Selaa lähdekoodia

Add 'qcom/opensource/mm-sys-kernel/' from commit '88eb9646a400c3c70d3614c3912af530dd332060'

git-subtree-dir: qcom/opensource/mm-sys-kernel
git-subtree-mainline: 99d06628db94ea8b8cff55cb5bbaeec93ba5bf0b
git-subtree-split: 88eb9646a400c3c70d3614c3912af530dd332060
tag: LA.VENDOR.14.3.0.r1-17300-lanai.QSSI15.0
David Wronek 5 kuukautta sitten

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+headers_src = [
+    "include/uapi/*.h",
+    "include/kernel/*.h",
+ubwcp_headers_out = [
+    "ubwcp_ioctl.h",
+    "ubwcp.h",
+ubwcp_kernel_headers_verbose = "--verbose "
+genrule {
+    name: "qti_generate_ubwcp_kernel_headers",
+    tools: [
+        "",
+        "unifdef"
+    ],
+    tool_files: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: headers_src,
+    cmd: "python3 $(location " +
+          ubwcp_kernel_headers_verbose +
+         "--header_arch arm64 " +
+         "--gen_dir $(genDir) " +
+         "--ubwcp_include $(locations include/uapi/*.h) $(locations include/kernel/*.h) " +
+         "--unifdef $(location unifdef) " +
+         "--headers_install $(location",
+    out: ubwcp_headers_out,
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "qti_ubwcp_kernel_headers",
+    generated_headers: ["qti_generate_ubwcp_kernel_headers"],
+    export_generated_headers: ["qti_generate_ubwcp_kernel_headers"],
+    vendor: true,
+    recovery_available: true

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# For incremental compilation
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES   := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*)
+LOCAL_MODULE      := ubwcp.ko
+include $(DLKM_DIR)/

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+load(":define_modules.bzl", "define_modules")
+define_modules("pineapple", "consolidate")
+define_modules("pineapple", "gki")

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ubwcp-objs := ubwcp_main.o ubwcp_hw.o
+obj-m += ubwcp.o

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+#ifeq ($(KP_MODULE_ROOT),)
+# Kbuild assumes devicetree source lives in arch/arm64/boot/dts, but perhaps it
+# lives in some other directory in your project. Specify it with KBUILD_EXTMOD_DTS
+all: modules # dtbs
+	$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SRC) M=$(M) clean

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+load("//build/kernel/kleaf:kernel.bzl", "ddk_module")
+load("//build/bazel_common_rules/dist:dist.bzl", "copy_to_dist_dir")
+def define_modules(target, variant):
+    tv = "{}_{}".format(target, variant)
+    ddk_module(
+        name = "{}_ubwcp".format(tv),
+        out = "ubwcp.ko",
+        srcs = [
+            "ubwcp_main.c",
+            "ubwcp_hw.c",
+            "ubwcp_hw.h",
+            "ubwcp_trace.h",
+        ],
+        hdrs=["include/uapi/ubwcp_ioctl.h", "include/kernel/ubwcp.h"],
+        deps = ["//msm-kernel:all_headers"],
+        includes = ["include", "include/kernel"],
+        kernel_build = "//msm-kernel:{}".format(tv),
+        visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
+    )
+    copy_to_dist_dir(
+        name = "{}_ubwcp_dist".format(tv),
+        data = [":{}_ubwcp".format(tv)],
+        dist_dir = "out/target/product/{}/dlkm/lib/modules/".format(target),
+        flat = True,
+        wipe_dist_dir = False,
+        allow_duplicate_filenames = False,
+        mode_overrides = {"**/*": "644"},
+    )

+ 141 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef __UBWCP_H_
+#define __UBWCP_H_
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
+#include "../uapi/ubwcp_ioctl.h"
+typedef int (*configure_mmap)(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, bool linear, phys_addr_t ula_pa_addr,
+			      size_t ula_pa_size);
+ * Get UBWCP hardware version
+ *
+ * @param ver : ptr to ver struct where hw version will be
+ *            copied
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_get_hw_version(struct ubwcp_ioctl_hw_version *ver);
+ * Configures ubwcp buffer with the provided buffer image
+ * attributes. This call must be done at least once before
+ * ubwcp_lock(). Attributes can be configured multiple times,
+ * but only during unlocked state.
+ *
+ * Upon error, buffer will be in undefined state.
+ * There is no guarantee that previously set attributes will be retained.
+ * Caller could retry set attributes, but must not reuse buffer
+ * until a successful set attribute call is done.
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ * @param attr   : buffer attributes to set
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_set_buf_attrs(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr);
+ * Get the currently configured attributes for the buffer
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ * @param attr   : pointer to location where image attributes
+ *		   for this buffer will be copied to.
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_get_buf_attrs(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr);
+ * Set permanent range translation for the buffer. This reserves
+ * ubwcp address translation resources for the buffer until free
+ * is called. This may speed up lock()/unlock() calls as they
+ * don't need to configure address translations for the buffer.
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ * @param enable : true == enable, false == disable
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_set_perm_range_translation(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, bool enable);
+enum ubwcp_error {
+enum iommu_cb_id {
+struct ubwcp_enc_err_info {
+	struct dma_buf *dmabuf;
+	phys_addr_t ula_pa;
+struct ubwcp_dec_err_info {
+	struct dma_buf *dmabuf;
+	phys_addr_t ula_pa;
+struct ubwcp_translation_err_info {
+	struct dma_buf *dmabuf;
+	phys_addr_t ula_pa;
+	bool read;
+struct ubwcp_smmu_fault_err_info {
+	struct dma_buf *dmabuf;
+	unsigned long iova;
+	enum iommu_cb_id iommu_dev_id;
+	int iommu_fault_flags;
+struct ubwcp_err_info {
+	enum ubwcp_error err_code;
+	union {
+		struct ubwcp_enc_err_info enc_err;
+		struct ubwcp_dec_err_info dec_err;
+		struct ubwcp_translation_err_info translation_err;
+		struct ubwcp_smmu_fault_err_info smmu_err;
+	};
+typedef void (*ubwcp_error_handler_t)(struct ubwcp_err_info *err, void *data);
+ * Register an error handler
+ *
+ * @param client_id : not currently supported (pass in -1)
+ * @param handler   : the error handler function which will be called when an
+ *		      error occurs
+ * @param data      : data pointer provided with the error handler function
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_register_error_handler(u32 client_id, ubwcp_error_handler_t handler,
+				void *data);
+ * Unregister an error handler
+ *
+ * @param client_id : client id of handler to unregister (pass in -1)
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+int ubwcp_unregister_error_handler(u32 client_id);
+#endif /* __UBWCP_H_ */

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef __UBWCP_IOCTL_H_
+#define __UBWCP_IOCTL_H_
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#define UBWCP_IOCTL_SET_BUF_ATTR _IOW('U', 1, struct ubwcp_ioctl_buffer_attrs)
+#define UBWCP_IOCTL_GET_HW_VER   _IOR('U', 2, struct ubwcp_ioctl_hw_version)
+#define UBWCP_IOCTL_GET_STRIDE_ALIGN  _IOWR('U', 3, struct ubwcp_ioctl_stride_align)
+#define UBWCP_IOCTL_VALIDATE_STRIDE _IOWR('U', 4, struct ubwcp_ioctl_validate_stride)
+enum ubwcp_image_format {
+	UBWCP_P010,
+	UBWCP_P010_Y,
+	UBWCP_P010_UV,
+	UBWCP_P016,
+	UBWCP_P016_Y,
+	UBWCP_P016_UV,
+enum ubwcp_compression_type {
+enum ubwcp_subsample {
+	UBWCP_SUBSAMPLE_4_2_0 = 0,
+ * @image_format: image format
+ * @major_ubwc_ver: set to 0. This is not HW version.
+ * @minor_ubwc_ver: set to 0. This is not HW version.
+ * @compression_type: only lossless is supported.
+ * @lossy_params: set to 0
+ * @width: image width (pixels)
+ * @height: image height (pixels)
+ * @stride: image stride (bytes)
+ * @scanlines: number of scanlines
+ * @planar_padding: padding between Y and UV planes (bytes)
+ * @subsample: only 4:2:0 is supported
+ * @sub_system_target: only CPU is supported
+ * @y_offset: set to 0
+ * @batch_size: set to 1
+ *
+ * All pad[x] and unused[x] fields must be set to 0
+ */
+struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs {
+	__u16 image_format;	/* enum ubwcp_image_format */
+	__u16 major_ubwc_ver;	/* per-buffer version: must be set to 0 */
+	__u16 minor_ubwc_ver;	/* per-buffer version: must be set to 0 */
+	__u16 compression_type;	/* enum ubwcp_compression_type */
+	__u64  lossy_params;	/* must be set to 0 */
+	__u32 width;
+	__u32 height;
+	__u32 stride;
+	__u32 scanlines;
+	__u32 planar_padding;
+	__u32 subsample;	/* enum enum ubwcp_subsample */
+	__u32 sub_system_target;/* bit mask: UBWCP_SUBSYSTEM_TARGET_XXX */
+	__u32 y_offset;		/* must be set to 0 */
+	__u32 batch_size;	/* only size supported: 1 */
+	__u32 unused1;
+	__u32 unused2;
+	__u32 unused3;
+	__u32 unused4;
+	__u32 unused5;
+	__u32 unused6;
+	__u32 unused7;
+	__u32 unused8;
+	__u32 unused9;
+ *  @fd: dma_buf file descriptor for the buffer whose
+ *             attributes are specified
+ *  @attr: ubwcp buffer attributes
+ */
+struct ubwcp_ioctl_buffer_attrs {
+	__u32 fd;
+	__u32 pad;
+	struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs attr;
+ * ubwcp hardware version
+ *  @major: major version
+ *  @minor: minor version
+ */
+struct ubwcp_ioctl_hw_version {
+	__u32 major;
+	__u32 minor;
+ * Stride alignment for given format
+ *  @image_format: image format
+ *  @stride_align: stride alignment
+ *  @unused: must be set to 0
+ *  IOCTL will fail for linear image format
+ */
+struct ubwcp_ioctl_stride_align {
+	__u16 image_format;
+	__u16 stride_align;
+	__u32 unused;
+ * validate stride
+ *  @image_format: image format
+ *  @width: image width in pixels
+ *  @stride: image stride in bytes
+ *  @valid: returns 0 (not valid), 1 (valid)
+ *  @unusedX: must be set to 0
+ *  IOCTL will fail for linear image format
+ */
+struct ubwcp_ioctl_validate_stride {
+	__u16 image_format;
+	__u32 width;
+	__u32 stride;
+	__u16 valid;
+	__u16 unused1;
+	__u16 unused2;
+#endif /* __UBWCP_IOCTL_H_ */

+ 378 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define pr_fmt(fmt) "%s: hw: %s(): " fmt, KBUILD_MODNAME, __func__
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/cdev.h>
+#include <linux/qcom_scm.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <asm/barrier.h>
+#include "ubwcp_hw.h"
+static bool ubwcp_hw_trace_en;
+//#define DBG(fmt, args...)
+#define DBG(fmt, args...) \
+	do { \
+		if (unlikely(ubwcp_hw_trace_en)) \
+			pr_err(fmt "\n", ##args); \
+	} while (0)
+#define ERR(fmt, args...) pr_err_ratelimited(": %d: ~~~ERROR~~~: " fmt "\n", __LINE__, ##args)
+#define PAGE_ADDR_4K(_x) ((_x) >> 12)
+/* register offsets from base */
+#define RANGE_LOWER			0x0000
+#define RANGE_HIGHER			0x0800
+#define DESC_BASE			0x1000
+#define DESC_BASE_STRIDE		0x1004
+#define CONFIG				0x1008
+#define ENCODER_CONFIG			0x100C
+#define ENCODER_STATUS			0x1010
+#define DECODER_CONFIG			0x1014
+#define DECODER_STATUS			0x1018
+#define RANGE_CHECK_FAIL		0x101C
+#define RANGE_CHECK_CONTROL		0x1020
+#define RANGE_CHECK_STATUS		0x1060
+#define FLUSH_CONTROL			0x10A0
+#define FLUSH_STATUS			0x10A4
+#define INTERRUPT_SET			0x10B0
+#define INTERRUPT_READ_SRC_LOW		0x1100
+#define INTERRUPT_READ_SRC_HIGH		0x1104
+#define INTERRUPT_WRITE_SRC_LOW		0x1108
+#define INTERRUPT_CLEAR			0x1120
+#define QNS4_PARAMS			0x1124
+#define OVERRIDE			0x112C
+#define VERSION_CONTROL			0x1130
+#define SPARE				0x1188
+/* read/write register */
+#if defined(UBWCP_DEBUG_REG_RW)
+#define UBWCP_REG_READ(_base, _offset) \
+			({u32 _reg; \
+			_reg = ioread32(_base + _offset); \
+			DBG("READ : 0x%x -> 0x%08x", _offset, _reg); \
+			_reg; })
+#define UBWCP_REG_WRITE(_base, _offset, _value) \
+			{ \
+			DBG("WRITE: 0x%x <- 0x%08x", _offset, _value); \
+			iowrite32(_value, _base + _offset); \
+			}
+#define UBWCP_REG_READ(_base, _offset)           ioread32(_base + _offset)
+#define UBWCP_REG_WRITE(_base, _offset, _value)  iowrite32(_value, _base + _offset)
+#define UBWCP_REG_READ_NO_DBG(_base, _offset)           ioread32(_base + _offset)
+#define UBWCP_REG_WRITE_NO_DBG(_base, _offset, _value)  iowrite32(_value, _base + _offset)
+void ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt, bool enable)
+	u32 value;
+	if (enable)
+		value = value | (1 << interrupt);
+	else
+		value = value & ~(1 << interrupt);
+void ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt)
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE_NO_DBG(base, INTERRUPT_CLEAR, (1 << interrupt));
+int ubwcp_hw_interrupt_status(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt)
+	int value = -1;
+	switch (interrupt) {
+		break;
+		break;
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		/* TBD: fatal error? */
+		break;
+	}
+	return value;
+/* returns the address which caused this interrupt */
+u64 ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt)
+	u32 addr_low;
+	u32 addr_high;
+	switch (interrupt) {
+		break;
+		break;
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		/* TBD: fatal error? */
+		addr_low = 0x0;
+		addr_high = 0x0;
+		break;
+	}
+	return ((addr_high << 31) | addr_low);
+ * @index: index of buffer (from 0 to 255)
+ * @pa   : ULA PA start address
+ * @size : size of ULA PA address range
+ */
+void ubwcp_hw_set_range_check(void __iomem *base, u16 index, phys_addr_t pa, size_t size)
+	u32 lower;
+	u32 higher;
+	lower  = PAGE_ADDR_4K(pa);
+	higher = PAGE_ADDR_4K(pa + size);
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, RANGE_LOWER  + index*4, lower);
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, RANGE_HIGHER + index*4, higher);
+/* enable range ck:
+ * identify control register for this index.
+ * 32bits in each ctrl reg. upto 8 regs for 256 indexes
+ */
+void ubwcp_hw_enable_range_check(void __iomem *base, u16 index)
+	u32 val;
+	u16 ctrl_reg = index >> 5;
+	val = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, RANGE_CHECK_CONTROL + ctrl_reg*4);
+	val |= (1 << (index & 0x1F));
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, RANGE_CHECK_CONTROL + ctrl_reg*4, val);
+int ubwcp_hw_flush(void __iomem *base)
+	u32 flush_complete = 0;
+	u32 count_no_delay = 1000;
+	u32 count_delay = 2000;
+	u32 count = count_no_delay + count_delay;
+	do {
+		if (count < count_delay)
+			udelay(1);
+		flush_complete = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, FLUSH_STATUS) & 0x1;
+		if (flush_complete) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+	} while (count--);
+	ERR("~~~~~ FLUSH FAILED ~~~~~");
+	return -1;
+/* Disable range check with flush */
+int ubwcp_hw_disable_range_check_with_flush(void __iomem *base, u16 index)
+	u32 val;
+	u16 ctrl_reg = index >> 5;
+	/*
+	 * It is not clear that the isb() calls in this sequence are
+	 * requried, we may be able to remove them.
+	 */
+	//ensure all CMOs have completed
+	isb();
+	//disable range ck
+	val = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, RANGE_CHECK_CONTROL + ctrl_reg*4);
+	val &= ~(1 << (index & 0x1F));
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, RANGE_CHECK_CONTROL + ctrl_reg*4, val);
+	isb();
+	//assert flush
+	return ubwcp_hw_flush(base);
+void ubwcp_hw_set_buf_desc(void __iomem *base, u64 desc_addr, u16 desc_stride)
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, DESC_BASE, PAGE_ADDR_4K(desc_addr));
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, DESC_BASE_STRIDE, desc_stride);
+/* Value set here is returned upon read of an address that fails range check.
+ * Writes are ignored.
+ * Will also generate range_check_fail interrupt if enabled.
+ * if we don't program, default value is: 0x92929292
+ */
+void ubwcp_hw_set_default_range_check_value(void __iomem *base, u32 val)
+void ubwcp_hw_version(void __iomem *base, u32 *major, u32 *minor)
+	u32 version;
+	*major = version & 0xF;
+	*minor = (version & 0xF0) >> 4;
+/* TBD: */
+void ubwcp_hw_macro_tile_config(void __iomem *base)
+	//TODO: In future add in support for LP4
+	//May be able to determine DDR version via call to
+	//of_fdt_get_ddrtype()
+	/*
+	 * For Lanai assume 4 Channel LP5 DDR so from HSR
+	 * MAL Size					32B
+	 * Highest Bank Bit				16
+	 * Level 1 Bank Swizzling			Disable
+	 * Level 2 Bank Swizzling			Enable
+	 * Level 3 Bank Swizzling			Enable
+	 * Bank Spreading				Enable
+	 * Macrotiling Configuration (Num Channels)	8
+	 */
+/* TBD: */
+void ubwcp_hw_decoder_config(void __iomem *base)
+	/*
+	 * For Lanai assume AMSBC (UBWC4.4/4.3) algorithm is used == b11
+	 * For Lanai assume 4 Channel LP5 DDR so MAL Size 32B == b0
+	 */
+/* TBD: */
+void ubwcp_hw_encoder_config(void __iomem *base)
+	/*
+	 * For Lanai assume AMSBC (UBWC4.4/4.3) algorithm is used == b11
+	 * For Lanai assume 4 Channel LP5 DDR so MAL Size 32B == b0
+	 */
+void ubwcp_hw_power_vote_status(void __iomem *pwr_ctrl, u8 *vote, u8 *status)
+	u32 reg;
+	reg = UBWCP_REG_READ(pwr_ctrl, 0);
+	*vote =   (reg & BIT(0)) >> 0;
+	*status = (reg & BIT(31)) >> 31;
+/* process only one tile at a time */
+void ubwcp_hw_single_tile(void __iomem *base, bool en)
+	u32 reg;
+	reg = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, SPARE);
+	if (en)
+		reg |= BIT(15);
+	else
+		reg &= ~BIT(15);
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, SPARE, reg);
+void ubwcp_hw_one_time_init(void __iomem *base)
+	u32 reg;
+	/* Spare reg config: set bit-9: SCC & bit-1: padding */
+	reg = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, SPARE);
+	reg |= BIT(9) | BIT(1);
+	UBWCP_REG_WRITE(base, SPARE, reg);
+	/* Configure SID */
+	reg = UBWCP_REG_READ(base, QNS4_PARAMS);
+	reg &= ~(0x3F);
+	reg |= 0x1;      /* desc buffer */
+	reg |= (0 << 3); /* pixel data  */
+	ubwcp_hw_decoder_config(base);
+	ubwcp_hw_encoder_config(base);
+	ubwcp_hw_macro_tile_config(base);
+void ubwcp_hw_trace_set(bool value)
+	ubwcp_hw_trace_en = value;
+void ubwcp_hw_trace_get(bool *value)
+	*value = ubwcp_hw_trace_en;

