debugfs */
+ ret = hw_fence_debug_debugfs_register(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("debugfs init failed\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Init vIRQ from VM */
+ ret = hw_fence_utils_init_virq(drv_data);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("failed to init virq\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ mem = drv_data->io_mem_base;
+ HWFNC_DBG_H("memory ptr:0x%pK val:0x%x\n", mem, *mem);
+ HWFNC_DBG_INIT("HW Fences Table Initialized: 0x%pK cnt:%d\n",
+ drv_data->hw_fences_tbl, drv_data->hw_fences_tbl_cnt);
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_alloc_client_resources(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr *mem_descriptor)
+ int ret;
+ if (!drv_data->hw_fence_client_queue_size[hw_fence_client->client_id].type) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("invalid client_id:%d not reserved client queue; check dt props\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Init client queues */
+ ret = init_hw_fences_queues(drv_data, HW_FENCE_MEM_RESERVE_CLIENT_QUEUE,
+ &hw_fence_client->mem_descriptor, hw_fence_client->queues,
+ drv_data->hw_fence_client_queue_size[hw_fence_client->client_id].type->queues_num,
+ hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Failure to init the queue for client:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Init client memory descriptor */
+ memcpy(mem_descriptor, &hw_fence_client->mem_descriptor,
+ sizeof(struct msm_hw_fence_mem_addr));
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_init_controller_signal(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client)
+ int ret = 0;
+ /*
+ * Initialize IPCC Signals for this client
+ *
+ * NOTE: For each Client HW-Core, the client drivers might be the ones making
+ * it's own initialization (in case that any hw-sequence must be enforced),
+ * however, if that is not the case, any per-client ipcc init to enable the
+ * signaling, can go here.
+ */
+ switch ((int)hw_fence_client->client_id_ext) {
+ /* nothing to initialize for gpu client */
+ break;
+ /* nothing to initialize for validation clients */
+ break;
+#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
+ /* initialize ipcc signals for dpu clients */
+ HWFNC_DBG_H("init_controller_signal: DPU client_id_ext:%d initialized:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id_ext, drv_data->ipcc_dpu_initialized);
+ if (!drv_data->ipcc_dpu_initialized) {
+ drv_data->ipcc_dpu_initialized = true;
+ /* Init dpu client ipcc signal */
+ hw_fence_ipcc_enable_dpu_signaling(drv_data);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* nothing to initialize for IPE client */
+ break;
+ /* nothing to initialize for VPU client */
+ break;
+ /* nothing to initialize for IFE clients */
+ break;
+ default:
+ HWFNC_ERR("Unexpected client_id_ext:%d\n", hw_fence_client->client_id_ext);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_init_controller_resources(struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client)
+ /*
+ * Initialize Fence Controller resources for this Client,
+ * here we need to use the CTRL queue to communicate to the Fence
+ * Controller the shared memory for the Rx/Tx queue for this client
+ * as well as any information that Fence Controller might need to
+ * know for this client.
+ *
+ * NOTE: For now, we are doing a static allocation of the
+ * client's queues, so currently we don't need any notification
+ * to the Fence CTL here through the CTRL queue.
+ * Later-on we might need it, once the PVM to SVM (and vice versa)
+ * communication for initialization is supported.
+ */
+ return 0;
+void hw_fence_cleanup_client(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client)
+ /*
+ * Deallocate any resource allocated for this client.
+ * If fence controller was notified about existence of this client,
+ * we will need to notify fence controller that this client is gone
+ *
+ * NOTE: Since currently we are doing a 'fixed' memory for the clients queues,
+ * we don't need any notification to the Fence Controller, yet..
+ * however, if the memory allocation is removed from 'fixed' to a dynamic
+ * allocation, then we will need to notify FenceCTL about the client that is
+ * going-away here.
