@@ -638,6 +638,24 @@ typedef struct {
A_UINT32 ul_mumimo_seq_posted;
/* Num of times UL OFDMA seq posted */
A_UINT32 ul_ofdma_seq_posted;
+ /* Num of times Thermal module suspended scheduler */
+ A_UINT32 thermal_suspend_cnt;
+ /* Num of times DFS module suspended scheduler */
+ A_UINT32 dfs_suspend_cnt;
+ /* Num of times TX abort module suspended scheduler */
+ A_UINT32 tx_abort_suspend_cnt;
+ /* tgt_specific_opaque_txq_suspend_info:
+ * This field is a target-specifc bit mask of suspended PPDU tx queues.
+ * Since the bit mask definition is different for different targets,
+ * this field is not meant for general use, but rather for debugging use.
+ */
+ A_UINT32 tgt_specific_opaque_txq_suspend_info;
+ /* Last SCHEDULER suspend reason
+ * 1 -> Thermal Module
+ * 2 -> DFS Module
+ * 3 -> Tx Abort Module
+ */
+ A_UINT32 last_suspend_reason;
} htt_tx_pdev_stats_cmn_tlv;
#define HTT_TX_PDEV_STATS_URRN_TLV_SZ(_num_elems) (sizeof(A_UINT32) * (_num_elems))