+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef __UBWCP_HW_H_
+#define __UBWCP_HW_H_
+#define HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_NV12	0x2
+#define HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_NV124R	0x4
+#define HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_P010	0x6
+#define HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_TP10	0x8
+#define HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_P016	0xA
+/* interrupt id. also bit location for set/clear */
+ * struct msm_ubwcp_- UBWCP hardware instance
+ * dev:UBWCP device
+ * irq:Interrupt number
+ * clk:The bus clock for this IOMMU hardware instance
+ * pclk:The clock for the IOMMU IOMMU bus interconnect
+ */
+struct ubwcp_dev {
+	void __iomem *base;
+	struct device *dev;
+	int irq;
+	struct clk *clk;
+	struct clk *pclk;
+	/* TBD:
+	 * struct list_head dev_node;
+	 * struct list_head dom_node;
+	 * struct list_head ctx_list;
+	 * struct iommu_device iommu;
+	 */
+struct __packed ubwcp_hw_meta_metadata {
+	u64 uv_start_addr : 48;	/* uv start address */
+	u16 format : 16;	/* format */
+	u16 stride;		/* image stride (bytes) */
+	u16 stride_ubwcp;	/* p010 stride for tp10 image (bytes) */
+	u32 metadata_base_y;	/* 24-bit page address */
+	u32 metadata_base_uv;	/* 24-bit page address */
+	u16 buffer_y_offset;	/* 4KB offset from meta_data_base_y */
+	u16 buffer_uv_offset;	/* 4KB offset from meta_data_base_y */
+	u32 width_height;	/* image width (bytes) */
+void ubwcp_hw_version(void __iomem *base, u32 *major, u32 *minor);
+void ubwcp_hw_set_buf_desc(void __iomem *base, u64 desc_addr, u16 desc_stride);
+void ubwcp_hw_enable_range_check(void __iomem *base, u16 index);
+int ubwcp_hw_disable_range_check_with_flush(void __iomem *base, u16 index);
+void ubwcp_hw_set_range_check(void __iomem *base, u16 index, phys_addr_t pa, size_t size);
+u64 ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt);
+void ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt);
+void ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(void __iomem *base, u16 interrupt, bool enable);
+void ubwcp_hw_power_on(void __iomem *pwr_ctrl, bool power_on);
+void ubwcp_hw_one_time_init(void __iomem *base);
+int ubwcp_hw_flush(void __iomem *base);
+void ubwcp_hw_trace_set(bool value);
+void ubwcp_hw_trace_get(bool *value);
+void ubwcp_hw_single_tile(void __iomem *base, bool en);
+#endif /* __UBWCP_HW_H_ */

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ # Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ # Copyright (c) 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ #
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation.
+ #
+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+ # more details.
+ #
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ # this program.  If not, see <>.
+import argparse
+import filecmp
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+def run_uapi_headers_install(verbose, gen_dir, headers_install, unifdef, prefix, h):
+    if not h.startswith(prefix):
+        print('error: expected prefix [%s] on header [%s]' % (prefix, h))
+        return False
+    out_h = os.path.join(gen_dir, h[len(prefix):])
+    (out_h_dirname, out_h_basename) = os.path.split(out_h)
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    env["LOC_UNIFDEF"] = unifdef
+    cmd = ["sh", headers_install, h, out_h]
+    if verbose:
+        print('run_uapi_headers_install: cmd is %s' % cmd)
+    result =, env=env)
+    if result != 0:
+        print('error: run_uapi_headers_install: cmd %s failed %d' % (cmd, result))
+        return False
+    return True
+def run_kernel_headers_install(verbose, gen_dir, headers_install, unifdef, prefix, h):
+    if not h.startswith(prefix):
+        print('error: expected prefix [%s] on header [%s]' % (prefix, h))
+        return False
+    out_h = os.path.join(gen_dir, h[len(prefix):])
+    (out_h_dirname, out_h_basename) = os.path.split(out_h)
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    cmd = ["cp", h, out_h]
+    if verbose:
+        print('run_kernel_headers_install: cmd is %s' % cmd)
+    result =, env=env)
+    if result != 0:
+        print('error: run_kernel_headers_install: cmd %s failed %d' % (cmd, result))
+        return False
+    return True
+def gen_ubwcp_headers(verbose, gen_dir, headers_install, unifdef, ubwcp_include):
+    error_count = 0
+    for h in ubwcp_include:
+        if 'include/uapi' in h:
+            ubwcp_include_prefix = os.path.join(h.split('/include/uapi')[0], 'include', 'uapi') + os.sep
+            if not run_uapi_headers_install(
+                verbose, gen_dir, headers_install, unifdef,
+                ubwcp_include_prefix, h): error_count += 1
+        elif 'include/kernel' in h:
+            ubwcp_include_prefix = os.path.join(h.split('/include/kernel')[0], 'include', 'kernel') + os.sep
+            if not run_kernel_headers_install(
+                verbose, gen_dir, headers_install, unifdef,
+                ubwcp_include_prefix, h): error_count += 1
+    return error_count
+def main():
+    """Parse command line arguments and perform top level control."""
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description=__doc__,
+            formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    # Arguments that apply to every invocation of this script.
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--verbose', action='store_true',
+            help='Print output that describes the workings of this script.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--header_arch', required=True,
+            help='The arch for which to generate headers.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--gen_dir', required=True,
+            help='Where to place the generated files.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--ubwcp_include', required=True, nargs='*',
+            help='The list of header files.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--headers_install', required=True,
+            help='The headers_install tool to process input headers.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+              '--unifdef',
+              required=True,
+              help='The unifdef tool used by headers_install.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbose:
+        print('header_arch [%s]' % args.header_arch)
+        print('gen_dir [%s]' % args.gen_dir)
+        print('ubwcp_include [%s]' % args.ubwcp_include)
+        print('headers_install [%s]' % args.headers_install)
+        print('unifdef [%s]' % args.unifdef)
+    return gen_ubwcp_headers(args.verbose, args.gen_dir,
+            args.headers_install, args.unifdef, args.ubwcp_include)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())