+ */
+ mutex_lock(&drv_data->clients_register_lock);
+ drv_data->clients[hw_fence_client->client_id] = NULL;
+ mutex_unlock(&drv_data->clients_register_lock);
+ /* Deallocate client's object */
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("freeing client_id:%d\n", hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ kfree(hw_fence_client);
+static inline int _calculate_hash(u32 table_total_entries, u64 context, u64 seqno,
+ u64 step, u64 *hash)
+ u64 m_size = table_total_entries;
+ int val = 0;
+ if (step == 0) {
+ u64 a_multiplier = HW_FENCE_HASH_A_MULT;
+ u64 c_multiplier = HW_FENCE_HASH_C_MULT;
+ u64 b_multiplier = context + (context - 1); /* odd multiplier */
+ /*
+ * if m, is power of 2, we can optimize with right shift,
+ * for now we don't do it, to avoid assuming a power of two
+ */
+ *hash = (a_multiplier * seqno * b_multiplier + (c_multiplier * context)) % m_size;
+ } else {
+ if (step >= m_size) {
+ /*
+ * If we already traversed the whole table, return failure since this means
+ * there are not available spots, table is either full or full-enough
+ * that we couldn't find an available spot after traverse the whole table.
+ * Ideally table shouldn't be so full that we cannot find a value after some
+ * iterations, so this maximum step size could be optimized to fail earlier.
+ */
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fence Table tranversed and no available space!\n");
+ val = -EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Linearly increment the hash value to find next element in the table
+ * note that this relies in the 'scrambled' data from the original hash
+ * Also, add a mod division to wrap-around in case that we reached the
+ * end of the table
+ */
+ *hash = (*hash + 1) % m_size;
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+static inline struct msm_hw_fence *_get_hw_fence(u32 table_total_entries,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl,
+ u64 hash)
+ if (hash >= table_total_entries) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("hash:%llu out of max range:%llu\n",
+ hash, table_total_entries);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &hw_fences_tbl[hash];
+static bool _is_hw_fence_free(struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u64 context, u64 seqno)
+ /* If valid is set, the hw fence is not free */
+ return hw_fence->valid ? false : true;
+static bool _hw_fence_match(struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u64 context, u64 seqno)
+ return ((hw_fence->ctx_id == context && hw_fence->seq_id == seqno) ? true : false);
+/* clears everything but the 'valid' field */
+static void _cleanup_hw_fence(struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence)
+ int i;
+ hw_fence->error = 0;
+ wmb(); /* update memory to avoid mem-abort */
+ hw_fence->ctx_id = 0;
+ hw_fence->seq_id = 0;
+ hw_fence->wait_client_mask = 0;
+ hw_fence->fence_allocator = 0;
+ hw_fence->fence_signal_client = 0;
+ hw_fence->flags = 0;
+ hw_fence->fence_create_time = 0;
+ hw_fence->fence_trigger_time = 0;
+ hw_fence->fence_wait_time = 0;
+ hw_fence->debug_refcount = 0;
+ hw_fence->parents_cnt = 0;
+ hw_fence->pending_child_cnt = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < MSM_HW_FENCE_MAX_JOIN_PARENTS; i++)
+ hw_fence->parent_list[i] = HW_FENCE_INVALID_PARENT_FENCE;
+ memset(hw_fence->client_data, 0, sizeof(hw_fence->client_data));
+/* This function must be called with the hw fence lock */
+static void _reserve_hw_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u32 client_id,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno, u32 hash, u32 pending_child_cnt)
+ _cleanup_hw_fence(hw_fence);
+ /* reserve this HW fence */
+ hw_fence->valid = 1;
+ hw_fence->ctx_id = context;
+ hw_fence->seq_id = seqno;
+ hw_fence->flags = 0; /* fence just reserved, there shouldn't be any flags set */
+ hw_fence->fence_allocator = client_id;
+ hw_fence->fence_create_time = hw_fence_get_qtime(drv_data);
+ hw_fence->debug_refcount++;
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("Reserved fence client:%d ctx:%llu seq:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno, hash);
+/* This function must be called with the hw fence lock */
+static void _unreserve_hw_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u32 client_id,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno, u32 hash, u32 pending_child_cnt)
+ _cleanup_hw_fence(hw_fence);
+ /* unreserve this HW fence */
+ hw_fence->valid = 0;
