Selaa lähdekoodia

mm-drivers: disp: Add support for Bazel build system

- add support to build mm-drivers module using DDK framework for pineapple
- add macro that makes it easy to register new modules

Change-Id: I704bbe946f4d1053a85bfb122408c201b0f155b2
Signed-off-by: Varsha Suresh <[email protected]>
Varsha Suresh 2 vuotta sitten
4 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 199 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 36 0
  2. 103 0
  3. 44 0
  4. 16 0

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+load("//build/kernel/kleaf:kernel.bzl", "ddk_headers")
+    default_visibility = [
+      "//visibility:public"],
+    name = "mm_drivers_configs",
+    hdrs  = glob([
+      "config/*.h"]),
+    includes = ["config"]
+    name = "hw_fence_headers",
+    hdrs = glob([
+      "hw_fence/include/*.h"]),
+    includes = ["hw_fence/include"]
+    name = "sync_fence_uapi_headers",
+    hdrs = glob([
+      "sync_fence/include/uapi/sync_fence/*.h",
+      "sync_fence/include/*.h"]),
+    includes = ["sync_fence/include"]
+    name = "mm_drivers_headers",
+    hdrs = [":mm_drivers_configs",  ":hw_fence_headers", ":sync_fence_uapi_headers"]
+load(":target.bzl", "define_pineapple")

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+load("//build/kernel/kleaf:kernel.bzl", "ddk_module","ddk_submodule")
+load("//build/bazel_common_rules/dist:dist.bzl", "copy_to_dist_dir")
+load("//msm-kernel:target_variants.bzl", "get_all_variants")
+def _register_module_to_map(module_map, name, path, config_option, srcs, config_srcs, deps):
+    processed_config_srcs = {}
+    for config_src_name in config_srcs:
+        config_src = config_srcs[config_src_name]
+        if type(config_src) == "list":
+            processed_config_srcs[config_src_name] = {True: config_src}
+        else:
+            processed_config_srcs[config_src_name] = config_src
+    module = struct(
+        name = name,
+        path = path,
+        srcs = srcs,
+        config_srcs = processed_config_srcs,
+        config_option = config_option,
+        deps = deps,
+    )
+    module_map[name] = module
+def _get_config_choices(map, options):
+    choices = []
+    for option in map:
+        choices.extend(map[option].get(option in options,[]))
+    return choices
+def _get_kernel_build_options(modules, config_options):
+    all_options = {option: True for option in config_options}
+    all_options = all_options | {module.config_option: True for module in modules if module.config_option}
+    return all_options
+def _get_kernel_build_module_srcs(module, options, formatter):
+    srcs = module.srcs + _get_config_choices(module.config_srcs, options)
+    print("-",,",",module.config_option,",srcs =",srcs)
+    module_path = "{}/".format(module.path) if module.path else ""
+    return ["{}{}".format(module_path, formatter(src)) for src in srcs]
+def _get_kernel_build_module_deps(module, options, formatter):
+    return [formatter(dep) for dep in module.deps]
+def mm_driver_module_entry(hdrs = []):
+    module_map = {}
+    def register(name, path = None, config_option = None, srcs = [], config_srcs = {}, deps =[]):
+        _register_module_to_map(module_map, name, path, config_option, srcs, config_srcs, deps)
+    return struct(
+        register = register,
+        get = module_map.get,
+        hdrs = hdrs,
+        module_map = module_map
+    )
+def define_target_variant_modules(target, variant, registry, modules, config_options = []):
+    kernel_build = "{}_{}".format(target, variant)
+    kernel_build_label = "//msm-kernel:{}".format(kernel_build)
+    modules = [registry.get(module_name) for module_name in modules]
+    options = _get_kernel_build_options(modules, config_options)
+    build_print = lambda message : print("{}: {}".format(kernel_build, message))
+    formatter = lambda s : s.replace("%b", kernel_build).replace("%t", target)
+    headers = ["//msm-kernel:all_headers"] + registry.hdrs
+    all_module_rules = []
+    for module in modules:
+        rule_name = "{}_{}".format(kernel_build,
+        module_srcs = _get_kernel_build_module_srcs(module, options, formatter)
+        if not module_srcs:
+            continue
+        ddk_submodule(
+            name = rule_name,
+            srcs = module_srcs,
+            out = "{}.ko".format(,
+            deps =  headers + _get_kernel_build_module_deps(module, options, formatter),
+            local_defines = options.keys(),
+        )
+        all_module_rules.append(rule_name)
+    ddk_module(
+        name = "{}_mm_drivers".format(kernel_build),
+        kernel_build = kernel_build_label,
+        deps = all_module_rules,
+    )
+    copy_to_dist_dir(
+        name = "{}_mm_drivers_dist".format(kernel_build),
+        data = [":{}_mm_drivers".format(kernel_build)],
+        dist_dir = "out/target/product/{}/dlkm/lib/modules".format(target),
+        flat = True,
+        wipe_dist_dir = False,
+        allow_duplicate_filenames = False,
+        mode_overrides = {"**/*": "644"},
+        log = "info",
+    )
+def define_consolidate_gki_modules(target, registry, modules, config_options = []):
+    for (targets, variant) in get_all_variants():
+            define_target_variant_modules(targets, variant, registry, modules, config_options)

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+load(":mm_module_build.bzl", "mm_driver_module_entry")
+HW_FENCE_PATH = "hw_fence"
+MSM_EXT_DISPLAY_PATH = "msm_ext_display"
+SYNC_FENCE_PATH = "sync_fence"
+mm_driver_modules = mm_driver_module_entry([":mm_drivers_headers"])
+module_entry = mm_driver_modules.register
+#--------------- MM-DRIVERS MODULES ------------------
+    name = "hw_fence",
+    path = HW_FENCE_PATH + "/src",
+    config_option = "CONFIG_QTI_HW_FENCE",
+    config_srcs = {
+        "CONFIG_DEBUG_FS" : [
+            "hw_fence_ioctl.c",
+        ]
+    },
+    srcs = ["hw_fence_drv_debug.c",
+            "hw_fence_drv_ipc.c",
+            "hw_fence_drv_priv.c",
+            "hw_fence_drv_utils.c",
+            "msm_hw_fence.c",
+            "msm_hw_fence_synx_translation.c"],
+    deps =[
+        "//vendor/qcom/opensource/synx-kernel:synx_headers"
+    ]
+    name = "msm_ext_display",
+    path = MSM_EXT_DISPLAY_PATH + "/src",
+    config_option = "CONFIG_MSM_EXT_DISPLAY",
+    srcs = ["msm_ext_display.c"],
+    name = "sync_fence",
+    path = SYNC_FENCE_PATH + "/src",
+    config_option = "CONFIG_QCOM_SPEC_SYNC",
+    srcs = ["qcom_sync_file.c"],

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+load(":mm_modules.bzl", "mm_driver_modules")
+load(":mm_module_build.bzl", "define_consolidate_gki_modules")
+def define_pineapple():
+    define_consolidate_gki_modules(
+        target = "pineapple",
+        registry = mm_driver_modules,
+        modules = [
+            "hw_fence",
+            "msm_ext_display",
+            "sync_fence",
+        ],
+        config_options = [
+            "CONFIG_DEBUG_FS",
+        ],