+ 3584 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3584 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define pr_fmt(fmt) "%s: %s(): " fmt, KBUILD_MODNAME, __func__
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/cdev.h>
+#include <linux/hashtable.h>
+#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_platform.h>
+#include <linux/of_address.h>
+#include <linux/genalloc.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/numa.h>
+#include <linux/memory_hotplug.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/ubwcp_dma_heap.h>
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/iommu.h>
+#include <linux/set_memory.h>
+#include <linux/range.h>
+#include <linux/qcom_scm.h>
+#include "include/kernel/ubwcp.h"
+#include "ubwcp_hw.h"
+#include "include/uapi/ubwcp_ioctl.h"
+#include "ubwcp_trace.h"
+#define UBWCP_DEVICE_NAME "ubwcp"
+#define CACHE_ADDR(x) ((x) >> 6)
+#define PAGE_ADDR(x)  ((x) >> 12)
+#define UBWCP_ALIGN(_x, _y)  ((((_x) + (_y) - 1)/(_y))*(_y))
+#define DBG_BUF_ATTR(fmt, args...) do { if (unlikely(ubwcp_debug_trace_enable)) \
+					pr_err(fmt "\n", ##args); \
+					} while (0)
+#define DBG(fmt, args...) do { if (unlikely(ubwcp_debug_trace_enable)) \
+				pr_err(fmt "\n", ##args); \
+				} while (0)
+#define ERR(fmt, args...) pr_err_ratelimited("%d: ~~~ERROR~~~: " fmt "\n", __LINE__, ##args)
+#define META_DATA_PITCH_ALIGN    64
+#define META_DATA_SIZE_ALIGN  4096
+#define UBWCP_SYNC_GRANULE 0x4000000L /* 64 MB */
+/* Max values for attributes */
+#define MAX_ATTR_WIDTH  (10*1024)
+#define MAX_ATTR_HEIGHT (10*1024)
+#define MAX_ATTR_STRIDE (64*1024)
+#define MAX_ATTR_PLANAR_PAD 4096
+#define MAX_ATTR_SCANLN_HT_DELTA (32*1024)
+enum ula_remove_mem_status {
+struct ubwcp_desc {
+	int idx;
+	void *ptr;
+struct tile_dimension {
+	u16 width;
+	u16 height;
+struct ubwcp_plane_info {
+	u16 pixel_bytes;
+	u16 per_pixel;
+	struct tile_dimension tilesize_p;      /* pixels */
+	struct tile_dimension macrotilesize_p; /* pixels */
+struct ubwcp_image_format_info {
+	u16 planes;
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info[2];
+enum ubwcp_std_image_format {
+	RGBA   = 0,
+	NV12   = 1,
+	NV124R = 2,
+	P010   = 3,
+	TP10   = 4,
+	P016   = 5,
+enum ubwcp_state {
+struct ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_ctrl {
+	atomic_t cpu_count;
+	bool enable;
+	int result;
+struct ubwcp_driver {
+	/* cdev related */
+	dev_t devt;
+	struct class *dev_class; //sysfs dev class
+	struct device *dev_sys; //sysfs dev
+	struct cdev cdev; //char dev
+	/* debugfs */
+	struct dentry *debugfs_root;
+	bool read_err_irq_en;
+	bool write_err_irq_en;
+	bool decode_err_irq_en;
+	bool encode_err_irq_en;
+	bool single_tile_en;
+	/* ubwcp devices */
+	struct device *dev; //ubwcp device
+	struct device *dev_desc_cb; //smmu dev for descriptors
+	struct device *dev_buf_cb; //smmu dev for ubwcp buffers
+	void __iomem *base; //ubwcp base address
+	struct regulator *vdd;
+	struct clk **clocks;
+	int num_clocks;
+	/* interrupts */
+	int irq_range_ck_rd;
+	int irq_range_ck_wr;
+	int irq_encode;
+	int irq_decode;
+	/* ula address pool */
+	u64 ula_pool_base;
+	u64 ula_pool_size;
+	struct gen_pool *ula_pool;
+	configure_mmap mmap_config_fptr;
+	/* HW version */
+	u32 hw_ver_major;
+	u32 hw_ver_minor;
+	/* keep track of all potential buffers.
+	 * hash table index'ed using dma_buf ptr.
+	 * 2**13 = 8192 hash values
+	 */
+	DECLARE_HASHTABLE(buf_table, 13);
+	/* buffer descriptor */
+	void       *buffer_desc_base;      /* CPU address */
+	dma_addr_t buffer_desc_dma_handle; /* dma address */
+	size_t buffer_desc_size;
+	struct ubwcp_desc desc_list[UBWCP_BUFFER_DESC_COUNT];
+	struct ubwcp_image_format_info format_info[INFO_FORMAT_LIST_SIZE];
+	/* driver state */
+	enum ubwcp_state state;
+	atomic_t num_non_lin_buffers;
+	bool mem_online;
+	struct mutex desc_lock;        /* allocate/free descriptors */
+	spinlock_t buf_table_lock;     /* add/remove dma_buf into list of managed bufffers */
+	struct mutex mem_hotplug_lock; /* memory hotplug lock */
+	struct mutex ula_lock;         /* allocate/free ula */
+	struct mutex ubwcp_flush_lock; /* ubwcp flush */
+	struct mutex hw_range_ck_lock; /* range ck */
+	struct list_head err_handler_list; /* error handler list */
+	spinlock_t err_handler_list_lock;  /* err_handler_list lock */
+	struct dev_pagemap pgmap;
+	/* power state tracking */
+	int power_on;
+	struct mutex power_ctrl_lock;
+	struct ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_ctrl ctrl;
+struct ubwcp_buf {
+	struct hlist_node hnode;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs buf_attr;
+	bool perm;
+	struct ubwcp_desc *desc;
+	bool buf_attr_set;
+	enum dma_data_direction dma_dir;
+	int lock_count;
+	/* dma_buf info */
+	struct dma_buf *dma_buf;
+	struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment;
+	struct sg_table *sgt;
+	/* ula info */
+	phys_addr_t ula_pa;
+	size_t ula_size;
+	/* meta metadata */
+	struct ubwcp_hw_meta_metadata mmdata;
+	struct mutex lock;
+static struct ubwcp_driver *me;
+static u32 ubwcp_debug_trace_enable;
+static void prefetch_tgt_per_cpu(void *info)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_ctrl *ctrl;
+	ctrl = (struct ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_ctrl *) info;
+	ret = qcom_scm_prefetch_tgt_ctrl(ctrl->enable);
+	if (ret) {
+		//ctrl->result = ret;
+		//ERR("scm call failed, ret: %d enable: %d", ret, ctrl->enable);
+		DBG("scm call failed, ret: %d missing the matching TZ?", ret);
+	}
+	atomic_dec(&ctrl->cpu_count);
+/* Enable/disable generation of prefetch target opcode. smc call must be done from each core
+ * to update the core specific register. Not thread-safe.
+ */
+static int prefetch_tgt(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, bool enable)
+	int cpu;
+	trace_ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_start(enable);
+	DBG("enable: %d", enable);
+	ubwcp->ctrl.enable = enable;
+	ubwcp->ctrl.result = 0;
+	atomic_set(&ubwcp->ctrl.cpu_count, 0);
+	cpus_read_lock();
+	for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_online_mask) {
+		atomic_inc(&ubwcp->ctrl.cpu_count);
+		smp_call_function_single(cpu, prefetch_tgt_per_cpu, (void *) &ubwcp->ctrl, false);
+	}
+	cpus_read_unlock();
+	while (atomic_read(&ubwcp->ctrl.cpu_count))
+		;
+	DBG("done");
+	trace_ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_end(enable);
+	return ubwcp->ctrl.result;
+static struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp_get_driver(void)
+	if (!me)
+		WARN(1, "ubwcp: driver ptr requested but driver not initialized");
+	return me;
+static void image_format_init(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+{				/* planes, bytes/p,   Tp  ,    MTp    */
+	ubwcp->format_info[RGBA]   = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{1, {{4, 1,  {16, 4}, {64, 16}}}};
+	ubwcp->format_info[NV12]   = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{2, {{1,  1, {32, 8}, {128, 32}},
+					     {2,  1, {16, 8}, { 64, 32}}}};
+	ubwcp->format_info[NV124R] = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{2, {{1,  1, {64, 4}, {256, 16}},
+					     {2,  1, {32, 4}, {128, 16}}}};
+	ubwcp->format_info[P010]   = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{2, {{2,  1, {32, 4}, {128, 16}},
+					     {4,  1, {16, 4}, { 64, 16}}}};
+	ubwcp->format_info[TP10]   = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{2, {{4,  3, {48, 4}, {192, 16}},
+					     {8,  3, {24, 4}, { 96, 16}}}};
+	ubwcp->format_info[P016]   = (struct ubwcp_image_format_info)
+					{2, {{2,  1, {32, 4}, {128, 16}},
+					     {4,  1, {16, 4}, { 64, 16}}}};
+static void ubwcp_buf_desc_list_init(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int idx;
+	struct ubwcp_desc *desc_list = ubwcp->desc_list;
+	for (idx = 0; idx < UBWCP_BUFFER_DESC_COUNT; idx++) {
+		desc_list[idx].idx = -1;
+		desc_list[idx].ptr = NULL;
+	}
+static int ubwcp_init_clocks(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, struct device *dev)
+	const char *cname;
+	struct property *prop;
+	int i;
+	ubwcp->num_clocks =
+		of_property_count_strings(dev->of_node, "clock-names");
+	if (ubwcp->num_clocks < 1) {
+		ubwcp->num_clocks = 0;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	ubwcp->clocks = devm_kzalloc(dev,
+		sizeof(*ubwcp->clocks) * ubwcp->num_clocks, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ubwcp->clocks)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	i = 0;
+	of_property_for_each_string(dev->of_node, "clock-names",
+				prop, cname) {
+		struct clk *c = devm_clk_get(dev, cname);
+		if (IS_ERR(c)) {
+			ERR("Couldn't get clock: %s\n", cname);
+			return PTR_ERR(c);
+		}
+		ubwcp->clocks[i] = c;
+		++i;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int ubwcp_enable_clocks(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int i, ret = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ubwcp->num_clocks; ++i) {
+		ret = clk_prepare_enable(ubwcp->clocks[i]);
+		if (ret) {
+			ERR("Couldn't enable clock #%d\n", i);
+			while (i--)
+				clk_disable_unprepare(ubwcp->clocks[i]);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+static void ubwcp_disable_clocks(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int i;
+	for (i = ubwcp->num_clocks; i; --i)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(ubwcp->clocks[i - 1]);
+/* UBWCP Power control
+ * Due to hw bug, ubwcp block cannot handle prefetch target opcode. Thus we disable the opcode
+ * when ubwcp is powered on and enable it back when ubwcp is powered off.
+ */
+static int ubwcp_power(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, bool enable)
+	int ret = 0;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->power_ctrl_lock);
+	if (enable) {
+		ubwcp->power_on++;
+		if (ubwcp->power_on != 1)
+			goto done;
+	} else {
+		ubwcp->power_on--;
+		if (ubwcp->power_on != 0)
+			goto done;
+	}
+	if (enable) {
+		ret = prefetch_tgt(ubwcp, 0);
+		if (ret)
+			goto done;
+		ret = regulator_enable(ubwcp->vdd);
+		if (ret) {
+			ERR("regulator call (enable: %d) failed: %d", enable, ret);
+			goto done;
+		}
+		ret = ubwcp_enable_clocks(ubwcp);
+		if (ret) {
+			ERR("enable clocks failed: %d", ret);
+			regulator_disable(ubwcp->vdd);
+			goto done;
+		}
+	} else {
+		ret = regulator_disable(ubwcp->vdd);
+		if (ret) {
+			ERR("regulator call (enable: %d) failed: %d", enable, ret);
+			goto done;
+		}
+		ubwcp_disable_clocks(ubwcp);
+		ret = prefetch_tgt(ubwcp, 1);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->power_ctrl_lock);
+	return ret;
+/* get ubwcp_buf corresponding to the given dma_buf */
+static struct ubwcp_buf *dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(struct dma_buf *dmabuf)
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf = NULL;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *ret_buf = NULL;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	unsigned long flags;
+	if (!dmabuf || !ubwcp)
+		return NULL;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	/* look up ubwcp_buf corresponding to this dma_buf */
+	hash_for_each_possible(ubwcp->buf_table, buf, hnode, (u64)dmabuf) {
+		if (buf->dma_buf == dmabuf) {
+			ret_buf = buf;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	return ret_buf;
+/* return ubwcp hardware version */
+int ubwcp_get_hw_version(struct ubwcp_ioctl_hw_version *ver)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	if (!ver) {
+		ERR("invalid version ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return -1;
+	if (ubwcp->state == UBWCP_STATE_INVALID)
+		return -EPERM;
+	ver->major = ubwcp->hw_ver_major;
+	ver->minor = ubwcp->hw_ver_minor;
+	return 0;
+static int ula_add_mem(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int ret = 0;
+	int nid;
+	void *ptr;
+	nid = memory_add_physaddr_to_nid(ubwcp->ula_pool_base);
+	DBG("calling memremap_pages()...");
+	ubwcp->pgmap.type = MEMORY_DEVICE_GENERIC;
+	ubwcp->pgmap.nr_range = 1;
+	ubwcp->pgmap.range.start = ubwcp->ula_pool_base;
+	ubwcp->pgmap.range.end = ubwcp->ula_pool_base + ubwcp->ula_pool_size - 1;
+	trace_ubwcp_memremap_pages_start(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	ptr = memremap_pages(&ubwcp->pgmap, nid);
+	trace_ubwcp_memremap_pages_end(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	if (IS_ERR(ptr)) {
+		ret = IS_ERR(ptr);
+		ERR("memremap_pages() failed st:0x%lx sz:0x%lx err: %d",
+			ubwcp->ula_pool_base,
+			ubwcp->ula_pool_size,
+			ret);
+	} else {
+		DBG("memremap_pages() ula_pool_base:0x%llx, size:0x%zx, kernel addr:0x%p",
+			ubwcp->ula_pool_base,
+			ubwcp->ula_pool_size,
+			page_to_virt(pfn_to_page(PFN_DOWN(ubwcp->ula_pool_base))));
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int ula_map_uncached(u64 base, u64 size)
+	int ret;
+	trace_ubwcp_set_direct_map_range_uncached_start(size);
+	ret = set_direct_map_range_uncached((unsigned long)phys_to_virt(base), size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+	trace_ubwcp_set_direct_map_range_uncached_end(size);
+	if (ret)
+		ERR("set_direct_map_range_uncached failed st:0x%lx num pages:%lu err: %d",
+			base, size >> PAGE_SHIFT, ret);
+	return ret;
+static void ula_unmap(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	DBG("Calling memunmap_pages() for ULA PA pool");
+	trace_ubwcp_memunmap_pages_start(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	memunmap_pages(&ubwcp->pgmap);
+	trace_ubwcp_memunmap_pages_end(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+static void ula_sync_for_cpu(struct device *dev, u64 addr, unsigned long size)
+	trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_start(size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+	dma_sync_single_for_cpu(dev, addr, size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+	trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_end(size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+/** Remove ula memory in chunks
+ *  Abort if new buffer addition is detected
+ *  If remove succeeds or aborted, return success
+ *  	status value indicates if mem was removed or aborted (not removed)
+ *  Otherwise return failure
+ */
+static int ula_remove_mem(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, enum ula_remove_mem_status *status)
+	int ret = 0;
+	unsigned long sync_remain = ubwcp->ula_pool_size;
+	unsigned long sync_offset = 0;
+	unsigned long sync_size = 0;
+	ret = ula_map_uncached(ubwcp->ula_pool_base, ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	trace_ubwcp_offline_sync_start(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	while (sync_remain > 0) {
+		if (atomic_read(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers) > 0) {
+			trace_ubwcp_offline_sync_end(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+			ula_unmap(ubwcp);
+			if (ula_add_mem(ubwcp)) {
+				ERR("remove mem: failed to add back during abort");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if (UBWCP_SYNC_GRANULE > sync_remain) {
+			sync_size = sync_remain;
+			sync_remain = 0;
+		} else {
+			sync_size = UBWCP_SYNC_GRANULE;
+			sync_remain -= UBWCP_SYNC_GRANULE;
+		}
+		ula_sync_for_cpu(ubwcp->dev, ubwcp->ula_pool_base + sync_offset, sync_size);
+		sync_offset += sync_size;
+	}
+	trace_ubwcp_offline_sync_end(ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	ula_unmap(ubwcp);
+	return 0;
+static int inc_num_non_lin_buffers(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	atomic_inc(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers);
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	if (!ubwcp->mem_online) {
+		if (atomic_read(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers) == 0) {
+			ERR("Bad state: num_non_lin_buffers should not be 0");
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+			goto err;
+		if (ula_add_mem(ubwcp))
+			goto err_add_memory;
+		ubwcp->mem_online = true;
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false);
+	atomic_dec(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+static int dec_num_non_lin_buffers(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int ret;
+	enum ula_remove_mem_status remove_status;
+	atomic_dec(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers);
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	if (atomic_read(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers) == 0) {
+		DBG("last buffer: ~~~~~~~~~~~");
+		if (!ubwcp->mem_online) {
+			ERR("Bad state: mem_online should not be false");
+			goto err;
+		}
+		ret = ula_remove_mem(ubwcp, &remove_status);
+		if (ret)
+			goto err;
+		if (remove_status == ULA_REMOVE_MEM_SUCCESS) {
+			ubwcp->mem_online = false;
+			if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+				goto err;
+		} else if (remove_status == ULA_REMOVE_MEM_ABORTED) {
+			DBG("ula memory offline aborted");
+		} else {
+			ERR("unexpected ula remove status: %d", remove_status);
+			goto err;
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	return 0;
+	atomic_inc(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+ *
+ * Initialize ubwcp buffer for the given dma_buf. This
+ * initializes ubwcp internal data structures and possibly hw to
+ * use ubwcp for this buffer.
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the buffer to be configured for ubwcp
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+static int ubwcp_init_buffer(struct dma_buf *dmabuf)
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	unsigned long flags;
+	trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_start(dmabuf);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", ubwcp->state);
+		trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf)) {
+		ERR("dma_buf already initialized for ubwcp");
+		trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EEXIST;
+	}
+	buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*buf), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("failed to alloc for new ubwcp_buf");
+		trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	mutex_init(&buf->lock);
+	buf->dma_buf = dmabuf;
+	buf->ubwcp   = ubwcp;
+	buf->buf_attr.image_format = UBWCP_LINEAR;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	hash_add(ubwcp->buf_table, &buf->hnode, (u64)buf->dma_buf);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	trace_ubwcp_init_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+	return 0;
+static void dump_attributes(struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr)
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("image_format: %d", attr->image_format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("major_ubwc_ver: %d", attr->major_ubwc_ver);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("minor_ubwc_ver: %d", attr->minor_ubwc_ver);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("compression_type: %d", attr->compression_type);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("lossy_params: %llu", attr->lossy_params);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("width: %d", attr->width);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("height: %d", attr->height);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("stride: %d", attr->stride);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("scanlines: %d", attr->scanlines);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("planar_padding: %d", attr->planar_padding);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("subsample: %d", attr->subsample);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("sub_system_target: %d", attr->sub_system_target);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("y_offset: %d", attr->y_offset);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("batch_size: %d", attr->batch_size);
+static int to_std_format(u16 ioctl_image_format, enum ubwcp_std_image_format *format)
+	switch (ioctl_image_format) {
+	case UBWCP_RGBA8888:
+		*format = RGBA;
+		return 0;
+	case UBWCP_NV12:
+	case UBWCP_NV12_Y:
+	case UBWCP_NV12_UV:
+		*format = NV12;
+		return 0;
+	case UBWCP_NV124R:
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_Y:
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_UV:
+		*format = NV124R;
+		return 0;
+	case UBWCP_TP10:
+	case UBWCP_TP10_Y:
+	case UBWCP_TP10_UV:
+		*format = TP10;
+		return 0;
+	case UBWCP_P010:
+	case UBWCP_P010_Y:
+	case UBWCP_P010_UV:
+		*format = P010;
+		return 0;