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("Unreserved fence client:%d ctx:%llu seq:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno, hash);
+/* This function must be called with the hw fence lock */
+static void _reserve_join_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u32 client_id, u64 context,
+ u64 seqno, u32 hash, u32 pending_child_cnt)
+ _cleanup_hw_fence(hw_fence);
+ /* reserve this HW fence */
+ hw_fence->valid = true;
+ hw_fence->ctx_id = context;
+ hw_fence->seq_id = seqno;
+ hw_fence->fence_allocator = client_id;
+ hw_fence->fence_create_time = hw_fence_get_qtime(drv_data);
+ hw_fence->debug_refcount++;
+ hw_fence->pending_child_cnt = pending_child_cnt;
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("Reserved join fence client:%d ctx:%llu seq:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno, hash);
+/* This function must be called with the hw fence lock */
+static void _fence_found(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u32 client_id,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno, u32 hash, u32 pending_child_cnt)
+ /*
+ * Do nothing, when this find fence fn is invoked, all processing is done outside.
+ * Currently just keeping this function for debugging purposes, can be removed
+ * in final versions
+ */
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("Found fence client:%d ctx:%llu seq:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno, hash);
+char *_get_op_mode(enum hw_fence_lookup_ops op_code)
+ switch (op_code) {
+ return "CREATE";
+ return "DESTROY";
+ return "CREATE_JOIN";
+ return "FIND_FENCE";
+ default:
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+struct msm_hw_fence *_hw_fence_lookup_and_process(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl, u64 context, u64 seqno, u32 client_id,
+ u32 pending_child_cnt, enum hw_fence_lookup_ops op_code, u64 *hash)
+ bool (*compare_fnc)(struct msm_hw_fence *hfence, u64 context, u64 seqno);
+ void (*process_fnc)(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data, struct msm_hw_fence *hfence,
+ u32 client_id, u64 context, u64 seqno, u32 hash, u32 pending);
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence = NULL;
+ u64 step = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ bool hw_fence_found = false;
+ if (!hash | !drv_data | !hw_fences_tbl) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid input for hw_fence_lookup\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *hash = ~0;
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("hw_fence_lookup: %d\n", op_code);
+ switch (op_code) {
+ compare_fnc = &_is_hw_fence_free;
+ process_fnc = &_reserve_hw_fence;
+ break;
+ compare_fnc = &_hw_fence_match;
+ process_fnc = &_unreserve_hw_fence;
+ break;
+ compare_fnc = &_is_hw_fence_free;
+ process_fnc = &_reserve_join_fence;
+ break;
+ compare_fnc = &_hw_fence_match;
+ process_fnc = &_fence_found;
+ break;
+ default:
+ HWFNC_ERR("Unknown op code:%d\n", op_code);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (!hw_fence_found && (step < drv_data->hw_fence_table_entries)) {
+ /* Calculate the Hash for the Fence */
+ ret = _calculate_hash(drv_data->hw_fence_table_entries, context, seqno, step, hash);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("error calculating hash ctx:%llu seqno:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ context, seqno, *hash);
+ break;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("calculated hash:%llu [ctx:%llu seqno:%llu]\n", *hash, context,
+ seqno);
+ /* Get element from the table using the hash */
+ hw_fence = _get_hw_fence(drv_data->hw_fence_table_entries, hw_fences_tbl, *hash);
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("hw_fence_tbl:0x%pK hw_fence:0x%pK, hash:%llu valid:0x%x\n",
+ hw_fences_tbl, hw_fence, *hash, hw_fence ? hw_fence->valid : 0xbad);
+ if (!hw_fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("bad hw fence ctx:%llu seqno:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ context, seqno, *hash);
+ break;
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 1);
+ /* compare to either find a free fence or find an allocated fence */
+ if (compare_fnc(hw_fence, context, seqno)) {
+ /* Process the hw fence found by the algorithm */
+ if (process_fnc) {
+ process_fnc(drv_data, hw_fence, client_id, context, seqno, *hash,
+ pending_child_cnt);
+ /* update memory table with processing */
+ wmb();
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_L("client_id:%lu op:%s ctx:%llu seqno:%llu hash:%llu step:%llu\n",
+ client_id, _get_op_mode(op_code), context, seqno, *hash, step);
+ hw_fence_found = true;
