config.xml 1.3 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  3. <!-- BT Slice EXTRA_INTENT. To support Settings 2 panel, BT slice can't use PendingIntent.send(). Therefore, here defines the Slice EXTRA_INTENT. -->
  4. <string name="config_bt_slice_extra_intent" translatable="false"></string>
  5. <!-- BT Slice EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT. To support Settings 2 panel, BT slice can't use PendingIntent.send(). Therefore, here defines the Slice EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT. -->
  6. <string name="config_bt_slice_extra_pending_intent" translatable="false"></string>
  7. <!-- BT Slice intent action. To support Settings 2 panel, BT slice can't use PendingIntent.send(). Therefore, here defines the Slice intent action. -->
  8. <string name="config_bt_slice_intent_action" translatable="false"></string>
  9. <!-- BT Slice pending intent action. To support Settings 2 panel, BT slice can't use PendingIntent.send(). Therefore, here defines the Slice pending intent action. -->
  10. <string name="config_bt_slice_pending_intent_action" translatable="false"></string>
  11. </resources>