+	case UBWCP_P016:
+	case UBWCP_P016_Y:
+	case UBWCP_P016_UV:
+		*format = P016;
+		return 0;
+	default:
+		ERR("Failed to convert ioctl image format to std format: %d", ioctl_image_format);
+		return -1;
+	}
+static int std_to_hw_img_fmt(enum ubwcp_std_image_format format, u16 *hw_fmt)
+	switch (format) {
+	case RGBA:
+		return 0;
+	case NV12:
+		*hw_fmt = HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_NV12;
+		return 0;
+	case NV124R:
+		*hw_fmt = HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_NV124R;
+		return 0;
+	case P010:
+		*hw_fmt = HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_P010;
+		return 0;
+	case TP10:
+		*hw_fmt = HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_TP10;
+		return 0;
+	case P016:
+		*hw_fmt = HW_BUFFER_FORMAT_P016;
+		return 0;
+	default:
+		ERR("Failed to convert std image format to hw format: %d", format);
+		return -1;
+	}
+static int get_stride_alignment(enum ubwcp_std_image_format format, u16 *align)
+	switch (format) {
+	case TP10:
+		*align = 64;
+		return 0;
+	case NV12:
+		*align = 128;
+		return 0;
+	case RGBA:
+	case NV124R:
+	case P010:
+	case P016:
+		*align = 256;
+		return 0;
+	default:
+		return -1;
+	}
+/* returns stride of compressed image */
+static u32 get_compressed_stride(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					enum ubwcp_std_image_format format, u32 width)
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info;
+	u16 macro_tile_width_p;
+	u16 pixel_bytes;
+	u16 per_pixel;
+	p_info = ubwcp->format_info[format].p_info[0];
+	macro_tile_width_p = p_info.macrotilesize_p.width;
+	pixel_bytes = p_info.pixel_bytes;
+	per_pixel = p_info.per_pixel;
+	return UBWCP_ALIGN(width, macro_tile_width_p)*pixel_bytes/per_pixel;
+static void
+ubwcp_pixel_to_bytes(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+			enum ubwcp_std_image_format format,
+			u32 width_p, u32 height_p,
+			u32 *width_b, u32 *height_b)
+	u16 pixel_bytes;
+	u16 per_pixel;
+	struct ubwcp_image_format_info f_info;
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info;
+	f_info = ubwcp->format_info[format];
+	p_info = f_info.p_info[0];
+	pixel_bytes = p_info.pixel_bytes;
+	per_pixel   = p_info.per_pixel;
+	*width_b  = (width_p*pixel_bytes)/per_pixel;
+	*height_b = (height_p*pixel_bytes)/per_pixel;
+/* check if linear stride conforms to hw limitations
+ * always returns false for linear image
+ */
+static bool stride_is_valid(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+				enum ubwcp_std_image_format format, u32 width, u32 lin_stride)
+	u32 compressed_stride;
+	u32 width_b;
+	u32 height_b;
+	ubwcp_pixel_to_bytes(ubwcp, format, width, 0, &width_b, &height_b);
+	if ((lin_stride < width_b) || (lin_stride > MAX_ATTR_STRIDE)) {
+		ERR("Invalid stride: %u width: %u width_b: %u", lin_stride, width, width_b);
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (format == TP10) {
+		if(!IS_ALIGNED(lin_stride, 64)) {
+			ERR("stride must be aligned to 64: %d", lin_stride);
+			return false;
+		}
+	} else {
+		compressed_stride = get_compressed_stride(ubwcp, format, width);
+		if (lin_stride != compressed_stride) {
+			ERR("linear stride: %d must be same as compressed stride: %d",
+				lin_stride, compressed_stride);
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+static bool ioctl_format_is_valid(u16 ioctl_image_format)
+	switch (ioctl_image_format) {
+	case UBWCP_RGBA8888:
+	case UBWCP_NV12:
+	case UBWCP_NV12_Y:
+	case UBWCP_NV12_UV:
+	case UBWCP_NV124R:
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_Y:
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_UV:
+	case UBWCP_TP10:
+	case UBWCP_TP10_Y:
+	case UBWCP_TP10_UV:
+	case UBWCP_P010:
+	case UBWCP_P010_Y:
+	case UBWCP_P010_UV:
+	case UBWCP_P016:
+	case UBWCP_P016_Y:
+	case UBWCP_P016_UV:
+		return true;
+	default:
+		return false;
+	}
+/* validate buffer attributes */
+static bool ubwcp_buf_attrs_valid(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr)
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	if (attr->unused1 || attr->unused2 || attr->unused3 || attr->unused4 || attr->unused5 ||
+	    attr->unused6 || attr->unused7 || attr->unused8 || attr->unused9) {
+		ERR("buf attr unused values must be set to 0");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (!attr->width || !attr->height || !attr->stride || !attr->scanlines) {
+		ERR("width/height/stride/scanlines cannot be 0");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (!ioctl_format_is_valid(attr->image_format)) {
+		ERR("invalid image format: %d", attr->image_format);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	/* rest of the fields are ignored for linear format */
+	if (attr->image_format == UBWCP_LINEAR) {
+		goto valid;
+	}
+	if (to_std_format(attr->image_format, &format))
+		goto err;
+	if (attr->major_ubwc_ver || attr->minor_ubwc_ver) {
+		ERR("major/minor ubwc ver must be 0. major: %d minor: %d",
+			attr->major_ubwc_ver, attr->minor_ubwc_ver);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->compression_type != UBWCP_COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS) {
+		ERR("compression_type is not valid: %d",
+			attr->compression_type);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->lossy_params != 0) {
+		ERR("lossy_params is not valid: %d", attr->lossy_params);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->width > MAX_ATTR_WIDTH) {
+		ERR("width is invalid (above upper limit): %d", attr->width);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->height > MAX_ATTR_HEIGHT) {
+		ERR("height is invalid (above upper limit): %d", attr->height);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if(!stride_is_valid(ubwcp, format, attr->width, attr->stride)) {
+		ERR("stride is invalid: %d", attr->stride);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if ((attr->scanlines < attr->height) ||
+	    (attr->scanlines > attr->height + MAX_ATTR_SCANLN_HT_DELTA)) {
+		ERR("scanlines is not valid - height: %d scanlines: %d",
+			attr->height, attr->scanlines);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->planar_padding > MAX_ATTR_PLANAR_PAD) {
+		ERR("planar_padding is not valid: %d", attr->planar_padding);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->subsample != UBWCP_SUBSAMPLE_4_2_0)  {
+		ERR("subsample is not valid: %d", attr->subsample);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->sub_system_target & ~UBWCP_SUBSYSTEM_TARGET_CPU) {
+		ERR("sub_system_target other that CPU is not supported: %d",
+			attr->sub_system_target);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (!(attr->sub_system_target & UBWCP_SUBSYSTEM_TARGET_CPU)) {
+		ERR("sub_system_target is not set to CPU: %d",
+			attr->sub_system_target);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->y_offset != 0) {
+		ERR("y_offset is not valid: %d", attr->y_offset);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (attr->batch_size != 1) {
+		ERR("batch_size is not valid: %d", attr->batch_size);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dump_attributes(attr);
+	return true;
+	dump_attributes(attr);
+	return false;
+/* calculate and return metadata buffer size for a given plane
+ * and buffer attributes
+ */
+static int metadata_buf_sz(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+				enum ubwcp_std_image_format format,
+				u32 width, u32 height, u8 plane, size_t *size)
+	u64 pitch;
+	u64 lines;
+	u64 tile_width;
+	u32 tile_height;
+	struct ubwcp_image_format_info f_info;
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info;
+	f_info = ubwcp->format_info[format];
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Calculating metadata buffer size: format = %d, plane = %d", format, plane);
+	if (plane >= f_info.planes) {
+		ERR("Missing plane info: format: %d, plane: %d", format, plane);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	p_info = f_info.p_info[plane];
+	/* UV plane */
+	if (plane == 1) {
+		width  = width/2;
+		height = height/2;
+	}
+	tile_width  = p_info.tilesize_p.width;
+	tile_height = p_info.tilesize_p.height;
+	/* pitch: # of tiles in a row
+	 * lines: # of tile rows
+	 */
+	pitch =  UBWCP_ALIGN((width  + tile_width  - 1)/tile_width,  META_DATA_PITCH_ALIGN);
+	lines =  UBWCP_ALIGN((height + tile_height - 1)/tile_height, META_DATA_HEIGHT_ALIGN);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("image params     : %d x %d (pixels)", width, height);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("tile  params     : %d x %d (pixels)", tile_width, tile_height);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("pitch            : %d (%d)", pitch, width/tile_width);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("lines            : %d (%d)", lines, height);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("size (p*l*bytes) : %d", pitch*lines*1);
+	/* x1 below is only to clarify that we are multiplying by 1 bytes/tile */
+	*size = UBWCP_ALIGN(pitch*lines*1, META_DATA_SIZE_ALIGN);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("size (aligned 4K): %zu (0x%zx)", *size, *size);
+	return 0;
+/* calculate and return size of pixel data buffer for a given plane
+ * and buffer attributes
+ */
+static int pixeldata_buf_sz(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					u16 format, u32 width,
+					u32 height, u8 plane, size_t *size)
+	u64 pitch;
+	u64 lines;
+	u16 pixel_bytes;
+	u16 per_pixel;
+	u64 macro_tile_width_p;
+	u64 macro_tile_height_p;
+	struct ubwcp_image_format_info f_info;
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info;
+	f_info = ubwcp->format_info[format];
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Calculating Pixeldata buffer size: format = %d, plane = %d", format, plane);
+	if (plane >= f_info.planes) {
+		ERR("Missing plane info: format: %d, plane: %d", format, plane);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	p_info = f_info.p_info[plane];
+	pixel_bytes = p_info.pixel_bytes;
+	per_pixel   = p_info.per_pixel;
+	/* UV plane */
+	if (plane == 1) {
+		width  = width/2;
+		height = height/2;
+	}
+	macro_tile_width_p  = p_info.macrotilesize_p.width;
+	macro_tile_height_p = p_info.macrotilesize_p.height;
+	/* align pixel width and height macro tile width and height */
+	pitch = UBWCP_ALIGN(width, macro_tile_width_p);
+	lines = UBWCP_ALIGN(height, macro_tile_height_p);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("image params     : %d x %d (pixels)", width, height);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("macro tile params: %d x %d (pixels)", macro_tile_width_p,
+								macro_tile_height_p);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("bytes_per_pixel  : %d/%d", pixel_bytes, per_pixel);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("pitch            : %d", pitch);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("lines            : %d", lines);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("size (p*l*bytes) : %d", (pitch*lines*pixel_bytes)/per_pixel);
+	*size  = UBWCP_ALIGN((pitch*lines*pixel_bytes)/per_pixel, PIXEL_DATA_SIZE_ALIGN);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("size (aligned 4K): %zu (0x%zx)", *size, *size);
+	return 0;
+static int get_tile_height(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, enum ubwcp_std_image_format format,
+			   u8 plane)
+	struct ubwcp_image_format_info f_info;
+	struct ubwcp_plane_info p_info;
+	f_info = ubwcp->format_info[format];
+	p_info = f_info.p_info[plane];
+	return p_info.tilesize_p.height;
+ * plane: must be 0 or 1 (1st plane == 0, 2nd plane == 1)
+ */
+static size_t ubwcp_ula_size(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, u16 format,
+					u32 stride_b, u32 scanlines, u8 plane,
+					bool add_tile_pad)
+	size_t size;
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("%s(format = %d, plane = %d)", __func__, format, plane);
+	/* UV plane */
+	if (plane == 1)
+		scanlines = scanlines/2;
+	if (add_tile_pad) {
+		int tile_height = get_tile_height(ubwcp, format, plane);
+		/* Align plane size to plane tile height */
+		scanlines = ((scanlines + tile_height - 1) / tile_height) * tile_height;
+	}
+	size = stride_b*scanlines;
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Size of plane-%u: (%u * %u) = %zu (0x%zx)",
+		plane, stride_b, scanlines, size, size);
+	return size;
+static int missing_plane_from_format(u16 ioctl_image_format)
+	int missing_plane;
+	switch (ioctl_image_format) {
+	case UBWCP_NV12_Y:
+		missing_plane = 2;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_NV12_UV:
+		missing_plane = 1;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_Y:
+		missing_plane = 2;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_NV124R_UV:
+		missing_plane = 1;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_TP10_Y:
+		missing_plane = 2;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_TP10_UV:
+		missing_plane = 1;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_P010_Y:
+		missing_plane = 2;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_P010_UV:
+		missing_plane = 1;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_P016_Y:
+		missing_plane = 2;
+		break;
+	case UBWCP_P016_UV:
+		missing_plane = 1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		missing_plane = 0;
+	}
+	return missing_plane;
+static int planes_in_format(enum ubwcp_std_image_format format)
+	if (format == RGBA)
+		return 1;
+	else
+		return 2;
+static int ubwcp_validate_uv_align(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr,
+					size_t ula_y_plane_size,
+					size_t uv_start_offset)
+	int ret = 0;
+	size_t ula_y_plane_size_align;
+	size_t y_tile_align_bytes;
+	int y_tile_height;
+	int planes;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	ret = to_std_format(attr->image_format, &format);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err;
+	/* Only validate UV align if there is both a Y and UV plane */
+	planes = planes_in_format(format);
+	if (planes != 2)
+		return 0;
+	/* Check it is cache line size aligned */
+	if ((uv_start_offset % 64) != 0) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		ERR("uv_start_offset %zu not cache line aligned",
+				uv_start_offset);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Check that UV plane does not overlap with any of the Y plane’s tiles
+	 */
+	y_tile_height = get_tile_height(ubwcp, format, 0);
+	y_tile_align_bytes = y_tile_height * attr->stride;
+	ula_y_plane_size_align = ((ula_y_plane_size + y_tile_align_bytes - 1) /
+					y_tile_align_bytes) * y_tile_align_bytes;
+	if (uv_start_offset < ula_y_plane_size_align) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		ERR("uv offset %zu less than y plane align %zu for y plane size %zu",
+			uv_start_offset, ula_y_plane_size_align,
+			ula_y_plane_size);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return ret;
+/* calculate ULA buffer parms */
+static int ubwcp_calc_ula_params(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr,
+					size_t *ula_size,
+					size_t *ula_y_plane_size,
+					size_t *uv_start_offset)
+	size_t size;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	int planes;
+	int missing_plane;
+	u32 stride;
+	u32 scanlines;
+	u32 planar_padding;
+	int ret;
+	ret = to_std_format(attr->image_format, &format);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	stride         = attr->stride;
+	scanlines      = attr->scanlines;
+	planar_padding = attr->planar_padding;
+	/* Number of "expected" planes in "the standard defined" image format */
+	planes = planes_in_format(format);
+	missing_plane = missing_plane_from_format(attr->image_format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ula params -->");
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ioctl_image_format : %d, std_format: %d", attr->image_format, format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("planes_in_format   : %d", planes);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("missing_plane      : %d", missing_plane);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Planar Padding     : %d", planar_padding);
+	if (planes == 1) {
+		/* uv_start beyond ULA range */
+		size = ubwcp_ula_size(ubwcp, format, stride, scanlines, 0, true);
+		*uv_start_offset = size;
+		*ula_y_plane_size = size;
+	} else {
+		if (!missing_plane) {
+			/* size for both planes and padding */
+			/* Don't pad out Y plane as client would not expect this padding */
+			size = ubwcp_ula_size(ubwcp, format, stride, scanlines, 0, false);
+			*ula_y_plane_size = size;
+			size += planar_padding;
+			*uv_start_offset = size;
+			size += ubwcp_ula_size(ubwcp, format, stride, scanlines, 1, true);
+		} else  {
+			if (missing_plane == 2) {
+				/* Y-only image, set uv_start beyond ULA range */
+				size = ubwcp_ula_size(ubwcp, format, stride, scanlines, 0, true);
+				*uv_start_offset = size;
+				*ula_y_plane_size = size;
+			} else {
+				/* first plane data is not there */
+				size = ubwcp_ula_size(ubwcp, format, stride, scanlines, 1, true);
+				*uv_start_offset = 0; /* uv data is at the beginning */
+				*ula_y_plane_size = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	*ula_size = UBWCP_ALIGN(size, 4096);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ULA_Size: %zu (0x%x) (before 4K align: %zu)", *ula_size, *ula_size, size);
+	return 0;
+/* calculate UBWCP buffer parms */
+static int ubwcp_calc_ubwcp_buf_params(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr,
+					size_t *md_p0, size_t *pd_p0,
+					size_t *md_p1, size_t *pd_p1,
+					size_t *stride_tp10_b)
+	int planes;
+	int missing_plane;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	size_t stride_tp10_p;
+	int ret;
+	ret = to_std_format(attr->image_format, &format);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	missing_plane = missing_plane_from_format(attr->image_format);
+	planes = planes_in_format(format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ubwcp params -->");
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ioctl_image_format : %d, std_format: %d", attr->image_format, format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("planes_in_format   : %d", planes);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("missing_plane      : %d", missing_plane);
+	*md_p0 = 0;
+	*pd_p0 = 0;
+	*md_p1 = 0;
+	*pd_p1 = 0;
+	*stride_tp10_b = 0;
+	if (missing_plane != 1) {
+		if (metadata_buf_sz(ubwcp, format, attr->width, attr->height, 0, md_p0))
+			return -1;
+		if (pixeldata_buf_sz(ubwcp, format, attr->width, attr->height, 0, pd_p0))
+			return -1;
+	}
+	if ((planes == 2) && (missing_plane != 2)){
+		if (metadata_buf_sz(ubwcp, format, attr->width, attr->height, 1, md_p1))
+			return -1;
+		if (pixeldata_buf_sz(ubwcp, format, attr->width, attr->height, 1, pd_p1))
+			return -1;
+	}
+	if (format == TP10) {
+		stride_tp10_p = UBWCP_ALIGN(attr->width, 192);
+		*stride_tp10_b = (stride_tp10_p/3) + stride_tp10_p;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* reserve ULA address space of the given size */
+static phys_addr_t ubwcp_ula_alloc(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, size_t size)
+	phys_addr_t pa;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+	pa = gen_pool_alloc(ubwcp->ula_pool, size);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+	return pa;
+/* free ULA address space of the given address and size */
+static void ubwcp_ula_free(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, phys_addr_t pa, size_t size)
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+	if (!gen_pool_has_addr(ubwcp->ula_pool, pa, size)) {
+		ERR("Attempt to free mem not from gen_pool: pa: %p, size: %zx", pa, size);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	DBG("addr: %p, size: %zx", pa, size);
+	gen_pool_free(ubwcp->ula_pool, pa, size);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+	return;
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+/* free up or expand current_pa and return the new pa */
+static phys_addr_t ubwcp_ula_realloc(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp,
+					phys_addr_t pa,
+					size_t size,
+					size_t new_size)
+	if (size == new_size)
+		return pa;
+	if (pa)
+		ubwcp_ula_free(ubwcp, pa, size);
+	return ubwcp_ula_alloc(ubwcp, new_size);
+/* unmap dma buf */
+static void ubwcp_dma_unmap(struct ubwcp_buf *buf)
+	if (buf->dma_buf && buf->attachment) {