+ } else {
+ if ((op_code == HW_FENCE_LOOKUP_OP_CREATE ||
+ seqno == hw_fence->seq_id && context == hw_fence->ctx_id) {
+ /* ctx & seqno must be unique creating a hw-fence */
+ HWFNC_ERR("cannot create hw fence with same ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ context, seqno);
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* compare can fail if we have a collision, we will linearly resolve it */
+ HWFNC_DBG_H("compare failed for hash:%llu [ctx:%llu seqno:%llu]\n", *hash,
+ context, seqno);
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 0);
+ /* Increment step for the next loop */
+ step++;
+ }
+ /* If we iterated through the whole list and didn't find the fence, return null */
+ if (!hw_fence_found) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("fail to create hw-fence step:%llu\n", step);
+ hw_fence = NULL;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_LUT("lookup:%d hw_fence:%pK ctx:%llu seqno:%llu hash:%llu flags:0x%llx\n",
+ op_code, hw_fence, context, seqno, *hash, hw_fence ? hw_fence->flags : -1);
+ return hw_fence;
+int hw_fence_create(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno, u64 *hash)
+ u32 client_id = hw_fence_client->client_id;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl = drv_data->hw_fences_tbl;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* allocate hw fence in table */
+ if (!_hw_fence_lookup_and_process(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl,
+ context, seqno, client_id, 0, HW_FENCE_LOOKUP_OP_CREATE, hash)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail to create fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static inline int _hw_fence_cleanup(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl, u32 client_id, u64 context, u64 seqno) {
+ u64 hash;
+ if (!_hw_fence_lookup_and_process(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl,
+ context, seqno, client_id, 0, HW_FENCE_LOOKUP_OP_DESTROY, &hash))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+int hw_fence_destroy(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno)
+ u32 client_id = hw_fence_client->client_id;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl = drv_data->hw_fences_tbl;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* remove hw fence from table*/
+ if (_hw_fence_cleanup(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl, client_id, context, seqno)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail destroying fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int hw_fence_destroy_with_hash(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, u64 hash)
+ u32 client_id = hw_fence_client->client_id;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl = drv_data->hw_fences_tbl;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ hw_fence = _get_hw_fence(drv_data->hw_fence_table_entries, hw_fences_tbl, hash);
+ if (!hw_fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("bad hw fence hash:%llu client:%lu\n", hash, client_id);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (hw_fence->fence_allocator != client_id) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("client:%lu cannot destroy fence hash:%llu fence_allocator:%lu\n",
+ client_id, hash, hw_fence->fence_allocator);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* remove hw fence from table*/
+ if (_hw_fence_cleanup(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl, client_id, hw_fence->ctx_id,
+ hw_fence->seq_id)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail destroying fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu hash:%llu\n",
+ client_id, hw_fence->ctx_id, hw_fence->seq_id, hash);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static struct msm_hw_fence *_hw_fence_process_join_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ struct dma_fence_array *array, u64 *hash, bool create)
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *join_fence = NULL;
+ u64 context, seqno;
+ u32 client_id, pending_child_cnt;
+ /*
+ * NOTE: For now we are allocating the join fences from the same table as all
+ * the other fences (i.e. drv_data->hw_fences_tbl), functionally this will work, however,
+ * this might impact the lookup algorithm, since the "join-fences" are created with the
+ * context and seqno of a fence-array, and those might not be changing by the client,
+ * so this will linearly increment the look-up and very likely impact the other fences if
+ * these join-fences start to fill-up a particular region of the fences global table.
