@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+set_con() {
+ $UTILS chcon -h u:object_r:"$1":s0 $2
+ $UTILS chcon u:object_r:"$1":s0 $2
+set_perm() {
+ $UTILS chmod $1 $2
+set_owner() {
+ $UTILS chown $1:$2 $3
+ui_print "*****************"
+ui_print "Gapps installer"
+ui_print "*****************"
+ui_print "Mounting /system"
+if mount /system; then
+ ui_print "/system mounted"
+# Try to get the block from /etc/recovery.fstab
+block=`cat /etc/recovery.fstab | cut -d '#' -f 1 | grep /system | grep -o '/dev/[^ ]*' | head -1`
+if [ -n "$block" ] && mount $block /system; then
+ ui_print "Could not mount /system! Aborting..."
+ exit 1
+ ui_print "/system mounted"
+if [ -f /system/bin/toybox ]; then
+ui_print "Could not find /system/bin/toybox! Aborting..."
+exit 1
+ui_print "Extracting files"
+cd /tmp
+mkdir system
+cd system
+unzip -o "$ZIP"
+DIRS="addon.d app priv-app framework etc lib"
+if [ -d /system/lib64 ]; then
+DIRS="$DIRS lib64"
+for dirs in $DIRS; do
+set_perm 0755 $dir
+for d in `$UTILS find ./$dir -type d`; do
+set_perm 0755 $d
+set_owner system system $d
+for f in `$UTILS find ./$dir -type f`; do
+type=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/.*\.//')
+if [ "$type" == "sh" ] || [ "$type" == "$f" ]; then
+set_perm 0755 $f
+set_perm 0644 $f
+set_owner system system $f
+set_con system_file $f
+ui_print "Copying files"
+$UTILS cp --preserve=a -r ./* /system/
+ui_print "Cleaning up files"
+cd ../
+$UTILS rm -rf system/
+ui_print "Unmounting /system"
+umount /system
+ui_print "Done!"
+exit 0