+		DBG("Calling dma_buf_unmap_attachment()");
+		dma_buf_unmap_attachment(buf->attachment, buf->sgt, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+		buf->sgt = NULL;
+		dma_buf_detach(buf->dma_buf, buf->attachment);
+		buf->attachment = NULL;
+	}
+static bool verify_dma_buf_size(struct ubwcp_buf *buf, size_t min_size)
+	size_t dma_len;
+	dma_len = sg_dma_len(buf->sgt->sgl);
+	if (dma_len < min_size) {
+		ERR("dma len: %zu is less than min ubwcp buffer size: %zu", dma_len, min_size);
+		return false;
+	} else
+		return true;
+/* dma map ubwcp buffer */
+static int ubwcp_dma_map(struct ubwcp_buf *buf,
+				struct device *dev,
+				dma_addr_t *iova)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct dma_buf *dma_buf = buf->dma_buf;
+	struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment;
+	struct sg_table *sgt;
+	/* Map buffer to SMMU and get IOVA */
+	attachment = dma_buf_attach(dma_buf, dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(attachment)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(attachment);
+		ERR("dma_buf_attach() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dma_set_max_seg_size(dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
+	dma_set_seg_boundary(dev, (unsigned long)DMA_BIT_MASK(64));
+	sgt = dma_buf_map_attachment(attachment, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(sgt)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(sgt);
+		ERR("dma_buf_map_attachment() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto err_detach;
+	}
+	if (sgt->nents != 1) {
+		ERR("nents = %d", sgt->nents);
+		goto err_unmap;
+	}
+	*iova = sg_dma_address(sgt->sgl);
+	buf->attachment = attachment;
+	buf->sgt = sgt;
+	return ret;
+	dma_buf_unmap_attachment(attachment, sgt, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+	dma_buf_detach(dma_buf, attachment);
+	if (!ret)
+		ret = -1;
+	return ret;
+static void reset_buf_attrs(struct ubwcp_buf *buf)
+	struct ubwcp_hw_meta_metadata *mmdata;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	ubwcp = buf->ubwcp;
+	mmdata = &buf->mmdata;
+	ubwcp_dma_unmap(buf);
+	/* reset ula params */
+	if (buf->ula_size) {
+		ubwcp_ula_free(ubwcp, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size);
+		buf->ula_size = 0;
+		buf->ula_pa = 0;
+	}
+	/* reset ubwcp params */
+	memset(mmdata, 0, sizeof(*mmdata));
+	buf->buf_attr_set = false;
+	buf->buf_attr.image_format = UBWCP_LINEAR;
+static void print_mmdata_desc(struct ubwcp_hw_meta_metadata *mmdata)
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("--------MM_DATA DESC ---------");
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("uv_start_addr   : 0x%08llx (cache addr) (actual: 0x%llx)",
+					mmdata->uv_start_addr, mmdata->uv_start_addr << 6);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("format          : 0x%08x", mmdata->format);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("stride          : 0x%08x (cache addr) (actual: 0x%x)",
+					mmdata->stride, mmdata->stride << 6);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("stride_ubwcp    : 0x%08x (cache addr) (actual: 0x%zx)",
+					mmdata->stride_ubwcp, mmdata->stride_ubwcp << 6);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("metadata_base_y : 0x%08x (page addr)  (actual: 0x%llx)",
+					mmdata->metadata_base_y,  mmdata->metadata_base_y << 12);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("metadata_base_uv: 0x%08x (page addr)  (actual: 0x%zx)",
+					mmdata->metadata_base_uv, mmdata->metadata_base_uv << 12);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("buffer_y_offset : 0x%08x (page addr)  (actual: 0x%zx)",
+					mmdata->buffer_y_offset,  mmdata->buffer_y_offset << 12);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("buffer_uv_offset: 0x%08x (page addr)  (actual: 0x%zx)",
+					mmdata->buffer_uv_offset, mmdata->buffer_uv_offset << 12);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("width_height    : 0x%08x (width: 0x%x height: 0x%x)",
+		mmdata->width_height, mmdata->width_height >> 16, mmdata->width_height & 0xFFFF);
+/* set buffer attributes:
+ * Failure:
+ * This call may fail for multiple reasons and it will leave the buffer in an undefined state.
+ * In some situations it may leave the buffer in linear mapped state, and in other situations it
+ * may leave the buffer in previously set attributes state.
+ */
+int ubwcp_set_buf_attrs(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr)
+	int ret = 0;
+	size_t ula_size = 0;
+	size_t uv_start_offset = 0;
+	size_t ula_y_plane_size = 0;
+	phys_addr_t ula_pa = 0x0;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	size_t metadata_p0;
+	size_t pixeldata_p0;
+	size_t metadata_p1;
+	size_t pixeldata_p1;
+	size_t iova_min_size;
+	size_t stride_tp10_b;
+	dma_addr_t iova_base;
+	struct ubwcp_hw_meta_metadata *mmdata;
+	u64 uv_start;
+	u32 stride_b;
+	u32 width_b;
+	u32 height_b;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format std_image_format;
+	bool is_non_lin_buf;
+	u16 hw_img_format;
+	trace_ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_start(dmabuf);
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err_validation;
+	}
+	if (!attr) {
+		ERR("NULL attr ptr");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err_validation;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("No corresponding ubwcp_buf for the passed in dma_buf");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err_validation;
+	}
+	ubwcp = buf->ubwcp;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ret = EPERM;
+		goto err_validation;
+	}
+	if (!ubwcp_buf_attrs_valid(ubwcp, attr)) {
+		ERR("Invalid buf attrs");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err_validation;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&buf->lock);
+	if (buf->lock_count) {
+		ERR("Cannot set attr when buffer is locked");
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	mmdata = &buf->mmdata;
+	is_non_lin_buf = (buf->buf_attr.image_format != UBWCP_LINEAR);
+	/* note: this also checks if buf is mmap'ed */
+	ret = ubwcp->mmap_config_fptr(buf->dma_buf, true, 0, 0);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("dma_buf_mmap_config(0,0) failed: %d", ret);
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	if (attr->image_format == UBWCP_LINEAR) {
+		DBG_BUF_ATTR("Linear format requested");
+		if (buf->buf_attr_set)
+			reset_buf_attrs(buf);
+		if (is_non_lin_buf) {
+			/*
+			 * Changing buffer from ubwc to linear so decrement
+			 * number of ubwc buffers
+			 */
+			ret = dec_num_non_lin_buffers(ubwcp);
+		}
+		mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+		trace_ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_end(dmabuf);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	if (to_std_format(attr->image_format, &std_image_format)) {
+		ERR("Unable to map ioctl image format to std image format");
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	if (std_to_hw_img_fmt(std_image_format, &hw_img_format)) {
+		ERR("Unable to map std image format to hw image format");
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	/* Calculate uncompressed-buffer size. */
+	ret = ubwcp_calc_ula_params(ubwcp, attr, &ula_size, &ula_y_plane_size, &uv_start_offset);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_calc_ula_params() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	ret = ubwcp_validate_uv_align(ubwcp, attr, ula_y_plane_size, uv_start_offset);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_validate_uv_align() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	ret = ubwcp_calc_ubwcp_buf_params(ubwcp, attr, &metadata_p0, &pixeldata_p0, &metadata_p1,
+						&pixeldata_p1, &stride_tp10_b);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_calc_buf_params() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	iova_min_size = metadata_p0 + pixeldata_p0 + metadata_p1 + pixeldata_p1;
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("------Summary ULA  Calculated Params ------");
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("ULA Size        : %8zu (0x%8zx)", ula_size, ula_size);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("UV Start Offset : %8zu (0x%8zx)", uv_start_offset, uv_start_offset);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("------Summary UBCP Calculated Params ------");
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("metadata_p0     : %8d (0x%8zx)", metadata_p0, metadata_p0);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("pixeldata_p0    : %8d (0x%8zx)", pixeldata_p0, pixeldata_p0);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("metadata_p1     : %8d (0x%8zx)", metadata_p1, metadata_p1);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("pixeldata_p1    : %8d (0x%8zx)", pixeldata_p1, pixeldata_p1);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("stride_tp10     : %8d (0x%8zx)", stride_tp10_b, stride_tp10_b);
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("iova_min_size   : %8d (0x%8zx)", iova_min_size, iova_min_size);
+	if (!ula_size) {
+		ERR("Invalid ula_size (0)");
+		goto unlock;
+	}
+	/* assign ULA PA with uncompressed-size range */
+	ula_pa = ubwcp_ula_realloc(ubwcp, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size, ula_size);
+	if (!ula_pa) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_ula_alloc/realloc() failed. running out of ULA PA space?");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	buf->ula_size = ula_size;
+	buf->ula_pa   = ula_pa;
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Allocated ULA_PA: 0x%p of size: 0x%zx", ula_pa, ula_size);
+	/* dma map only the first time attribute is set */
+	if (!buf->buf_attr_set) {
+		/* linear -> ubwcp. map ubwcp buffer */
+		ret = ubwcp_dma_map(buf, ubwcp->dev_buf_cb, &iova_base);
+		if (ret) {
+			ERR("ubwcp_dma_map() failed: %d", ret);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		DBG_BUF_ATTR("dma_buf IOVA range: 0x%llx + min_size (0x%zx): 0x%llx",
+					iova_base, iova_min_size, iova_base + iova_min_size);
+	}
+	if(!verify_dma_buf_size(buf, iova_min_size))
+		goto err;
+	uv_start = ula_pa + uv_start_offset;
+	if (!IS_ALIGNED(uv_start, 64)) {
+		ERR("ERROR: uv_start is NOT aligned to cache line");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	/* Convert height and width to bytes for writing to mmdata */
+	if (std_image_format != TP10) {
+		ubwcp_pixel_to_bytes(ubwcp, std_image_format, attr->width,
+					attr->height, &width_b, &height_b);
+	} else {
+		/* for tp10 image compression, we need to program p010 width/height */
+		ubwcp_pixel_to_bytes(ubwcp, P010, attr->width,
+					attr->height, &width_b, &height_b);
+	}
+	stride_b = attr->stride;
+	/* create the mmdata descriptor */
+	memset(mmdata, 0, sizeof(*mmdata));
+	mmdata->uv_start_addr = CACHE_ADDR(uv_start);
+	mmdata->format = hw_img_format;
+	if (std_image_format != TP10) {
+		mmdata->stride       = CACHE_ADDR(stride_b);      /* uncompressed stride */
+	} else {
+		mmdata->stride       = CACHE_ADDR(stride_tp10_b); /*   compressed stride */
+		mmdata->stride_ubwcp = CACHE_ADDR(stride_b);      /* uncompressed stride */
+	}
+	mmdata->metadata_base_y  = PAGE_ADDR(iova_base);
+	mmdata->metadata_base_uv = PAGE_ADDR(iova_base + metadata_p0 + pixeldata_p0);
+	mmdata->buffer_y_offset  = PAGE_ADDR(metadata_p0);
+	mmdata->buffer_uv_offset = PAGE_ADDR(metadata_p1);
+	/* NOTE: For version 1.1, both width & height needs to be in bytes.
+	 * For other versions, width in bytes & height in pixels.
+	 */
+	if ((ubwcp->hw_ver_major == 1) && (ubwcp->hw_ver_minor == 1))
+		mmdata->width_height = width_b << 16 | height_b;
+	else
+		mmdata->width_height = width_b << 16 | attr->height;
+	print_mmdata_desc(mmdata);
+	if (!is_non_lin_buf) {
+		/*
+		 * Changing buffer from linear to ubwc so increment
+		 * number of ubwc buffers
+		 */
+		ret = inc_num_non_lin_buffers(ubwcp);
+	}
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("inc_num_non_lin_buffers failed: %d", ret);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	/* inform ULA-PA to dma-heap */
+	DBG_BUF_ATTR("Calling mmap_config(): ULA_PA: 0x%p size: 0x%zx", ula_pa, ula_size);
+	ret = ubwcp->mmap_config_fptr(buf->dma_buf, false, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("dma_buf_mmap_config() failed: %d", ret);
+		if (!is_non_lin_buf)
+			dec_num_non_lin_buffers(ubwcp);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	buf->buf_attr = *attr;
+	buf->buf_attr_set = true;
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	trace_ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_end(dmabuf);
+	return 0;
+	reset_buf_attrs(buf);
+	if (is_non_lin_buf) {
+		/*
+		 * Changing buffer from ubwc to linear so decrement
+		 * number of ubwc buffers
+		 */
+		dec_num_non_lin_buffers(ubwcp);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	if (!ret)
+		ret = -1;
+	trace_ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_end(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+/* Free up the buffer descriptor */
+static void ubwcp_buf_desc_free(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, struct ubwcp_desc *desc)
+	int idx = desc->idx;
+	struct ubwcp_desc *desc_list = ubwcp->desc_list;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+	desc_list[idx].idx = -1;
+	desc_list[idx].ptr = NULL;
+	DBG("freed descriptor_id: %d", idx);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+/* Allocate next available buffer descriptor. */
+static struct ubwcp_desc *ubwcp_buf_desc_allocate(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int idx;
+	struct ubwcp_desc *desc_list = ubwcp->desc_list;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+	for (idx = 0; idx < UBWCP_BUFFER_DESC_COUNT; idx++) {
+		if (desc_list[idx].idx == -1) {
+			desc_list[idx].idx = idx;
+			desc_list[idx].ptr = ubwcp->buffer_desc_base +
+			DBG("allocated descriptor_id: %d", idx);
+			mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+			return &desc_list[idx];
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+	return NULL;
+static int ubwcp_flush(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int ret = 0;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->ubwcp_flush_lock);
+	trace_ubwcp_hw_flush_start(0);
+	ret = ubwcp_hw_flush(ubwcp->base);
+	trace_ubwcp_hw_flush_end(0);
+	if (ret)
+		ERR("ubwcp_hw_flush() failed, ret = %d", ret);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->ubwcp_flush_lock);
+	return ret;
+static int range_check_disable(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, int idx)
+	int ret;
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->ubwcp_flush_lock);
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->hw_range_ck_lock);
+	trace_ubwcp_hw_flush_start(0);
+	ret = ubwcp_hw_disable_range_check_with_flush(ubwcp->base, idx);
+	trace_ubwcp_hw_flush_end(0);
+	if (ret)
+		ERR("disable_range_check_with_flush() failed: %d", ret);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->hw_range_ck_lock);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->ubwcp_flush_lock);
+	return ret;
+static void range_check_enable(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, int idx)
+	mutex_lock(&ubwcp->hw_range_ck_lock);
+	ubwcp_hw_enable_range_check(ubwcp->base, idx);
+	mutex_unlock(&ubwcp->hw_range_ck_lock);
+ * Lock buffer for CPU access. This prepares ubwcp hw to allow
+ * CPU access to the compressed buffer. It will perform
+ * necessary address translation configuration and cache maintenance ops
+ * so that CPU can safely access ubwcp buffer, if this call is
+ * successful.
+ * Allocate descriptor if not already,
+ * perform CMO and then enable range check
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ * @param direction : direction of access
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+static int ubwcp_lock(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, enum dma_data_direction dir)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	trace_ubwcp_lock_start(dmabuf);
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!valid_dma_direction(dir)) {
+		ERR("invalid direction: %d", dir);
+		trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_buf ptr not found");
+		trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ubwcp = buf->ubwcp;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", ubwcp->state);
+		trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&buf->lock);
+	if (!buf->buf_attr_set) {
+		ERR("lock() called on buffer, but attr not set");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (buf->buf_attr.image_format == UBWCP_LINEAR) {
+		ERR("lock() called on linear buffer");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (!buf->lock_count) {
+		DBG("first lock on buffer");
+		/* buf->desc could already be allocated because of perm range xlation */
+		if (!buf->desc) {
+			/* allocate a buffer descriptor */
+			buf->desc = ubwcp_buf_desc_allocate(buf->ubwcp);
+			if (!buf->desc) {
+				ERR("ubwcp_allocate_buf_desc() failed");
+				goto err;
+			}
+			memcpy(buf->desc->ptr, &buf->mmdata, sizeof(buf->mmdata));
+			/* Flushing of updated mmdata:
+			 * mmdata is iocoherent and ubwcp will get it from CPU cache -
+			 * *as long as* it has not cached that itself during previous
+			 * access to the same descriptor.
+			 *
+			 * During unlock of previous use of this descriptor,
+			 * we do hw flush, which will get rid of this mmdata from
+			 * ubwcp cache.
+			 *
+			 * In addition, we also do a hw flush after enable_range_ck().
+			 * That will also get rid of any speculative fetch of mmdata
+			 * by the ubwcp hw. At this time, the assumption is that ubwcp
+			 * will cache mmdata only for active descriptor. But if ubwcp
+			 * is speculatively fetching mmdata for all descriptors
+			 * (irrespetive of enabled or not), the flush during lock
+			 * will be necessary to make sure ubwcp sees updated mmdata
+			 * that we just updated
+			 */
+			/* program ULA range for this buffer */
+			DBG("setting range check: descriptor_id: %d, addr: %p, size: %zx",
+							buf->desc->idx, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size);
+			ubwcp_hw_set_range_check(ubwcp->base, buf->desc->idx, buf->ula_pa,
+										buf->ula_size);
+		}
+		/* enable range check */
+		DBG("enabling range check, descriptor_id: %d", buf->desc->idx);
+		range_check_enable(ubwcp, buf->desc->idx);
+		/* Flush/invalidate UBWCP caches */
+		/* Why: cpu could have done a speculative fetch before
+		 * enable_range_ck() and ubwcp in process of returning "default" data
+		 * we don't want that stashing of default data pending.
+		 * we force completion of that and then we also cpu invalidate which
+		 * will get rid of that line.
+		 */
+		ret = ubwcp_flush(ubwcp);
+		if (ret) {
+			ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+			ERR("state set to fault");
+			goto err_flush_failed;
+		}
+		/* Only apply CMOs if there are potential CPU reads */
+		if (dir == DMA_FROM_DEVICE || dir == DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL) {
+			trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_start(buf->ula_size, dir);
+			dma_sync_single_for_cpu(ubwcp->dev, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size, dir);
+			trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_end(buf->ula_size, dir);
+		}
+		buf->dma_dir = dir;
+	} else {
+		DBG("buf already locked");
+		/* For write locks, always upgrade direction to bi_directional.
+		 * A previous read lock will now become write lock.
+		 * This will ensure a flush when the last unlock comes in.
+		 */
+		if (buf->dma_dir == DMA_TO_DEVICE &&
+		    buf->dma_dir != dir) {
+			/*
+			 * Locking for read would require doing a cache invalidation which
+			 * we don't want to do while a client may be writing to the buffer
+			 * as that could drop valid lines from the cache.
+			 */
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			ERR("no support for locking a write only buffer for read");
+			goto err;
+		} else if (buf->dma_dir != dir) {
+			buf->dma_dir = DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL;
+		}
+	}
+	buf->lock_count++;
+	DBG("new lock_count: %d", buf->lock_count);
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+	range_check_disable(ubwcp, buf->desc->idx);
+	ubwcp_buf_desc_free(ubwcp, buf->desc);
+	buf->desc = NULL;