+ * So we might have to allocate a different table altogether for these join fences.
+ * However, to do this, just alloc another table and change it here:
+ */
+ hw_fences_tbl = drv_data->hw_fences_tbl;
+ context = array->base.context;
+ seqno = array->base.seqno;
+ pending_child_cnt = array->num_fences;
+ if (create) {
+ /* allocate the fence */
+ join_fence = _hw_fence_lookup_and_process(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl, context,
+ seqno, client_id, pending_child_cnt, HW_FENCE_LOOKUP_OP_CREATE_JOIN, hash);
+ if (!join_fence)
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail to create join fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno);
+ } else {
+ /* destroy the fence */
+ if (_hw_fence_cleanup(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl, client_id, context, seqno))
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail destroying join fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno);
+ }
+ return join_fence;
+struct msm_hw_fence *msm_hw_fence_find(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ u64 context, u64 seqno, u64 *hash)
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fences_tbl = drv_data->hw_fences_tbl;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence;
+ u32 client_id = hw_fence_client ? hw_fence_client->client_id : 0xff;
+ /* find the hw fence */
+ hw_fence = _hw_fence_lookup_and_process(drv_data, hw_fences_tbl, context,
+ seqno, client_id, 0, HW_FENCE_LOOKUP_OP_FIND_FENCE, hash);
+ if (!hw_fence)
+ HWFNC_ERR("Fail to find hw fence client:%lu ctx:%llu seqno:%llu\n",
+ client_id, context, seqno);
+ return hw_fence;
+static void _fence_ctl_signal(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u64 hash,
+ u64 flags, u64 client_data, u32 error)
+ u32 tx_client_id = drv_data->ipcc_client_pid; /* phys id for tx client */
+ u32 rx_client_id = hw_fence_client->ipc_client_vid; /* virt id for rx client */
+ HWFNC_DBG_H("We must signal the client now! hfence hash:%llu\n", hash);
+ /* Call fence error callback */
+ if (error && hw_fence_client->fence_error_cb) {
+ hw_fence_utils_fence_error_cb(hw_fence_client, hw_fence->ctx_id, hw_fence->seq_id,
+ hash, flags, error);
+ } else {
+ /* Write to Rx queue */
+ if (hw_fence_client->update_rxq)
+ hw_fence_update_queue(drv_data, hw_fence_client, hw_fence->ctx_id,
+ hw_fence->seq_id, hash, flags, client_data, error,
+ /* Signal the hw fence now */
+ if (hw_fence_client->send_ipc)
+ hw_fence_ipcc_trigger_signal(drv_data, tx_client_id, rx_client_id,
+ hw_fence_client->ipc_signal_id);
+ }
+ if (hw_fence_client->client_id >= HW_FENCE_CLIENT_ID_VAL0
+ && hw_fence_client->client_id <= HW_FENCE_CLIENT_ID_VAL6)
+ process_validation_client_loopback(drv_data, hw_fence_client->client_id);
+#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
+static void _cleanup_join_and_child_fences(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, int iteration, struct dma_fence_array *array,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *join_fence, u64 hash_join_fence)
+ struct dma_fence *child_fence;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence_child;
+ int idx, j;
+ u64 hash = 0;
+ if (!array->fences)
+ goto destroy_fence;
+ /* cleanup the child-fences from the parent join-fence */
+ for (idx = iteration; idx >= 0; idx--) {
+ child_fence = array->fences[idx];
+ if (!child_fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("invalid child fence idx:%d\n", idx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ hw_fence_child = msm_hw_fence_find(drv_data, hw_fence_client, child_fence->context,
+ child_fence->seqno, &hash);
+ if (!hw_fence_child) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Cannot cleanup child fence context:%lu seqno:%lu hash:%lu\n",
+ child_fence->context, child_fence->seqno, hash);
+ /*
+ * ideally this should not have happened, but if it did, try to keep
+ * cleaning-up other fences after printing the error
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* lock the child while we clean it up from the parent join-fence */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence_child->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ for (j = hw_fence_child->parents_cnt; j > 0; j--) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid max parents_cnt:%d, will reset to max:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_child->parents_cnt, MSM_HW_FENCE_MAX_JOIN_PARENTS);
+ }
+ if (hw_fence_child->parent_list[j - 1] == hash_join_fence) {
+ hw_fence_child->parent_list[j - 1] = HW_FENCE_INVALID_PARENT_FENCE;
+ if (hw_fence_child->parents_cnt)
+ hw_fence_child->parents_cnt--;
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ }
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence_child->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ }
