Test: manually check that quick pickup gesture is registered on device and triggers when AoD is not enabled and when udfps is enrolled Fixes: 239514824 Change-Id: I1071898296d959b46ae4269715e6a1b36cc95cc3
@@ -253,6 +253,9 @@
<!-- Type of the udfps long press sensor. Empty if long press is not supported. -->
<string name="config_dozeUdfpsLongPressSensorType" translatable="false">com.google.sensor.long_press</string>
+ <!-- Type of the quick pickup sensor. Empty if quick pickup is not supported. -->
+ <string name="config_quickPickupSensorType" translatable="false">com.google.sensor.quick_pickup</string>
<!-- UDFPS does not support gestures -->
<bool name="config_fingerprintSupportsGestures">false</bool>