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	if (!ret)
+		ret = -1;
+	trace_ubwcp_lock_end(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+/* This can be called as a result of external unlock() call or
+ * internally if free() is called without unlock().
+ */
+static int unlock_internal(struct ubwcp_buf *buf, enum dma_data_direction dir, bool free_buffer)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	DBG("current lock_count: %d", buf->lock_count);
+	if (free_buffer) {
+		buf->lock_count = 0;
+		DBG("Forced lock_count: %d", buf->lock_count);
+	} else {
+		/* for write unlocks, remember the direction so we flush on last unlock */
+		if (buf->dma_dir != dir)
+			buf->dma_dir = DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL;
+		buf->lock_count--;
+		DBG("new lock_count: %d", buf->lock_count);
+		if (buf->lock_count) {
+			DBG("more than 1 lock on buffer. waiting until last unlock");
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	ubwcp = buf->ubwcp;
+	/* Only apply CMOs if there were potential CPU writes */
+	if (buf->dma_dir == DMA_TO_DEVICE || buf->dma_dir == DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL) {
+		/* Flush/invalidate ULA PA from CPU caches */
+		trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_device_start(buf->ula_size, buf->dma_dir);
+		dma_sync_single_for_device(ubwcp->dev, buf->ula_pa, buf->ula_size, buf->dma_dir);
+		trace_ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_device_end(buf->ula_size, buf->dma_dir);
+	}
+	/* disable range check */
+	DBG("disabling range check");
+	ret = range_check_disable(ubwcp, buf->desc->idx);
+	if (ret) {
+		ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+		ERR("state set to fault");
+	}
+	/* release descriptor if perm range xlation is not set */
+	if (!buf->perm) {
+		ubwcp_buf_desc_free(buf->ubwcp, buf->desc);
+		buf->desc = NULL;
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * Unlock buffer from CPU access. This prepares ubwcp hw to
+ * safely allow for device access to the compressed buffer including any
+ * necessary cache maintenance ops. It may also free up certain ubwcp
+ * resources that could result in error when accessed by CPU in
+ * unlocked state.
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ * @param direction : direction of access
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+static int ubwcp_unlock(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, enum dma_data_direction dir)
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	int ret;
+	trace_ubwcp_unlock_start(dmabuf);
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!valid_dma_direction(dir)) {
+		ERR("invalid direction: %d", dir);
+		trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_buf not found");
+		trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (buf->ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", buf->ubwcp->state);
+		trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&buf->lock);
+	if (!buf->lock_count) {
+		ERR("unlock() called on buffer which not in locked state");
+		trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+		mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ret = unlock_internal(buf, dir, false);
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	trace_ubwcp_unlock_end(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+/* Return buffer attributes for the given buffer */
+int ubwcp_get_buf_attrs(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, struct ubwcp_buffer_attrs *attr)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!attr) {
+		ERR("NULL attr ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_buf ptr not found");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (buf->ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", buf->ubwcp->state);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&buf->lock);
+	if (!buf->buf_attr_set) {
+		ERR("buffer attributes not set");
+		mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	*attr = buf->buf_attr;
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	return ret;
+/* Set permanent range translation.
+ * enable: Descriptor will be reserved for this buffer until disabled,
+ *         making lock/unlock quicker.
+ * disable: Descriptor will not be reserved for this buffer. Instead,
+ *          descriptor will be allocated and released for each lock/unlock.
+ *          If currently allocated but not being used, descriptor will be
+ *          released.
+ */
+int ubwcp_set_perm_range_translation(struct dma_buf *dmabuf, bool enable)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_buf not found");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (buf->ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", buf->ubwcp->state);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	/* not implemented */
+	if (1) {
+		ERR("API not implemented yet");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* TBD: make sure we acquire buf lock while setting this so there is
+	 * no race condition with attr_set/lock/unlock
+	 */
+	buf->perm = enable;
+	/* if "disable" and we have allocated a desc and it is not being
+	 * used currently, release it
+	 */
+	if (!enable && buf->desc && !buf->lock_count) {
+		ubwcp_buf_desc_free(buf->ubwcp, buf->desc);
+		buf->desc = NULL;
+		/* Flush/invalidate UBWCP caches */
+		//TBD: need to do anything?
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * Free up ubwcp resources for this buffer.
+ *
+ * @param dmabuf : ptr to the dma buf
+ *
+ * @return int : 0 on success, otherwise error code
+ */
+static int ubwcp_free_buffer(struct dma_buf *dmabuf)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	bool is_non_lin_buf;
+	trace_ubwcp_free_buffer_start(dmabuf);
+	if (!dmabuf) {
+		ERR("NULL dmabuf input ptr");
+		trace_ubwcp_free_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	buf = dma_buf_to_ubwcp_buf(dmabuf);
+	if (!buf) {
+		ERR("ubwcp_buf ptr not found");
+		trace_ubwcp_free_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ubwcp = buf->ubwcp;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", ubwcp->state);
+		trace_ubwcp_free_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&buf->lock);
+	is_non_lin_buf = (buf->buf_attr.image_format != UBWCP_LINEAR);
+	if (buf->lock_count) {
+		DBG("free before unlock (lock_count: %d). unlock()'ing first", buf->lock_count);
+		ret = unlock_internal(buf, buf->dma_dir, true);
+		if (ret)
+			ERR("unlock_internal(): failed : %d, but continuing free()", ret);
+	}
+	/* if we are still holding a desc, release it. this can happen only if perm == true */
+	if (buf->desc) {
+		if (!buf->perm) {
+			ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+			ERR("state set to fault");
+		}
+		ubwcp_buf_desc_free(buf->ubwcp, buf->desc);
+		buf->desc = NULL;
+	}
+	if (buf->buf_attr_set)
+		reset_buf_attrs(buf);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	hash_del(&buf->hnode);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	mutex_unlock(&buf->lock);
+	kfree(buf);
+	if (is_non_lin_buf)
+		dec_num_non_lin_buffers(ubwcp);
+	trace_ubwcp_free_buffer_end(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+/* file open: TBD: increment ref count? */
+static int ubwcp_open(struct inode *i, struct file *f)
+	return 0;
+/* file open: TBD: decrement ref count? */
+static int ubwcp_close(struct inode *i, struct file *f)
+	return 0;
+static int ioctl_set_buf_attr(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, unsigned long ioctl_param)
+	int ret;
+	struct dma_buf *dmabuf;
+	struct ubwcp_ioctl_buffer_attrs buf_attr_ioctl;
+	if (copy_from_user(&buf_attr_ioctl, (const void __user *) ioctl_param,
+			   sizeof(buf_attr_ioctl))) {
+		ERR("copy_from_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	DBG("IOCTL: SET_BUF_ATTR: fd = %d", buf_attr_ioctl.fd);
+	dmabuf = dma_buf_get(buf_attr_ioctl.fd);
+	if (IS_ERR(dmabuf)) {
+		ERR("dmabuf ptr not found for dma_buf_fd = %d", buf_attr_ioctl.fd);
+		return PTR_ERR(dmabuf);
+	}
+	ret = ubwcp_set_buf_attrs(dmabuf, &buf_attr_ioctl.attr);
+	dma_buf_put(dmabuf);
+	return ret;
+static int ioctl_get_hw_ver(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, unsigned long ioctl_param)
+	struct ubwcp_ioctl_hw_version hw_ver;
+	if (ubwcp_get_hw_version(&hw_ver))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (copy_to_user((void __user *)ioctl_param, &hw_ver, sizeof(hw_ver))) {
+		ERR("copy_to_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int ioctl_get_stride_align(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, unsigned long ioctl_param)
+	struct ubwcp_ioctl_stride_align stride_align_ioctl;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	if (copy_from_user(&stride_align_ioctl, (const void __user *) ioctl_param,
+			   sizeof(stride_align_ioctl))) {
+		ERR("copy_from_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	if (stride_align_ioctl.unused != 0) {
+		ERR("unused values must be set to 0");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!ioctl_format_is_valid(stride_align_ioctl.image_format)) {
+		ERR("invalid image format: %d", stride_align_ioctl.image_format);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (stride_align_ioctl.image_format == UBWCP_LINEAR) {
+		ERR("not supported for LINEAR format");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (to_std_format(stride_align_ioctl.image_format, &format)) {
+		ERR("Unable to map ioctl image format to std image format");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (get_stride_alignment(format, &stride_align_ioctl.stride_align)) {
+		ERR("failed for format: %d", format);
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	if (copy_to_user((void __user *)ioctl_param, &stride_align_ioctl,
+			sizeof(stride_align_ioctl))) {
+		ERR("copy_to_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int ioctl_validate_stride(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp, unsigned long ioctl_param)
+	struct ubwcp_ioctl_validate_stride validate_stride_ioctl;
+	enum ubwcp_std_image_format format;
+	if (copy_from_user(&validate_stride_ioctl, (const void __user *) ioctl_param,
+			   sizeof(validate_stride_ioctl))) {
+		ERR("copy_from_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	if (validate_stride_ioctl.unused1 || validate_stride_ioctl.unused2) {
+		ERR("unused values must be set to 0");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!ioctl_format_is_valid(validate_stride_ioctl.image_format)) {
+		ERR("not supported for LINEAR format");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (validate_stride_ioctl.image_format == UBWCP_LINEAR) {
+		ERR("not supported for LINEAR format");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (to_std_format(validate_stride_ioctl.image_format, &format)) {
+		ERR("Unable to map ioctl image format to std image format");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	validate_stride_ioctl.valid = stride_is_valid(ubwcp, format, validate_stride_ioctl.width,
+					validate_stride_ioctl.stride);
+	if (copy_to_user((void __user *)ioctl_param, &validate_stride_ioctl,
+		sizeof(validate_stride_ioctl))) {
+		ERR("copy_to_user() failed");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* handle IOCTLs */
+static long ubwcp_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int ioctl_num, unsigned long ioctl_param)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY) {
+		ERR("driver in invalid state: %d", ubwcp->state);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	switch (ioctl_num) {
+		return ioctl_set_buf_attr(ubwcp, ioctl_param);
+		return ioctl_get_hw_ver(ubwcp, ioctl_param);
+		return ioctl_get_stride_align(ubwcp, ioctl_param);
+		return ioctl_validate_stride(ubwcp, ioctl_param);
+	default:
+		ERR("Invalid ioctl_num = %d", ioctl_num);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static const struct file_operations ubwcp_fops = {
+	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+	.open           = ubwcp_open,
+	.release        = ubwcp_close,
+	.unlocked_ioctl = ubwcp_ioctl,
+static int read_err_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	*value = ubwcp->read_err_irq_en;
+	return 0;
+static int read_err_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		goto err;
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_READ_ERROR, value);
+	ubwcp->read_err_irq_en = value;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+		goto err;
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+static int write_err_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	*value = ubwcp->write_err_irq_en;
+	return 0;
+static int write_err_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		goto err;
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_WRITE_ERROR, value);
+	ubwcp->write_err_irq_en = value;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+		goto err;
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+static int decode_err_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	*value = ubwcp->decode_err_irq_en;
+	return 0;
+static int decode_err_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		goto err;
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_DECODE_ERROR, value);
+	ubwcp->decode_err_irq_en = value;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+		goto err;
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+static int encode_err_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	*value = ubwcp->encode_err_irq_en;
+	return 0;
+static int encode_err_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		goto err;
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_ENCODE_ERROR, value);
+	ubwcp->encode_err_irq_en = value;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+		goto err;
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+static int reg_rw_trace_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	ubwcp_hw_trace_set(value);
+	return 0;
+static int reg_rw_trace_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	bool trace_status;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	ubwcp_hw_trace_get(&trace_status);
+	*value = trace_status;
+	return 0;
+static int single_tile_r_op(void *data, u64 *value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	*value = ubwcp->single_tile_en;
+	return 0;
+static int single_tile_w_op(void *data, u64 value)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = data;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		goto err;
+	ubwcp_hw_single_tile(ubwcp->base, value);
+	ubwcp->single_tile_en = value;
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false))
+		goto err;
+	return 0;
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_FAULT;
+	ERR("state set to fault");
+	return -1;
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(read_err_fops, read_err_r_op, read_err_w_op, "%d\n");
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(decode_err_fops, decode_err_r_op, decode_err_w_op, "%d\n");
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(write_err_fops, write_err_r_op, write_err_w_op, "%d\n");
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(encode_err_fops, encode_err_r_op, encode_err_w_op, "%d\n");
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(reg_rw_trace_fops, reg_rw_trace_r_op, reg_rw_trace_w_op, "%d\n");
+DEFINE_DEBUGFS_ATTRIBUTE(single_tile_fops, single_tile_r_op, single_tile_w_op, "%d\n");
+static void ubwcp_debugfs_init(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	struct dentry *debugfs_root;
+	struct dentry *dfile;
+	debugfs_root = debugfs_create_dir("ubwcp", NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(debugfs_root)) {
+		ERR("Failed to create debugfs for ubwcp\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	debugfs_create_u32("debug_trace_enable", 0644, debugfs_root, &ubwcp_debug_trace_enable);
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("reg_rw_trace_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp, &reg_rw_trace_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create reg_rw_trace_en debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("read_err_irq_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp, &read_err_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create read_err_irq debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("write_err_irq_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp, &write_err_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create write_err_irq debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("decode_err_irq_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp,
+					&decode_err_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create decode_err_irq debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("encode_err_irq_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp,
+					&encode_err_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create encode_err_irq debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	dfile = debugfs_create_file("single_tile_en", 0644, debugfs_root, ubwcp, &single_tile_fops);
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dfile)) {
+		ERR("failed to create write_err_irq debugfs file");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	ubwcp->debugfs_root = debugfs_root;
+	return;
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(ubwcp->debugfs_root);
+	ubwcp->debugfs_root = NULL;
+static void ubwcp_debugfs_deinit(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(ubwcp->debugfs_root);
+/* ubwcp char device initialization */
+static int ubwcp_cdev_init(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int ret;
+	dev_t devt;
+	struct class *dev_class;
+	struct device *dev_sys;
+	/* allocate major device number (/proc/devices -> major_num ubwcp) */
+	ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&devt, 0, UBWCP_NUM_DEVICES, UBWCP_DEVICE_NAME);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("alloc_chrdev_region() failed: %d", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* create device class  (/sys/class/ubwcp_class) */
+	dev_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "ubwcp_class");
+	if (IS_ERR(dev_class)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(dev_class);
+		ERR("class_create() failed, ret: %d", ret);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	/* Create device and register with sysfs
+	 * (/sys/class/ubwcp_class/ubwcp/... -> dev/power/subsystem/uevent)
+	 */
+	dev_sys = device_create(dev_class, NULL, devt, NULL,
+	if (IS_ERR(dev_sys)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(dev_sys);
+		ERR("device_create() failed, ret: %d", ret);
+		goto err_device_create;
+	}
+	/* register file operations and get cdev */
+	cdev_init(&ubwcp->cdev, &ubwcp_fops);
+	/* associate cdev and device major/minor with file system
+	 * can do file ops on /dev/ubwcp after this
+	 */
+	ret = cdev_add(&ubwcp->cdev, devt, 1);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("cdev_add() failed, ret: %d", ret);
+		goto err_cdev_add;
+	}
+	ubwcp->devt = devt;
+	ubwcp->dev_class = dev_class;
+	ubwcp->dev_sys = dev_sys;
+	return 0;
+	device_destroy(dev_class, devt);
+	class_destroy(dev_class);
+	unregister_chrdev_region(devt, UBWCP_NUM_DEVICES);
+	return ret;
+static void ubwcp_cdev_deinit(struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	device_destroy(ubwcp->dev_class, ubwcp->devt);
+	class_destroy(ubwcp->dev_class);
+	cdev_del(&ubwcp->cdev);
+	unregister_chrdev_region(ubwcp->devt, UBWCP_NUM_DEVICES);
+struct handler_node {
+	struct list_head list;
+	u32 client_id;
+	ubwcp_error_handler_t handler;
+	void *data;
+int ubwcp_register_error_handler(u32 client_id, ubwcp_error_handler_t handler,
+				void *data)
+	struct handler_node *node;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (client_id != -1)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (!handler)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_READY)
+		return -EPERM;
+	node = kzalloc(sizeof(*node), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!node)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	node->client_id = client_id;
+	node->handler = handler;
+	node->data = data;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+	list_add_tail(&node->list, &ubwcp->err_handler_list);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+	return 0;