+ /* destroy join fence */
+ _hw_fence_process_join_fence(drv_data, hw_fence_client, array, &hash_join_fence,
+ false);
+int hw_fence_process_fence_array(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, struct dma_fence_array *array,
+ u64 *hash_join_fence, u64 client_data)
+ struct msm_hw_fence *join_fence;
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence_child;
+ struct dma_fence *child_fence;
+ bool signal_join_fence = false;
+ u64 hash;
+ int i, ret = 0;
+ enum hw_fence_client_data_id data_id;
+ if (client_data) {
+ data_id = hw_fence_get_client_data_id(hw_fence_client->client_id_ext);
+ if (data_id >= HW_FENCE_MAX_CLIENTS_WITH_DATA) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Populating client_data:%llu with invalid client_id_ext:%d\n",
+ client_data, hw_fence_client->client_id_ext);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create join fence from the join-fences table,
+ * This function initializes:
+ * join_fence->pending_child_count = array->num_fences
+ */
+ join_fence = _hw_fence_process_join_fence(drv_data, hw_fence_client, array,
+ hash_join_fence, true);
+ if (!join_fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("cannot alloc hw fence for join fence array\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* update this as waiting client of the join-fence */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &join_fence->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ join_fence->wait_client_mask |= BIT(hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &join_fence->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ /* Iterate through fences of the array */
+ for (i = 0; i < array->num_fences; i++) {
+ child_fence = array->fences[i];
+ /* Nested fence-arrays are not supported */
+ if (to_dma_fence_array(child_fence)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("This is a nested fence, fail!\n");
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto error_array;
+ }
+ /* All elements in the fence-array must be hw-fences */
+ if (!test_bit(MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_ENABLED_BIT, &child_fence->flags)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("DMA Fence in FenceArray is not a HW Fence\n");
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto error_array;
+ }
+ /* Find the HW Fence in the Global Table */
+ hw_fence_child = msm_hw_fence_find(drv_data, hw_fence_client, child_fence->context,
+ child_fence->seqno, &hash);
+ if (!hw_fence_child) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Cannot find child fence context:%lu seqno:%lu hash:%lu\n",
+ child_fence->context, child_fence->seqno, hash);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto error_array;
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence_child->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ if (hw_fence_child->flags & MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNAL) {
+ /* child fence is already signaled */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &join_fence->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ join_fence->error |= hw_fence_child->error;
+ if (--join_fence->pending_child_cnt == 0)
+ signal_join_fence = true;
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &join_fence->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ } else {
+ /* child fence is not signaled */
+ hw_fence_child->parents_cnt++;
+ if (hw_fence_child->parents_cnt >= MSM_HW_FENCE_MAX_JOIN_PARENTS
+ || hw_fence_child->parents_cnt < 1) {
+ /* Max number of parents for a fence is exceeded */
+ HWFNC_ERR("DMA Fence in FenceArray exceeds parents:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_child->parents_cnt);
+ hw_fence_child->parents_cnt--;
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ /* unlock */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence_child->lock, 0);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto error_array;
+ }
+ hw_fence_child->parent_list[hw_fence_child->parents_cnt - 1] =
+ *hash_join_fence;
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence_child->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ }
+ if (client_data)
+ join_fence->client_data[data_id] = client_data;
+ /* all fences were signaled, signal client now */
+ if (signal_join_fence) {
+ /* signal the join hw fence */
+ _fence_ctl_signal(drv_data, hw_fence_client, join_fence, *hash_join_fence, 0,
+ client_data, join_fence->error);
+ set_bit(MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNALED_BIT, &array->base.flags);
+ /*
+ * job of the join-fence is finished since we already signaled,
+ * we can delete it now. This can happen when all the fences that
+ * are part of the join-fence are already signaled.