+static void ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(struct ubwcp_err_info *err)
+	struct handler_node *node;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(node, &ubwcp->err_handler_list, list)
+		node->handler(err, node->data);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+int ubwcp_unregister_error_handler(u32 client_id)
+	int ret = -EINVAL;
+	struct handler_node *node;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (ubwcp->state != UBWCP_STATE_INVALID)
+		return -EPERM;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(node, &ubwcp->err_handler_list, list)
+		if (node->client_id == client_id) {
+			list_del(&node->list);
+			kfree(node);
+			ret = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock, flags);
+	return ret;
+/* get ubwcp_buf corresponding to the ULA PA*/
+static struct dma_buf *get_dma_buf_from_ulapa(phys_addr_t addr)
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf = NULL;
+	struct dma_buf *ret_buf = NULL;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32 i;
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return NULL;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	hash_for_each(ubwcp->buf_table, i, buf, hnode) {
+		if (buf->ula_pa <= addr && addr < buf->ula_pa + buf->ula_size) {
+			ret_buf = buf->dma_buf;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	return ret_buf;
+/* get ubwcp_buf corresponding to the IOVA*/
+static struct dma_buf *get_dma_buf_from_iova(unsigned long addr)
+	struct ubwcp_buf *buf = NULL;
+	struct dma_buf *ret_buf = NULL;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32 i;
+	if (!ubwcp)
+		return NULL;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	hash_for_each(ubwcp->buf_table, i, buf, hnode) {
+		unsigned long iova_base;
+		unsigned int iova_size;
+		if (!buf->sgt)
+			continue;
+		iova_base = sg_dma_address(buf->sgt->sgl);
+		iova_size = sg_dma_len(buf->sgt->sgl);
+		if (iova_base <= addr && addr < iova_base + iova_size) {
+			ret_buf = buf->dma_buf;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock, flags);
+	return ret_buf;
+int ubwcp_iommu_fault_handler(struct iommu_domain *domain, struct device *dev,
+		unsigned long iova, int flags, void *data)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_err_info err;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp = ubwcp_get_driver();
+	struct device *cb_dev = (struct device *)data;
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	err.err_code = UBWCP_SMMU_FAULT;
+	if (cb_dev == ubwcp->dev_desc_cb)
+		err.smmu_err.iommu_dev_id = UBWCP_DESC_CB_ID;
+	else if (cb_dev == ubwcp->dev_buf_cb)
+		err.smmu_err.iommu_dev_id = UBWCP_BUF_CB_ID;
+	else
+		err.smmu_err.iommu_dev_id = UBWCP_UNKNOWN_CB_ID;
+	err.smmu_err.dmabuf = get_dma_buf_from_iova(iova);
+	err.smmu_err.iova = iova;
+	err.smmu_err.iommu_fault_flags = flags;
+	ERR("ubwcp_err: err code: %d (smmu), iommu_dev_id: %d, iova: 0x%llx, flags: 0x%x",
+		err.err_code, err.smmu_err.iommu_dev_id, err.smmu_err.iova,
+		err.smmu_err.iommu_fault_flags);
+	ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(&err);
+	return ret;
+static irqreturn_t ubwcp_irq_handler(int irq, void *ptr)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	void __iomem *base;
+	phys_addr_t addr;
+	struct ubwcp_err_info err;
+	ubwcp = (struct ubwcp_driver *) ptr;
+	base = ubwcp->base;
+	if (irq == ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd) {
+		addr = ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(base, 0) << 6;
+		err.translation_err.dmabuf = get_dma_buf_from_ulapa(addr);
+		err.translation_err.ula_pa = addr;
+ = true;
+		ERR("err_code: %d (range read), dmabuf: 0x%llx, read: %d, addr: 0x%llx",
+			err.err_code, err.translation_err.dmabuf,, addr);
+		ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(&err);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(ubwcp->base, 0);
+	} else if (irq == ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr) {
+		addr = ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(base, 1) << 6;
+		err.translation_err.dmabuf = get_dma_buf_from_ulapa(addr);
+		err.translation_err.ula_pa = addr;
+ = false;
+		ERR("err_code: %d (range write), dmabuf: 0x%llx, read: %d, addr: 0x%llx",
+			err.err_code, err.translation_err.dmabuf,, addr);
+		ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(&err);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(ubwcp->base, 1);
+	} else if (irq == ubwcp->irq_encode) {
+		addr = ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(base, 3) << 6;
+		err.err_code = UBWCP_ENCODE_ERROR;
+		err.enc_err.dmabuf = get_dma_buf_from_ulapa(addr);
+		err.enc_err.ula_pa = addr;
+		ERR("err_code: %d (encode), dmabuf: 0x%llx, addr: 0x%llx",
+				err.err_code, err.enc_err.dmabuf, addr);
+		ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(&err);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(ubwcp->base, 3);
+	} else if (irq == ubwcp->irq_decode) {
+		addr = ubwcp_hw_interrupt_src_address(base, 2) << 6;
+		err.err_code = UBWCP_DECODE_ERROR;
+		err.dec_err.dmabuf = get_dma_buf_from_ulapa(addr);
+		err.dec_err.ula_pa = addr;
+		ERR("err_code: %d (decode), dmabuf: 0x%llx, addr: 0x%llx",
+				err.err_code, err.enc_err.dmabuf, addr);
+		ubwcp_notify_error_handlers(&err);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_clear(ubwcp->base, 2);
+	} else {
+		ERR("unknown irq: %d", irq);
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	}
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int ubwcp_interrupt_register(struct platform_device *pdev, struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
+	if (ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd < 0)
+		return ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd;
+	ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr = platform_get_irq(pdev, 1);
+	if (ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr < 0)
+		return ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr;
+	ubwcp->irq_encode = platform_get_irq(pdev, 2);
+	if (ubwcp->irq_encode < 0)
+		return ubwcp->irq_encode;
+	ubwcp->irq_decode = platform_get_irq(pdev, 3);
+	if (ubwcp->irq_decode < 0)
+		return ubwcp->irq_decode;
+	DBG("got irqs: %d %d %d %d", ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd,
+					ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr,
+					ubwcp->irq_encode,
+					ubwcp->irq_decode);
+	ret = devm_request_irq(dev, ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd, ubwcp_irq_handler, 0, "ubwcp", ubwcp);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("request_irq() failed. irq: %d ret: %d",
+						ubwcp->irq_range_ck_rd, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = devm_request_irq(dev, ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr, ubwcp_irq_handler, 0, "ubwcp", ubwcp);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("request_irq() failed. irq: %d ret: %d",
+						ubwcp->irq_range_ck_wr, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = devm_request_irq(dev, ubwcp->irq_encode, ubwcp_irq_handler, 0, "ubwcp", ubwcp);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("request_irq() failed. irq: %d ret: %d",
+							ubwcp->irq_encode, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = devm_request_irq(dev, ubwcp->irq_decode, ubwcp_irq_handler, 0, "ubwcp", ubwcp);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("request_irq() failed. irq: %d ret: %d",
+							ubwcp->irq_decode, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return ret;
+/* ubwcp device probe */
+static int qcom_ubwcp_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	struct device *ubwcp_dev = &pdev->dev;
+	ubwcp = devm_kzalloc(ubwcp_dev, sizeof(*ubwcp), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("devm_kzalloc() failed");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	ubwcp->dev = &pdev->dev;
+	ret = dma_set_mask_and_coherent(ubwcp->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64));
+	ubwcp->base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0);
+	if (IS_ERR(ubwcp->base)) {
+		ERR("devm ioremap() failed: %d", PTR_ERR(ubwcp->base));
+		return PTR_ERR(ubwcp->base);
+	}
+	DBG("ubwcp->base: %p", ubwcp->base);
+	ret = of_property_read_u64_index(ubwcp_dev->of_node, "ula_range", 0, &ubwcp->ula_pool_base);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed reading ula_range (base): %d", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	DBG("ubwcp: ula_range: base = 0x%lx", ubwcp->ula_pool_base);
+	ret = of_property_read_u64_index(ubwcp_dev->of_node, "ula_range", 1, &ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed reading ula_range (size): %d", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	DBG("ubwcp: ula_range: size = 0x%lx", ubwcp->ula_pool_size);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ubwcp->err_handler_list);
+	/* driver initial state */
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_INVALID;
+	atomic_set(&ubwcp->num_non_lin_buffers, 0);
+	ubwcp->mem_online = false;
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->desc_lock);
+	spin_lock_init(&ubwcp->buf_table_lock);
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->mem_hotplug_lock);
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->ula_lock);
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->ubwcp_flush_lock);
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->hw_range_ck_lock);
+	mutex_init(&ubwcp->power_ctrl_lock);
+	spin_lock_init(&ubwcp->err_handler_list_lock);
+	/* Regulator */
+	ubwcp->vdd = devm_regulator_get(ubwcp_dev, "vdd");
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ubwcp->vdd)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(ubwcp->vdd);
+		ERR("devm_regulator_get() failed: %d", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = ubwcp_init_clocks(ubwcp, ubwcp_dev);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed to initialize ubwcp clocks err: %d", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true))
+		return -1;
+	if (ubwcp_cdev_init(ubwcp))
+		return -1;
+	/* disable all interrupts (reset value has some interrupts enabled by default) */
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_READ_ERROR, false);
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_WRITE_ERROR, false);
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_ENCODE_ERROR, false);
+	ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_DECODE_ERROR, false);
+	if (ubwcp_interrupt_register(pdev, ubwcp))
+		return -1;
+	ubwcp_debugfs_init(ubwcp);
+	/* create ULA pool */
+	ubwcp->ula_pool = gen_pool_create(PAGE_SHIFT, -1);
+	if (!ubwcp->ula_pool) {
+		ERR("failed gen_pool_create()");
+		ret = -1;
+		goto err_pool_create;
+	}
+	ret = gen_pool_add(ubwcp->ula_pool, ubwcp->ula_pool_base, ubwcp->ula_pool_size, -1);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed gen_pool_add(): %d", ret);
+		ret = -1;
+		goto err_pool_add;
+	}
+	/* register the default config mmap function. */
+	ubwcp->mmap_config_fptr = msm_ubwcp_dma_buf_configure_mmap;
+	hash_init(ubwcp->buf_table);
+	ubwcp_buf_desc_list_init(ubwcp);
+	image_format_init(ubwcp);
+	/* one time hw init */
+	ubwcp_hw_one_time_init(ubwcp->base);
+	ubwcp_hw_single_tile(ubwcp->base, 1);
+	ubwcp->single_tile_en = 1;
+	ubwcp_hw_version(ubwcp->base, &ubwcp->hw_ver_major, &ubwcp->hw_ver_minor);
+	pr_err("ubwcp: hw version: major %d, minor %d\n", ubwcp->hw_ver_major, ubwcp->hw_ver_minor);
+	if (ubwcp->hw_ver_major == 0) {
+		ERR("Failed to read HW version");
+		ret = -1;
+		goto err_pool_add;
+	}
+	/* set pdev->dev->driver_data = ubwcp */
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ubwcp);
+	/* enable interrupts */
+	if (ubwcp->read_err_irq_en)
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_READ_ERROR,  true);
+	if (ubwcp->write_err_irq_en)
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_WRITE_ERROR,  true);
+	if (ubwcp->decode_err_irq_en)
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_DECODE_ERROR, true);
+	if (ubwcp->encode_err_irq_en)
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_ENCODE_ERROR, true);
+	/* Turn OFF until buffers are allocated */
+	if (ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false)) {
+		ret = -1;
+		goto err_power_off;
+	}
+	ret = msm_ubwcp_set_ops(ubwcp_init_buffer, ubwcp_free_buffer, ubwcp_lock, ubwcp_unlock);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("msm_ubwcp_set_ops() failed: %d", ret);
+		goto err_power_off;
+	} else {
+		DBG("msm_ubwcp_set_ops(): success"); }
+	me = ubwcp;
+	return ret;
+	if (!ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true)) {
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_READ_ERROR,   false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_WRITE_ERROR,  false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_ENCODE_ERROR, false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_DECODE_ERROR, false);
+		ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false);
+	}
+	gen_pool_destroy(ubwcp->ula_pool);
+	ubwcp_debugfs_deinit(ubwcp);
+	ubwcp_cdev_deinit(ubwcp);
+	return ret;
+/* buffer context bank device probe */
+static int ubwcp_probe_cb_buf(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	struct iommu_domain *domain = NULL;
+	ubwcp = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("failed to get ubwcp ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ubwcp->dev_buf_cb = &pdev->dev;
+	domain = iommu_get_domain_for_dev(ubwcp->dev_buf_cb);
+	if (domain)
+		iommu_set_fault_handler(domain, ubwcp_iommu_fault_handler, ubwcp->dev_buf_cb);
+	if (ubwcp->dev_desc_cb)
+		ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_READY;
+	return 0;
+/* descriptor context bank device probe */
+static int ubwcp_probe_cb_desc(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	struct iommu_domain *domain = NULL;
+	ubwcp = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("failed to get ubwcp ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_size = UBWCP_BUFFER_DESC_OFFSET *
+	ubwcp->dev_desc_cb = &pdev->dev;
+	dma_set_max_seg_size(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
+	dma_set_seg_boundary(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb, (unsigned long)DMA_BIT_MASK(64));
+	/* Allocate buffer descriptors. UBWCP is iocoherent device.
+	 * Thus we don't need to flush after updates to buffer descriptors.
+	 */
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_base = dma_alloc_coherent(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb,
+					ubwcp->buffer_desc_size,
+					&ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle,
+					GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ubwcp->buffer_desc_base) {
+		ERR("failed to allocate desc buffer");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	DBG("desc_base = %p size = %zu", ubwcp->buffer_desc_base,
+						ubwcp->buffer_desc_size);
+	ret = ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed to power on");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	ubwcp_hw_set_buf_desc(ubwcp->base, (u64) ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle,
+	ret = ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false);
+	if (ret) {
+		ERR("failed to power off");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	domain = iommu_get_domain_for_dev(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb);
+	if (domain)
+		iommu_set_fault_handler(domain, ubwcp_iommu_fault_handler, ubwcp->dev_desc_cb);
+	if (ubwcp->dev_buf_cb)
+		ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_READY;
+	return ret;
+	dma_free_coherent(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_size,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_base,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle);
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_base = NULL;
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle = 0;
+	ubwcp->dev_desc_cb = NULL;
+	return -1;
+/* buffer context bank device remove */
+static int ubwcp_remove_cb_buf(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	ubwcp = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("failed to get ubwcp ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_INVALID;
+	ubwcp->dev_buf_cb = NULL;
+	return 0;
+/* descriptor context bank device remove */
+static int ubwcp_remove_cb_desc(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	ubwcp = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("failed to get ubwcp ptr");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!ubwcp->dev_desc_cb) {
+		ERR("ubwcp->dev_desc_cb == NULL");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true)) {
+		ubwcp_hw_set_buf_desc(ubwcp->base, 0x0, 0x0);
+		ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false);
+	}
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_INVALID;
+	dma_free_coherent(ubwcp->dev_desc_cb,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_size,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_base,
+				ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle);
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_base = NULL;
+	ubwcp->buffer_desc_dma_handle = 0;
+	return 0;
+/* ubwcp device remove */
+static int qcom_ubwcp_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	size_t avail;
+	size_t psize;
+	struct ubwcp_driver *ubwcp;
+	/* get pdev->dev->driver_data = ubwcp */
+	ubwcp = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ubwcp) {
+		ERR("ubwcp == NULL");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!ubwcp_power(ubwcp, true)) {
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_READ_ERROR,   false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_WRITE_ERROR,  false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_ENCODE_ERROR, false);
+		ubwcp_hw_interrupt_enable(ubwcp->base, INTERRUPT_DECODE_ERROR, false);
+		ubwcp_power(ubwcp, false);
+	}
+	ubwcp->state = UBWCP_STATE_INVALID;
+	/* before destroying, make sure pool is empty. otherwise pool_destroy() panics. */
+	avail = gen_pool_avail(ubwcp->ula_pool);
+	psize = gen_pool_size(ubwcp->ula_pool);
+	if (psize != avail) {
+		ERR("gen_pool is not empty! avail: %zx size: %zx", avail, psize);
+		ERR("skipping pool destroy....cause it will PANIC. Fix this!!!!");
+	} else {
+		gen_pool_destroy(ubwcp->ula_pool);
+	}
+	ubwcp_debugfs_deinit(ubwcp);
+	ubwcp_cdev_deinit(ubwcp);
+	return 0;
+/* top level ubwcp device probe function */
+static int ubwcp_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	const char *compatible = "";
+	trace_ubwcp_probe(pdev);
+	if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp"))
+		return qcom_ubwcp_probe(pdev);
+	else if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-desc"))
+		return ubwcp_probe_cb_desc(pdev);
+	else if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-buf"))
+		return ubwcp_probe_cb_buf(pdev);
+	of_property_read_string(pdev->dev.of_node, "compatible", &compatible);
+	ERR("unknown device: %s", compatible);
+	return -EINVAL;
+/* top level ubwcp device remove function */
+static int ubwcp_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	const char *compatible = "";
+	trace_ubwcp_remove(pdev);
+	/* TBD: what if buffers are still allocated? locked? etc.
+	 *  also should turn off power?
+	 */
+	if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp"))
+		return qcom_ubwcp_remove(pdev);
+	else if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-desc"))
+		return ubwcp_remove_cb_desc(pdev);
+	else if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-buf"))
+		return ubwcp_remove_cb_buf(pdev);
+	of_property_read_string(pdev->dev.of_node, "compatible", &compatible);
+	ERR("unknown device: %s", compatible);
+	return -EINVAL;
+static const struct of_device_id ubwcp_dt_match[] = {
+	{.compatible = "qcom,ubwcp"},
+	{.compatible = "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-desc"},
+	{.compatible = "qcom,ubwcp-context-bank-buf"},
+	{}
+struct platform_driver ubwcp_platform_driver = {
+	.probe = ubwcp_probe,
+	.remove = ubwcp_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "qcom,ubwcp",
+		.of_match_table = ubwcp_dt_match,
+	},
+int ubwcp_init(void)
+	int ret = 0;
+	DBG("+++++++++++");
+	ret = platform_driver_register(&ubwcp_platform_driver);
+	if (ret)
+		ERR("platform_driver_register() failed: %d", ret);
+	return ret;
+void ubwcp_exit(void)
+	platform_driver_unregister(&ubwcp_platform_driver);
+	DBG("-----------");