+ */
+ _hw_fence_process_join_fence(drv_data, hw_fence_client, array, hash_join_fence,
+ false);
+ } else if (!array->num_fences) {
+ /*
+ * if we didn't signal the join-fence and the number of fences is not set in
+ * the fence-array, then fail here, otherwise driver would create a join-fence
+ * with no-childs that won't be signaled at all or an incomplete join-fence
+ */
+ HWFNC_ERR("invalid fence-array ctx:%llu seqno:%llu without fences\n",
+ array->base.context, array->base.seqno);
+ goto error_array;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ _cleanup_join_and_child_fences(drv_data, hw_fence_client, i, array, join_fence,
+ *hash_join_fence);
+ return -EINVAL;
+int hw_fence_register_wait_client(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct dma_fence *fence, struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, u64 context,
+ u64 seqno, u64 *hash, u64 client_data)
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence;
+ enum hw_fence_client_data_id data_id;
+ if (client_data) {
+ data_id = hw_fence_get_client_data_id(hw_fence_client->client_id_ext);
+ if (data_id >= HW_FENCE_MAX_CLIENTS_WITH_DATA) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Populating client_data:%llu with invalid client_id_ext:%d\n",
+ client_data, hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* find the hw fence within the table */
+ hw_fence = msm_hw_fence_find(drv_data, hw_fence_client, context, seqno, hash);
+ if (!hw_fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Cannot find fence!\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ /* register client in the hw fence */
+ hw_fence->wait_client_mask |= BIT(hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ hw_fence->fence_wait_time = hw_fence_get_qtime(drv_data);
+ hw_fence->debug_refcount++;
+ if (client_data)
+ hw_fence->client_data[data_id] = client_data;
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ /* if hw fence already signaled, signal the client */
+ if (hw_fence->flags & MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNAL) {
+ if (fence != NULL)
+ set_bit(MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNALED_BIT, &fence->flags);
+ _fence_ctl_signal(drv_data, hw_fence_client, hw_fence, *hash, 0, client_data, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int hw_fence_process_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client,
+ struct dma_fence *fence, u64 *hash, u64 client_data)
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (!drv_data | !hw_fence_client | !fence) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Invalid Input!\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* fence must be hw-fence */
+ if (!test_bit(MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_ENABLED_BIT, &fence->flags)) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("DMA Fence in is not a HW Fence flags:0x%llx\n", fence->flags);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ret = hw_fence_register_wait_client(drv_data, fence, hw_fence_client, fence->context,
+ fence->seqno, hash, client_data);
+ if (ret)
+ HWFNC_ERR("Error registering for wait client:%d\n", hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ return ret;
+static void _signal_all_wait_clients(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u64 hash, int error)
+ enum hw_fence_client_id wait_client_id;
+ enum hw_fence_client_data_id data_id;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_wait_client;
+ u64 client_data = 0;
+ /* signal with an error all the waiting clients for this fence */
+ for (wait_client_id = 0; wait_client_id <= drv_data->rxq_clients_num; wait_client_id++) {
+ if (hw_fence->wait_client_mask & BIT(wait_client_id)) {
+ hw_fence_wait_client = drv_data->clients[wait_client_id];
+ if (!hw_fence_wait_client)
+ continue;