+ 313 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#if !defined(TRACE_UBWCP_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
+#define TRACE_UBWCP_H
+#define TRACE_SYSTEM ubwcp
+/* Path must be relative to location of 'define_trace.h' header in kernel */
+#define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH ../../../../vendor/qcom/opensource/mm-sys-kernel/ubwcp
+/* Name of trace header file */
+#define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE ubwcp_trace
+#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
+struct dma_buf;
+struct platform_device;
+	TP_PROTO(struct platform_device *pdev),
+	TP_ARGS(pdev),
+	TP_STRUCT__entry(
+		__field(struct platform_device *, pdev)
+	),
+	TP_fast_assign(
+		__entry->pdev = pdev;
+	),
+	TP_printk("platform_device:0x%lx",
+		__entry->pdev)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_platform_device_event, ubwcp_probe,
+	TP_PROTO(struct platform_device *pdev),
+	TP_ARGS(pdev)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_platform_device_event, ubwcp_remove,
+	TP_PROTO(struct platform_device *pdev),
+	TP_ARGS(pdev)
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr),
+	TP_STRUCT__entry(
+		__field(struct dma_buf *, dbuf_addr)
+	),
+	TP_fast_assign(
+		__entry->dbuf_addr = dbuf_addr;
+	),
+	TP_printk("dma-buf:0x%lx",
+		__entry->dbuf_addr)
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size),
+	TP_STRUCT__entry(
+		__field(size_t, size)
+	),
+	TP_fast_assign(
+		__entry->size = size;
+	),
+	TP_printk("size:%zu", __entry->size)
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size,
+		 int dir),
+	TP_ARGS(size, dir),
+	TP_STRUCT__entry(
+		__field(size_t, size)
+		__field(int, dir)
+	),
+	TP_fast_assign(
+		__entry->size = size;
+		__entry->dir = dir;
+	),
+	TP_printk("size:%zu, dir:%d", __entry->size, __entry->dir)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_init_buffer_start,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_init_buffer_end,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_memremap_pages_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_memremap_pages_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_start,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_set_buf_attrs_end,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_lock_start,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_lock_end,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_unlock_start,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_unlock_end,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_offline_sync_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_offline_sync_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_sync_event, ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_device_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size, int dir),
+	TP_ARGS(size, dir)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_sync_event, ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_device_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size, int dir),
+	TP_ARGS(size, dir)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_sync_event, ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size, int dir),
+	TP_ARGS(size, dir)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_sync_event, ubwcp_dma_sync_single_for_cpu_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size, int dir),
+	TP_ARGS(size, dir)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_hw_flush_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_hw_flush_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_memunmap_pages_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_memunmap_pages_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_set_direct_map_range_uncached_start,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_size_event, ubwcp_set_direct_map_range_uncached_end,
+	TP_PROTO(size_t size),
+	TP_ARGS(size)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_free_buffer_start,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_dmabuf_event, ubwcp_free_buffer_end,
+	TP_PROTO(struct dma_buf *dbuf_addr),
+	TP_ARGS(dbuf_addr)
+	TP_PROTO(int value),
+	TP_ARGS(value),
+	TP_STRUCT__entry(
+		__field(int, value)
+	),
+	TP_fast_assign(
+		__entry->value = value;
+	),
+	TP_printk("value:%d", __entry->value)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_int_event, ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_start,
+	TP_PROTO(int value),
+	TP_ARGS(value)
+DEFINE_EVENT(ubwcp_int_event, ubwcp_prefetch_tgt_end,
+	TP_PROTO(int value),
+	TP_ARGS(value)
+/* This part must be outside protection */
+#include <trace/define_trace.h>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@