+ data_id = hw_fence_get_client_data_id(hw_fence_wait_client->client_id_ext);
+ client_data = hw_fence->client_data[data_id];
+ _fence_ctl_signal(drv_data, hw_fence_wait_client, hw_fence,
+ hash, 0, client_data, error);
+ }
+ }
+void hw_fence_utils_reset_queues(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client)
+ struct msm_hw_fence_hfi_queue_header *hfi_header;
+ struct msm_hw_fence_queue *queue;
+ u32 rd_idx, wr_idx, lock_idx;
+ queue = &hw_fence_client->queues[HW_FENCE_TX_QUEUE - 1];
+ hfi_header = queue->va_header;
+ /* For the client TxQ: set the read-index same as last write that was done by the client */
+ mb(); /* make sure data is ready before read */
+ wr_idx = readl_relaxed(&hfi_header->write_index);
+ if (queue->skip_wr_idx)
+ hfi_header->tx_wm = wr_idx;
+ writel_relaxed(wr_idx, &hfi_header->read_index);
+ wmb(); /* make sure data is updated after write the index*/
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("update tx queue %s to match write_index:%lu\n",
+ queue->skip_wr_idx ? "read_index=tx_wm" : "read_index", wr_idx);
+ /* For the client RxQ: set the write-index same as last read done by the client */
+ if (hw_fence_client->update_rxq) {
+ lock_idx = hw_fence_client->client_id - 1;
+ if (lock_idx >= drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("cannot reset rxq, lock for client id:%d exceed max:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, drv_data->client_lock_tbl_cnt);
+ return;
+ }
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("Locking client id:%d: idx:%d\n", hw_fence_client->client_id, lock_idx);
+ /* lock the client rx queue to update */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &drv_data->client_lock_tbl[lock_idx], 1);
+ queue = &hw_fence_client->queues[HW_FENCE_RX_QUEUE - 1];
+ hfi_header = queue->va_header;
+ mb(); /* make sure data is ready before read */
+ rd_idx = readl_relaxed(&hfi_header->read_index);
+ writel_relaxed(rd_idx, &hfi_header->write_index);
+ wmb(); /* make sure data is updated after write the index */
+ /* unlock */
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &drv_data->client_lock_tbl[lock_idx], 0);
+ HWFNC_DBG_Q("update rx queue write_index to match read_index:%lu\n", rd_idx);
+ }
+int hw_fence_utils_cleanup_fence(struct hw_fence_driver_data *drv_data,
+ struct msm_hw_fence_client *hw_fence_client, struct msm_hw_fence *hw_fence, u64 hash,
+ u32 reset_flags)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int error = (reset_flags & MSM_HW_FENCE_RESET_WITHOUT_ERROR) ? 0 : MSM_HW_FENCE_ERROR_RESET;
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 1); /* lock */
+ if (hw_fence->wait_client_mask & BIT(hw_fence_client->client_id)) {
+ HWFNC_DBG_H("clearing client:%d wait bit for fence: ctx:%d seqno:%d\n",
+ hw_fence_client->client_id, hw_fence->ctx_id,
+ hw_fence->seq_id);
+ hw_fence->wait_client_mask &= ~BIT(hw_fence_client->client_id);
+ /* update memory for the table update */
+ wmb();
+ }
+ GLOBAL_ATOMIC_STORE(drv_data, &hw_fence->lock, 0); /* unlock */
+ if (hw_fence->fence_allocator == hw_fence_client->client_id) {
+ /* if fence is not signaled, signal with error all the waiting clients */
+ if (!(hw_fence->flags & MSM_HW_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNAL))
+ _signal_all_wait_clients(drv_data, hw_fence, hash, error);
+ goto skip_destroy;
+ ret = hw_fence_destroy(drv_data, hw_fence_client,
+ hw_fence->ctx_id, hw_fence->seq_id);
+ if (ret) {
+ HWFNC_ERR("Error destroying HW fence: ctx:%d seqno:%d\n",
+ hw_fence->ctx_id, hw_fence->seq_id);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+enum hw_fence_client_data_id hw_fence_get_client_data_id(enum hw_fence_client_id client_id)
+ enum hw_fence_client_data_id data_id;
+ switch (client_id) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return data_id;